So this last week has been crazy.
I really don't know where to start...I just spent the last 4 nights in a row with
the On The Mat guys ( living the dream (so to speak).
It was UFC 94 with Algasim, Soco, Jtime, and the OTM guys and then complete chaos!
The big problem that I see with community guys, non-community guys, naturals is they don't go sexual.
theREDstack solves that.
I can't stress it enough,
I can't tell you how many times I see guys out there with a hot girl next to them and they are afraid to talk to them.
Then I see PUAs out there talking to a hot ass chick and walking away with just some stupid attraction tricks and maybe some rapport.
Let's get it straight guys...
Women like sex...just as much as us, they just see it different.
theREDstack and the Mentor Program will get you there.
Think of going sexual as touching right from the start. If you don't do it, then the ANXIETY of being Sexual builds, you'll never know how to do it!
Jtime and Algasim pretty much are familiar with me doing this and have evolved their own theories on it too. So this weekend we actually recorded a lot of audio about all this stuff.
On Sat we did a Skype interview with FreeSpirit in England that explains some of this that will be released here in the next month.
Here is something that Algasm and I were talking about on the call...we were talking about running sexual ladders.
We came up with a bunch that would run up sexuality right from the start.
Now this is pretty much what theREDstackdoes...but with the stack there is about 60 plus pages of CUSTOM MATERIAL!
But here is a sample of one of those sexual ladders that I wanted to share with you!
Hey guys, what is something that you think is different about men and women?
(they think or try an answer)
Ok so here is the thing...
(bait with a qualifier you can frame off of)
Wait you guys aren't the types of girls that might freak-out about stuff right away right?
(wait for them to comply, then qualify them into not being judgmental)
Ok, first let me ask.... (target) you, how old are you?
(they answer)
Oh, I can't ask you, you won't get it.
(they will push back at this, so now make them qualify themselves in the way that you want them to this case sexual)
So alright have you actually had a long term relationship?
(she will probably say "yes")
Ok, but you're totally the girl that can really keep a guy at first, like you're really good in bed and all that stuff, but it always dies off, really quickly...
(this is a cold read, plus every woman is afraid that she can't maintain attraction with a guy. So wait for her reply and continue on)
So that right there is the difference between men and women...
Come here for a second...
(no need to isolate, majorly, just make it so you are only talking to her)
Ok so I got to old were you when you lost your virginity?
(most girls say 14-15, just a tip for some cold reads later, but let her answer)
Ok so you know what, I can tell you haven't had good sex yet.
(if she says she has then recover by saying, "But it took a long time for you to start having it")
Here is the thing though, most guys, just don't know how to be totally crazy with you.
Most guys don't know how to treat you like a woman.
If you are interested in theREDstack, SHOOT ME an EMAIL and I would love to talk with you about it. It is literally the best thing out there and NOBODY else out there can do!
So pretty much there is a lot of theory that I can put into that, but for the most part, work that something like that, and see how easily women open up to it.
A lot of Audio and Video on the Way! Keep your eyes peeled on my BLOG!
Talk to you soon...
I there will be more!
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