so my success to get them to chase has been a secret
its not a product nor a sales pitch.
it came from Saffron's double lay audio report
he explains how he pulls back to get them to chase in terms of lay report.
I think without this answer, it would've been hard to figure it out.
another reference its mark's entropy comfort connection game.
he explains how he had me just have girls as friends like a male girlfriend ..
and then once I got that down. he had me after that step for me to make a statement of intent .
and pull back...
he explains go with her but just a little..... "yeah we can go there.."
and then once they are seduction location...make it positive and that nothing phases you...
its like managing LMR before LMR comes into play go in and she says pull back and then try again. you spike her BT and then ask again.
this is exactly how mark taught me to pull and manage.
in his words he told me "yeah just make them chase you...make them want it more"
literally building sexual tension like vin di carlos explains in one of his small pdf secrets of sexual
"sexual tension is game, the rest is details (credibility comfort and logistics) "
"presence of controlled arousal state ,in the absence of overt sexual intent. "
meaning microloop theory..non verbal sexual and yet verbal is light funny yet standoffish not so into her without verbalizing.
"instead of reaction horny to a girl like most guys, I decide to when to get aroused by a woman."
vin talks about "state control" " is vital in seduction but in life... stay calm and generally happy and more spiritual terms it is sometimes called "staying grounded" centered or having peace of mind"
he talks about pulling back
"intrigue, intrigue is about lack of overvalidating a girl and getting her attention by being ambigugous and holding back "
sexual tension is about we enter a sexual state and yet we don't verbalize our desire.
he talks about calibrating sexual tension like LMR with push pull
"after some basic rapport is established turn on your arousal state,if she clams up or gets uncomfortable then snap out of it and switch back to credibility fast. "
this ebook is great...cause sexual tension is what can get her to chase when you pull back without verbalizing anything sexual.
I used also vin di carlos 7 ways to get her addicted.
and some NLP patterns natural woman pattern and some sexual frames..from captain jack and sinn.
something that has really helped me was Franco's explanation of PNP or push pull.
I added my emotional intutition by applying my own emotional eating and reverse it on women with escalation and attention...
this is part of the addiction process that goes in the brain ...and you pull back like a withdrawl of pleasure.
the thing with this is that I made mistake of giving in ...meaning you with a woman can never give of yourself 100% cause it is like she solved you and like example of vin di carlo ,.
having the treasure chest and then having the gold coins, they lose interest.
this unfortunately to be the challenge never ending process of challenge and what I call P-N
so applying this science is great but also like my friend Adrian states and also the pimp game
is to make DEMANDS.
you always make compliance tests and requests ...this creates anticipation and also has her invest into you .
its her fantasy to fufill for her to want more and this is exciting to women.
so there is the 100% alcohol proof of making a woman chase you.
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