Tuesday, August 15, 2017

attraction w pnp drug effect ,ground hog day revisted a success with a lay in august, franco seduction on skype therapy session enhances my soul

it is important to always work out logistics, I used mystery method to determine logistics..meaning the locations for each phase.

like it is solid game is solid game...once you have that , then you can be creative and play music by ear.

you have to follow logistics for solid game.

without that , you are just lost and end up frustrated... also learn accept to be alone and rehearse in your head and in person... over and over and over...

also learning comfort game. ala Mark's tenure when he was dating Erika awakening's

that cheamistry game  like 2008-2009 LRs which felt like I was on cloud nine.

I'm re visiting thouse feelings and my game is reached to that level but now more on  depth

thanks to skype with franco seduction  where he as a psycologist we worked out a deep past issue which arised during my date after sex with a girl, who is LSE FREAK HD yet of the player type and very captivating ...........

she triggered something....which was something from 2004 when I started this journey.

nobody talks about this shit cause everybody has an ego

I am all about being awesome at this. aside of being a genuine person and know what I want and want to seduce.  I also know what and who I am receptive to and I can camouflage my game and change like chameleon...but my solid game is solid game in terms of comfort game and end game .

younger girls wont really experiement that cause millennial mindset changed things are more superficial...that's okay cause I realize when they are alone they become vunerable, my game is just that draws them in like a drug.

I run 1-0-1 meaning PNP  based on franco seductions manual of seduction. not only for attraction phase, but in a way that creates  dopamines in the brain to raise addiction.

make her miss you make her want it more....that's what they want.

I must say that having oneitis makes you aware you want to give every girl a oneitis too.

that oneitis is that what I'm talking about. its a drug. in the brain.... braddoskc post on addcition , vin di carlo's 7 ways to make her addicted to you. in di carlo's femal psycology audio...

also part of the pimp game stuff. being the white room..... literally emotionally dependent on you.

that's what I want. in my MLTR

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