Im revealing some concepts I learned unconciously which is and are taught in dentistry particularly pediatrics.
I have noticed my friend natural has been getting great success and I modeled him while I was in NY.
I realize now I treat here in miami on days I treat kids with a specialized lady Dentist who is pediatric, she explained
this is not pscycology or BS NLP.
This is practical things which work by manipulating the truth from children to get a needle shot in their mouth.
it is against their will (as in LMR in women wanting sex but afriad)
but they need dental treatment so Dr. is responsible to provide to the child, so the child's will is overide more by the Dr than even the parent can do.
teeth has cavity = infection =pain =consequences
so Dr. has to maintain the goal eventhough the obstacle of the childs behaviour without FORCE.
these are a few
A :ART of Distraction =similar to magician's choice and magic's sleight of hand.
B: Positive reinforcement= soemthign you talk to me about before selling the positve frame.
C: Short answers (attention span is always short,dont be an idiot ) Never direct always INDIRECT either 2 things:
D: NEVER RESPOND DIRECTLY,Manipulate the truth always. NEVER say I will take out the tooth, the kid will be non complaint and scream with FEAR.
E: Reward alwyays good behaviour to build complaince
F: Change wording like
needle = mosquito bite or sleepy juice ,
analgesic paste =sleepy paste,
mouth prop to maintain the mouth open is called PILLOW
X-ray is called PICTURE.
This gives them a chance not to resist from you escalating or moving forward with your intentions.
G: When they ask a question or are concerned about something
your response to her concerns should be to BUILD TRUST not to HURT the TRUST.
if TRUST is LOST, you are done and will be dealing with a non compliant person.
NO RETURNING BACK FROM THAT. you would be creating an obsacle made by yourself.
H. If they are being resistant and interuppting you use subcommunication to control the demonstrate that you are the BOSS
her: " but wait what if it is going to hurt ?"
D : you talk in Firm voice not upset " you are going to have to stop asking me for now...I will tell you later let me find out ," then transition to the procedure while you distract the patient into other topic or describing while you inject needle.
NOTE: Need more examples here will ask Dr.
subcommunication should be I can not respond to you when you want ,do what I want and then I will respond to your question when I feel its right time,
Theres a techinique that is prohibited ,not used anymore is called HOME technique , hand over mouth and whisper into the ear with calm FIRM voice then remove.and be nice to her.
this is dominance and calm leadership. use with discretion.
Always have the mindset to close.
this doesnt mean force it means being smart about it,
if you can use means to get it without force and make them give it to you rather than take,then you have made things easier for yourself..
Always say what reinforces TRUST.
Before you say something think the REASON WHY they are asking or WHY you are saying , for what purpose and how this will help you move forward and help you in your GOAL and intentions.
NEVER RESPOND DIRECTLY,always .manipulate the trust, you arent wrong. this keeps you in charge.Dont make it obvious that you are lying,use body language to reinforce and voice tone.always be aware of this.
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