I had some weird realization due to some rejections...at time I thought it was my technique or self delusional talk of NEXT but reason is due to high level of stress...some flinching of insecurity and NEEDINESS came out in a subtle way which sabotage my desperation to "GAME"
THis is reality of Life and what its needed to be on NEXT LEVEL of AWARENESS
Ive learned detachement and lettgin go...meditation which is all good.
but a WEBINAR from Stephen Nash really opened my eyes to INNER GAME which has placed in perfect timing my masculine Life structure
I have at somethigns in life placed myself last and try to cater to women to get laid...
most PUA tactics and GAME does this...
But as Ive been practicng my CENTER...spiritually dicipline myself to FOCUS on my MAIN GOAL..
Ray Lewis with his Effort speeches and Eric Thomas motivation speech have opened my eyes to motivate me into NEW ACTION and ENERGY
50 cents quote SLEEP IS FOR BROEK PEOPLE has really helped me maintain Eye of the tiger into my Mission at this moment and putting this GAME aside..
I feel so self sufficient and Self dependent..
I see from 50 cent and in interview with robert greene about 50th LAw which is FEARLESS
in short its recognizing FEAR and reframing with AWARENESS...
SO once they FEEL FEAR....they interpret as alert of BEign AWARE and intelligently take action at that moment without reacting on that FEAR or negative emotion...
WAR book which has example of hernan cortes also influence me in how BEING RASH isnt necesary to be a MAN or MASCULINE in being right all the time..
Its about being asssertive and intelligent in GOALS and in taking ACTION.,
Examples about 50cent and Byonce by EricThomas about SLeep and eating...and important BREATHE..
is really DEEP about how hungry you truly are to succeeed..
Stephen really puts it together on his webinar which I think is awesome put together...any guy who cant digest or take for granted needs to GROW up and be a MAN.
This is really needed to be a MAN.
Every successful man, business man or sucessful person have a self sufficient
btu for dating Stepehen puts something out that really is GOLD.
making or discovering your purpose.... is more about Finding yourself and being sure of yourself and working on yourself FIRST before you try PUA tactics..
not about lifestyle or other stuff...its MINDSET and BELIEFS..
IF you want to listen in on this GEM from Stepehen Nash heres the Link ...
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