Adam Lyons' method and how i use it!!!,
by KEATON and JackbauerCT
Hi guys!
When i wrote a post about adam lyons' methos, many users of sdb wrote me a pm asking to clarify them how to use this method, because it isn't really clear from the ebook.
Before i begin to explain it, i have to tell you that, if you want to understand adam's method, you can get his vip archive using the search function.
Now, i will try to explain you how to use it.
In the eBook is explained very bad so i'm not surprised that you didn't understand it.
It is about creating comfort, breaking rapport and getting compliance until the fuck.
I'm not sure this is the real adam's method but it is how i interpreted it.
After the approach you must create comfort with your target, or the set in general. Comfort can be created through humor, through an interesting conversation, through connections, etc...
After the creation of comfort that is equal to rapport + trust, you must to break it.
This is when breaking rapport enters in action.
You can break rapport in many ways: you can use teasing, disqualification, disagreement, non-supplication, you can break it in a physical and sexual way too.
There are so many ways to break rapport. If you get adam lyons' vip archive, you can find 81 ways to break rapport and a guide to qualification that is useful to the investment or compliance.
When you've broken rapport in a way that generates attraction, you're there. It's time to get compliance.
Adam explains only one of the techniques thanks to you can get compliance.
He, in fact, explains qualification very good in his ebook in his vip archive. He tells about investment, i will explain compliance. Compliance is investment. One of the techniques to get compliance is qualification. I will not explain it because you can find it in the vip archive.
I will not explain the other techniques to get compliance too, because the can be found in sexual selection switch by vin dicarlo and in theapproach's structured natural game compilation. They can be found bot on sdb through search function.
My method consists in this. I think it's an improvement of adam lyons' method because he explains ho to generate attraction and how to get the women invest in her attraction towards you. He don't consider another important aspect of attraction: attainability. I incorporated it in my method.
VAC method is really incredible because it tells about value, attainability and compliance to generate attraction. I didn't like it because i wanted a simpler method that fit with me so i generate attraction through breaking rapport and then use attainability and compliance techniques to fuck her.
So, my method is:
Create Comfort
Breaking Rapport
Deservedness (Attainability + Compliance)
Create comfort and breaking rapport are taken from adam's method, compliance techniques are taken from theapproach's guys and i have to say that compliance is the same as investment on which adam lyons' method is based.
I hope this post has clarified some concepts about adam's method.
What you need to remember is that breaking rapport DOES NOT generate attraction - the same way that DHV stories and magic tricks and whatever else does not generate attraction. The attraction is generated by the girl's investment.
The purpose of breaking rapport is to begin generating that investment. The point is - you build comfort, and then remove a little bit of that comfort (breaking rapport).
The girl will then make some effort to repair the slight discomfort she feels, by contributing something, or laughing, or whatever. She has started investing, and you reward her for that.
You then start qualifying as a means of capitalising and increasing that investment, rewarding her for doing it - she becomes conditioned to keep investing in you and qualifying herself, and she will 'backwards rationalise' that it is because she is attracted to you.
The 'compliance' comes in when you escalate as a reward for her investment, turning it sexual, and remove touch and reward if she does not comply.
It is not just down to breaking rapport and getting compliance, although that is not far off. Breaking rapport just begins the investment/qualification stage for her.
Regarding the process, I asked Adam Lyons the same question; in the email response I got, he said that you cycle the process - you go as far as you can until you get resistance, then cycle back to comfort and start again. Each time, it will be easier to get her to repair/invest/qualify as she has done it already.
Hope this helps.
will see if I can answer these as best as possible, but I am no expert.
1) Re: Adam's going on Day 2's - I don't know. He probably does more than mentioned in his field reports, but as getting a number is possible with very little attraction, getting a girl on a lunch for example is probably not that hard, especially if you are pre-selected/social proofed when you meet. Don't overthink it - just follow the formula in your interactions.
2) Attraction is a connection. The passage of time itself builds a connection. The longer you spend with someone, the more you build a connection. It will happen naturally every time you get along well with someone. Again, don't overthink it.
3) Pretty much, yes. Remember, attraction is ONLY built by her investment - breaking rapport does not build attraction, nor does DHV really - but remember DHV's are to demonstrate the 'principles of attraction' as Adam calls them - i.e. confidence/pre-selection/leadership etc. So DHV's do kind of spark attraction 'naturally' but Adam's formula is, as he says, to be used if you don't naturally have these qualities yet. But either way, they are only to get her to invest.
4) Regarding comfort, it pretty much is just the absence of discomfort. If a girl is talking to you, and you are having a nice conversation and she is contributing and not looking to leave, you are in comfort. More than anything, don't overthink this one in particular. Comfort is just that - you both feel comfortable having this conversation. And once you are here, it is time to begin breaking the rapport to make it a little less comfortable. And so start the process.
Hope this helps. Don't micro-manage trying to work this stuff out. Just remember - comfort will happen - break some of that rapport - qualify - and escalate as a reward (compliance). It can be as simple as that.
Okay, I read Adam's diary and I enjoyed it, but it didn't help my game a whole lot - the most I got was a couple of good lines and ideas. Re: Social Proof, yes that is the biggest part of his game. With pre-selection, this is easy. When the M3 model was the only thing available, they said that with pre-selection, you can skip straight to A3 (qualification).
To ask whether his method is really effective - yes. Not only is it so simple to remember and apply, but you don't need hours of DHV routines or gimmicks etc. You say you don't think that with his method you can have a day 2, as you don't have a 'connection' - the whole point of his method is to get the girl feeling a connection to you.
As she has spent so long investing in you and proving herself, spending her time and energy, you are more likely to get a day 2 that way than any other way. Especially if you have pre-selection when you meet.
Remember, Adam's game mostly relies on qualification. Ever since the days of MM, they have always said that 'qualification is where you either win the set or lose the set'. So Adam's method is qualification based on compliance - from small to large.
If you want to find out whether it is effective (and I think it is even better for day game), go out and open 5 girls today. Start with any opener - examples:
'Is there an ATM around here?'
Tell her 'thanks you seem really friendly. I have to leave, but I have a quick question.'
transition 'I plan to move to Dallas or LA. Which sounds better to you as a complete stranger? I can't decide.'
Break rapport - I suggest stop talking and just stand there, looking comfortable and smiling.
If she does anything to keep it going, start qualifying - only little, easy questions eg about stuff she likes. Find a commonality and how awesome that is. Then tell her that she has been loads of fun, and you would like to hang out again to talk about it etc, and 'what's the best way of staying in touch?'
See how many email/number closes you get today out of those 5, and let us know. Actually do this, or you won't see how this method works and I will have just wasted
my time typing this out to help you, for nothing. Should take about 2 mins each max.
p.s. regarding comfort, all you need to know is this - if she is talking to you, and not trying to leave, you are in comfort. It is not a process itself. If you start talking to someone, and they start talking to you back, you have COMFORT. Comfort is the baseline of almost every chat you have. If you start worrying about comfort, you will not get anywhere. It's unimportant. In fact, remove the word COMFORT, and replace it with the word 'CONVERSATION'. There you go.
Okay. I have done some thinking and some more research today, and I will try to answer this as clearly as I can. There is more to this.
Re: you saying that you don't think that with Adam's model you can create enough of a connection to get a day 2 - well, you build some kind of connection during initial comfort, you build a connection during qualification, and you build a connection during physical escalation. Any time you spend with her, you are building a connection - the passage of time builds connection!
If you say 'I don't THINK it will work.' then you are not out field-testing it. Either it is working for you in the field, or it isn't. As Adam got more results than anyone else in the community with this method (proven), the method itself is solid.
Regarding comfort, I did some more research. There is a PUA named Sinn, who essentially uses the same model as Adam. Sinn really filled in the blanks for me. He says that there are 3 types of comfort: superficial, rapport, and sexual.
You open with superficial comfort - this is just hoiding a conversation with a girl.
After breaking rapport, and qualifying, you move into rapport comfort - this is where you start to open up and 'connect' with the girl. (read ebook 7 responses for rapport).
When physically escalating, you need to build sexual comfort, obviously.
The comfort that comes before breaking rapport is superficial comfort - that is just talking to a girl without her trying to leave. I know this answer doesn't seem helpful to you, but it is not a process in itself - if you are having trouble with this, then all this PUA stuff is pointless for you.
So there are different types of comfort, but the comfort before breaking rapport is unimportant - there are no lines or tricks to it. If your opener works and she stops to talk, you have done it. To go further, it is recommended that you break rapport as soon as you possibly can. If superficial comfort was important, you would be told to build it, not break it.
If you are confused, check out Sinn's model for attraction. This will fill in the blanks, but only if you know where you are going wrong. Field-test this, and tell me what is going wrong. Giving you loads of information won't help you.
And yes, Mehow's model is very similar to Adam's. I go by results, and Adam gets the results. Mehow's stuff can be very complex which will not help you in-field. Adam's is simple that you can think about it while doing it.
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, Posted 02 Aug 2009 15:59 | Report
Excuse me if I'm late!
I've lost all the points of this discussion!
I want to add something to what jackbauerctu wrote:
1) Don't forget that breaking rapport is important not only to generate the initial investment from your target but to differentiate you from other guys too.
Breaking rapport is important also to break the comfort that can stuck you in the friendship zone. So, breaking rapport is not so simple to describe. With it, we can obtain so many benefits that I can't describe or list.
2) Investment is really important, especially in the kind of game I use. After breaking rapport, I become to qualify my target in an incredible way. I qualify my target until she become uncomfortable. When this happens, I re-establish comfort and, then, I break it again. After doing this, I restart from the level of qualification that I've obtained before.
3) Reward and Punishment are also very important. I call them "Shaping" and I use it after every qualification. If my target qualify herself properly, I reward her, if not, I punish her. Shaping is important, especially when you use it to punish her. When you punish her, in fact, she learn a great lesson and she will not do this the next time.
Keaton, awesome answer!
The more I have been thinking and the more I have been playing with this, I have realised my sticking points with this which you pretty much just addressed!
Firstly, excellent point re: making her uncomfortable, cycling to comfort, and re-starting from previous level. I have to try that when I get back to civilisation.
One question re: punishment. Obviously that's a big part of investment game, but how are you punishing? I have a big problem with knowing how to balance the punishment vs immediately giving them another chance straight away which you have to do to avoid negative conditioning.
Any of your tips would be really welcome.
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, Posted 03 Aug 2009 23:18 | Report
Yeah Man! You got it!
Reward/Punishment is a great part of the game.
If you want to learn about shaping, the best thing you can do is to download Conversation Cure and to watch carefully to DVD 5. It is explained very well how to reward/punish her and when to do it.
You can find shaping on sCubed too. You can even find it on theApproach Natural Game Article Compilation, in the Compliance section.
If, after done that, you still have any doubt, post them here and I will try to clarify you your sticking points.
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, Posted 04 Aug 2009 15:06 | Report
jackbauerctu: Thank you so much for all your replies and your time you put in. I read the book you said: 7 responses for rapport and is great. Your reply about sinn model it helped me a lot.
I have a doubt what was your sp that Keaton adress and "fixed" it? 'cause may be mine hehe. Also, I don't understand when you talk about that risk, what do you mean about negative conditioning?
On regards situational comfort, it's wrong to break rapport as a beginning? Because I used that this weekend and goes well. Hopes not to be a stupid question.
Keaton: Your posts are great, thanks! I will look deeply in conversation cure..
One thing I learned is that I have to restart qualification from the level I obtained before, I wasn't doing it.
You said that you qualify hard until she is uncomfortable, this means that you: qualify + reward + qualify + reward up to she doesn't qualify anymore? (without breaking rapport). Did I get it? Because you said you do this until she is uncomfortable, when you re-establish comfort and then, you break it again.
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, Posted 07 Aug 2009 16:37 | Report
I think that breaking rapport in the beginning could be dangerous.
You can break rapport only when you have it.
In the beginning, I tried to break rapport wihtout creating it and I was labeled negatively. I create first some rapport, then I break it.
For the question about qualification and breaking rapport:
When you try to qualify and the girl doesn't respond well, you have to punish her and to restart the cycle. When I have generated comfort after the punishment, I generally break it because, when I break it she will work to reobtain the comfort, then se is investing. After this little investment, you can restart with qualification cycle. It's simple if you try to use it on the field.
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, Posted 10 Aug 2009 00:13 | Report
Thankk u Keaton!!
I think now I get but can you make a simple real example of "situational" comfort? To difference the point when the conversation ends and the rest of the cycle starts.
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, Posted 13 Aug 2009 11:51 | Report
I'm not the better man to explain you what is situational comfort and how it works.
I don't use this type of comfort. I don't make distinction of the many type of comforts.
For me, the comfort is one and I used, I use and I will use always it.
For me "COMFORT = RAPPORT + TRUST" so, for the conception of comfort I have, it's pretty useless to make distinction between different kind of comforts, etc... It's pure nonsense even the fact that rapport is separated from comfort because if you read the equation, to have comfort you must have rapport first. Comfort without rapport doesn't exist.
To return to the originary question, I think it's pretty useless to think about many different kind of comfort.
Use all the 7 responses for rapport explained in Tung's book. When you will master them, you will have complete control of comfort, even without thinking about the different kind of comfort and rapport.
Make it simple. Going deeper, sometimes, can only confuse you.
If you can make it simple, make it simple. Don't overthink about all the possible variables. Use it the simple way. PERIOD.
If you want some details about all the kind of comfort exists, search for jackbauerctu's post. In this post is explained very well how Sinn use his method and how you can fill the blanks of Adam's method, even if, for me, the information I had was enough to become awesome at game.
Hey everyone. Over 800 people have read the thread 'Adam Lyons' method and how I use it' to which I contributed a few answers.
However, having re-studied everything, Adam's great model and Sinn's awesome model (both qualification-based game which is the most reliable!) both complement each other so well, I thought I would give the best break-down of this kind of game that I could. This is off the top, so I hope you enjoy it!
This may seem complex, but without a diagram to show the cycle of this process, it seems harder than it is. I promise it is simpler to remember than all the phases of the M3 model.
Adam's model is C(-R)+Q+SE=A. Basically, comfort-rapport, +qualification,+sexual escalation=attraction.
This model is amazing and it's reliability infield is unquestioned. The whole point of these models is compliance and INVESTMENT - getting the girl invested (and thus attracted) and using compliance to escalate.
However, I felt that this model (mad props to Adam) was a little too basic. Luckily, Sinn's model is a more advanced form of it, and filled in most of the blanks for me, especially regarding different forms of qualification.
In Sinn's model, you have 1) Situational Comfort/Break in rapport. 2)Attraction material/compliance. 3)Rapport Comfort/Break in rapport. 4)Escalation/Sexual Comfort.
Underpinning these 4 phases is QUALIFICATION. Qualification is what is used to move between the phases, all the time making the girl invest. You have a) Standards qualification, b)compliance qualification, c)sexual qualification.
Standards qualification is small hoops. Compliance-medium hoops. Sexual-large hoops.
To break it down as best as I can;
You open with situational comfort.
You break rapport, to start the girl investing.
You expand on that by small hoop qualifying.
You reward her qualifying by running attraction material.
You test for attraction by compliance tests/escalation.
You capitalise on her compliance, by medium hoop qualifying.
You reward her qualifying by moving into rapport comfort.
You break rapport again, to make her invest more (usually break is sexual)
You expand on her investment by large hoop/sexually qualifying.
You reward her qualifying by escalating, moving into sexual comfort.
Any time she doesn't comply, you cycle back to where you were. If she doesn't small hoop comply, you cycle back to situational comfort.
If she doesn't medium hoop/compliance qualify, cycle back to attraction. In this case, remove touch completely and cycle back as this is mostly escalation compliance.
If she doesn't large hoop/sexually qualify, cycle back to rapport comfort.
As you can see, qualification is the key to this model, along with rewarding. She qualifies herself, and you reward, then increase the qualification etc. Sinn's model is difficult, as it is not linear and is a cycle, so I can't do it justice without a diagram, as some of the phases 'overlap'. To describe it best, breaking rapport and qualification 'overlap'; attraction and qualification 'overlap'; sexual comfort and qualification 'overlap.
Breaking rapport and qualification overlap: when you break rapport, you generally do it by teasing. The nature of teasing is that the girl is less cool than you in some way. By breaking rapport you are 'qualifying' her to prove otherwise.
Attraction and qualification overlap: when you run attraction material, you test to see if she is attracted by moving her/asking for compliance, or physically escalating. This is compliance qualification. You are 'qualifying' her to accept your escalating touch.
Sexual comfort and qualification overlap: when moving towards sexual comfort, you are constantly 'qualifying' her sexuality, primarily to turn her on so she feels comfortable getting sexual with you.
A couple of points I have missed, but may prove useful as people begin to understand this model (which I promise you is not as complicated as it seems.)
A big part of Sinn's game is sexual frames. I am not competent enough to explain them, but sexual frames mean setting frames that are conducive to the girl moving towards sexuality - i.e. frame that she is independent, spontaneous, wicked etc. (It does not necessarily mean talking about sex)
Underpinning this whole model is 'frames'. I don't have the time to explain frames and frame control, but a simple way is approaching the whole interaction by thinking and believing that 'IT'S ON' and 'THIS IS INEVITABLE' and seeing the whole interaction through that viewpoint.
Remember, the second break in rapport (in Rapport Comfort) should be sexual, to enable an easy move into sexual qualification. There are a myriad of ways to break rapport though, such as - backturns/takeaways/playfight/mock indignation/disqualifiers etc. If I can't contribute something 'new' or I don't understand it enough, I won't post it here.
I hope this serves as a guideline for qualification game and how it works. In line with Adam Lyon's beliefs, I haven't included much of the 'how' in this, but rather the 'why' - why we qualify, and why that works to get her invested etc.
Please study this method and try to understand - I truly believe it is the most effective and easiest method of game out there. And yes, despite its apparent complexity, it is remarkably simple.
Any questions I will do my best to answer.
To 'pavement' - the only thing I have from Sinn where I got this info is his free video from the under 21 Convention 2008 (it's free online).
To 'mal' - thanks for the kind words. I will answer as best as I can. Don't take any of my examples as standard, understand the 'why' and you will create your own. But to try and help:
Sexual comfort - this is where she is comfortable in a sexual situation. This can be comfort with touching sensitive parts of her body i.e. neck, thigh etc; kissing (obviously) and talking about sex. You get to this stage if she sexually qualifies.
Rapport comfort - this is where you both open up and start talking about yourselves- your dreams, hopes, likes, dislikes etc. You get to this stage as you reward her for complying during compliance qualification (i.e. moving with you, doing things for you) by talking about yourself, which will encourage her to do the same. this is 'building a connection'.
Situational comfort is the very start of a conversation - and can literally be anything. If you open a girl and she starts talking, you have situational comfort. i.e. 'excuse you know what time this place closes?' 'yeah, um about 2' 'oh thanks, is it always this busy on a thursday?' 'um, sometimes bla bla bla'.
The reason I think you don't need examples is a) you opening and her responding is situational comfort, and b) you break rapport so quickly that situational comfort is less important. You can build comfort in less than a minute sometimes.
Attraction material - this is what the classic M3 was about. Generally, I think the best kind is considered to be storytelling, cold reads, and misinterpretation. Misinterpretation (where you tease and, um, misinterpret what she said) is great because it also allows you to set frames. The frame of any interaction should be like 'this girl wants me' or whatever. So if she says 'where do you live?' and you go 'woah, slow down. We need more comfort, trust and connection before we can do something like that' (classic Tyler example), and she laughs, it passively sets the frame that she is hitting on you. There are tons of resources on attraction material, but these are best.
Re: takeways, I am still not sure of them yet. I'm hoping to field test over the next few days because I don't quite get the hang yet. But regarding punishment and reward, Sinn's explanation is that if she doesn't comply, you tease her on her answer and then go back to demonstrating something of value about you, and start again. Or remove touch completely. The KEY is that it does not look pouty or angry. So if you ask her to hold your glass or move with you and she gives you attitude, say e.g. 'wow, I can already tell your last boyfriend clearly did not spank you enough.' and then go back to running some attraction material/building a connection etc and try again.
it's kind of letting her know that she wasn't playing along or being cool and you noticed it, but don't really care, and want to give her another shot. Don't be reactive. Don't actually 'punish' as it builds bad emotions. Again, I'm not great on this so I will try and field test this weekend.
By 'overlap' - this is a technical thing, don't get caught in classic 'community overthinking'. What this means is that you don't break rapport - and then small hoop qualify. You don't run attraction material - and then medium hoop qualify etc. They can occur at the same time. For example, when you run attraction material, you test for compliance at the same time. You run attract material, and can escalate at the same time. That is compliance qualification. They don't necessarily occur one after the other.
The key to remember in all of this is that this model is based on where SHE is. Qualification is the central theme of this, in that qualification questions are hoops. Whichever hoops she jumps through is where SHE is. For example, if she small hoop qualifies, and then medium hoop/compliance qualifies, you don't need to run attraction material - she is attracted, and you can move into rapport comfort.
If she qualifies, and then compliance qualifies, and then large hoop/sexually qualifies, you can escalate and go sexual. You use the different types of qualification to gauge her level. Where she 'resists' or gets a bit uncomfortable, this is where you go back. i.e. no compliance qualification - run attraction material and start again.
Hope this is useful!
Hey Man!
Really great post!
However, I must say a thing.
Albert Einstein said: "If you can't explain it in a simple way, probably you have not understood it enough".
Adam Lyons has exactly done it. He explained this method in a simple and natural way.
Many of us are searching for a method that can be natural and linear. Adam's method is the best in it. You must remember only to create comfort, breaking rapport and, then, to qualify and escalate.
If you fail to qualify, create more comfort and try again.
If you are trying to qualify her with a large qualification hoop and she doesn't respond well, punish her, create more comfort and then use another large qualification hoop. She will probably react well. If not, punish her, create even more comfort an do it again. It's that simple.
I find totally usefulness to think about all the phases of Sinn's model. It is not more complete, it's only more complicated.
Adam's Method is simple, more natural and less complex than Sinn's one.
Probably, Sinn's model is simpler to understand for a person who don't go in field but, if you practise in field, with the time, you will tend to simplify the method, reducing it to Adam's model. You can begin with it but, with experience, you will reduce it to Adam's steps.
Now I will try to explain you how I use it, without remember all the stages of the Sinn's method.
1) I open the girl depending on my state.
If I'm down, I usually use opinion openers or situational openers. If I'm in state, I generally use very direct openers, sometimes even sexual ones.
2) I begin to create comfort.
Adam says that comfort is the result of rapport + trust so, it's completely usefulness to distinguish between comfort and rapport as in Sinn's model. If you have comfort, you have surely even rapport so here is the first unsefulness stage of Sinn's model. Simply begin to create rapport (7 Responses for Rapport is great for this). In the beginning you can create surface rapport, with time you would begin to create deeper rapport (based on emotions) and even sexual rapport. Sinn explains it in a step by step method, but this is the natural way in which the things go. When the comfort increase, the conversation level go on. In three hours, you will be talking to her about your sexual fantasies.
3) I break rapport.
Breaking rapport is really simple. You can do it via sexual teasing, normal teasing, physical teasing, etc... I think there are no problem about this step.
4) I begin to qualify her.
There are no reasons to make the things more complex than they are.
There is only a little rule to follow: "THE ESCALATION RULE".
This rule is really simple: Do it in the basic way, then in the medium way, then in the heavier way.
When you use weights for the first time, you usually use begin with a light weight, then increase it and then even more.
Qualification is basically the same thing. Begin with small hoops. Use this for two-three times, then try to use a medium one. If she reacts well, reward her, escalate and continue to use medium ones. If she reacts negatively, punish her and come back the the small ones until she reacts positively to the medium ones. When you have qualified her with medium ones, try to use large ones. If she reacts well, reward her, escalate and continue to use larger ones until the lay. If she reacts negatively, punish her and come back to medium ones until she reacts positively to the larger ones.
It's that simple!!!
Here is the structure I use:
Qualification generate investment. When she make this investment, you reward her and escalate every time more deeply (when you use large qualification hoops, probably you can escalate heavily). When she reacts negatively, you punish her generate a little bit comfort and then return to the previous qualification hoop until she reacts negatively.
There is no reason to make this more complex, because it's really simple. Period.
Action Plan:
1) Read "7 Responses for Rapport" by Tung
2) Read "81 Ways to Break Rapport" By Adam Lyons in "AFC Adam Lyons' VIP Archive"
3) Read "Qualification Guide" By Adam Lyons in "AFC Adam Lyons' VIP Archive"
After done this, you have all you need to understand Adam's method. Simply go out and fuck all the girls you can!
But if you want a step by step method like M3 model, don't come on this forum to ask natural stuff. This simple method it's not natural stuff but it is the simplest way to create it with time, because it's simple to interiorize.
If you want to follow a rigid structure, probably you will not become natural. NEVER!
I hope this post could be useful to someone.
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, Posted 13 Aug 2009 10:05 | Report
Keaton - I was waiting for your response!
You made an excellent post as usual. I have to say though, that Sinn's model and Adam's are virtually identical. What Sinn's is for me is a 'fill in the blanks' - i.e. the details about how to reward qualification.
What I mean is, I couldn't quite get how to 'reward'. But with Sinn's model, I got that you reward small hoops by running some attraction material (i.e. funny stories, teasing etc). You reward medium hoops/compliance by escalating and moving into deeper rapport. You reward large hoops qualifying by escalating and turning things more sexual.
Obviously infield, you use Adams C-R+Q+SE formula, as it is so simple to remember. Sinn's model is a clarification of each stage. But it is the same process.
Maybe this is the simple explanation? lol. I wrote that first post to try to work everything out to understand it as best as I could. But your post sums it up perfectly. Infield you would use Adam's definition as trying to remember more is risky. But in terms of preparing, or knowing exactly HOW each stage works, Sinn's model is a useful tool.
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, Posted 13 Aug 2009 10:18 | Report
I agree with you!
I must say that many noobs want a step by step method that, almost everytime, confuse them.
I think that a method must have many blank point. You must fill this blank points with your experience.
Try what works for you and use it.
It's not always good to have all the steps put down.
I became with Adam Lyons' Method and I filled the blank points with experience.
It's so much rewarding when you understand something that it's not explained well enough.
I would tell you to sarge together sometimes but I think it's pretty impossible because of the distance and language limits.
P.S.=Where did you find informations about Sinn's Model? I'm really curious to check it out. Sinn's stuff is always interesting!!!
I think he didn't write any book about his method!
Yeah! I'm pretty much sure about it. I like Sinn's stuff so I control everytime he makes a new product.
For this reason I'm pretty sure that his method is not outlined in any kind of eBook.
Probably, you can find his method only in the Lay Report Book written by himself. Anyway, it is not outlined in a step by step way, so you have to use deduction to join all the pieces in a unique puzzle!
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