Thursday, January 6, 2011

day game current sticking points JAN 2011

I will concede some truth that IOI carry different weight in different countries. Eye contact in North America usually means a girl would be comfortable with you striking a conversation with her. In certain European countries eye contact means a girl "wants" you to strike a conversation with her.

However I personally try not to read too much into cultural differences when it comes to women, because the end result is always the same. Underneath all those IOI every woman follows her emotions like a moral compass. It takes practice, but once you can tap into that part of her brain casually and comfortably you'll notice all these IOIs fall to the wayside


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#3 (permalink) Today, 04:12 PM



Join Date: Dec 2010

Posts: 58


ccol Hoyle Thanks..

I meant on advice on what I need to work on my daygame,dude.

based on the minor report I posted.

I also meant the IOIs during the convo is like her temperature goes I found it either kino or ask her a question/qualifying statement rather than do more talking...

Initially the IOIs are ok, warm appraoches...

within the convo the IOIs tell you to calibrate her reactions in a way.

Jesse ofcourse mentioned previously in another day game thread for me not to follow the IOIs cause we get addicted to the IOIs and lose focus on leading the seduction. with that in mind.

great point Hoyle...Im noticing this Im not stereotyping but the more masculine you come off with latin women its like they are more receptive...its weird cause on white american its safety issue in day game ,so its a convo , interesting convo.

Latina not really into interesting convo, just seeing what else you got in terms of how macho are you in subtle non verbal sexual communication (one of Jesse's product)...YES in day game, LOL


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#4 (permalink) Today, 04:26 PM

Jesse Charger

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Join Date: May 2009

Posts: 648



Originally Posted by Sandee

Things that Im messing up is :

-I talk too much and lack asking her questions to invest in convo

-lack of qualification or screening statements

-I forget about making her talk about herself...

So its like I talk and talk and talk and abit braggin' eventhoguh it isnt really but , its is abit too much too soon, too deep or too personal.

This is coming from a place of wanting to impress / entertain by just talking non-stop.

Becoming more comfortable with the idea of creating space or PUSH BACK with silences or asking for her input begins with not needing to impress the girl or win her approval so much.

One thing about Miami Latinas is that they tend to be QUIET and not really contribute as much as your typical Gringa. That can cause you to talk more because they're not giving back to the convo.

Latins are very family and social circle oriented, whereas European-descended Americans are more about mingling, meeting new people, and breaking family and old social ties. So you'll find white girls contribute more to the conversation and it's generally easier than with Latin Miami girls.


Originally Posted by Sandee

Im noticing most Latina girls get turned off by they rather you hold back and show abit mystery and more masculine dominant subcommunications to attract her rather than you talking too much about yourself, ofcourse unless she asks you .

It comes down to being introduced and social circles. A lot of Latina girls can come across as straight up weird and cold if you're not properly introduced, and even then as a Gringo you're still an outsider to them.


Originally Posted by Sandee

Jesse any adivice or excersizes on the day game sticking points ?

Not really, unfortunately. I like Gringas. Just easier and cooler people.

Night clubs are different. Just get more physical and persistent against their cold shoulders and less conversational. You have better chance in a night club with them.

Or salsa club. If you can dance well, that will attract a lot of attention as you're such an oddity, and dancing well is a huge status symbol.


Originally Posted by Sandee

but I started talking about a deep comfort story about how I liked nicaraguan food cause a maid in the house when I was a kid was from nicaragua and she used to cook that type of food and I liked it once in awhile....but then I told her that "now she is gone and i found out the lady recently died...."

the girl who was playng with her hair and sexual eye contact with me ...I felt all the sudden she got turned off and she walked away...

You're probably being too nice guy...? So is she feeling sexual intent from you, that sexual fury? Deep eye contact to her lips + eyes, super slow voice, lick your lips, telling her she's hot cute eyes? Maybe you're stuck in conversational friends zone and it got boring to her. She probably has plenty of alpha tough-guy Latin guys in her life she's comparing you to.


Originally Posted by Sandee

So I might have to calibrate and hold back being too deep too soon and trying to get her to talk more about herself.

Maybe, but it may be more of a sexual intent issue.


Originally Posted by Sandee

other girls would say " Awww.... thats so sweet" or "too bad"

A gringa would have given you more conversational banter back to work with, but these stories still wouldn't have turned her on. She'd still see you as a conversation friend.


Originally Posted by Sandee

.. cause it looks like stories turns them off.

I think you're playing things too safe and cautiously, looking for the girl to like you first before you show sexual interest in her. You've got to show sexual interest in her first, and lead her into that attraction state.

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