Have you been putting things off because you “couldn’t find the time”? A thing or two I learned about blacks hustling on the street is that they’re poor, so they gotta hustle. Gotta do a thing or two on the streets in order to make a buck to buy a cell phone or something, haha.
So they’re out there on the streets and peddling drugs or robbing kids because that’s the only way they know how to make money. And guess what? They’re highly motivated, because they’re doing it out of desperation. No hustle, no money, no food on the table.
So they’re always out there taking action and working hard by hustling, despite what you hear about black youths being lazy.
My definition of hustling:
Anyways, for the rest of the article when I say hustle, it’s just a mentality of getting things by out smarting, out gaming and out planning.. It’s about taking action without no lame ass excuses. I consider myself the ethical hustler. In my dictionary, hustling isn’t about doing bad or shady things.
Note: There is no need to do illegal stuff when you can achieve your goals the ethical way. Just look at Conrad Black, he’s a hustler but in a shady way. If he was ethical, he would’ve stayed out of prison.
No lame excuses, getting things done:
I wanted to make money on the Internet, but didn’t really know how. So I ordered an ebook called “The Rich Jerk”. He called me a loser and told me to make money on th Internet. So I did.
I sell info products on the Internet, at first I didn’t know anything about Internet Marketing, but I read, took action (registered domain name, signed up for paypal, read about copywriting and marketing, SEO and web traffic, ebooks and ebook cover etc) and in a matter of 3 weeks I got my first ebook up and running
The hustler mentality is about getting things done and just grinding it through. Kinda like grinding on the poker table where you just wait for good hands and play it well for good profit, instead of struggling to win marginal hands.
Kinda like that one time where I was at a new city with with no car, no place to sleep in (the place I was staying in was 3 hours away) so I was there for the weekend, playing poker for 15 hours straight at the casino, then passing out at a random lounge in a university campus, wake up, hustle for some free drinks off a chick and going back to the casino again.
The motto I live by is “no excuse, no regret, no remorse”. (Yeah and I invented it, gimme credit :))
Why you should adopt the hustler mentality:
If you feel the need to be motivated, and think of yourself as an independent person who takes action to get things done instead of waiting for that elusive someday, adopting the hustler mentality is a good way to motivate yourself. Day in and day out, you gotta hustle, take action and accomplish your vision, whatever it may be. Out smart, out plan and out game.
Your Hustler Education
There are three books I recommend you to read for your hustler education. (And of course, you’re continually educating yourself everyday, right?) The three to get you into the mind set is:
1.48 Laws of Power by Robert Green
2.You Can Negotiate Anything By Herb Cohen
3.The 4 Hours Work Week By Timothy Ferriss
They’re awesome books to start thinking outside the box type of deal. Oh yeah, John Chow is an evil Internet Hustler, check his website out.
Are you ready?
The truth is, you’re never ready. You can never have enough security or knowledge. But what you can do is be mentally prepared and take action and be in the moment. Think on your feet, adjust to improve yourself in the moment after that moment, and all is good.
Don’t be afraid to be embarrass, make a fool out of yourself in front of everyone, go broke or have a heckler name call you. (By the way, once I round house kick a heckler in a face but that’s another story)
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