Thursday, March 31, 2011


--------------------- words of a legendary pimp-------------------------------

" What I was saying was that the pimp overtly and almost with inhibition, denigrates and despoils the sexual object. His mauling of the sexual object is perhaps a more severe version of what happens in conventional relationships. For instance, in so-called "square" sexual bouts, the woman winds up, of course, flat on her back in a submissive position.

If a man is aware of what sexual button to push to enhance a woman's gratification, he will bite her with the proper degree of ferocity. If he inflicted that kind of punishment on her when she was not in a state of rapture, she would resent it... The kiss-kick ritual is at the very root of the pimp's sexuality.

My theory is that some quantum of pimp in every man would perhaps enhance his approach to women, because I think it's a truism that women gravitate to a man who can at least flash transient evidence of heelism. I think that the angelic. completely pure paragon, is not too interesting.

Women are prone to masochism , anyway. I think if you are able to manufacture a bit of "heelism" in your nature and give them a sense of insecurity as to whether some voluptuous rival might come along and steal you, then you are a treasured jewel."


these are the words of iceberg slim, in an interview.

what does he mean by "heelism"

also what is the kiss kick ritual? anybody can expand on that?

what are some of the pimp books you recommand, that would give you knowledge about the pimp mindset, and inner game? i have already finish Pimp by slim and mickey royale's book of pimp instructional book.

i like mickey royale's book, but one little detail has let me to doubt his credential a bit, and that is in the book, he said that he keeps 50 % of the money from the hoes. if you have watched american pimp, you would know that the good pimps, all the pimps in it let the hoe keep none, what is the deal with him?



a contemptibly dishonorable or irresponsible person: We all feel like heels for ducking out on you like this.

Basically, a "heel" is the bad guy. If you ever watched pro-wrestling, the characters are either "heels" or "faces", which derives from "babyface." In other words, bad guys and good guys. Same concept here. He's saying that a woman doesn't want a totally pristine nice guy. She wants to know that there is a darker, more unpredictable side to you.

Kiss-kick... I'm pretty sure he means "push-pull"... generating some negative or insecure emotions while also giving her positive emotions. It's more dynamic and exciting than just experiencing ONE shade of emotion. Can't have good without evil, right? If evil didn't exist in the world, we'd take the good for granted and maybe even grow bored of it. But because there is evil, we treasure the good.

That's really simplified.

As far letting them keep half the money, maybe he is a nice pimp and feels justifiably shytty taking all their money? I'd tune out that stuff though, just take what sounds correct and try it out. Discard the rest. Pimps are known for getting insecure, beatdown women. So take what they say with a grain of salt.

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