is your penus have a rash crack and hurts doesnt heal?
what can you do? is it local infected and why isnt it healing even if you pour peroxide or drugstore stuff on it??
Then please read..DISCLAIMER
this isnt medical recomendation I am just sharing my experience.
Balanitis is awful
first a girl gave me felatio and used her teeth
then I scratched it more
it got worse
went to Dr said it was thrush or rash fungal
it didnt go away
Then one day went to ER
they did urine test.
They said blood sugar was up and infection
they prescribed antibiotics in one week it went away
in conjunction to stop eating carbohydrates and went full chicken breast and lettuce high protein meals and water..
for local what helped me feel fresh and good to help heal was
chlorexidine 2% with ketaconozol .25% it helped keep it fresh and help heal soft tissues after I took a shower and before I went to sleep
I waited one week before having sex cause this thrush is contagious and I gave it to 2 girls. they took oral antifungals flucozanale or something for 3 days or 6 days.. their gyno gave to them.
I told them I had urinary tract infection due to holding it while long plane ride.
I started to change my diet for good.
I started using condom also cause another girl I fuck has her pussy itchy so I might have also gotten it from that too.
so I spray with that solution chlorexidine 2% with ketaconozol .25%
there is build up around my penus when I eat carbs.
Im trying Alpiste..bought from mexican store $1 a pack 3ounce to try aside of my carb free diet. no silica fibers on it I reviewed it and veified it.
I also will try CATS CLAW herb as capsule 500mg 250 pills for $8 bucks on amazon.
Im taking currently Tribulus testeris with Maca and Tongkat Ali.
Its helped my testareone go up due to the low carbs create estrogen and my previous use of HCG..
I will try this first before restart HCG diet ..
Im working on self discipline and try Victor Pride 30 day bootcamp.
I dont fap yet I have sex once a day with either girls Im seeing
the excersize portion seems abit out of my range but will commit.
I taken interest in Deepak chopras mind body magic mind due to Dr wayne dyer's story on his wife health issues on course program Living Beyond Miracles.
BRaddoks classic writtings helped me to go back to review my "inner game"
I re read Mark entropy's INNER GAME CAN MAKE YOU WORSE article..dam he is good.
I m thinking looking into herbal alternative medicine and maybe learn ayuverda.
to me its a big change yet its lifestyle to get where I want to be healthy
these health issues are product of out of control lifestyle.
Dr Dyer in Living Beyond Miracles really hits home run about our body and mind and soul connection..organs and rocks.I believe there is a God and that herbal remedies can help us cleanse before its too late.
Tyler's owen inner game video non pua related was also good related to being self dependent... He is someone I believe has really made high progress from 2 years ago.
hope this helps.
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