cause they have great ways to captivate the person.
the only thing I like is that I genuine love the woman and plan to be with her and treat her nice..
I don't treat her with emotional abuse like the narcissist.
the psychopath deals great with any shit tests cause it doesn't affect him emotionally so that comes off on a non verbal appearance that he is strong emotionally to the woman and that the woman cant break him down.
there fore he is a challenge.
on healthy women that are high self esteem ...they become emotional more involved
on low self esteem women, they don't react to their bullshit attempts and also comply to putting them down as low self esteem women feel like they don't deserve anything good.
psycopaths and narcisttics serve like a source of mirror who offer an outlet of the persons view of the that they have control and the only source of that pleasure or emotional druglike experience.
the reason I know is that as a pua and student of seduction. I have been with a woman who is like this and the powerful emotions are amazing...
its the withdrawl that cause pain..
but as a pua and student of the Venusian arts... this is something that is called frame control or self discipline that the pua most recover from oneitis withdrawl at a faster pace than AFC or someone who has no clue of what transpired.
this stuff is powerful.
you can read stuff but when you experienced this, you can see what captivated you and what was that really hurt you.
parts that hurt me was parts that I don't remember yet now afterwards I do remember like PTSD
if I was emotionally detached like a pimp or master pua . then this wouldn't affect me or even a psychopath. or a BDSM true MASTER. who doesn't feel pity or empathy.
he does what he does without any sexual pleasure...this is similar what pimps call ICE COLD
the thing is they use EV of advanced intuition, they pursue, they can play romantic charmer.
actual rejection doesn't exist cause they keep going and usually women or men fall for it.
it is when the victim from the emotional abuse disrupts the relationship
for a seducer, our goal is to love and pleasure.
not to hurt.
but theres a lot to learn from them ...its their short term goal that messes their success and sabotages themselves.
for us a pua and master seduction of the arts.... its of a long term and not hurt the person... if you can do that.
then theres no more to learn other than relationship management and continuous happiness
that is long term gratification .... vs short term gratification
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