Thursday, January 29, 2015

Women are SUBTLE NINJAS in showing IOIs

has a girl metioend in my LR T-freak..

when I was with her...a chick was sooo ninja subtle ...and bent over her ass on my face..
and felt me on my leg...

now thinking logical ..its IOI

for women..its GIRL CODE


"she is being a HO...she wants to fuck night stand...SNL whatever you want to call it.."

theres a lot of signals...but you have to become aware and learn from that...

"women think they are helping the guy by being close by him so he can notice her..."

"It's funny cause when girls like you, they stand close to you within your proximity and wait for you to make the move. They think they are making it easy for you to make the first move but they are really making their first move but in a very subtle, still feminine way.

Most women don't want to be the aggressor.

The thing is that you have to focus on what YOU want. If you wanted to approach her, then just do it. You could wait till you were 100% sure but by that point you will probably miss out ""

when you are on are ON! even gay guys will open you

So today was crazy with a lot of bsurd things..maybe the world is about to end and my game has been uplifted to new levels.

anyways when you are ON

you are ON...

like Tim RSD said once:
"Im champ not a chump"

I wake up I do my version of affirmations..
audio and visual and mixed both few minutes seconds I get pissed off to conquer and make shit happen!!

I have to attribute my recent jump of my affirmations and positive talk while FLIP swtch technique from Dr Robert INTERUPT negative talk..its like "3 second rule " of the mind. lol

guys who think they are PUAs and talk negative are usually FAKE.

Me and I do this not for money but for myself and I like to share...
if you like my take on things just sign up to franco seduction forums and advice there is free.

Anyways just crazy today , last night I had sex to a new FB added ..solid.

So I was instate and since I was in seattle few days before I was depressed..
it was weather  I think...

anyways so whenever I go out ..I always look my best for myself..
I love style and color...

so I combined a look for girls who like rugged cowboy guy with contrast of bad boy prep..

I like Glenn Pearce a lot, he has game ..very above than average pua in daygame..MASTER in style  and very attractive qualities he posses what he teaches... and very COOL positive person.

HE suggest great things ..
one of them is dress well before you go out..

I do..not only for daygame..for for myself..

so id did and Im pretty alpha ..

I did get few girls I wasn't interested in checking me out..

then I go eat and this guy...cowboy hat belt buckle guy with earing..i see him in bathroom at piss stall.
he looks at me and opens me with smile "how are ya"
I say im good and unzip my pants to pee.

he keeps talking to me as he pretends to look in mirror...and fix his hat..something about bull ridding..
his face looks like a woman..and his earing...
and he was talking to me normal but very sexual into me like flirting...
it was was like a pua TRYING gaming a girl...LMAO!

I piss and zipp my pants up to sink
like benicio del toro in traffic//
wash my hands ..he dhv himself about how he likes to eat and since he worksout a lot he burns it..
I say cool I didn't eat carbs today...

he said he enjoyed it..
I walk out and say cool "enjoy"

he strares at me as I leave "enjoy too.." like a dreamy little girl.

I didn't give a FUCK!

it WAS ON...IT was ON...

If men notice it...women are more subtle..then its definitely time to check into it...


Screening out women...this week rejected 3 girls. Why its important

This jan 2015 has been good to me.
have 2 new FBs
talking to one prospect now cause been busy... shes ready..

and my GF
then FB for 2 yrs.. I go and arouse her and fuck.
a female friend who wants to fuck me a former FB but Im not into her LSE/

a long distance FB where I go there whenever I please and treated like a KING.

I had a girl throw her ass in my face infront of my date FB who drove to see me. basically it would've been SNL..

I did day game and night game along with online..

I rejected actually 5 girls this month..

1- LSE LD straight off

2- Uncalibrated/meaning mentally unstable. she shit test too much..and I tested her for HSE or LSE  then LD or HD..

3- woman is caught up on teasing and overdoing it eventhough she is an excetuvie at airlines.

I reject to screen out cause I know myself , what I want and what I expect..

its a realization that its not going anywhere...

please read Screening by Franco seduction and FUCK YEAH FUCK NO by Mark Manson.

I realize that more you screen the more into alignment you are...
Im really sure of my game cause Im confident person..I don't even flinch at AMOGs

I know how and when to use my energy.

Franco seduction coaching has helped me along with my female friend who is a player herself..
and ofcourse  YOUR OWN EFFORT of thoughts into action without hesitating or DOUBT.

without your own EFFORT...

Theres nothing,,

knowledge is just mental masturbation and imaginary BS.

that's why Blackdragon post on
REALLY was overthinking and too analytical..

if your game is consistent with yourself then FUCK whatever the girl does...

Im at that level now...and I will post on my Qualification simplified method aswell.

Im working on my book of frames inspired by captain jack pua circa 2008 and swinggcatt's material which I have a review here.

cause Its been consistent...and I don't overthink it ..I do by instinct now.. and I found a way to keep my calibration working for me.

Why sometimes Black and white thoughts are STUPID and unapplicable in seduction RE Blackdragon "Why I Don't Do One Night Stands"

I recently posted in Black dragon post Why I Don't Do One Night Stands...

He put up a fucking graph and shit and overthinking the FUCK

The real problem is a lot of guys follow Blackdragon  really believe everthing he writes...
I have to DISAGREE and post.

I really lost repect when he commented on robin Williams suicide related to his "wife financial problems SORELY" in one of his posts...

he is not a physican to even comment about suicide and depression...
its deeper level.....

its like saying your car broke down because you are a bad person or your wife furststates you...
or Love is blind ray Charles is blind and Love is ray Charles.." ??


This really messes up guys and impairs them to extreme , this is modern MYSTERY METhodhod v2 of mental masturbation.

how many approaches or attempts and SNLs has he had to comment. on that..?

REALLY man?!

I responded to his post:

I understand your point. BUT.. I think its too black and white.
seduction itself is neither..yes you want NOT waste your time..thats called Screening. credit Franco seduction*
I think that when you get in MLTR that sometimes your attraction game takes a toll abit..I like bwing in MLTR and at same time if I feel like game and even night game is pretty much talk talk talk while night game is more for me subtle and fun ..and mostly more non verbals and its exciting…
when I go at night to have fun,Im not thinking about investing.its just hving fun..since I cant drink I have water…
Good post. just my different take. -CS

then after further reading.. I posted:

“”the next morning after the sex they have nothing. Then they have to start all over again.””
I think its depending on the girl.same girls at club bar are dressed up but might be looking for different things at their phase in Life.
I feel you are putting too much uncesarry pressure on guys instead of simply stating the obvious .

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

contrast theory updated V2.0

i want to give credit to  Daniel rose sex god method and  badboy pua Dan old  program and mark manson book models

this is just my version how I use it in game.

as you know to really seduce women you have to be a leader

and a leader knows when to lead and when to follow aswell..
leader is flexible when the follower is putting EFFORT into the main goal.

so there might be a girl woman..

yeah  like  mark says "you have to sell what shes buying"

ofcourse you keep your standards...

so you can adapt to habitat like a chameleon or animal to hunt for survival...

I truly believe its natural animalistic feeling in MEN.

so Daniel rose is that pie he talks about and certain roles in sexuality of a womans needs and desires..

this is something that REALLY hits women especially after comfort before sleeping with her..
adding this is like N20 nitrous to your seduction..

contrst theory is also being able to dress and act and convey all different parts of attraction triggers,
this I credit Bullet lovesystems instructor..
like Saffron pua said once : "solid game still needs to played SOLID"

Mark had this calibration key of balancing passive and active attraction..
so based on this contrast theory is in FUNCTION in YOUR FAVOR...

you display in your online profile and different girls you will attract...
like birdseed..
different birds will come eat...and want more..

Franco Screening and his book Manualof Seduction updated version explains so clearly .

FRanco has great material...posts and all..

SWinggcat masculine polarity is good too cause being contrast DOES NOT mean being feminine or submissive or supplicate...
more masculine you are more NATURAL GAME it is.. PERIOD!

Monday, January 19, 2015


Mark Manson is a GREAT GUY

I respect him cause he says it like it is,

I really enjoyed fuck yes fuck no post. heres is original LINK

this inspired me and made perfect sense when to say NO to a girl eventhough she gave you  "a chance"

I think it saves time and makes everything in dating easier and all this nonsense and stupidity from inept women from the girls who are genuine with you then you GAME ON! or

open the door a little to your WORLD to her....


and you don't have to worry about ANY Girl or getting her to Like you..

modern times has changed and girls are proactive seekers like Cats on prey..they hunt and catch to try to keep..

so girls ARE NINJA with not showing interest in DIRECT WAY.


Girls That Do show interest in you  means that YOU appreciate HER!

women make effort to buy that shoe...get that LOOK... get fixed UP!




Approach anxiety is for prison bitches REFRAME REJECTION

any sense of insecurity you must not let linger..
life is too short for you to live like this..

people live mediocre and die poor of love and poor of life cut short.

I LOVE Swungcat says don't be a prison bitch..

so I use analogy when I procaratinate..

approach anxiety is emotion..its insecurity about yourself .

so you say before the day starts "IM not a fucking proson bitch Im the man."

I fuck girls and girls are limited in beauty and age and need a MAN.

A MAN needs himself first !

so I reframe AA insecurity with


what fear...?? Stupid.

I also don't explicate anymore...
I don't try hard anymore..
a lot of sticking points fix themselves FAST.

"If everybody wasn't a prison bitch then everybody would approach "


"Im awesome...Im shite...if she acts stupid...shes fucking autistic."

but theres  NO MOTOR you cant drive it cause its plastic its not REAL THING TO DRIVE AND ENJOY

SHE isn't cool she is stupid OFCOURSE YOU ARE MINDFUL
then she is :

"She is MUST BE AN AUTISTIC GIRL...daddys autistic  princess "  LOL!


you are audience that look

2nd is ACTORS who act...who perform...


control tower is BEST
cause you can know based on EFA

then adapt your game then screen LD HD

calibrate and raise the volume of the pie chart section of attractive switch of HER

Cocky funny, vunerable, prince. role play...leading man.. being gentleman..then calibreate to her reaction QUICKLY


you always in control of panel and dictate the lights of the show..

women react to emotions...all of them..
control panel level is consistent

predictability and your ability to know when to raise the level of each character trait  of the womans pie chart..

this is MAIN COMPONENT OF FEMALE EFFORT GAME aka qualification.

AT control panel level you reject who don't comply as long as you are aware you are mindful of your BEST GAME AND SELF ESTEEM ..

better you feel about yourself first the BEST GAME COMES OUT AND EASIER TO GET PUSSY

advanced level series REJECT WOMAN FIRST !!! LD Must be rejected and use against her...

Ive noticed that a lot of girls aren't good girls.
they are LD girls that disguise themselves as good girls..
they even use religion at times to mask LD

I had a terrible waste of time date got slobbered and her LD cause her to reject me cause I escalated on her..
antoher girl I escalate by phone and text and there was no LMR

SAME GAME different reaction from girls...


one thing is that she likes you and you escalate and she reciprocates.

another thing is that you escalate and she withdraws


Franco book Manual and Good girls book version 2.0 NEW has further in depth on this.

that being said.

I read in forums about Mario Italian screening LD from HD

my answer was escalation.
actually it was this.

How quickly understand if a woman is LD-HD?
by Latin_Lover » Sun Jan 11, 2015 7:20 pm

my name is Mario, I am Italian .
There is a quick way to tell if the girl I meet the first time is LD or HD?

Posts: 2
Joined: Sun Jan 11, 2015 3:54 pm
Re: How quickly understand if a woman is LD-HD?
by carlosandro » Fri Jan 16, 2015 8:34 am

Hi MArio,
this is interesting cause I also experiencing this when I game the same way consistent and women react different...
it has DEFIANTELY to do with LD- HD

Im experienceing currently with a girl who Im verbally escalate before meet up and another girl who everytime I compliment or a hint of man-female interest she hides.. that can be a sign Im guessing.
I think physical escalation. ofcourse that you are confident that you are properly moving seduction forward. and when you know she is interested into you..

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Joined: Fri Jan 16, 2015 8:26 am
Re: How quickly understand if a woman is LD-HD?
by Latin_Lover » Sat Jan 17, 2015 5:25 pm

thanks bro!

Posts: 2
Joined: Sun Jan 11, 2015 3:54 pm
Re: How quickly understand if a woman is LD-HD?
by carlosandro » Mon Jan 19, 2015 11:25 pm

Latin_Lover wrote:
thanks bro!

my pleasure..
its always great to find like minded individuals who follow Franco.

Posts: 5
Joined: Fri Jan 16, 2015 8:26 am



So I had this girl and everytime I escalate I  notice it was weird..
she did have LSE confirmed by FRANCO
and my LD due to her reaction..

so I did following,,i gave her one more chance...

she texted me nice...and then she did AFC mistake
she text me
"what car do you drive?"
I answered with non direct answer and she didn't send anymore texts..

so after my weekend with 3 day girl here I re tread girls im talking to and reset dates for week,
business as usual
and so since this LSE LD of Depressed type READ FRANCOS MATERIAL PLEASE

so my diagnosis was clear..

I then waited like a sniper and screen out..shoot down..and

so I send her text
"so you ask what car I drive..
then I dhv myself and high value ..then materialista bait.
then I said
I was turned off when you ask me what car I drive and because you didn't answer you never responded me anymore.  I wish you well but honestly I dontthink this will work out between us "

she qualified and tried to social mistake fix like any woman ..

but its too late..




LR had a woman drive 3 hrs to see me treat me like KING

LR had a woman drive 3 hrs to see me treat me like KING
by carlosandro » Mon Jan 19, 2015 11:34 pm
I really like how FRanco has screening and you can really know who is going to give you pleasure as a MAN to you VS debating or BS resistance..
these pas days I was experimenting...i was w my GF primary and went on date w another girl..then went to sleep another town that night with former FB i broke off hurt her heart yet we talk..i had her serve me food and gave me a bed to sleep the night on my way home..ofcourse i aroused her and fuckd her mercelessly..
then by text talk with 4 girls.
then dropped 2 girls due to being LD
random text another former FB to calibrate my game..i slept with her and I posted here in forums..
I was talking to a woman who is good job finaincially her intelectual in many ways..very attractive.. she looked like younger robyn lively and milloy ringwald but brunnette.
since I noticed it was on .. I ran HARSH qualification turning it into FEMALE EFFORT GAME on her..
and next day after talking on phone i had her come drop what shes doing her plans and drive 3 hrs to see me and be with me..
I even made her look like it was her idea.
she is FREAK ADventuress HD slightly looking for provider..which was slightly challenging cause my game was like pimps says
"filling the white room"
i had incredible time and ran jealousy on her infield at bar thanks to Franco's post i apply infield ...
I said to her eventhough i spent fri- sunday with her..i felt it was hours cause I had her feeling all types of emotions gave her variety of sex positions and role play and even slapped her face during sex at end..
i had her fall in love with me eventhough her nature is CLEARLY adventuress..this is like deadly snake..
She bought me gift and wanted to pay also for things..dinner lunch..I made her cry and have her say to me "I dont want this night to I going to see you again?"
Its thanks to Franco coaching and skype calls i developed this game.. I can have fun , be safe and not get emotionally or financially hurt from any woman.
living this is truly AWESOME!
Thank you FRanco

Posts: 5
Joined: Fri Jan 16, 2015 8:26 am

Thursday, January 8, 2015

WEEk in Review Daygame and online this week 4 numbers and 3 good LEADS =2 solid dates and 1 logistically depending on date meet up.

Today was a GOOD DAY.

I got read Mark Mansons article on Fuck yes Fuck No.. GREAT!
saw RZDs infileds vids and that really blew my reality seeing
I listened to affirmations for pimpt mindset and being player..fromgary

Read Franco's article on WHY NOT CHASE WOMEN...
well explained...

it helped me not to try hard...

then email from RLR about conveying being" effortless in seduction."

My intuition kicked in and said..
Fuck it
You will have to open
you will have to approach..
just like you have to get up in morning to go eat or go to bathroom..

so initiative kicked in

I texted few girls...I saw one that opened me w calibration skills gave me intuition that she was I didn't waste time..

swinggcat explains in his program about avoiding "mindless pickups."

BOOM she texts me

I use role reversal for women to text me...I like to start interaction with her being Lady tiger..

I felt such a good state and had errands to do..
so I opened myself first being in good mood
good energy..
good music.
shutting off negative talk..being FUCKING MAN.!!!

Good music sexy really made me soar

so end of tonight I have 3 solid girls from this week.
a date tomorrow which she initiated we meet..
one who wanted me to come over tonight but it long drive.. near my GFs place.
and one that Im starting to like but slow burning her,...

identifying or screening is great use to be efficient. where you balance TEASE and COMFORT.

some girls want comfort and some want spikes of BT.

you screen you know how to lead seduction...

here is FR of my daygame

was abit taking abreak from being stuck in house and so I decided to run errands and at same time went talk to girls..just to talk cause I felt social and in good mood.
this I said to myself to avoid trapped for validation or being emotionally dependant reactive to any negative response from it.
So I went and told myself Im go talk to girls find  a target and open and see IOIs and number close or make friends..
I dont focus on opener I decided to use frame of "under the radar" to read her body temperature horniness. so bascially proxmate and open comment and transition after listening to her...
REALLY was to test my game at same time control my focus to not be LSE or avoidd avoidance.
I woke up :
Text back to 3 girls I got numbers off online one 2 nights ago the other night and one this honry girl

so I go to MALL
In this day I realize my pickup focus was not Mindless of just doing was really mindful and aware bringing it all together theory learned into practice giving BEST of my effort and was fine with it Before starting Daygame.
I approximate 2 set and they are giggling in a sex store and I was proximate..
she seem in their world. I smiled and it didnt go anywhere.
2nd opening was ****** yr old brown indian girl...cute w piercings in store. I opened question about -- and DHV ...then asked if same store as the corner..she said no and laughed..Spike BT
I mirrored and smiled she was cool and we hit rapport I think I did ping attraction. her mom is ***** and then she slipped she just had a baby recently.. I said thats nice! she asked me where Im from ...cause I elicit this question in amost girls..cause I was groomed well and my vibe was really good energy.
then transition to you seem pretty cool and whow knows maybe we can be friends.. she was like yeah..I lived here all my life...just come by the store..
I dont know why I said to her " Oh my dont ask me to stalk"
she laughed ..Im always at the store..
no number close as previous barista experience  and so no need to push number.

across was a store for women..bascially Im looking for a bracelet  cause my dhv says I had one but this past weekend a girl who was having too much fun snapped at my wrist too agreessively broke off and not to be found on bar
I open a latina fatty  she is OK but very customer oriented..I get abit attraction..
my voice tone deep and smile and my fluctuation..slight peacock scarf w glasses very seattle like..
then a cute freak girl blonde stares at me for 3 secs and I smile at her..then pay attention to latina . latina seems to be manager..
so I catch latina being nice and cautious with her horniness as i wasnt trying...then told her Id think and look around the store...
the blonde girl was cute freak w piercings lip and emo girl she says she is into 60s so basically hippie girl.
I open with opener on socks with picture of guys ..
Hey quick question *I smile* do girls actually buy this?
she laughed said little girls..
I said blah blah I ask for my niece and tell her NO Im not gay btw..
Im into 90sera..
She Im am stuck in 60s music.
me:Oh ..
have you been there?
her: No. Im from ggggg
Me:yeah..dddddd rock is awesome..
I like your piercing..I couldnt help notice you I wanted to come talk to you
you are cute..Im dfsfwerfw
she: *Her eyes was in state of unexpected* Thank you.
me: I know its tottlaly random..haha..anyways
Im new here from fghjk looking at store and bracelet..
she:oh that dark metallic
me:yeah I like it  but not sure  yet.i had bought one from new york and it broke
her: oh
are you from here ?
her:im from cvbhnjkl;
THEN I noticed her latina manager listening in near and I stopped and freak girl blonde became aware like if this was a pickup and became awkward since  now her boss was there.
so I said.. just curious about the bracelet. Im going to look around you can go back to work
her: she raised her hands
"Great! thanks"
 and walked off...
I wasnt embarrased at all....
I looked abit and noticed Latina manager slightly pissed..
and I left .
walked in mall  noticed married women checking me out..smiling at me and I smiled back while maintain eye contact.
I left..
I really felt it was good progress cause I didnt hyperventilate or low self esteem.
and really didnt analyze myself infield .
after that I felt my calibration was on'

I went to stores and convinced a girl manager to give me a tshirt costs $20. for 4$ cause I said w rapport skills  how was work?slow? nice take break..etc..
oh  I was looking for online coupon I had now I cant find it??
.,her shift was changing as manager and she had to leave and she gave me discount ..
I text few girls to see my schedule for weekend,
running text game now...
I learned not to make excuses and just do it..

Im going now to FB to have sex and then try to figure out how I can arrange all this since
Im trying to connect dots with logistics.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

When EX GF tries to contact you again 2015 ..............DEFINATE GUIDE FOR HEALTHY SELF ESTEEM GUYS

This article is based on my experience.
I see no thought on putting effort into something that didn't work out...
like someone mentioned..
This is different from PUA or typical social endorsed thinking...


Seduction or GAME of LOVE is team effort.

in reality its GUY having control 60% and letting her invest 40% or more

but the 60% is only for you to have control over yourself and not let her guide your ROLE in the relationship.

this is something I learned from Mark waaay back in the day I think it was his unconscious experience talking to me ..that has been true to this day.
Franco is MASTER of relationships as well feel free look into him deep if you are looking for full on relationship in your game without BS nonsense.

That being said ...most PUAs are approach and open to talk to her. and ignore all red flags to sleep with her..

but with experience with women this WILL  CHANGE cause it will get boring.

So you will become picky ..looks and personality..
as advanced intermediate guy in PUA or seduction skillz  you have to have WORKED ON YOURSELF FIRST !!

so I had a full on relationship with a beautiful blonde green eyes shes is throwing herself at me..
my GAME was calibrated and really no flinch points as mentioned by Braddock and MR.M

used brekthough comfort frames mixed with SNL frames. at that time my inner direction was based on pimp game inner game.

slept with her that night..

she invested herself emotionally as well into relationship a lot...
I was guy's dream true having HOT girl really want to be with you and give her heart to you..

I let go of my roation of girls.

everything as cool until I noticed she wanted near 6months in talk about marriage...
seriously in a logical and strategy sort of way...EXTREMELY SELF FISH sort of way

Id avoid talking about it or pushing forward..I used frames and reframe to enjoy this

something in my Life happened which  she thought affected her agenda for marriage..

and se turned into biggest bitch

I put her in her place calm way call her out..
shed angry then apologize
this was consistent..
then she take away SEX.

I recall being frustrated but in some way very manipulative.

I stopped talking to her.

then out of the blue.
she leaves voicemail
wishing me 2015

with avoice tone of standoffish and on-upping.

I at time did remember all good feelings about her..
about Iam genuine person and she was intimate with me physically and emotionally..

so no nonsense of one-upping is tolerated. GUY OR GIRL.

I after thought..I decided not to respond to her 

WHY You say?

cause  de to my experience with women :
1- she got dumped by a guy she was with..
2- she is dwelling in the past..comparing me to other guy and my connection as a lover was strong.
3- her reaction non verbal of sarcastic or one upping tells me that There's ANGER issues
so her intentions aren't getting back to a relationship with HER as most guys would think..guilty as charged.
4-BUT a position of her seeking "misery loves company" looking for emotional tampon.
hopefully find someone help her feel better.

maybe this #4  is mentioned in some products out there...but as a busy guy and entrepenuer

I don't see myself investing time into anything isn't genuine to my interests .
Im not self absorb
but honestly I don't need NEGATIVEITY in my LIFE.

Im more of a MAN to make a girl "make her feel better"
unless she is my female friend or someone I have relationship.

Girls I am seeing on and off  I do have sense of friendship and use my EFA
so girls or females NEVER sugar coat with ME and I am most giving person in the WORLD.

I think its more important to yourself as a PERSON HEALTHY SELF ESTEEM
to keep yourself SANE.

LIFE isn't dress rehearsal .... you only have this brief time to make it work or fuck and let it go!

How to properly handle rejection to avoid taking too seriously -Inside and outside of yourself

this isn't your typical PUA or society endorsed material.

This is for guys who are inmidst of improving themselves ,an advice that Ive been in this for almost 8yrs.

way beyond low self esteem thinking and  really keep good great things going in your life.

then all the sudden some chick randomly "rejects" you or tries to "explain why she is declining your interst in her"


whatever she says good or bad CAN NOT affect who you are and the potential of who you plan to BE !
tattoo that in your wrist or something.
she isn't a fkn judge and you aren't at some competition where you are "losing"

GET that sh!T off your head.

Girls are more insecure than guys...PERIOD! like swinggcat says
"that's just fucking feminine polarity and girls aren't attracted to men who aren't the PRIZE"

You have to Prize yourself FIRST.

work on your personal GOALS

SO today and actually past few days few girls I misinterpret their "rejection " untintentionally..
but I figure this can get you somewhere but you are bound to crash somewhere with her.

So this example of nonjudgemental aspect is

 FAT girl who obviously has identity issues writes 4 sentences and took time to explain herself.
when I was just fkn around pinging
KEY is not looking response..whether she is hot or NOT!

that's first ASPECT

shes investing time in explaining herself to me about not liking me = Shes LOSER

INSIDE HANDLE REJECTION : She is stupid  I don't see myself with someone like that ..regardless her being fat short and latina who says she cant speak

She is foolish not worth MY TIME or worth pursue my seduction skills or my time.
Nothing personal  and not coming from EGO point of view...

I can lead her to a seduction but at this point its WORTH working with someone who wants to be part of my TEAM.
someone mentioned seduction is TEAM EFFORT.
NOT one person doing all WORK upfront.

ofcourse MEN have to LEAD and below the table know system to where we are having the seduction and what we are doing but FOCUSED on interaction and good vibe and good time.

You have to save your ENERGY and your BREATH and DELETE HER off your head..
its like a CLOWN trying to say you are something which you aren't.
IF you are n a QUEST for something GREATER in LIFE.

so summary:

heres how you do it

inside yourself = Shes talking nonsense  she isn't feedback  of who you are as a person or a fking judge of my character.

external outside projection = erase her off your sight off your mind without hesitation.
                                               her comments is like low self esteem voice you should


for NEWBIES or NEW to seduction stuff NEw to PUA is better to CRASH n BURN.
once you internalize THIS
this is like
seduction 2.0


Monday, January 5, 2015

Beyong push pull and Prizing. A Review of Masculine Polarity by Swinggcat PART 1

This is CD 1 to CD 3 REview of program.

I bought Masculine Polarity by Swinggcat few months ago.
I said to myself to look into it JAN 2015.

Swinggcat's foundations generating attraction program has been really helpful for me .

I think it is way ahead of Mystery method...but its like comparing simple apples to lab made hybrid fruit.

I haven't been able to understand sexual connections in past due to requires midlevel and advanced with women to put into good use.


PUA BOOK REPORTER isn't = success with women.

having success from foundations program and now in midlevel going to advanced I decided to dive in to MASCULINE POLARITY.

Swinggcat is the King of Push Pull or known as the guy to decode "hard to get" into easy to use term.

That being said.

It was surprise to listen CD 1-CD3 these past few days.

ITs really really good to hear Swinggcat explain mindsets that really will help many many guys with basic questions troubleshooting in dating sticking points.

Ive been a fan of affirmations and his beliefs section of his previous audio program .

but this program is definitely Beyond push-pull and Prizing.

its definitely well put together and its not to be taken lightly.

CD 1 -CD 3 explains properly what is behind behaviours  basically a PUA vs someone really good with women

This definitely goes beyond Affirmations...its definitely forms Masculine and basically INNER GAME without "inner game pua typical stuff " we hear.

its basically link to being awesome self as being a selector with women and being picky with women and explains how it works to your advantage in order to succeed  putting it all together.

Im impressed by deep thoughts of swinggcat as I know he can lie himself to any girls pants but this part of him definitely makes him beyond typical  GAME or guys who are coaching or into PUA well beyond what got him his success started over 10yrs ago.

this first part what I learned more is really
how to Calibrate being Masculine and demonstrating masculinity with women I plan to be with or seduce.

I cant explain more , I recommend you buy it  , its worth it cause you can ask swinggcat himself any questions IF you are putting this into practice.

compared to some inner game stuff I used wayne dyer and brian tracy.. swinggcat connects the dots making it hybrid harmony of inner outer game simple to understand yourself.

Check it,
