FR HBcuban non pro stripper:
I went tonight cause I had an arguement and wanted to watch the a basketball game,ok so I wanted to game strippers as a self I went cause I know a manager, he wasnt there and shift had just changed ,Its been awhile I havent set foot in a strip club.
there was a cuban voluptous 20 yr old really hot . we will call her HB Cuban Strip and I opened saying that
she has sexy way to her body its too bad she isnt a blonde. her body is soo my type but the hair color is off
(false disqualifier push -pull) she laughed and asked me where Im from ?
I said you are surely a Miami girl right?
she said : I'm cuban in spanish.
I said in english "Oh I'm from NY." she kept smiled at the mixed compliment in her head.
I told her hey lets talk to go make money and come back.
She then came back and sat next to me then I said cool you took me by surprise back so fast ? are the guys being cheap tonight?(me being an insider)she saw what I was drinking and she said OMG thats my favorite drink then she asked me in alow voice tone if I could invite her a drink (I saw this as too soon and a shit test for me to invest like every chump) I cut her off by saying "I see you have good taste , thats a good start." "what else are you good at?"
she then starts pulling out her bills and start counting her one dollar bills infront of me, it was like the size of my fist.
I then went pause and clueless what discussion topic or how to trabsition as she was coming back to sit next to me .
So she was like (OK why isnt he talking?) so I started watching the game again, so then I reintiated conversation by random thing that wasnt going anywhere and she looked at me like WTF? then I transition with I mean you are kindah cute "I think you would do fine here and in vegas too" (I was trying out a stupid routine but it didnt stick )
"you need to work on somethings here and there" (me being an insider, a critique from a manager to elicit qualification keep her on her toes) , abit insecure she said "oh why vegas,why not here?"
then she thought I was an asshole cause she didnt know vegas is capital of the world in strip clubs,
it was obvious she was a non pro at that point.
I had just screened out a proffesional materialista from a normal chick that just got into this recently.
I failed to try to explain or calibrate was in damage control it but it was too late,she got confused and she said "enjoy your night" she got up and walked to the table infront of me.
a group of older men.she them started to flirt with them and she got them to get her a drink.
she was having conversation with one specific guy there and I acted like I didnt give a shit.
HB Cuban Strip bodylanguage was towards me and she kept looking at me to see of I noticed her or getting me to react jealous, but I started flirting hardcore to other girls that would come,
I started to BT spike the other dancers and frame their touching me as "Ooh theres something about that touch, its like when my last freaky GF would want sex"
"you must be really sweet girl but a naughty girl behind closed doors"
and it seem to work to grab attention get them to kino me infront of HB Cuban Strip.
Some other girl came back just to kiss my neck, but some man with money took her away.
She d look at me and she play with her hair over and over everytime she would look at ,e with ocrner of her eyes Id have a smile on my face or not giving a shit being in my own space being cool in my own skin.Enjoying my time.
HB Cuban Strip was definately a non pro.a pro doesnt sit with a guy for a long time she loses money.
the problem now was I kept getting interupted by girls wanting tips as I tried to watch the game.
anyways HB Cuban Strip was in typical vibbing mode with thw older men group and the manager pulled her away to put her on the stage, i went to bathroom.
when she came around my way she was plain rude and asked me "my tip please" with a disgusted face.
(I remember that she is a latina, aside from the typical stripper persona )
I didnt want to seem reactive or jealous and yet no be a passive bottom who tolerates bad behaviour so I told her
"hey whatsup" to get her to stay to talk and she said "my tip for my dance"
I said "a dance now? Im getting warmed up now lets talk for a bit" she said "its only one dollar okay!" I said
"yeah so it shouldnt be a big deal right? come back after you make some more money so we can talk "
she walked away pissed and then she sat infront with the older guys again and she still look towards me and play with her hair.Still corner of her eye.
Weird , I blew the set and I tried gaming the other chicks there but they seem more pros than her. directly asking for the money and no talk.
anyways I walked out cause I kept getting half of my drink taken away as if I had finished and was kindah pissed off about that.
I asked when the manager of the shift came and they told me he had I bailed out.
but I was smelling like women or like If I had just fucked a chick. weird night messed up a bit but Im looking at some stuff I got to work on.
Some points i learned here:
*If you want to take her home same night avoid weekend busy nights.
*Dont get drunk or drink more than one drink of alcohol.Cause your perceptions of diferentiating IOIs from Fake IOIs become more difficult.So you can easily fall for a trap.
*Dont over NEG.some girls are Pros and some are local 7s that are kindah new.the latter are too insecure so any NEG or mixed signal that she doesnt understand what you are talking about seems like you are a JERK.Best thing is to break her state right before asking you for a tip or a dance, beat her to it and lead the convo you do a takeaway of telling her to do her job and to comeback you want to tell her something.
*As you talk with her figure out get her to talk more than you, its hard at first but its good for practice and compliment her by you throwing in some releases or softners like
"you are just saying that to make me like you"
"stop being a copy cat,I cant talk to you anymore"
"I bet you are a really sweet outside of this world"
"are you being real with me here"
*Make her prove herself, example:ask about that tatoo she has and what does it mean, usually its her middle name and call her by that name her real name. (you start talking to the real person not stripper) act like you are with her yet its cool she is there to make money, send her off to chumps .(this is a compliance ladder like pimp game)
*Dont DROOL over how HOT she is.Be chill and yet be proactive and get her to talk more about herself. Show dominance.Then you tell her that you find her somewhat cool but you are guessing she is being real with you, (this is to get her to prove herself by being real if she leaves the club with you or how she is outside the enviroment)This is tricky cause most are LSE girls so its bordeline comfort of being too interested with show of dominance, you judge her actions her identity.once you convince her of knowing her by her talking about herself and you throw cold reads, she is convinced you know her then you LEAD by dominance get her to get dressed and go out of the club or meet up after the shift etc.
( showing you are a leader higher value in her world,pimp game?)*prerequiste she has to think you know her well by her qualifying herself and opening more about herself (MIrror rapport with slight disinterest, LSE)
* be somewhat challenging to please not like the eager guys to give out money to any girl just because she asks him ,he isn't obligated to do so.
she will respect you inside but outside it will piss her off a bit yet be cooler than her and non reactive.
*You dont have to dhv that you dated a stripper before, it makes you seem like a loser or a try hard liar.Make her assume by your behaviour that you are preselected.It doesnt work telling her in the venue.
*As a requirement before you go to these places Get yourself in state that you are awesome and you love yourself.Reaffirm your frame control as here you can get easily sucked into her frame and end up overspending in exchange for nothing.Remember that strippers or dancers have massive frame control with her pussy power.She acts out of social norms to make a living.Calibrate how you would treat any girl you just met,dont be eager to buy her dances or drinks to keep her attention cause she will intrepret you as any typical guy who goes there for fun and wont take you seriously to get you laid for free.
*Push yourself to experiment within your conversation with these women,even if you mess up you will have fun and learn something out of it.Conversation skills here are crucial any flinch while you have starting to build attraction to you ,the hesitation or self doubt will kill it within a quarter of a second and you are done gaming her.
*Reframe any behaviour as her being insecure and her being another pretty face.Remeber that they are master of social pressure mirror them and reframe any sort of shit test .papa sandros
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