Sunday, May 31, 2009

Present realiteis of my game UPDATE

I can open

build comfort* J-smooth
Build deep emotional comfort aka chemistry* thanks entropy

sexual is easy

sexual technique is LOCKD DOWN

problem: finessing the close
being persistent and taking initative wihtou being supplication
after the date get the feel
controling urges
mindset when closing

This will clear up this week.

Recent stuff

Dude Ive been moving was in miami.

I had an online date that went well to her showing up.
I build attraction and eventhough I fucked up cause i lied and she caught me ID just to make sure who I
I build atraction and comfort and then went into sexual with eye contact and kissing.

there was a part where I was leading and I kissed her like 4 times like the past one. but at the end she was pissed and annoyed that I overescalated.

opposite of community belief.
she then text me she was ok and i never heard from her. I text her and didnt respond.

oh well. i learned that Im not going to push towards closing and her make her want it.

she had big tits blonde and I did get all turned on.

I have to work on after that.

I also had attorney chick engaged in convo but I fucked up somewhere and she had her own stuff. I showed needyness wnating to see her. until she text me when I was boarding to leave and she wanted to meet for lunch, which I never do cause it doesnt lead to sex.

I also felt that she has me so Im pulling back.

My friend is applying new skills that changed my thoughts on intereacting with women. I got a flake on a chick that text me in the moning and pics of her face and tits.wanted to meet up and we couldnt then he did different than what I would hav done..he ignored and kept gaming her , I was breainfreezed and she was calling me at 1 am, and texting me this morning.

I have issues with my family and me going to bolivia which Im not.

I feel I have to do whats right come up with money to pay my attorney to go to court.

I cant give up..and I have to hire a mover to gthtis shitout of my apt soon.

anyways:the list
-Marrried woman: lost to her cause I was reactive to her ASD and her flakiness.
-StLoise comedy girl: she responded only once to my texts.and I wascoming on too strong in the pickup.weird but i realize I need to be more chill.

-Date miami: just posted over escalation, too sexual.

-jersy teach:Showed too much interest and didnt know howto deal with after the deate without closing.perfectdate but follow up was bad. its more like LJBF.

-Supermarket girl: she gavemefeedback,showedtoo much interest tried too hard to get with her, always asking her out and creeped herout with toomany text messages. she was a nice girl I fuckd it up.overgaming.

Roster present

online LI cute: she says im cute and Im sexy we will see

bxgirlirish :anther girl that is just came up in my roster

kimsar in connt: she is a cute girl and Im teying to find a baance to build alot of teust first. I think she is more of a friend that I can keep as something girl.but its long process, its a patience experiment to keep me balanced.

semi on:

vik: a hungarian woman that is word and confused calls me I dont knwowhere to take it.she was tough one.NY

attorny Fl: I was being gamed by her and I noticed what she was doing and I put a stop and qualified her hard and I got hr respectandinvitation to be with her.
I wne ther and said she couldnt.She thinks she has me but I know she like to chase. she is nervous and her mood changes rapidly.lately when I interct with her she has been low level and notinvesting.FL

blomdeteacher: is still online mode.NY

ktty: we exchanged a couple of times but she cant never meet up.she is FL.

another new girl in jersy: still early.

so far I have to take care of my stuff first and once thatsdone then run IT!

seduction subcomunication by topo

So when we start out gaming we look online for all these different theories and exercises that will help us get the types of women we want in our life.
In fact there are tons of different and complex ways to look at it.

I always think that my take on it all is very simple but my students tell me it is complex…go figure.

As I mentioned in my last post I said I have been hanging out with a bunch of people that are crazily good.
As I saw Algasim pull again last night, when I as winging my buddy Ryan and I thought to myself… ‘fucking Algasim.’ As he walked off again in 20mins flat.
Later on I had to leverage my wit to get myself out of my winging situation by making friends with rock ‘n roll stars, mma icons and some of the most interesting hairdressers I have met.
Pretty interesting night to say the least. Tomorrow should actually be better, cause I am doing a photo shoot with quite possibly the most famous person I have ever had the opportunity to do one with. This time I will not actually be behind the lens.
If it all pans out, I will fill you it.

But something that I want to bring up here is to simplify things a little.
It again has to do with that fun phase of Seduction, but these are just a few pointers that will help you get the basics of sub communications down.
Something not enough people talk about, but something that more people should talk about.

So here are a few pointers that people ask me about…

First is Screening-
For you to get good with your own sub communications, you need to get good at reading other’s.
People are critical over screening, but let’s define that a little bit more. Most of game is designed to fit a club, some in the day time, some for social circle, and others for whatever various forms. Those are all forms of screening.
So when you hear CJ, Sinn, myself or whoever else talk about screening this is what we mean (and actually I can only speak for myself, but I have been pretty tight with those guys, I think I will do it justice in speaking for all) …
Screening for us is looking at who is the most logistically approachable that fits our taste. When I say approach, it doesn’t mean just open, it mean open and take it to where we want it. That could be SNLing someone, that could mean finding a girl to date, or whatever your goals might be. What we look for while screening is reading the social dynamic. Who they are with, what are their personality traits, when is the best time to approach and what they will be receptive to.
I actually wish I talked to DJ Fuji more about this, because he would take this stuff and run with it animal style…but it is a good exercise to do. You have got to learn how to read the room. It is stupid to walk into all your situations blindly.
So what do you screen for?
Figure out what you want in Game, and look for ways to find that or bring that out of a person before you approach. But always be proactive and approach.

Second is use of Body Positioning-
Now people might call this locking in, but the main thing is that you are using where you are in the set to work for you. It will take care of a lot. If you can do that and keep talking you will have less of a probability of getting blown out.
So let’s take it form an angle of locking in…
Locking in means having the most socially comfortable and dominant position in the group. That usually means leaning back against something. But think of it in this way, think of it as you are shaping the space of the group.
You need to penetrate the shape of the group.
You need to open the group and not stand outside of that group you want to get inside of it, comfortably within the first 30 seconds and have the group reshape around you.
That is dominant and you should do it comfortably.
The key is that this should be your goal throughout the set. Even when you isolate, you need to need to define the space you are having with them. That is how you build compliance towards dominance and even logistics.

Third is Spatial Relevance-
Nobody ever talks about this, but let me tell you this, Spatial Relevance does more for you than routines can do. It will help with screening and it will help elicit emotions or states more than other things.
So what this means is that when you are in set stand closer to your target than what you might feel is normal. When you qualify stand very close to them holding eye contact (the next tip in this post) and ask the qualifier. At the end of the question when you are waiting for a reply you can rock back slightly to use your body language to have them lean into you when answering.
Something you should try to get a feel for this is one night open sets and stand too close, but standing at various angle.
Another night try standing too close, but being face to face with them.
Another night try standing a step farther away from them, at various angles.
Then another standing a step further away but face to face with them.
You shouldn’t only do one, you need to work them all as an orchestration, but standing close elicits sexuality right away in set. It is one of the first things you can do when entering a set to calibrate for responsiveness to sexuality.
Try this-
Enter a set and within 30 seconds, ask your target a qualifier something like, “I bet you’re the one in the group that gets out of trouble the most, I can tell from how you dress, it’s cute, that you work that angle. So let me ask you this, what are people’s first impression of you?”
While doing this go in at an angle fairly close to her while smiling and say this.
As soon as you say the ‘first impression’ part lean back at an angle as if you are looking out of the corner of your eye.
Play with this idea and it will bring out some amazing results.
It is actually opposite of what was traditionally taught but if I didn’t see Shaft do it so many times and have it turn into 15min pulls than I wouldn’t have tried it. It works and it is dominant too.

Fourth is Eye Contact-
So here is the deal with this, when you hold eye contact it is a dominant way of communicating. You don’t always want to have it, you do need to look away, but when someone is qualifying back to you, you should try holding it.
But here is the real money shot with eye contact, people will match your emotions you express with your face while holding eye contact.
Even like how I listed above, eye contact can be used in how you look at people too. Looking at someone out of the corner of your eye from an angle can elicit emotions that bait sexuality back to you. Don’t go out and try and only soul gaze, but try and use have someone match different emotions one night you go out, by only using eye contact and facial expressions.
Also when you open and someone shit tests you, try saying something as bland as, “what are you talking about?” while holding eye contact. They usually will submit.
In terms of eliciting sexuality in a conversation and going sexual early eye contact is super necessary. That is why Gunwitch and CJ always said when they were in set and a girl was talking they would be looking at them and imagining having sex with them. It works in a pretty efficient way.

The fifth tip I will give is Touching-
So with this we all think of escalating and some sort of touching routines.
Those are all good things, but here is what I say, get touching out of the way by doing it on the opener.
But the real thing is, just like with the above-mentioned forms of communication you can sub communicate a lot with them. So let’s think of the idea in terms of Push Pull, work touching in that way. But not just pulling someone in and pushing them away and pulling them back. That is right, but think of doing it at key points. When qualifying or eliciting sexuality with your face and tonality (something I may talk about in a different post but important) pull them in and then slightly push them away when you are done talking, then without 2 seconds passing pull them right back in and either continue with that feeling or talk about something else.
Mind you, you don’t have to be talking about anything sexual, you are communicating with your body, voice and how you are interacting. I am not saying you can’t bring up something sexual, but at first try it without bringing anything up and see how effective it is.

Here is an example that will tie a bunch of stuff in together, hopefully it reads well (much easier to show than write about),

You’re in close on them at an angle with your hand on the back of their elbow. You pull them in.
“So one of the things I noticed about you, is that you can be a really shy person when your friends aren’t around”
Turn slightly towards them while holding eye contact, build a smile as you deliver the next line, and pull her in more with your arm.
“Like I bet you are totally one of those girls that is timid about trying new things, but when you do you take it and run with it.”
Rock back not by moving away but by turning out and pushing her away. Then immediately pull her back and say,
“I am not sure what I can relate with more, but I always know when I jump good things can happen”
Lean back and let go of touching her and qualify.
“so what is something that you feel is the most spontaneous thing you have done?”
Don’t wait for her to answer, and take a step in pulling her in at the waist at the same time too saying in a joking manner,
“You don’t even need to answer that, I can see your wheels turning, I wouldn’t even want to be around you if all the lights went out in this place, cause I don’t know if I would be ready for it.”
You take a step back pushing her away lightly, then take a different angle and jump threads to something else.

But there you see how the compliance is built for touching and spatial relevance mixed in with qualification and framing all takes place. Try it and see what results you get.

stripper game insight by topo loco

I met topo I didnt know who he was .I heard from him and his stacks after I met him.

Doc holliday RIP he was and still is a good friend.

TOPO knows his stuff but to learn from him is expensive.

He has alot of knowledge and his communication verbal skills are extraordinary.
he can leave you undressedand without money in your pocket by using his mouth.

samething with chicks

I read his stack from a guy

I know I wont say who and I wasnt surprised. I took SNL with Sinn which was eye opener but I realize some stuff used only if its ridiculously on.
some stuff I used from him didnt work cause It was semi on.

SNLs are rare.period. its about the right girlright time and being warmed up.

going back to topo when you talk to him he knows alot...If I had cash I roll with him.I dont I cant and he is all business and busy guy.He challenges people to make money which is good but I felt somewhat empty handed.he was honest but then he was wishy washy.

I wanted to learn abit more. and he can explain well.I feel I can learn fom someone that can do infield and I have more things in common.

that being said! lol

here is his post on stripper game

The key element is once she is arroused what to do with it.

I guess its infield experience and Calibration.

I know only a few guys that can explain

Im thinking of stoping some game stuff and getting out there more.

I have to post more stuff on my finding and dates and online stuff with my new roomie but Im handling family issues and power.

This is one post that helped me in stripper game.

I love strippers cause I learn from them.
if it goes bad always go with you instict and not you emotions as in all women... you give in to give her money you lose , you tuen tinto a wuss you lose.

it clears things logically and I love it.

I miami its different but is they act stupid you just calibrate it and hey if they act stupid caus you arent giving them money then you have no self value and woman arent attracted to guys with lwo self esteem and dont have control.

the opposite effect is when they act stupid laugh it and sen dher to make money.

This is kind of a spur of the moment post but I was out with my buddy Bart the other night and pulled off some crazy shit.

Right now Shaft, Soco, Jtime and myself think Stripper game is easier than any other game.

I know that some people may think it is harder, but I couldn’t disagree more.

I have mixed things that Shaft has come up with (his system is by far the most thorough and I don’t want to make it sound like I know it inside and out, but i do have an understanding of it)
and I have mixed stuff that Soco has done.

Soco’s is more pimp style from what I understand.

Both Soco and Shaft have spent a lot of time in clubs, and know their dynamic very well.

I also have a good friend of mine that has done over a decades worth of Business in relation to strip clubs and they know the business very well.

On Jtime’s workshop with me he SNLd a stripper, and I was pretty surprised. At the time I hadn’t really done much stripper game. Sinn and Shaft had given me some pointers and I had heard Sinn’s Stripper and Hired Guns stuff.

First off, what Sinn is saying is right 100%.
I am just coming at it from a different angle.

Just like learning from Captain Jack is way different than learning from Mystery, Stripper Game and Hired Gun game has many different angles. That still means what Mystery came up with was right, there is just a completely different way.

I will say this, of all the girls in my life right now that I have met in the past 2 months are all either waitresses, strippers, or porn actresses (which I don’t know if that is a good thing…but we will work on that later)

So the other night I pulled a 2 set that became an 8 set from a strip club that I had only been to once before a long time ago in a town very far far away. I met all these girl that night.
I also visited another club that night too and got what could be interpreted as a booty call from one of the strippers at the other club.
That Text Message one constant text so I will send it out to my list Next Week and post the breakdown on my blog.

Sign up on the Mailing list (the link is fixed)
and Later this week after the Cold Reading stuff it will go out.

I am not going to post an LR on the blog of it all just yet, but it has been a while since I have had such a crazy experience. I mean even in the community I have not had such a crazy experience with women in comparison to the past few nights.
And you guys know me I am a pretty fucked up dude, that is open towards some pretty crazy experimentation. But these girls impressed me.

So for now I will leave you with this…
And I write this for the learn purposes, many of my friends are Strippers and this isn’t to go out and abuse their asses, but let’s look at some facts as to how Stripper Game is hands down easier than any other game-

-They are Approaching you
They are approaching you, isn’t that everyone’s fear. Approach anxiety is everyone’s excuse. You go there you sit. No you don’t buy dances or spend money, I spend no money on them. That doesn’t mean you can’t, but at first it is a good idea not to. The only way I would spend money on them is for proofing out an entire club. This in completely unnecessary, but that is the only reason. In fact if you do befriend them or fuck them, they probably wouldn’t ever want to take money from you.

-They are the ones trying sell you
So this is one of the more important things. You are not subservient to them, they are the ones asking permission to sit and talk you into buying them. That means you have ample time to talk to the real them and not the stripper version of them. If they are playing hard sell to you then qualify their ass. They are in your space you are their boss essentially. You don’t need to run game, you need to say, ‘look if you want me to buy a dance from you then you gotta do more than that, if you can’t then run along, if not sit here and keep me company’.

-Society frowns upon their profession (join the club)
No who knows what is right and wrong… being a PUA is not really the most ingratiated job there is out there. But society looks down at what they do. This brings up a few things that are actually listed below, and adds a whole lot leverage for comfort. They don’t want to be seen as bad, they want to be seen as normal. Now also they are seeking attention and are doing a fairly risky thing to seek attention, weather money is the motive of not, that action of seeking attention all the time effects you. That is also why so many PUA instructors are so fucked up cause they are constantly seeking attention and validation, but that is another story….hahahaha

-They are the ones seeking Attention from you using Sex
So this is influenced by what is listed above. They want attention more that actual sex, they want to be seen as sexually normal. The bullshit of sex is their job. All the commercialized slutty, assholish things associated with sex that women hate are what a stripper is trying to sell to you. Or that is at least what the club is trying to sell to you. Those are all things women hate as their identity sexually. So this being said you can talk about sex in a normal way, and when they so calculatingly bring up that they love slutty sex, you can easily say, ‘actually I hate that sort of thing, I actually really like people being real during sex. In fact I see sex as something very personal. If you’re only gonna act all stripper sexy then, go make your money with someone else, but if you’re gonna talk to me be real’.

-Sex is something that is already a topic
I touch on this above, but yeah you can talk about all sorts of lewd sexual shit. They always try and top me, but that is pretty hard. There are only 2 women that I know who can keep up with me on the perv level, and believe me I am very attracted to them because of this. But most strippers are very open to all sorts of crazy sexual talk, where in a club this is harder. Just make sure your are dong so with fun and humor in mind. Don’t be a fucking creep.

-They are competitive and their egos are easy to leverage
So they are always competitive. This is how they have to be. Look they have to deal with a bunch of perverts all day, and hustle their bodies. If they are competitive then they will qualify themselves very easily. You just need to challenge them a little. You need to tell them things like, ‘wait a minute, is that one of your tricks, that doesn’t work on me’ they will come back and say, ‘oh yeah will this work on you’. You can structure a ladder based on this.

-They want to feel normal
As I mentioned this above, they don’t want to be seen as pieces on meat. They get paid really good money to be seen as pieces on meat, and treated that way (sometimes). So don’t treat them like that, but DO break their frame. Don’t let them be dominant over you, but make their work enjoyable and be the customer that isn’t there to freak them out.

-They generally have a pretty interesting sense of humor about sex
Ok so they almost always have a fucked up sense of humor about sex.
This is good cause you can ask things like, ‘what is the most fucked up sexual experience you have had’ or ‘have you ever messed up during sex and embarrassed yourself’, or ‘have you ever had sex with a guy that his dick was so big it made you totally regret the experience’….

The main thing here is that the idea that Stripper Game is harder than club game is the wrong way to look at things.
Go to a strip club, don’t buy dances, go there and watch sports and hangout.
If you are remotely normal and dominant and confident they will be real in front of you.
There are a few things that you can do that implement dominance and hold your frame, but just remember they are there to sell you, you’re their boss not them. Once that is established work your frames in, that fall into place all too easily in a strip club.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Going to miami and last night's flake

Im going to miami for the weekend.

I have court on 28th so Im be back in nyc for that.

Its fucking hot in nyc its not funny.

Ive been messing wiht online and its pretty fun.

I leaned never to take anything personal.the bitchest girls are actually super sweet inside.

Imhad a flake last night and I felt it being a flake.. I was texting and she was getting upset and she was like so we arent going to see aach other again ?

anyways,I started my own path..Im putting game aside and me time.

I get far and slow down.

the stipper game is awesome and powerful, standard game works better on them than regula girls.

I rana debreif text on flakes and one was supernice to tell me why she never could meet up with me.she was attracted to me but overgaming or tey hard seem so weird and out of place that she got creeped out.

I know that intially I got girls attracted to me and I ran too funny or too cocky or incongruent or even too sexual that threw her off and disqualify myself.

less is more sometimes.

anyways Imleaving to miami and ran lets meet upp for drinks to some Ive been talking to online and other than I haent told them yet.

Tyler on core thing and blueprint stuff seemed cool on youtube.

Its that my game is flexible and isnt standard ..and eally that s how its suppoesd to be but with innergame lock down.

I also helped out in a forum answering dental questions.

I have to find myself first.

Game thing is a bunch of commercialized bullshit

I rather be an asshole than a supplicating little bitch.

I was actually happier before being AFC and doing my work rather than chasing bitches.

I shouldnt give up but I need a break...

I have to admit that in the 20 days of stright game was one of the best things for me, a breathrough to get good.

the flakes and follow up is a bitch though.

I will post on whats to come.

Im making some of the girls my friend that is the core of comfort connection.

Im not looking to do the batheroom lay or other crazy stuff.

Im actually looking for a girl friend but in the mean time like tyler says toget thegirl you want you have had to know how to get girls in general.

enough of BS and Im post LR soon.

I hope miami doesnt end up to be a family crisis and I end up dead like marvin gaye.

I love nyc but to live big in nyc is money.

at this point if I end up rich you know where to find me.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

FR: return of dennis rodman game,online biaches and more

SO Ive been super bored with stuff going on ... my computer broke and negativity kicks in Im done for the night.

I had to hav innergame tune up when you have other stuff to wory than women...

my laptop screen broke...court and Im working on how to maintain myslef..

My friends been picking on me and took it too seriously..he is my best friend but he is insecure about how I can just talk to girls and tries to tell me to take them on dinner and shit plus that I like anything that wlak and has blonde hair and keeos judging me and telling me that me going direct is LAME ..the other is a mayor player and not goodlooking.does strictly online has social anxiety and was depressed for awhile and I helped him.

that brought me down and my state was soo low cause I lost touch of myself with my confidence...I hav my ipod and heard jeffy and ozzie...

Jeffy inner game stuff is soo hardocre and hard to digest.

my good friend also gavem a tip on getting my grammar skills down and my communication skills with my english...COOL!

So I started the day just chillin out and looking to sore my stuff and noticed anxiety and sweating..then when I realizd what made me motivat me to get good and on a roll and boomk back to square one....

Anxiety it isnt appraoch anxiety its social awkard anxiety and lackofcofidence...

I was going to comedy show and my fiedn texted me mickinglythings to be that beotherd me and I realized text is cool but like my friend says

"YOur communication has to be CLEAR"

so then I look back on my fuckeups where i was so wishy washy insecure about meeting up that wouldnt go anywhere...


plus id see cute girl and Id be over that shit...

I said Im do denis rodman game to test myself....

I was supernervous ! and hooked one girl out of 7 girls.. I disqualify myslef and dont buy dances... I dhv and eye contact and tease we are taught in game..coming from master strippers 10's... its hard but hey like jeffy once said

"you have to practice with mike tyson to fight heavyweight fight..and not pracicewith gary coleman."

another "to get a 10 you have to burn 10's " mr.m

SO I hooked one cute one and It was soo on that I was calibrated with her and other girls .. I learned fom sinn and my last expreince sleeping with a stripper and making a huge mistake after I slept with her...

she calls me when she is drunk on late saturdays..wants money or drugs.. I have none.

but this one was gorgeous blond and did sogood left and came back and satnext to me like gaming me like a AFC and I left ot bathroom all nervous cause after 30 minutes she wanted me to buy her a drink... I freaked out...

Takeaways are awesome and this was cool.

created a challenge to her she did spend tiem 30 miutes talking to me and its would hav been cool to buy her a drink but in stipper game when it comes to money once you do something then you are a I didnt number close.

I got nerrvous and like in hypnosis sh got nervous by that and lost the beautiful baby...

I teased her and what we are taught in game works prefect in Stripper game or on 10's..

online teasing is limited the have low self esteem...calibration!!!

anyways after that was dissapointed yet look at it as evaluating and going back to basics when I started writting this blog how I got good fast...

all this is knowing what and when to use it...

then wnet to comedy show no girls all couples...
after that ran text game and ended in convo with the another girl I met online...

over 1 hour I poped my cherry and build comfort and assumed atraction and control her and opened her up by leading...

she is a closer and gs what she wants..such a fucking turn on for me...

Im planing to approach the masturbating chick...high rick high reward

Monday, May 18, 2009


Dude This is what Im talking about....

by JEffy

Yes, the Autopsy of the Month, where I reminisce upon and
dissect a pickup from start to finish, see what went right, and
see what went very, very wrong.

Now, for this month's autopsy, I decided to go with an ONLINE

That's right. I get a ton of letters every month from guys
wanting to know how to work the whole online thing to get some

For the most part, I find it to be a huge waste of time, time
that could be better spent in the field. But nonetheless, I
have to admit that, for many guys, their particular circumstances
make online the best option.

Personally, I view it as a sort of "bonus round." I put up my
stupid little profile, and if a chick contacts ME, fine.
Otherwise, I don't spend time on it trolling for girls.

But hey, I must sacrifice for my art. So I did a round of online
dating this month, JUST FOR YOU.

Let me explain how I did it.

First of all, my profile. It's somewhat unusual. I do have a
couple of normal-looking pics of myself up, but for my "main
photo" I have a large photo of the rapper "Ol' Dirty Bastard,"
grimacing and baring his platinum-covered teeth. (By the way,

For the part where it says "about me" I wrote:

"I'm a total assh0le. I love tender moments and little cats."

And where it says "who I want to meet" I have the following:

"Fat chicks. People who laugh at my jokes. High self-esteem
types who don't take things too seriously."

So, here's my modus operandi:

I browse the users for good looking chicks in my area. After
picking like 30 of these, I send out a shotgun mass message to
them all:

"You're kind of cute.



Then, I simply sit back and wait for the replies to pour in.

A large percentage, more than half, won't respond at all. After
that, it becomes a funneling process to see who is going to bite
and give up the digits.

So, in this latest round, I ended up banging two girls. Below
is the email interaction that led to me getting the number of
one of them, in its entirety:


----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: jlaix
4:16 PM

you're kind of cute.



----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: k
5:06 PM

i thought you werent so cute until i realized you dont really
have all gold teeth. i was a little freaked out for like a
minute. who you calling a dork. dork. i guess i say it enough,
so ill let it slide.


----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: jlaix
5:11 PM

You are so adorable... it's fcuking sickening.

I want to adopt you. You are my new little sister. I want to
wrap you up in a bubble wrap envelope and ship you to NYC with
me. On the way you can pop the little bubbles for your
amusement. When we get there I'll open you up... -shrrrriipp!!-
and you shall EMERGE FORTH, like a beautiful butterfly or some
sh!t. Then we'll go shopping, on 5th ave, and we'll walk around



----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: k
5:22 PM

ok, i like bubble wrap, i made a wall of it once. I miss NYC.
Need more rowdy east coasters out here already. youre goofy- i
like it.


----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: jlaix
5:27 PM

We probably wouldn't get along... we're too similar. I wouldn't
take your sh!t, you wouldn't take my sh!t, and we'd just fight
all the time, then have, like, freaky make-up sex. I'm not sure
I'm ready for a volatile relationship like that now.

Then again, maybe I am. I'm so confused!



----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: k
10:11 PM

confused or just crazy? hhmmmm. so b/c you :

a. seem crazy
b. like ny
c. apparently want gold teef (not teeth, when they are gold
they become teef)
d. wanna have freaky make up sex before we even meet
e. the guys i am dating are kinda assh*les
f. you say you wanna meet fat chicks although i am not really
g. seem crazy. yeah, that gets two

all of this leads me to believe we should have a drink or meet
up. which i normally only say after like weeks or so of myspace
bullsh!t conversations and goofy emails.

but what the fcuk...why not. alright, i am off to get some drinks
in me after seeing Harry Potter with like 10 gay men.

:) k


Boom. She gives me the phone number in the next message.

I call her up a couple days later, and just say, "What are you
doing. I'm coming over. I'll be nice."

She says, "Oh, I don't know... meet me at the bar in 30 minutes."

I roll to the bar. My only conscious strategy going in is "be a
giver, not a taker."

I go in and own the place befriending the staff. Then the chick
comes in.

She is blonde, blue eyes, and pretty much looks the same as in
her pics. She is 31, she has money and a business. Perfect. No
scrubs here.

I dazzle her with some VERY RUDIMENTARY game, and I say, "Take
me to your house, I am hungry." We go there.

I drink some of her beer. I see a pic of her in the house where
she is SUPER FAT. Apparently, she just lost 40 pounds and is on
some extreme diet/fitness shit. Perfect.

All I do is start kissing her, and then I fcuk the sh!t out of
her. Delicious.

And that's basically it in a nutshell. A whole lot of work for
one measly lay. This is why I generally eschew online, the
cost/benefit analysis doesn't bear fruit.

Unless you call carpal tunnel syndrome "fruit."

The whole thing of it is getting the girls to respond to you,
because they're inundated with tons of messages from random
chodes every day. So you really have to stand out in order to
cut through all the noise.

If you can do that, and then convince them to give you the number,
and then convince them to meet you out in public, it's pretty
much in the bag.

That's the one thing I like about online. Once they meet you,
you're pretty much guaranteed to get laid, unless you screw it

Well, there you go. I hope you're happy. Now I'm gonna go out
and hit up some REAL chicks in the REAL world.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Catfood routine in comfort to spike BT or in text

in conversation it goes like this:

what good cool habits do you have?

her blah blah blah

pattern interupt spike BT with this next question

you wait are you a cat person? (most strippers and girls like cats)

IN TEXT YOU OPEN WITH : Hey __________ do you have a cat?

her look or something blah blah blah make sure she is smiling or bodylanguage shows why you asked her..

I actually met this girl at supermarket with tons of catfood and or that has a habit of buying catfood...

then today my patient/friend told me that he tried eating it out of curiousity...

I mean I know what curiousty did to cat why would you eat their food?

her laugh*******

you tease her later with dont worry i wont judge lil____ for eating catfood, no kissing and no purring lol. you tease and spike BT!

then you go on cool habits ...etc etc...

there are contigencies responses I got from this she will open open for rapport you reward her... but in text you send it
to get her hooked on the opener...and compliance through text..

if she is emotional she will share herself to you..this I like, a girl that can be open with you..she inrerupts with I collect stamps or greeting cards..

in persuasion as mentioned in last post and by sinn..

"if she isnt responding emotionally then theres nothing to work with.."

this is an example of how in the middle of conversation so it wont get boring you can keep it fun plus you spike her BT

NLP say break state fractionate and come back it will be deeper you spike her emotions and slowly bring it down not too fast...causes buyers remorse..

Enjoy and post your thoughts

The Secret to Handling Shit-tests

I decided to put this cause the fundamentals of shit tests by the asian rake

awesome stuff..I have to say I learned alot from it

The Secret to Handling Shit-tests

by Asian Rake

I just got back to Canada after a few days in the US. It’s been great visiting with old friends and just plain catching up with ‘em, but I had too much fun and didn’t get nearly as much done as I had planned. This week’s going to be a killer, so I apologize in advance if I’m a little delinquent on the updates.

Here’s an excerpt from a recent email question by a blog reader:

“Hi Asian Rake,
… I’m a recent college grad and am now working in i-banking in New York… I did pretty well in my college days, but the girls out here in NYC are really different, especially the ones I’m meeting in my social circles who are really career-driven. As your game progressed, did you find that you were getting higher quality girls? Did you have to adjust your game? …
Thanks, Ben.”

Great question, Ben! There were a lot of ways that I changed my game as the kind of girls I was targeting moved up in social status (though higher status is not necessarily indexed to higher quality; I was just lucky that I’ve met some high status girls who are also of high quality). In future posts, I’ll talk more about different ways this manifested itself. In this post, I’ll discuss a minor shift in technique that had a HUGELY significant impact on my success with higher status women.

As I mentioned, I was just back in the small college town where I had my start. As my buddy Christian likes to say, “If you can get good here, you can get good anywhere.” This is a particularly difficult place for a 30-something guy like myself since the vast majority of the hottest babes are 18 year old sorority girls who have never left the country… and have not even tried sushi! Ugh, I know. How could I possibly relate? Incidentally and seriously, my game has adjusted to higher social-status girls, forcing me to re-adjust when I get back to college towns. There’s a disadvantage to everything, I guess.

Sure, I get 18 year olds in China who have never left the country, but they all dream about traveling abroad and have concrete plans as to how they will achieve that. And of course, most of the girls in Asia I hook up with are in their twenties and already have their lives together, and some are extraordinarily successful financially and professionally.

One very interesting shit-test I get in Asia repeatedly, which I only ever got once in this college town, led me to a breakthrough realization. I get this test almost exclusively and very often from models, actresses, and girls in the entertainment industry. First, I’ll detail the specific test and how I handle it. Then, I’ll draw out a broader principle to apply across the board for such tests.

Let’s first review the common ways of dealing with shit-tests:
-Ignoring (this is your best default response)
-Idiot look (this is where you give and hold a skeptical look, as if she were a total idiot, for several seconds while inducing a Juggler-style “vacuum” and then saying, “Never mind” and continuing with what you were saying or simply looking away–very powerful; credit: Sebastian)
-”Yes and…” (the classic improv comedy strategy)

These can work in most situations and all have their places. However, I started running into a specific shit-test whose best solution is none of these common techniques.

Here’s the specific shit-test: The first time I got this in China way back when, I was on a day 2 with an uber-rich supermodel, who also works in the movie industry, that I did a 5 minute number-close on through a direct approach (my favorite kind) at a theme party in a huge club. I called her three times the next day and kept getting a busy signal. She called me back an hour later. We hit it off on the phone and then we arranged to meet a few hours later that night.

The day 2 was going great. And about an hour in, we started sharing photos. I pulled out my camera and did my usual DHV photo routine, showing her photos of me on various adventures with stories attached to many of the pics.

Here’s where the test began: She then showed me photos she had on her camera-phone. She showed me some of her travel photos, some of which were really impressive, as she was working on a feature-length blockbuster movie that was filmed on location in various exotic locales in China.

Then, she flipped to a photo of her from behind, posing completely naked except for a thong. Apparently, this was from some racy fashion shoot. She acted very blase and matter-of-fact about it, but I could feel that she was watching for my reaction. She then showed me pics of her topless, submerged up to her nipples in some giant water tank, which was for a major, big-scale photoshoot she had just done. And then she showed me more racy photos and more and more and more. It caught me off guard.

At first, I criticized the photo in a screening frame, “Wow, you look great, but there’s too much touching up here. Your skin tone doesn’t even look real.”
Her reply: “No. They touched it up here around the waist, but otherwise that was my real skin tone. I had to work really hard to get that tan.”
Then, she showed me another pic, and I scrutinized and criticized that one too, for its imperfections. But she held her frame in a very casual manner, as if she was showing me photos of her dog. The more I criticized, the more try-hard I felt and the more it seemed like I was trying to hide how turned-on I was getting.

I think given the circumstances, I did okay. By critiquing the photos and appreciating them in a non-sexual way, I showed that I wasn’t over-awed by her physical beauty, and that I could keep my cool in seeing her half-naked.

However, I got this same sort of shit-test from three more girls shortly after this. We’d be on our day 2, and after just an hour or two of knowing me, they’d pull out their cameras or phones and nonchalantly show me pics of them in skimpy bikinis or topless on some fashion shoot.

It finally dawned on me that this is a ROUTINE that hot girls like to pull on guys to not only DHV (demonstrate higher value) but also to throw you off your game and regain control of the frame.

The real issue is the latter, not the DHV. They wanted to turn me on because in so doing, they could re-establish dominance in the interaction and over me. It’s the same when girls start talking about sex after you’ve just met them. They want to shock you and throw you off. Ultimately, they want to test if you’re comfortable with sex and sexuality and won’t turn into a horny pervert.

Here’s the solution:

When she starts showing me those racy photos, I say:
“Oh no, you’re not going to start showing me photos of you half-naked now, are you (with a smirk, leaning back, and a skeptical look)?…” This is usually enough to get them asking, “What, what? What do you mean?” and to re-establish my frame.

But I also like to continue, “What’s with hot girls and photos of themselves half-naked, anyway? Almost every hot girl I meet does this. It’s like they can’t get enough of themselves. All the photos on their cameras are of themselves. How self-centered can you get (shaking my head in disapproving disbelief)? And it’s not just their cameras, their bedroom walls are plastered with photos of themselves. I think they secretly just want to turn guys on, b
ut they don’t want anyone to know that they’re doing it.”
(Note: This is not a routine or a memorized script; I made this up on the spot; I just say what’s on my mind at the time, truly calling her on it)

Usually before I can finish saying all this, she’ll interrupt me and say something like, “OMG, yeah, yeah! Just the other day, my galfriend had her phone out with a photo of her half-naked on the screen, and she left it out on the table by the bottles. And then guys took her phone and started passing it around to the other guys, going gaga over it. And then, she pretended to be all offended and grabbed it back accusing them of being perverts. But she was such a faker. She knew what she was doing.” Or something to that effect.

My follow-up is, “Okay, now, let’s see what you’ve got. I hope you’re not as self-centered as the rest of them.”

I then grab the camera from the now nervous girl, “Oh, this is nice. Your ass looks really good here. You haven’t gained weight since this photo, right? I hope not because this is really turning me on. Nice job [wink, wink].” Proceed with sexual vibe escalation as usual.

Btw, everything I just wrote was a real conversation.

Haha, there you have it. Shit-test expertly navigated. Not only do you disarm the challenge, but you use it as a launching pad to qualify her, tease her, and escalate sexually.

Also, just to clarify (thanks to TD for emailing and asking about this), you do NOT have to memorize any speech or whatever. You could just stop after the first sentence, “Oh no, you’re not going to show me photos of you half-naked now, are you?!” I added the rest of that because it’s FUN for me! To keep it simple, just follow the principle below. And for shorter replies, see the examples I mention below.

How do we generalize this to apply to different situations?

It’s what I refer to as: PACE THE REALITY and then CALL HER ON IT.

This verbal technique applies a bit of NLP “pacing the reality” and “flipping the script” frame control. It also bears some similarities to Stevie PUA’s (Hong Kong-based PUA) recent short post on mASF about shit-tests. There, he gives this example of what he calls, “Naming the technique”:
‘You are acting reserved because you don’t know me yet and new guys often want to talk to you and you can’t talk to all of them, only the ones who are interesting, who make you think and who pleasantly surprise you’.
This is fine, but what I’m advocating is more aggressive. She’s doing something that is socially unacceptable to you. Otherwise, you wouldn’t interpret it as a shit-test. So call her on it.

The basic pattern is: Pace the reality, then call her on it.

The reality is that ANY shit-test is an IOI. Pacing the reality means that you are talking about the frame of her testing you because a girl would only test you if she’s interested in you.

Here’s another example. A girl I had been talking to hadn’t been giving back to the conversation no matter how hard I tried. After several minutes, I was ready to walk away, but I gave her one last chance. We were standing side by side against the wall.

I said (after doing plenty of teasing and push-pull, but getting nowhere, I set up the convo so I can CALL HER ON IT) “So how has your night been going so far?”
Her: “Okay.”
Me: Vacuum
Her: “How has yours been?”
Me: “It’s going all right. Well, I’m trying to have a conversation with a cute girl here (PACING THE REALITY), but she’s not holding up her end of the bargain (CALLING HER ON IT).”
Her: (Giggling and then turning around to face me fully) “Oh, I’m soo sorry. My gal-friend and I have had a long and stressful day, and we’re still decompressing.”

At this point, I could have continued the interaction like normal. But I had already spotted some other girls I wanted to talk to, so I exited.
Me: “Don’t worry about it (with a shrug and a smile). Maybe I’ll come around later when you two have gotten into a more social mood. Cheers!” Then I walked off.
They came over to talk to me about an hour later at the bar.

Now some guys might think this isn’t a shit-test and that she was just not into me. However, the fact is that she kept standing there and although her responses were minimal, she was still responding. Hence, in my mind, she’s definitely interested, but she’s just testing me to see if I have what it takes to persist. In other words, she’s testing my shit.

Another example that I’ve already written about is at the start of my interaction in the LR on the Maggie Cheung-look alike stewardess, which you can find here.

So there you have it. Some shit-tests require more drastic measures than ignoring, the idiot look, or “yes and.” Next time you encounter one that throws you for a loop, step back and call her on it!

Happy playin’, The Asian Rake.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

FR: online game date and women masturbating

I went out with this chick from online thing...
FR: I was nervous and busy but we spoke briefly like 2 times within 1 week or 2 week pattern told her I was flying out soon...
she said she could meet up I said cool..she text me to see what time and gave her directions..
I maintain strong frame of leading like a man...

she met up and I assume rapport we walked and talked

to the bar which was 3 blocks from location..
I talked about my day and she told me about her day..always with a smile and funny
and expressive yet confident... I did drink a litttle to loosen myself up a bit before hand.

we got there I got a tabletold her to sit got her a drink and I got a beer...I did the nodding and listened her invested in conversation..asked questions and cold read about her personality calibrating the answers...

did 2 high fives when I ran qualification pretty much improvised alittle so it wouldnt get boring..then ran cj nlp hypnosis routine and after that just kept looking at her lips and bit my lip... when on with the conversation her just talking... and me just looking at her building sexual tension without saying a word ,then I did badboy's kiss close which you can find online.

after that I did a takeaway "thats all you get" and smiled...she smiled...

we kept talking and ran wid and deep comfort with alot of touching building alot of communalities (Doc Holliday)

I had 2 beers and she had 1 drink cause she was driving and she had a time constraint .. in one hour we made out like 5 times, 2 times in bar and 1 time walking to apt, 1 in the apt and one more in the car...

She shit tested me when I walked her to her car with serial dater and I responded wiht cocky funny which was abit comfort shittest are handled different than in attraction.

she kept tonguein gme down in the car and she was turned on but got LMR in the apt.. I think the roomates and whole scanrio that we werent alone scared her plus afte it got deep kissing and touched her and put her hand on my cock she wen tto the door.

I remmebred what Sinn taught me about LMR

just verbally agreed and kept escalating..then we walked out..she freaked out with my roomate girl walking in on us... another trigger for ASD...

It was my first date..didnt really know how to handle it afterwards..
called her to see if she was ok afterwards then kickmyself for it..

she text me at 1 am and I was abit skeptical falling for the text trap...

I waited 2 days text her ran persuasion of feeling comfortable to see each other and
looks like I overgamed her with too much funny stuff through text ..told her my fingers hurt and left her a message ala jeffy style in and out talk later...

I think its dead... IMO.


1)Dont over text or call too much..converys neediness.let the other COOL guys do it
Paul janka says "girls will evalute you to disqualify you"
Julian Foxx says
"Less you say the better you are off"

2)REsponding to more than 3 texts

3)holding hands in the date: she told me that the signs of holding hands you hold hands when guy wants serious when the just hold pinky it isnt serious when the edont hold at all is just casual...

4) Logistics: In SNL's Logistics is Key..I had text and calld these fuckers but they triggered ASD, not their fault but mine.

5)I wasnt looking at the time it was one hour and I should have bounced at the 20 minute mark...

6)physical push pull: too much kissing IMO, I became her kissing buddy gave it up.

7)more qualification tosolidify why I thought she was interesting...

8)Called her too soon and asked her to meet again..newbie mistake.

9)Didnt calibrate Cocky Funny in text she got offended and blew myself out...
when the time is right and she says yes you escalate dont danc around it..

10)timebridge for 2nd date in the first date and make her pinky promise

When you are past attraction you just play in comfort no need for cocky funny or more funny chill and qualify and maybe throw compliments when looking at her

TEXT is OK , you can TEXT ALL YOU WANT AFTER SEX! before I dont like become her validation and sh shows it off to her freinds to critize you and disqualify you...

I havent been practicing SOLID game... but formy actual first online date very fucking solid...

If she is there I assume the CLOSE!


I think you can make it work as long as you have an idea of how structure works...

I have overgamed alot in past and blew myself off...

you see GAME as they SELL it ...its a comercialized thing...

As my friend told me Last night on hoow its designed for 9 and 10's
basically our perseption of it but is more

Sinn's and Captain Jeck classification of gaming HB's
As per SNL's Seminar

HB's 8-10
High Sexual Esteem + Low self esteem = you compliment her personalites
you 3 teases and negs in attaction
never compliment her looks
only one particular body part
no deep comfort but qualify

HB's 1-7

Low Sexual Esteem + High self esteem = you trigger she is sexy
no more than one tease
more comfort-connection
compliment looks but takeaway
blame her for being sexy

Pornstars,movie celebrities,succesful women executives

High Sexual Esteem + High self esteem = balance with calibration and
show social intelligence within social
circle game.that you bring value.AFC ADAM
share commonalites act like a 10 to gamea 10

Bold manuver , just suggesting it non serious way....

I think biggest problem is learning it ...Im stupid guy thats read ALOT more than gone I gone out lost touch...

Ok Sinn told me it isnt solid game its foolsmate and Im not at his LEVEL..ok

but as in my first Same Day Lay my new roomate for the next 12 days cause he is leaving soon...gets laid more than a PUA without leaving his house...

I saw him do it again last was a mindfuck in 20 minutes of convo he was exchanging nude picks and very LOW dates none of that girls nice tits... hardly if any qualification...but in actuality like being the pleasure giver...

Its fucked me up pretty bad...

his calibration is tight I told him to share but he cant explain it...

the girl across the building masturbates every day every 5 8-9pm
my boy has binuculars..its awesome.

my other friend explain the analogy of closing...negociate and barter verbally and handle it stop then escalate

Teh only way to get consistent it to get out there and get blown out..Im almost there

Sunday, May 10, 2009


Download MP3] : Vegas Bathroom Pull + Stripper Pull w/ Pics!

Saffron, ABCs of Attraction Intern Coach in Training breaks down what is possible in Las Vegas using the ABCs of Attraction.
He is one of the guys that blew me away when I met him...

he was working with Practical Pickup with Doc Holliday and Entropy

he retired but I communicate with him once in awhile

the advice he would give me after I met with him was just awesome
even till this day..I think he is top 3 PUA's

this is one of the LR that made me want to go to Boston and meet these guys...

Saffron, Doc Holliday and Entropy

I met game girl which I tottally fell for ... anyways
back to this LR which is a classic....

Or read the detailed field report originally written on Saffron's blog below:

Two girls in one night is always a good night. I was in Vegas last week Approach Coaching for ABCs of Attraction. I spent the majority of the night winging for students and pulling girls back to our VIP section. The picture below is a 2-set of the hottest girls in the venue that I had to hand over to the students. Ah, the joys of being an instructor. One of the students ended up making out with one of the girls while the other #closed. I'm proud of my young padawans.

After 1 AM, the Asian Playboy comes over to me and says, "You have 1 hour to pull." I'm always a challenge whore so I ran out of the VIP section and started running my standard dance floor game. At this point of the night, my social proof was through the roof because I led about 10 different groups of HBs back to our table.

I run lazy game, so I opened the closest attractive set near our booth. I use my Dance Floor Direct Opener and its an instant hook. The girl pulls me in. She grinds on me. I start my dance floor escalation routine. I execute a Fatality and a Lower Back Pain. She's going nuts. At this point there is no verbal game, its just physical escalation fractionated with BL takeaways and then my patented head rush kino pull. I enter my Sexual Eye Contact routine, which puts her through the roof.

This girl is ready to go. I pull her back into the VIP section so I can lower her BT. APB taught me that if you raise a girl's BT too much too soon, her entire state collapses during any kind of lull and she enters into buyers' remorse. I refused to let that happen that night. I enter into mini-comfort loops, run my cold read sex routine and stack into my adventurous sex DHVs. I pull my whisper move and enter into a heavy non-needy frame.

She straddles me.

HBBathroom: "Come closer. I'm going to do something crazy to you."
Me: [enters non-verbal Abundance Routine – something I've learned from sarging HB10s]
HBBathroom: [goes crazy] What are you doing? Look AT ME. You can't handle this.
Me: Who said I was going to handle anything?
HBBathroom: You're going to LOVE it. [tries to start kissing me. Licks my neck. Grabs my crotch]
Me: Shut up. Let's go.

I pull her out of the VIP. She pulls me into the bar and buys me a beer (I didn't even ask for one). We down it. I remain reticent. I let her chase. She starts grinding on me hard again. I don't mind it since she has this nice big ass and knows how to work it. I realize that I only have 30 minutes left to complete the 1 hour challenge. I command her to stop and pull her out of the club.

We're in the cab making out. I tell the cab driver my hotel. She sees her hotel in the distance and realizes that she left the club without her friend. She starts freaking out since they're leaving in less than 6 hours to fly back home and tells the driver to reroute to her hotel. FUCK.

We get to her hotel and she pulls me out of the cab. We're making out in the lobby now. She tells me that her phone is dead and she just needs to check if her friend is OK. We find her friend, they do the annoying "I haven't seen you in forever" routine and then her friend decides to try and cockblock me. HAH. I pull out the anti-cockblock shields and run the befriender routine. We're now all in a high energy state and grab a few shots.

CB tells me, "You're not getting laid tonight. Sorry, buddy, but my mom and dad are sleeping upstairs and I'm not going back to your hotel to have a threesome with you, because we're leaving in a couple of hours." (she's pretty drunk at this point).

I whisper into HBBathroom's ear, "This is your last night here. You can either sit here and talk to your friend like you do every night at home, or you can choose to have an amazing experience with me. Ditch your friend." HBbathroom turns to me and checks me for any signs of weakness. None. A couple of minutes later they run into the bathroom for some girl time. She comes out and freaks out. "OMG, I lost my cell phone." The CB starts freaking out and runs off to look for it at the bar.

HBBathroom turns to me and says "sike. I have it right here." Then she pulls me into the women's bathroom, strips my pants off and starts going down on me. At this point I have about 5 minutes left to my 1 hour challenge, so I pick her up, finger bang her, and then strip her naked. I bend her over the toilet and we go at it. Simultaneously, I whip out my iPhone and try to take a few money shots, but alas, there was piss poor lighting.

We wrap up and head back out. She buys me a couple more shots and then we exchange information.

--------- Part 2: Stripper Pull

I got into the cab feeling pretty satisfied. I plowed through some fucked up logistics and got my first ever bathroom pull. But, I wasn't going to rest on my laurels and the night was still young (3:00 AM) so I told the driver to drive me to the after hours club. All the strippers and hired guns go to this club once they get off shift, so I was looking forward to a good night.

I show up at the club solo in a post-sex glow. I could still smell the first girl on me. I look around to see if I could make any automatic wings. Most of the guys are rolling through in groups and they look like the bottle-buying type. I move on into the club and its this cavernous underground bar with four separate rooms. At this point, I'm in a pretty low state, since having sex kills my sarge drive for at least 24 hours.

I tell myself, fuck it, KOP: "keep on plowing." The club is packed with HB9s and HB10s. I can obviously tell that most of the girls are locals and most of them are strippers and hired guns. Girls are walking around in their work outfits, wearing bikinis and cut off shorts and ripped tank tops. Titties everywhere. I befriend a few sets and run indirect game for a while. I don't get blown out, but I'm also not deeply hooking any one set. I realize that I needed to run some HB10/ADD Party Girl game. I scan the bar and find my target – HBStripper.

I run my Balls to the Walls (BTW) Direct Opener and I see her instantly hook. I tease her a little then dominate the frame. I run my standard High Value Dancing routine and pull her on to the dance floor. At this point she breaks out her stripper moves. She pulls me onto a sofa and gives me a lap dance. She then pulls me back onto the dance floor and we become the center of attention. The entire room is looking at us grinding the shit out of each other. I pull out my head rush kino pull and my Sexual EC Routine. She's loving it.

I stop and control myself and reenter my Abundance Routine. She tries to pull me back into her and tries to qualify herself again through dancing. I don't bite. We pull away to the bar and she starts trying to kiss me. I dodge the kisses and pull away. We banter for a little bit and she starts grinding on me again. What an ADD stripper.

Now, what happens next I think, is key to the interaction. I know at this point she physically wants to sleep with me, but she isn't emotionally sure, so she starts testing me. She starts grinding on another guy who's sitting down in front of us. I sit back and watch and then open up a girl next to me. The stripper gets jealous and comes back to cockblock. I reshift my attention on her and then she tells me "I have to go for a second."

I stop and think to myself – if I let her leave, I may not see her again, since we're in the VIP section and its hard to get back in. But, if I don't let her go, I lose my frame and my dominance. So, I shrug and push her off. She leaves. I open up a few other sets and now due to my high social proof, girls are hooking much more easily. I get bored and realize none of the girls are as hot as HBStripper so after a half hour I eject. I find HBStripper near the exit talking to one of her guy friends. He's a rich chode, probably a customer, and has his hands all over her. I walk up to her, turn her around, and start making out with her. The chode just stands there with his dick in his hands.

I pull away first. HBStripper comes up for air and asks "What's that for?" I say, "that's for making me wait. Do it again and I'm going to spank you." (Spank) *credit to BradP.

I lean back against the bar and re-enter my non-needy frame. She starts grinding on me and she shares her drink with me. I'm getting bored and its now getting close to 6 am, so I run my ejection routine. HBStripper stares into my eyes for any incongruence and then gives me verbal LMR.

"Irrelevant." (Credit: Jeffy) "Let's Go."

We get her coat and exit the club. The sun is rising as we're making out in the back seat of the taxi. Déjà vu. We show up at our hotel and there's no LMR, since I already took care of it at the club. She really blew my mind. Well that, and some other parts of my body. Here are assorted pictures from my adventures:

Download the Audio Lay Report with Commentery's by Asian Playboy:

and visit Saffron's personal blog:

Sick and watching stuff- building social intelligence

I've been reviewing some stuff that has value to my night game and overall Frame.

Had an interaction recently and didnt go well eventhough she was throwing herself at me...

lovedrops violation theory is great!

Yes girls are like us but they test and sometimes sabotage what they want....

its how to answer and when handle stuff....then lead

I recently posted some articles...

But its going back to basics--

RSD Foundations great stuff! its like bootcamp in DVD set

-Tyler after reading some of his stuff this just blew me away...

its organized to have Solid GamE!

female psycology

when a girl says something after you handled her test
you pump buying temperature

BT spiking=

by JT asian playboy

Excersize : shit test excersize
review of bt spiking routines

you have to be equipped to face this....

Saturday, May 9, 2009

looking back at a journal post w mehow and fuji

Boston and self improvement

Boston trip was very tired and long and last minute.

I saw my friends they havent changed a bit, from their game should me sexual texting... done right. I ve gottent texts from girls dont ever text me again cause Ive pushed limits which is good, I wasnt gonna fvck so why not go for the long pass touchdown? Who cares?

I met cool guy from jacksonville and a young cool dude from nyc smart business interenet guy who runs sites and makes money for other guys..I dont know how that works but anyways.

When I was in the bus I saw a cute red hair nosering I couldnt help myself not to approach and open her my opener my lead then later on on the bus I sat next to her but had her ASD shield on, my rapport building was dead on and I reverse phone text close -sick! she liked the way I did it. My eye contact was dominating and sexy, strong solid then smile.

Im definately looking her up.

this week is of desciscion since Im going to nashville and will be working on my school trainning. My friend was telling me how cool the years I spent being a dentist and specializing to be a cosmetic expert, I mean it comes to me naturally like no big deal but my friend sees it as a big deal and gave me ideas to build a social circle game based on identity.He half assed it since I didnt finish school yet..what a punk! LoL.

Im my game im not into technical terms as much cause Im not that geeky... seeing them again since January was cool. They know I have potential to be awesome if I keep working at it...and so they told me soo and said "WTF man I saw you in JAn and you changed you were this I dont give a **** I own this place cool guy can be good at this dude?"

Thanks Fuji

Journal of my sets: a review:
-Act out of your head ,act like you dont care , like without an agenda.
-correct bodylanguage positioning she IOD on body language you IOD back.
-Dont lean in
-speak louder and paused in club venues.
-flow the stack no pauses.
-smile and walk in the venue like you are the **** own the place.
-dont vibe in attraction run straight stack.
-go into kino fast and take it away.
-in comfort run attraction bits keep her hooked then isolate her.
-seed the pull before asking her out.
-within 10 minutes mark you will calibrate the set whether you eject or not
-prep in set -"I see you are going to be trouble Im going to have to start hitting on you all night.

-qualify before you run a routine -
-qualify before a compliment-it is the why I like you not because Im needy guy that whats to fvck anything that walks.
-use an excuse to pull them back to your home-

I will start a journal of my sets, this way I will objectively evaluate myself
This is a start of my game taking to the next level...

Friday, May 8, 2009

mistakes of over invesrting

Guys will generally work and invest more in the girl in the courtship period before sex has happened. Many of you guys reading this ( myself included) are guilty of this. That’s one of the big reasons that girls have trust issues with guys.

We should all know by now that it’s unattractive to give all your power away for the chance of hooking up. But how do we deal with the fact that you will have less power in any interaction with a woman until you’ve had sex with her?

The first step to evening the power differential, is having personal boundaries and standards, and not compromising them for booty. This makes a much bigger difference with women than you can imagine. Boundaries and standards tell people a great deal about how you expect to be treated by women, and give a glimpse as to your level of success with them.

Next you need to consciously get the girl to invest in the interaction. Contrary to popular belief, a girl can be WAY more invested in a relationship than you are but she still holds the power edge until you have sex. Because she controls where the relationship ultimately goes. It is impossible to have a long term relationship without ever having sex. Imagine being married to a woman who will never have sex with you… Doesn’t sound like a great time, though it does sound like most people’s marriages ☺ So you get girls to invest by qualifying, and gradually increasing her compliance. It may seem simple, but asking her to bring something to a date or hold your drink for a second goes a long way.

Retain your power through decisiveness. Make sure that you are the one to plan dates, you’re the first one to get off the phone, and that you always take a little bit longer to return her calls and texts than she does. These things seem small but by being decisive and busy you retain power before and after sex.

All right that wraps up the first question on sex and power.

Sometime soon I’ll write about the second question.

How do you maintain a healthy balanced power ratio after sex?

Thursday, May 7, 2009

FR: comedy night again shot down indescscion but number closed one

I went there early and i saw a couple of AI's
its always good to do daygame..daygame is great lots of fun and challenging...

I like direct ala wygant alot..cause Im into the moment and I qualify her and do cold reads..

I number closed and intern as she was leaving.. I liked her she was nervous...

Doc Holliday was soo money when it comes to this...

AI's work well

Im calibrating my eye contact as well...forcing IOI's

AI is different game; you qualify and comfort you assume attraction and run game.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

FR day game

I was out on rainy and got appraoched 2 times..

I hesitate but I have to review my stack and converastion skills...

french girls AI me... but i remmebr Paul Janka

Paul janka has done this more than me and I like his stuff for nyc

for me more i talk I fuck up

xue ann married didnt respond to texts '
lee ann neither
nj teach is nice and freidnly i might pull text book pick up

Teacher from ohio this morning was great warm up...but was with kids
IOIS were flying like crazy

I got hesitant today with fear

NYU stuff going

I love pauls stuff!

I realize quality is better in pickup than quantity
you learn more....

awaken is a flake.LOL

HB Blondie called me at 2:30am I was dead asleep

got to work on comfort game