Monday, November 8, 2010

'When To Start Qualifying and Screening a Woman'

So how do you know when you’ve built enough social value for yourself, that you can start screening the girl you like?

Easy. Once she starts giving you green lights.

Some examples of green lights are, making eye contact with you, laughing at what you say, positioning herself close to you, casually touching you, trying to get your attention, smiling, stroking herself, or asking you questions.

Once you have two or three or four green lights from a girl, start screening her.

That could simply mean she’s turned to face you, listening to you, is making eye contact with you and smiling.

Think of screening another way; now is the time to go DIRECT. You now have social value to the girl. You know she likes you because she’s giving you green lights. Now you can stop building social value and directly “move in for the kill” so to speak.

Imagine this. You casually open a group of beautiful women with an interesting opinion opener that teases their curiosity and hooks them in. You build value to all the girls in the group by leading and controlling the girls through your stories, body language, games, and so on. At the same time, you value zing the hottest girl. The hot girl of the group starts to give you green lights.

But now that you have social value, now that you’re a 9 or a 10 like she is, when you express direct interest in her, she’s responsive and excited to your advances. AND her friends won’t try to stop you or give her silent messages of disapproval with their eyes because they like you just as much as she does.

You are now a 9 or 10 engaging a 9 or a 10. And 9s and 10s sleep with other 9s and 10s.

In other words, only AFTER you’ve built value up for yourself with her and her friends and only AFTER she’s given you green light signals do you become “direct” with her and screen her. You only show direct interest in her AFTER she’s shown direct interest in you.

Following that formula YOU CAN NEVER BE REJECTED!

And in the rare case you misread the situation and she doesn’t respond to your screening, just pretend like you didn’t hear her answer. Pretend like nothing happened. Just back off the screening and continue to build more social value for yourself. Then, once you have more value in her eyes, screen her again.

~ Jesse

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