I must say that the best example of escalating and being non needy is watching California pimp's videos
if its your birthday, I suggest to subscribe and download and watch as many as you can and you will see a consistency in what he does.
less he does the more he gets from the girl to invest. he calibrates and knows how to adjust.
the rejection videos are kindah harsh to view at a time when you arent sensitive emotionally.
meaning watch one video only cause in some ways its scary how negative it can be like approach anxiety you will get from it the illusion of pain and scary fear .
but overall is good teaching tool to see that the guy does indeed seduce girls and has a physical plus manageing her emotions at all times. try to replicate his behavior when you are around women and watch how they react .
he is in good shape and dresses well ofcourse.
and he suggests reading an old french book called by dumount personal magnetism which is RSD 's feel what she feels mirroring and such.
I also suggest watching Deren brown videos on russian scam and hypnotism stuff. just to show you how he interacts with rapport.
cause you need to have rapport first before seduction.atleast from the girl not only coming from you.
like a lady I am gaming she says "im old fashion and wait for th guy to ask me out but I put 50/50 that both have to care and like each other....no matter car or money cause its his and not mine and that does nothign for me "
which shows you that money itself isnt what they are after , its more of selling the dream and the illusion of who you are is ultimately fantasy guy. VS serious guy who wants to prove to her your achievements or success or explain to her...that shit is boring. and this isnt a job interview.
be like obama in that movie with michelle summertime in chicago film , michelle rejects obama and sees how poor he is,and literally is harsh but obama doesnt react to it. I personally would have said ok date is over , bye michelle.
but it teaches you that they are simply shit tests.
when my game started to process on the positive like captain jack says....
shit tests after awhile dissapeared atleast to me I didnt process them. rejection or imcomatibility didnt matter I plowed until she left or offended me as an asshole. ofcourse without being needy for her emotionally nor sexually.... but positive persistance as jeffy RSD says. and it starts that positive persistance from within as a momentum with you...as i say it and swingcatt says that prizing you dont get rejected. he tells story of one handed man friend who makes out with girls after he got offended by a woman.
you emotionally master yourself first you can emotionally master women , cause you find a way to control your emotions by being self disclimplined. and women are emotional so you will see through her faster.
Anyways , calm cool and collected is what California Pimp is all about.! best teach and best example on sexual escalation.
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