Many guys suffer from extreme shyness around women. The problem
is this is a quality that women do NOT find attractive.
Furthermore, shyness is the primary reason why they never
approach a woman or make any attempt to even talk to them.
When gone unchecked shyness can completely cripple your chances
with the women.
The good news is this is something that CAN be fixed.
First off, it's important to have a step-by-step system for
approaching and attracting the girls you want. That is
something that can be learned here:
Next, there are few simple techniques for eliminating your
shyness and become more confident around women:
Tip #1- Remove all desires and expectations
The one reason guys are nervous around women is they place TOO
much emphasis on the outcome of the conversation.
Instead of having fun, shy guys constantly obsess about saying
the right thing or screwing up.
Whenever you talk to a woman, just concentrate on the
Be relaxed and have a little fun.
You can easily reduce your shyness by telling yourself that you
don't care about any outcome. It would be great if you got her
number, but it's not the end of the world if you don't.
Bottom line is you're talking to her just to have a little fun.
Tip #2- Have a clear idea of what you want from her
Now you might think I am contradicting myself by telling you to
remove all expectations from the conversation then telling you
to develop a clear idea of what you want.
But I think having a plan of action is a lot different from
removing all desire.
Let me explain...
While you want to avoid worrying too much about the outcome of a
conversation, you should still figure out what type of outcome
you want.
In other words, try to think of what you want to obtain by talking
to her.
Are you trying to have fun?
Do you want her number?
Do want to set up a date or sleep with her.
The more you can what you want, the more at ease you'll feel and
find yourself steering the conversation to your outcomes.
If you don't know how to create a plan of action whenever
talking to women, here's a site that can teach you how to
do this:
Tip #3- Practice "Going for it"
One easy way to eliminate shyness around women is to practice
as much as possible. In the last tip, I recommended you have
a clear idea of what you want. Now when you know what you
want, you'll find it easier to go for it.
But what if you still feel nervous around women?
Well my best advice is to keep practicing "going for it" with
different women till you can get over your shyness and
Like any other skill, learning how to attract women is
something that must be practiced till you perfect it.
If you take the time to practice your conversation skills
and find out what works in different scenarios, you'll
discover it's easy feel comfortable around women.
And once you feel comfortable, women will start to pick up
on your confident personality.
Over a period of time, you can reduce your shyness by paying
attention to the three tips that I just described.
Ultimately you'll learn how to be confident around women and
learn the things that make you attractive to them.
Now if you want to learn more about how to approach and
attract ANY woman with complete confidence, then I recommend
you take a look at this site:
Keep on Rocking and Rolling,
Scott Patterson
There are a lot of different ways to meet women.
Yet, most guys ONLY use places like bars & clubs.
The truth is the BEST chance to really meet a woman is OUTSIDE
a loud, noisy venue.
To skyrocket your success with women, you need to be ready to
meet women at any point in your day. (Here's a site that
teaches you everything you need to know about creating instant
sexual attraction with your conversations):
I've found that it's actually easier to meet a girl when you're
out during the daytime.
In fact this can be your SECRET WEAPON for meeting women. One
that your friends will wonder how you're "getting" all these
Now I want to be honest here. "Day Game" requires a different
style than what's commonly used in the bar scene.
It's a great way to meet women. But if you're using the same
tactics you'd use in a noisy club, you'll come across as a
crazy person.
To help you get started with daytime meetups, I recommend
following these SIX rules:
Rule #1- Look your best
To make day game work, you MUST look your ALL times.
Remember, you never know when you'll come across a women you want
to approach. If look like a slob, then you'll give off a
slobbish appearance.
You should always look sharp if you want to meet women during the
This means adhering to basic guidelines for a top-notched
appearance (i.e.: Shave, shower, apply cologne wear nice clothes,
Rule #2- Talk to everyone
We're all guilty of going "autopilot" as we run errands and do
stuff during the day.
For many it's not the "time" when we meet women. They're doing
chores and don't want to think about approaching a random girl.
So it seems weird to walk up to a woman during the daytime and
start a conversation.
Unfortunately this attitude will get you NOWHERE.
To improve your day game, you must get into the habit of
initiating conversations with those around you. (Even if they're
not women)
The more you practice talking to people, the more natural it'll
seem to approach a girl.
Rule #3- Have an extraction plan
Too many guys have the "One Night Stand" mentality.
They only concern themselves with how to 'get laid' within the
first few hours of meeting a woman.
To have success with Day Game, you should give up the idea that
you can "speed seduce" a girl the same day you meet her.
Sure it can happen. But it's pretty rare.
With that being said, you can easily meet a girl and move the
conversation to place where you can get to know one another.
What I suggest is simple...
When you're out during the day, find a place where you can have
a quick "mini-date."
This could be a coffee house, shopping at a mall, or even a trip
to a park.
My point is this:
You want a place where you can immediately go and continue the
conversation. By pre-planning a location, you'll make it seem
like a normal part of your daytime activities. Here's a way to
PERSUADE women to join you:
Rule #4- Demonstrate high status
Even when you're outside the "singles scene", it's still
important to demonstrate a high status personality.
To be attractive to a woman, she has to see that you're a
confident guy who can naturally attract women. She should feel
like you're a guy who has a busy life, filled with interesting
So if you're not comfortable with your confidence, then I
recommend you learn why women are attracted to guys who can show
this side of their personality.
Rule #5- Be an interesting guy
Again, this is another rule which applies in ANY environment. To
build attraction, you must show that you're a genuinely fun guy.
This means IMMEDIATELY showcasing a personality which she'll
like. For instance, you should:
- Tell fun stories about your life
- Use humor in a funny but teasing manner
- Make interesting comments about her
- Ask her provocative questions.
The more interesting you appear, the more she'll be into YOU!
Again, this site has a many pointers about how to display a
hypnotically attractive personality during the daytime:
Rule #6- Establish Physical Contact
The final rule is absolutely important for making a "connection"
with a woman...
If you want to be interesting to woman, you must CREATE sexual
And one of the quickest ways to do this is to establish physical
Within 5 minutes of initiating a conversation, you should be
touching her a fun, familiar manner. This can include giving
high-fives, handshakes, or using humorous body language routines.
The key here is to do it in a FUN way. So don't act like a
creepy pervert that likes to grope women.
Just remember that it's often easier to meet women during the
day. If you keep your eyes open and know how to take advantage
of hidden opportunities, then you'll discover that it's easy to
pick up women.
Simply implement the six rules I just listed and you'll
successfully meet LOTS of women during the daytime.
Keep on Rocking and Rolling,
Scott Patterson
Chick Magnet 101
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