Sunday, April 24, 2011

The Real Post About Hot Girls by mark entropy

The Real Post About Hot Girls

In case you are somehow unaware, my post the other day was, in fact, completely satirical. All of it was satirical. It was not partially true. It was only true in that if you did the exact opposite of everything listed there, you’d probably do pretty well. If you read any of it and thought, “That’s actually kind of true,” then you need to seriously re-evaluate where you’re at and what some of your beliefs are. Because you’re not getting anywhere near one of these girls any time soon.

It was not a joke either. Satire, by definition, is when you mock something in such a way to actually show the truth behind it more clearly. When it comes to getting the ultra hot girls, a lot of guys have some bizarre beliefs and perceptions, and that post was a way of amplifying those perceptions to hopefully show you how ridiculous they are.

But still, it’s one of the most common questions: how do I get the super hot girls? The models. The dancers. The actresses.

Believe it or not this is actually a pretty heavy inner game topic, but I’m going to forgo it for now. I actually plan on addressing this subject more thoroughly in my upcoming book, not just because most guys want to be able to get hotter women, but because it’s actually an exemplary situation to demonstrate a lot of points I want to make in the book.

But for now, here is the abridged version. To every guy who has ever wondered how to date models, dancers, actresses, or supposed “high status” girls, read on… It’s actually quite simple.

Step 1: Stop caring how hot they are. This is pretty much 80% of it right here, by itself. This sounds totally counter-intuitive at first, but it’s true. Very, very beautiful women are treated differently their entire lives by men. These men project their fears and fantasies onto these women, and when they approach them, they’re doing it for their own self esteem and validation, not because they actually care what the girl is like or interested in. Do not be this guy. The fact that you have even asked this question means you are guilty of this. I was guilty of this too.
The first step to doing this is to ditch the 1-10 scale. Again, I was guilty of this for a long time, but the ratings scale is toxic in so many ways, the worst of which is that it subtly stereotypes behavior based upon appearance. So the fact that you even recognize in your mind that approaching a “10″ to be different than a “7″ is immediately going to affect your behavior towards her. And she’s going to sense this. And not only is she going to sense it, she’s going to know because 98% of men approach her with the idea that they have to treat her differently.

When you approach, she’s just another girl. You really have to stop caring. I used to get so obsessed about finding “high quality” girls, and I just let it go a little more than a year ago. It’s no coincidence that I pick up the hottest girls of my life now with the less effort than ever before.

Step 2: You have to have your shit together. If there is one thing that’s true about ultra-hot girls, it’s that they have about twice the selection as your normal pretty girl. They meet rich guys all the time. They meet musicians and actors and DJ’s and guys with big muscles and nice cars. It’s not that you need any of this stuff (although it helps), but you cannot have a glaring hole in your lifestyle. You need to have your shit together.
FYI: Going out five nights a week and having social proof in a cheesy night club does not qualify as “having your shit together.”

A nice job you like, a nice place you like, nice friends you like, cool hobbies you like, good health and good shape, and generally a well-adjusted and confident person. Picking up most girls, you can get away without one or a few of that list. Ultra hot girls, you need to have them all handled. You need to be a complete package.

Look at it from her perspective. The first way she screens men is by confidence and charm. Let’s say she meets 20 men one week and 3 of them are confident and charming and she likes being around them. The first one is VERY good-looking but also unemployed and living with a family friend. He has no car. The second has his life together and is pretty wealthy but is overweight and dresses poorly. The third guy has his life together and is in great shape and takes care of himself.

All else being equal, she’s going to go with the third. It’s not that looks are ALL that matter, but when she has so many options, she has no reason to ever settle. That’s why you need to be the complete package. You don’t have to look like Brad Pitt, or be a millionaire, or be a world-class athlete or something. You just need to have your shit together. You really can’t have a major hole in your lifestyle.

Step 3: Stop buying into this “high value” nonsense. A hotter girl will not necessarily make you happier than a less hot girl. Any sort of drive or need to fuck hotter girls for the sake of fucking hotter girls and not for the sake of seeking joy, love and connection is a purely selfish endeavor. There is nothing “high value” about a really hot girl, it’s just that guys project their insecurities onto these women and think there’s something valuable about them. If you ask the women themselves, they have no perception of this “value” or “status” in which you speak of. None at all. These are just merit badges in your head, constructed as a sad way to validate yourself.
I’ve been with five models (two runway), a cheerleader and a successful stage actress. I’ve been on dates with girls who have been approached 3-5 times WHILE ON THE DATE with me. I’ve dated a girl who dated an NBA basketball player before me. I never, ever, ever, EVER heard one of them speak of men in terms of status or not being cool enough or not being rich enough or good-looking enough to hang out with them. In fact, I never heard any of them say anything derogatory about men hitting on them EXCEPT for the man’s lack of confidence, lack of respect or lack of authenticity around her.

A typical complaint from a normal girl: “He’s really nice, why doesn’t he ask me out on a date more often?”
A typical complaint from a very hot girl: “Ugh, that club-owner keeps flashing his watch as if I give a shit.”

People really don’t get it, these girls don’t have it that great. Imagine wanting to date a really great guy, someone who actually cares about you, and literally every single guy you meet starts acting like a total idiot trying to impress you or manipulate you into bed. Meanwhile, your friends who aren’t as pretty as you seem to keep meeting really nice normal guys who actually care about them. It’s actually very frustrating. Imagine having EVERYONE evaluate you for how pretty you are and not your personality or what you say. You’d actually be pretty insecure about what people thought of you.

Step 4: Spend Less Time in Night Clubs. Most of the hottest girls don’t enjoy going to night clubs often. They get harassed and a lot of unwanted attention. The hot girls you see at clubs are usually made up: fake tans, fake tits, fake hair, tons of make up. If you saw them on the street, you’d be half as impressed.
The best way to meet the hottest girls is day game. Social circle as well if you can get networked with them. Obviously, they’re hard to find and you rarely see them. Unless you live in a large international city such as New York City, LA, Miami, London or Paris, there’s a very good chance that you will go weeks or months between sightings.

Guys always assume, the hotter the girl, the harder she is to get. I suppose on a purely supply/demand level, that’s true. There are fewer hot girls and more guys trying to get them. But they’re really no different. The only thing that’s different is that unlike an average pretty girl who only has 50% of guys she meets put her on a pedestal, the super hot girl has 98% of men she meets put her on a pedestal, so she’s going to see through your bullshit immediately.

And in case you didn’t catch it: The rating scale is a pedestal. The concept of “high value” is a pedestal. Coming up with special openers is a pedestal. The theory behind negging is a pedestal. Believing you have to treat her differently in any way is a pedestal.

Cut all of that shit out. Get your life together. Stop caring about looks so much. Treat her like you’d treat anybody else. Stop approaching her to prove something to yourself. Stop treating her like a trophy or an achievement or a merit badge… and just talk to her. Just the fact that you talk to her like a normal human being to will immediately differentiate you from 98% of the other guys she meets.

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