Inner Game
“When you stand alone before a mirror, all whom you do not see are beneath you”
What do these words from Mickey Royals book called “THE PIMP GAME, AN INSTRUCTIONAL MANUEL” mean?
A pimp, mack, player uses the tool of words to entice women into their worlds. Words are forms of communications. So it can be said that pimps are masters of communication. Why? Because pimps do know how to get into the head of their targets, using words.
But what about our own self talk that goes on within our own heads? How are you communicating with you? The level of success your having at any given venue is in direct relation to how well you communicate with your own mind.
In the player world this is called your inner game. But the key to successful inner game falls on how well you communicate to your own subconscious mind. Are you putting in good thoughts and self evaluations or are you putting in garbage?
Way back in time when I took computer programming classes in the dawn of the computer ages, there was a saying (GIGO), which stood for garbage in garbage out.
If your putting in bad thoughts into your own head, words such as; I’m ugly, no women will like me, I am a bad communicator…ect ect… then this is what your going to create in your life. If half the people on these dating forums would just change the way they talk to themselves their outer world will change accordingly.
So in borrowing a lesson from the pimp game. You need to believe in yourself. Your ego must be at a level way above anybody around you. Especially above any women that you are trying to mack on. A women whom I kick it with has an ex-husband.
This guy is a true Mack. He is driving 2 cars. A lexus, and a Misibishi Sports car. Both of which were bought and paid for by various women. He was gotten $50,000.00 from one woman who also had him fawk her daughter. Don’t ask! And various other items. A professional Mack.
She told me that how he does it even though this guy is very ugly ( and he is), he gets the women to believe that HE is actually above them. And that they should be gratefull for him even spending his time with them.
I think those internet operators who are getting their ideas from the pimp game are calling this make yourself the prize.
Remember Morris from the group the Time. Think back to the Prince movie Purple Rain. That is the kind of ego and self love that I’m talking about. Maybe not at that narccisstic extreme, but close to it.
All whom you do not see when you stand alone in front of a mirror are beneath you.
Adapt this as your daily mantra. Live it and believe it. Never put ho’s up on pedestals. They will only shyt on you from above. When you can get them to believe that your something special and they should be glad to even be near you, then you have reached the proper level of self confidence and self communication.
Keep telling yourself that every day until it is firmly gripped into your reality.
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