Saturday, November 23, 2013

Persistency and when backing off :being aware of your target

it is PROVEN that when you meet a woman to stricke while the iron is hot... you have to "build momentum" email -text- call -voice -rapport -laugh (BT spike)-and set a date...or go direct by complementing her and using social pressure frame so she can move forward to date.. usually you want the date to assume SEX will happen...the whole vibe should be flirty and that "SEX will happen" usually for another date after this one is if you didnt have sex ..what happens is you need to elicit..scarcity.. next day you call or text..this might come off needy but as a man you need to take initiative. when this becomes a problem of girls who after 1st date logistics and time and it gets too Gary Broadsky says "striek when iron is hot more time you spend more emotions will be involved and it wont go anywhere." this is very true. Mark gave me advice once on when he was in Vegas he explained he met a woman who had a kid,he met her in he did his dating solution practical pickup ebook text and she flaked and he followed up the next day.. when I asked Mark if he wait few days to let it go he told me "attraction is fluid want to keep her in check if you wait it wont help you towards your text her the next day that you want to meet up and if she cant or doesnt then she knows the ball is on her court. and you stop wasting time" I noticed this is real....and knowing their emotions and tryign to raise and change this.. this relates from bt spiking and rapport mirroring and moving forward the pickup by controllling her emotions. dan badboy lifestyles explains this in videos and in his program aon emotional intelligence.. and how it interacts with NLP possitive emotions * ALWAYS ALWAYS if you have other important stuff first then focus on that VS woman..if you get caught in the middle gaming a girl and you dont close then more you try in terms of not being socially or emotionally aware then it comes off as NEEDY and incongruent...thus my theory is EFFECTIVELY ON POINT. theres a time and place to be persistent and time and place when to back off when it isnt in your favor... this is somewhat parralell worlds to business and real life.. that is why women will gravitate towards biological sense of attraction to successful person.. ofcourse there will be low type women,,trashy who will do drugs and smoke get pregnant when they are 17..they are with guys who are low themselves.. in some sense "Like attracts Like " I dont know if this is deepak or spiritual or micheal lee 21 day persuasion. Actually it was Gary boradsky in his program where he talks of As If and like attracts like.. EXCELLENT.. summary dont overgame.. dont over do anything..if you have value and you feel you are ..would bradp be too eager to text a woman before he slept with her? only if he seized the moment ..THAT EXACT MOMENT WHERE YOU HAVE HER RECEPTIVITY IS WHEN YOU PERSIST...other than that it isnt worth it cause at the wrong moment where she isnt feeling it (based on her current emotions which could be groggy,bored her PERIOD) YOU DONT HAVE ANY CONTROL OF therefore that is where DETACHMENT comes in and you are moving forward. this is where the persuasive things that WORK. you dont have to be rash about dont have to be too full on direct! this is the BALANCE OF BEING A PIMPLIKE GOD LIKE CHARACTER like a Lion and under the table you are pulling emotional strings. you manage map it out..never WING can improv but DONT WING IT. CAUSE YOU WONT GET LAID. next topic is Social Proof * and how many celebrity and mostly 50 uses this and from AdamAFCLyons uses this very smeaky yet its great warmup and positive thing. Taken into consideration SOCIAL AWARENESS and NOT Creepy factor... talk about CREEPY FACTOR AND PERSISTANCE...this post on Sleavy was pretty good read and its comments. his advice is Ok somewhat partial.. but this is realistic consequence of BALANCE the SCALE of when to persist and when NOT

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