We get warned about oneitis. OTOH I've found that if I keep trying with girls a lot of type they will eventually open up. When do you know to quit?
I answer:
I remember I asked that same question to a daygame expert DOC HOLIDAY and he couldnt really describe to me other than a formula on how many times to call a girl is accetable quote...that being said.
when you are infront of her you can persist or plow verbally by not conveying neediness or clingyness by subcommunication.
verbally not being dismisive yet still talking to her and you are interested in her but not showing too desperate or predcitable.
oneiets and persistence is only a misdiagnosis when its after you met her and you cant seem to reach her to answer your calls and you are then trying to be persistent but in the wrong context when the"set is blown out" and she isnt interested yet you still text /call her leave messages and she has to verbally tell you that she isnt, then you feel bad about yourself a bit and you start to like the girl and you think as a newbie that by you not giving up you will change her mind....that is when oneitis and persistance in the wrong context seem to meet often enough.
""When women go wrong, men go right after them."" Mae West
this is cause you are wrongly investing in her more than she is. women like to chase things, in that aspect the are like a cat. you have to get them to chase you. if you are getting her investing then you can proceed, os she wants you to invest more then its less likely she will feel attraction for you.
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