Thursday, February 3, 2011

Makr's take on how to handle logistics and SNL logistics definition

So how to handle logistics?

Logistics will always:
A) Be completely random and situational
B) Be extremely random
C) Did I mention that they’re random and sometimes there’s nothing you can do?

As a result, you have to just follow a handful of guidelines and then hope for the best.

1) Gather all relevant info when you’re talking to her. This includes: where she lives, where you live, how she got there, how she’s getting home, how you got there, if she’s sharing a ride, with who, who is she with, how does she know them, when is she going home, can you get her home in the morning, when does she have to be home in the morning, etc., etc.

2) If you just met her that night, then let HER win her friends over, not you. What will typically happen when a woman decides to go home with you is her girlfriends will try to stop her or talk her out of it. The younger the girl you’re picking up, the more likely this will be. Let HER do the talking… just trust you’ve seduced her well enough to withstand the oncoming storm. Stand back and be friendly. When it comes to taking a girl home, nothing you say, no matter how charming or cool is going to make you look genuine, “No, really, I just want to show her this cool YouTube video, I promise.” You’ll look like the horny bastard you are. If she’s not willing to appease her friends for you, then you haven’t gamed her well enough.

3) Make decisions and move swiftly. Don’t waffle. Don’t ask her what she wants to do. Gather the pertinent information and make an educated decision. I.e., She came with two friends, one of which is her roommate. She lives 30 minutes away. Have her give her roommate her keys and take her home with you. Tell her what you’re going to do and then do it. If you think the only shot you have is at a bathroom pull or to the car, then do it. Just grab her and go. Make her stop you. Make her say no. If you’re on a date, tell her you want to show her something and just bring her to your place. See if she stops you. Often she won’t.

4) Be flexible. Shit happens in bars and clubs. I’ve had pulls get screwed up because the girl started puking, because her brother suddenly showed up, because her friend started spontaneously crying, because her bridesmaids pulled her away, because her ex-boyfriend punched me in the face, because SHE started spontaneously crying, because she lost her keys and got locked out of her apartment, because the cab took us to the wrong hotel, etc., etc., etc. EXPECT THE UNEXPECTED AND ADAPT.

5) Get lucky. Again, shit happens. Deal with it. Sometimes there’s literally nothing you can do.

Step 11 Exercises
Purpose: To be able to make moves and get physical with women at will.

Comments: Yet another step where you need to grab your balls. This step can be practiced anywhere, but youʼll have to spend at least a few hours with a woman to get as far as necessary, so dates are ideal. Extra time is given in the later steps, as youʼre going to need to use everything youʼve learned so far.

What You Need: New women to meet, some courage

Recommended Time for Completion: Within a month

Exercise 1

1.1 Successfully do all five of the actions on this list. It doesnʼt count unless you do it and get a GOOD reaction.

- Twirl a girl in the first 30 seconds of meeting her. (Take her hand, raise it above both of your heads and tell her to spin.)
- Keep your hand on a girl’s back for at least one minute.
- Physically pull a girl away from her friends on the approach (at least one meter)
- Hug a girl within 30 seconds of cold approaching her. This must be a random girl who has no idea who you are.
- Put your arm around a girl and leave it there for at least 30 seconds. Do this within the first 10 minutes of knowing her.

Exercise 2

2.1 Going for kisses. Go for a kiss with at least five different women. If you get rejected, you get one point per woman. If you kiss her, you get two points. Once you reach 10 points, move on.

Exercise 3

3.1 Bring a girl home who youʼve been kissing. This can be the same night, same day or from a date. Escalate as far as possible.

Please post any significant realizations, experiences or problems below.


Challenge 1: Smack or grab a girl’s ass that you just met without her getting mad.
Challenge 2: Kiss a woman within 5 minutes of knowing her.
Challenge 3: Bring a girl home within an hour of meeting her.

Same night lays (also sometimes referred to as single night lays) are when a PUA is able to fclose a woman on the same day that he meets her. This happens most often in sexually charged “meat market” environments such as night clubs and bars, where the girls are looking to hookup, although it is possible to get SNLs during day game as well.

Same night lays differ from one night stands, in that SNLs lead to further relationships beyond just one night of sex (whether it be FB or LTR), whereas ONSs are usually just a one time thing. Often, the difference between an ONS and an SNL, is building enough rapport so that the woman does not suffer from any buyer’s remorse. If a woman does not regret her decision to sleep with the PUA, it leaves open the opportunity for future sex.

Like ONSs, it is important for same night lays to determine the woman’s logistics. Figuring out such information such as whether she came alone or with friends, whether she has to work tomorrow, etc. are important for an SNL to go smoothly. Usually, a woman who is looking to hookup will have better logistics, and women will even ignore poor logistics if they feel attracted enough.

Another important thing to remember for SNLs is to have a strong sexual frame, and also be completely non-judgemental of the woman when it comes to her sexuality. This will help the woman sexually open up to the PUA, and keep from triggering ASD later on.

Captain Jack: Gun to the Head Gaming
Imagine this: You are sitting on your couch eating Bon-Bons with your eyes laser locked on Oprah when you hear a crack, the door flies open and 3 goons rush towards you.

You hurl your bon-bons at the goons but it doesn’t even faze them.

Next thing you know there is a gun pointed at your temple and one of them says, “Is this the guy?” The other looks at a photograph and says, “He’s not wearing the feather boa, jade necklace and high heels like in his MySpace profile but yeah, I’d say it is him.”

One of them says, “Look, Mr. Pua guy, you go out tonight and have sex with a girl or we’re going to shoot you in the face.”

Gun to the head. Shot in the face.

Do you go out and do the same thing you always do?

Do you do a few laps around the bar, have a few drinks, hover a few times, look for the perfect opening?

Not unless you enjoy face shootings.

What WOULD you do differently?

Here’s what I’d do…

1. Dress like almost everyone else but a tad better.

2. Get to the bar early. I want to get there about 10-15 minutes before the crowd does. I want to chat with the bartender a minute, chat with a waitress or two for a minute before they get ridiculously busy. Get the ol’ mouth movin’ a bit.

3. Approach as soon as possible. Even if it is “How’s it going?”

4. Watch the girls who have wandering eyes. They are looking for something.

5. Approach the girls who make eye contact.

6. Never leave a set until a few minutes after I’ve TimeBridged.

7. Set the sexual frames early.

8. Ask her “What’s on the agenda for later?”

This one needs some explaining. A lot of PUAs think this is about Logistics. It isn’t. In fact, Logistics aren’t nearly as important as everyone believes. Shocking? Not really.

Imagine this… you have plans to go bowling tonight. It’s Tuesday, you almost always go bowling on Tuesdays. One of your buddies calls you up and says,

Buddy: “What’s going on man?”

You: “Not much, just going to go bowling later, have a few beers, see if I can top my Galaga score.”

Buddy: “Sounds cool. Well, would you like to get together and sew a little bit… maybe share our feelings and shit?”

You: “Umm… Well… I always bowl on Tuesdays… kinda my normal thing and uh…”

But, what if Buddy called you up and said, “Dude… These concert tickets just fell into my lap and blah, blah, blah…”

Do you think that’d change things a bit?

Logistics matter LESS and LESS the more interested and turned on she is… I used to let logistics derail me. Now, I hardly even pay attention.

Can they fuck you up? Sure. They used to fuck me up all the time. Then, I discovered “Drunk-n-Lonely Texting.”

Focus on getting her to really, really see you as a liberator of her sexual frustrations and SHE will handle the logistics for you.

The purpose of the question is to establish in her mind that you have probably sexual intent AND you are seeking a way to create an opportunity.

9. After you have 3 or 4 TimeBridge’s set up, focus on the one who seems like your best shot. This is always a little bit of a crap shoot BUT your Intuition will grow with time.

10. Tell her she is sexy and that her mannerisms are driving you crazy. Use a Bounce statement about 30 minute prior to close.

11. If she doesn’t take the Bounce invitation, walk her to the car. Get in and say you are going to talk to her a bit. Make out with her.

12. Tell her you are not sure you can drive home and ask her if she would mind, “It’s just right down the street.” (I’ve used this a billion times for venues that are 30-45 minutes away! Haa!)

12b. As she is driving mass text the other girls and say, “Hey sexy” – just in case this one does leave you after dropping you off. This will increase the possibility of another honey coming over thus DECREASING the chance of you getting shot in the face.

13. As she’s driving begin using one or two word commands interspersed with normal conversation. “Turn here.” “Go left.” when you get to your place say, “Park here.” I like to use stop signs and stop lights as a chance to make out.

14. “Come in and get some water before you head back.”

15. Get her some water, tell her where the bathroom is… while she’s in the bathroom put on a DVD. I like “Wedding Crashers” or, “South Park: The Return of the Fellowship of the King to the Two Towers” because it is sexual in nature and hilariously funny.

16. Have her sit down on your coach. Make small talk 3-5 minutes. Kiss her again.

17. Begin escalating heavy.

18. Push her away and tell her she is naughty for doing this to you.

19. Escalate more. Spank her. Tell her she is bad. Ask her what she is doing to you.

20. Make sweet love.

Send her on her way, “And… try not to think about me constantly” as you pull her hair and kiss her deeply again.

Go into your closet and get your Flame Thrower. Wait for the knock on the door. When the Goons rush in, fling your used condom at them and then use the Flame Thrower to set them all on fire. This should make your point in a fairly dramatic way.

Captain Jack

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