This jan 2015 has been good to me.
have 2 new FBs
talking to one prospect now cause been busy... shes ready..
and my GF
then FB for 2 yrs.. I go and arouse her and fuck.
a female friend who wants to fuck me a former FB but Im not into her LSE/
a long distance FB where I go there whenever I please and treated like a KING.
I had a girl throw her ass in my face infront of my date FB who drove to see me. basically it would've been SNL..
I did day game and night game along with online..
I rejected actually 5 girls this month..
1- LSE LD straight off
2- Uncalibrated/meaning mentally unstable. she shit test too much..and I tested her for HSE or LSE then LD or HD..
3- woman is caught up on teasing and overdoing it eventhough she is an excetuvie at airlines.
I reject to screen out cause I know myself , what I want and what I expect..
its a realization that its not going anywhere...
please read Screening by Franco seduction and FUCK YEAH FUCK NO by Mark Manson.
I realize that more you screen the more into alignment you are...
Im really sure of my game cause Im confident person..I don't even flinch at AMOGs
I know how and when to use my energy.
Franco seduction coaching has helped me along with my female friend who is a player herself..
and ofcourse YOUR OWN EFFORT of thoughts into action without hesitating or DOUBT.
without your own EFFORT...
Theres nothing,,
knowledge is just mental masturbation and imaginary BS.
that's why Blackdragon post on
REALLY was overthinking and too analytical..
if your game is consistent with yourself then FUCK whatever the girl does...
Im at that level now...and I will post on my Qualification simplified method aswell.
Im working on my book of frames inspired by captain jack pua circa 2008 and swinggcatt's material which I have a review here.
cause Its been consistent...and I don't overthink it ..I do by instinct now.. and I found a way to keep my calibration working for me.
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