Thursday, January 13, 2011

Licking lips is non verbal sexual cue , I accidentally used it, but what does it say?

I did it on a woman who was staring at me and was holding eye contact as she was driving by turning, I smiled a bit and holding my eye contact as I was talking on the phone and she was holding it and as she turned I licked my lips...

I did it without knowing but it worked...made her stop her car halfway after such a long stare of eye contact...

ofcourse if you dont hold it you look weak, its a physically shit test* (credit* Saffron)

So she drove steps further and put her hazard lights , that was opening for an Approach invitation.

FRANCO explains its the easiest Pickup

Get Plenty Of Women By Opening A Conversation On Approach Invitation
by Franco on January 8, 2011

This is probably the easiest way of doing pickup.

Opening a conversation with a woman on her approach invitation.

An approach invitation (AI) is something spontaneous and very often unconscious women do.

It implies the message: ”Please notice me, please talk to me.”

It is easy because all what you need to do is to slow down your pace, observe the environment and then open the conversation.

Approach invitations are:

- She looks at you and turns her head in the other direction rapidly.
- She smiles lightly to you, makes eye contact with you and then rapidly turns her head in the other direction.
- She walks close to you and if you change your place she is ”as for a case” again close to you.
- Playing nervously with her hand bag or other stuff she has in her hands
- Searching the content of her hand bag while close to you.
- Dropping stuff on the floor, while close to you.
- While walking she looks at you rapidly and then looks back.
- You walk by and she laughs louder while chatting with her girlfriends.
- She looks at her nails or checks the make up in her small mirror while you get close to her.
- Playing with her mobile when close to you, clearly without any intention of calling anyone.

What is crucial when you open in this way is the time between her approach invitation and the moment you open the conversation.

You have only a few seconds to open. If you wait too long you lost your chance.

Women are chased all the time by guys.

Realize that by doing this she is already making a big exception to what would be her average behavior in everyday life.

After a few seconds she will get rapidly into her ”I-am-not-a-slut” mode and you will lose your chance.

If you lose your chance because you are too slow to respond remember that it is always easier to open another woman who gives you an AI than persisting with the former.

Why women have their Ais last such a short time?

There are a few reasons:

- Other women can read their Ais much better than the average guy without experience with females. They would label her as a slut and ostracize her if she would do that ”too much.”

- Giving too overt Ais on the streets and other public venues would put women into danger: there are aggressive, dangerous men out there!

So she gives you her AI for a few seconds and then withdraws it.

That is your window of opportunity: it is a very fast, short message that she likes you and wants you to talk to her.

That is all what the average woman can do to break the social code.

Then it’s up to you.

Beware: some women nowadays began to approach men overtly in a very direct way. Those women are not the women of the best quality: they are the masculine dominant women who have learned to "match" male behavior.

In my book Getting the good girls it is described how to detect them fast and avoid them even faster.

You better approach the women who give you AIs. They are usually the best and most feminine ones! Better quality women.

When you see an AI quickly respond on it.

When she gives very subtle AIs better to approach her with some indirect opener.

Asking innocently a favor is something which works very well for me: it ”saves her face” after she gave the AI and makes her feel more comfortable.

For example:

Her: (looking at you and rapidly turning her head)
You: (slowing down and going to her side) ”Hey, I just came to town and looking for this restaurant, any idea where it could be?”

In the case her AI is more open, more direct you can get straight to the point:

Her: (smiling at you or laughing louder when you pass by)
You: Nice smile. You look just like my little sister. I bet you won the lottery today.

And then it is the time to engage her into a conversation.

One important thing: to notice Ais you need to slow down your pace. So walk slowly and be aware of the surroundings.

If you walk too fast you will not notice the Ais.

Awareness and speed are the crucial skills you need to start conversations

Another important thing is to be able to recognize the ”soft signs” of her horniness which I shared with you in the Manual of Seduction.



Body Language Decoder - When You're Dating-Licks

LipsDecipher every move your man makes.
A man in lust will literally look like he's hungry, because on a carnal level, that's exactly what he is, explains Wood. "His facial expression reflects that craving, whether it be for a juicy piece of fruit or for sex." So if you catch him nibbling or licking his lips while he's looking at you, chances are good that you've whet his erotic appetite.

He licks his lips.

A man in lust will literally look like he's hungry, because on a carnal level, that's exactly what he is. So if you catch him doing these lip moves while he's looking at you, chances are good that you've wet his erotic appetite

Why is a girl licking her lips sexy?
I'm not stupid, i know it's sexy, but i'm not sure exactly why. Is it just because it is, does it resemble something...?

Best Answer -
It makes a guy think about what that girl can do to him with those lips. It takes the thought way beyond the guy's imagination.

Why do men lick there lips?
In: Men's Health

To feel sexy

Read more:


Usually the first way two people connect is through looking into each other’s eyes. Before either of you speaks a single word, the eyes have already telegraphed messages. Messages can range from frank curiosity to cool assessment to shy interest. When you look deeply into a guy’s eyes, you’re telling him you think he’s the most fascinating person in the room. In fact, if you keep your eyes locked on his, what you’re saying is that as far as you’re concerned, he’s the only person in the room!

Full frontal eye contact can be risky, however. It can seem too bold and brazen to those men who are put off by such direct behaviour by women. But if you’re not the bashful maiden type, frankly gaze. In a way, it’s a form of natural selection. A guy who is freaked out by your open gaze is probably not a guy for you.

Arm Crossing

When a woman crosses her arms over her chest, it can be interpreted in a number of ways by a guy. It can telegraph the message that she’s a vulnerable female creature, an innocent little lamb who feels the need to protect herself from the Big Bad Wolf!

But arm crossing is also a way of telling a guy that you don’t like him at all and that your fondest wish at the moment is that he’ll go away.

Crossing your arms over your chest is also a sneaky way of drawing attention to your breasts. It’s a primitive gesture of sexual anticipation laced with sexual anxiety, which a man might correctly read as the woman’s acknowledgment of the basic Me Tarzan, You Jane chemistry happening between them.

Leaning Toward Him

The most common form of this is leaning forward when you’re sitting across from him. This gesture shows interest and acceptance. In short, it means you just think he’s the funniest, cutest, most fascinating creature put on the face of this earth.

But keep your poker face, player-girl! If you go overboard with the lean, you’re giving away your whole hand. You want to keep him guessing at least a little bit, right?

If you catch yourself practically falling into his lap, take a deep breath, sit back in your seat and rest your hands in your lap for a few minutes ‑– at least until you cool off.

If you find yourself leaning away from him, you’re either telling him you hate his guts or you’re working overtime to not let him know you’re all hot and bothered for him.

Leg Crossing

Leg crossing can be interpreted as a nervous or provocative gesture. Lots of people unconsciously cross and uncross their legs when they’re anxious. If you’re doing this, the man will correctly intuit that he’s somehow “getting” to you. In other words, it’s a dead giveaway to the guy that he’s unsettled you and his energy has thrown off your equilibrium. On the other hand, if you’re deliberately crossing your legs to show off your sexy gams, or deliberately pointing your top leg in his direction, it means you like him a lot. If you can’t stop crossing your legs and you’re virtually twitching in your seat, again this is an unconscious gesture that clearly tells a man that he’s really getting to you. You probably don’t want to give him that much power. If he knows you’re burning hot for him, he has the upper hand ‑– and you don’t want that. If something about him has really got you squirming, get up, take a walk or go home and take a cold shower.

Hair Twirling

Toying with your hair is a sure sign of nervousness. If you find yourself doing this, take a moment to ask yourself why this guy is making you nervous. Is it because he’s too handsome? Too incredibly clever? Is it because you can’t get your mind out of the gutter imagining what he would be like in bed? Save your agitation for later ‑– like when you finally fall asleep and have a red-hot dream about him!

Hair twirling can also be a playful gesture. Women with long hair tend to play with their hair. Hair is sexy and twirling and tossing it draws a man’s eye to it. But beware: Many guys say it really bugs them when women keep playing with their hair. Talk about sending the wrong message! What some women think is sexy is a major turnoff to some guys.

Lip Licking

This is purely physiological. Forget what they say about “drooling” over a hot guy. When we’re aroused and excited, our mouths get dry. If you find yourself licking your lips a lot in the company of a new man, it means that something about him is really getting to you. Watch out!

Lip licking clearly conveys the message that you’re interested in a man. It is a very sexy, and overt, type of body language ‑– that is, if it is done correctly. What we are talking about here is a slow, sultry swipe along your lips with the tip of your tongue. Just remember to use this one with caution. Your Flirt Object will probably think you are telling him you want to take him to bed. And maybe you do! If that’s the case and you’re both equally interested, by all means, lick your lips. It’s another way of saying, “Let’s go back to your place right now.” In other words, it’s an action getter.

Flared Nostrils

OH MY god, this is the mother of all body language signals! Flared nostrils are an irrefutable sign of sexual arousal. If you’re talking to a man and his nostrils are flaring, you can bet your booty he’s aching’ for you. And, um, it works vice versa. If your nostrils are flaring, your nipples are probably hard, too. If you’re flirting with a guy and you’ve both got the nostril thing going, look out. You might have to rent a hotel room

6 Body Language Clues That Say You're Interested.

Your body speaks a language all its own. Without realizing it, how you sit, what you do with your hands, your legs, even your basic posture reveals volumes about you, namely what you're feeling, what you might be thinking and, most importantly, if that guy sitting across from you is getting to you.

The thing about body language is you want to be completely in control of it. You want to be aware of what messages you're sending and avoid telegraphing certain information you're not ready to give away. Dumb as they may seem sometimes, men are not exactly knuckleheads when it comes to interpreting a woman's body language. Any reasonably perceptive and intuitive guy you're flirting with is reading many things about you simply by studying your movements.

You can utilize your body language to your own advantage by transmitting only the messages you want him to receive, which gives you the upper hand. Body language has a lot in common with cell phone text messaging. It's shorthand information, meaning it's quick, direct and gets to the point.

Body Language Basics

Without even thinking about it, women almost always give physical tips that convey their level of interest in a man. The most common body language gestures that reveal at least minimal interest are hair twirling, hair tossing and leg crossing. When a woman tosses her hair, it comes across as a nervous gesture. What it tells the man is, he's making her a bit nervous. And to his mind, if she's nervous, she must be interested!

On the other hand, hair tossing, like leg crossing, is also a preening gesture. It's a way of calling attention or showing off a gorgeous, glossy mane (very sexy) or a terrific pair of gams (ditto, also very sexy!). But there are many other elemental gestures and basic postures that send a strong message to another person, all of which can be used to good effect.

Let's get started describing and interpreting them!

Eye Contact

Usually the first way two people connect is through looking into each other's eyes. Before either of you speaks a single word, the eyes have already telegraphed messages. Messages can range from frank curiosity to cool assessment to shy interest. When you look deeply into a guy's eyes, you're telling him you think he's the most fascinating person in the room. In fact, if you keep your eyes locked on his, what you're saying is that as far as you're concerned, he's the only person in the room!

Full frontal eye contact can be risky, however. It can seem too bold and brazen to those men who are put off by such direct behavior by women. But if you're not the bashful maiden type, frankly gaze. In a way, it's a form of natural selection. A guy who is freaked out by your open gaze is probably not a guy for you.

Arm Crossing

When a woman crosses her arms over her chest, it can be interpreted in a number of ways by a guy. It can telegraph the message that she's a vulnerable female creature, an innocent little lamb who feels the need to protect herself from the Big Bad Wolf!

But arm crossing is also a way of telling a guy that you don't like him at all and that your fondest wish at the moment is that he'll go away.

Crossing your arms over your chest is also a sneaky way of drawing attention to your breasts. It's a primitive gesture of sexual anticipation laced with sexual anxiety, which a man might correctly read as the woman's acknowledgment of the basic Me Tarzan, You Jane chemistry happening between them.

Leaning Toward Him

The most common form of this is leaning forward when you're sitting across from him. This gesture shows interest and acceptance. In short, it means you just think he's the funniest, cutest, most fascinating creature put on the face of this earth.

But keep your poker face, player-girl! If you go overboard with the lean, you're giving away your whole hand. You want to keep him guessing at least a little bit, right?

If you catch yourself practically falling into his lap, take a deep breath, sit back in your seat and rest your hands in your lap for a few minutes ‑- at least until you cool off.

If you find yourself leaning away from him, you're either telling him you hate his guts or you're working overtime to not let him know you're all hot and bothered for him.


Leg crossing can be interpreted as a nervous or provocative gesture. Lots of people unconsciously cross and uncross their legs when they're anxious. If you're doing this, the man will correctly intuit that he's somehow "getting" to you. In other words, it's a dead giveaway to the guy that he's unsettled you and his energy has thrown off your equilibrium. On the other hand, if you're deliberately crossing your legs to show off your sexy gams, or deliberately pointing your top leg in his direction, it means you like him a lot. If you can't stop crossing your legs and you're virtually twitching in your seat, again this is an unconscious gesture that clearly tells a man that he's really getting to you. You probably don't want to give him that much power. If he knows you're burning hot for him, he has the upper hand ‑- and you don't want that. If something about him has really got you squirming, get up, take a walk or go home and take a cold shower.

Hair Twirling

Toying with your hair is a sure sign of nervousness. If you find yourself doing this, take a moment to ask yourself why this guy is making you nervous. Is it because he's too handsome? Too incredibly clever? Is it because you can't get your mind out of the gutter imagining what he would be like in bed? Save your agitation for later ‑- like when you finally fall asleep and have a red-hot dream about him!

Hair twirling can also be a playful gesture. Women with long hair tend to play with their hair. Hair is sexy and twirling and tossing it draws a man's eye to it. But beware: Many guys say it really bugs them when women keep playing with their hair. Talk about sending the wrong message! What some women think is sexy is a major turnoff to some guys.

Lip Licking

This is purely physiological. Forget what they say about "drooling" over a hot guy. When we're aroused and excited, our mouths get dry. If you find yourself licking your lips a lot in the company of a new man, it means that something about him is really getting to you. Watch out!

Lip licking clearly conveys the message that you're interested in a man. It is a very sexy, and overt, type of body language ‑- that is, if it is done correctly. What we are talking about here is a slow, sultry swipe along your lips with the tip of your tongue. Just remember to use this one with caution. Your Flirt Object will probably think you are telling him you want to take him to bed. And maybe you do! If that's the case and you're both equally interested, by all means, lick your lips. It's another way of saying, "Let's go back to your place right now." In other words, it's an action-getter.

Flared Nostrils

Omigod, this is the mother of all body language signals! Flared nostrils are an irrefutable sign of sexual arousal. If you're talking to a man and his nostrils are flaring, you can bet your booty he's achin' for you. And, um, it works vice versa. If your nostrils are flaring, your nipples are probably hard, too. If you're flirting with a guy and you've both got the nostril thing going, look out. You might have to rent a hotel room!

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