this is very surprising discovery of relationship guide.very well . bravo . excellent and well thought out advice.
in our current society ,women reject alpha guys and beta guys and she goes for what is convenient for her.
so a combination of Lesbian mindset and being a male physically while being socially adept
for more examples watch movie booksmart and watch the younger guys, also 21 jumpstreet part 2 where they are alpha yet they don't fit in. old alpha ways don't work anymore unless its a specific type of girl and tells you.
Lesbian type of mindset is the current state of dating for success!
cowboys ,"bad boys" , baby daddies and sensitive boys aren't an appeal anymore it makes you easy to predict.
Lesbian handbook can help to be in the know about female psychology from a natural point of view.
The Lesbian
The average interval between lesbian relationships is minus three point five minutes. 4.1 The average lesbian date lasts approximately three years. 4.1 You never want to be "rebound girl" (RG)- the rule is a minimum of one week singledom for ever month they were were were their ex
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