I debrief on video for myself
I ran high attraction game mixed hot cold with slight cocky funny hints.
then deep and wide rapport ala breakthorught comfort reframed objections with SNL frames. credit captain jack pua.
Lesson learned :if your phone game is SOLID she will handle logistics ..make her want to meet up with you before you ask her.
go with her but make her want it more - credit entropy PUA
once you got attraction you do comfort then you slow it down..at times lay back to make her want it more and her start to chase..she will escalate.
Screen her before you do phone game.and BEFORE DATE.'
harsher you are the more pleasing the seduction will come if shes attracted..phone game will be like reward she passed to next stage ...like rock of Love..
example :Tfreak screen.*
NO DINNER DATE. unless she paying.lol
Reversal roles make women vunerable.
women's behavior will tell you how to game her. you can detect LSE fast.
since you are in aligment in qualities in a woman...you will not compromise your HSE with her asking for you to abuse her ..you have to NEXT quickly.
rejected girls and throw shit tests..before you reject HER ..follow your intuition...1st and learn from it.
Don't listen to PUAs who are attention whores and give awful advice...
REAL players don't perform they control themselves first and its effortless intuition based game.
ALWAYS BE YOURSELF once you are into alignment.
don't date ugly girls....cause you end up depressed.
its not about the lays..its about what makes you happy and keep your HSE up.
BEING GENUINE with yourself and adding it in your game makes you..already above average player.
mental masturbation = frustration depression.
go to gym workout and don't give up on yourself...
REVIEW ALWAYS swinggcatts beliefs and masculine feminine polarity...
AFFIRMATIONS work...add music you really like that makes you emotional and tell yourself qualities that you want to be...then watch yourself transform..
(of a person) clever, original, and inventive.
"he was ingenious enough to overcome the limited budget"
synonyms: inventive, creative, imaginative, original, innovative, pioneering, resourceful, enterprising, inspired; More
(of a machine or idea) cleverly and originally devised and well suited to its purpose.
but heres the spreadsheet on JAN 2015
ROSTER updated FEB 1st 2015
PS I had to look at my phone to review this cause I forgot some girls.this is now revisted and accurate*
New girls of the month.
I went on
dates Chrissy tfreak ksalm LoriA = 4 dates
results all makeouts
one sex full on
one nipple licking then LMR
just makeout and ASD/LD
LoriA 1st date awesome yet 2nd date she was distanced. LSE LD
Phone game:
t freak
text game:
10 girls
messaged : few opener FORCED IOIs and screening for compliance*
viewed by 101 girls.
-Chrissy: depressed type LD PRovider seeking immature unrealistic identy issues.
-lava :materilaista LSE LD
-red cherr :maeterialista FREAK HSE HD
-brand T - LSE LD depressed type
-LorAA - after 2nd date I realized she was too caught up in playing games VS being herself.
I got turned off.
-sarah depressed type unrealistic masculine dominant LD LSE
past girls :
rejected : MiaB- wanted validation and I was non reactive.had sex with her SNL
LibV - wanted to seek rapport from previous relationship I moved on. EXGF
SEX with new girls
Freak T
Rotation added HEatheB former FB back in rotation due to being compliant.
current roster.
my GF I might NEXT... if sensing she is slight passive aggressive. LSE
Jov Oli
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