Tuesday, August 30, 2011

calibration on how to be the prize, to chase or not to chase???


This is something I noticed that I caught myself doing.

This is about perception and about how you view things.

First as a man, you know you should be the Prize.

I dont mean be an ahole or scream at her or being negative to her.

NO. I did that and it works on Low self estem girls sometimes but thats not the point.

On balance post of PU I mentioned whats called "inner game"

to me inner game = self confidence.

Its that simple.

Most guys who get good by PU start with outer skills and

after the end up in a relationship or sleep with girls.They get needy.

When they recover, they work on their "inner game" for last.

I advise that the best way is too work endlessy on yourself first.

Cause from that PU comes easier.

Whats the difference of qualifying her and making her the PRIZE.

I learned 2 theories:

First, to get a girl atttracted you must DHV's, talk about yourself to display

attractive qualities by story first .etc.

2nd theory is you are high value , you shouldnt talk about yourself

and she has to qualify to you. cause you are the PRIZE.


When she isnt into you yet you can try with theory 1

if she is into you or you have some commonalites right off you can make her talk

about herself.Theory number 2.

This is the part where calibration (social awareness) comes in.

Real world experiences:

If you do it wrong,

theory number 1 comes off as you are trying to get her to like you,

TRY HARD. Not attractive.Like you dont deserve her and need to talk about yourself

to make her like you and she is noticing that.So she disqualifies you!

This is contradicting.But Wait theres more

Doing Theory number 2 wrong,

You are making her talk about herself, yet since you arent sharing about yourself yet,

the questions you ask are about her. sometimes interogation but its more like trying to

So indirectly ,more you ask ,more you are interested in her, equals she is the PRIZE.

Equals you are investing in her too much. not a challenge.

Dont give up now! I know its advanced stuff

Remember Seduction is effortless yet you must be proactive.


Learn to be aware in social interactions when to talk and when to shut up!

I have friends who talk and talk and dont shut up and when I try to talk they interupt me.

I imagine poor girls might feel.

Other guys are too shy or too macho a hole which is social awkward both ways.

Listen when she is expressing herself and make her explain herself more when she does.

Dont ask questions in a row after she answers , it seems weird unless its a joke or

doing it to break her frame or state.

You talk about yourself if she isnt trying to invest in conversation so you start first and change topics,

try to get her engaged in coversation dont be all to yourself.

talk about her personality and things you noticed about her once you feel its on'.

Keep it both ways in between (push pull)

theory 1 and theory 2

based on how the vibe is going favorable and the chemistry going on by male female dynamic.

I know its abstract but feel free to comment

calibration is based of Entropy's definition of balance
ryan is credited for overgaming.
passive active value Entropy and saffron.

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