Well Im going to appraoch it as Entropys interprets things...
I went through psycho drama last night...I felt like I was doing it for my own and I think Im confusing myself with my mind and my heart....
Im going to write up a FR type but autopsy style report wher i learned and made mistakes....
Atleast I have game to go out and get another girl or go out with her friend and hurt her emotionally but I really have to get myself together.
Luckily for me...I got email from swingcat :
There's a secret to getting your girlfriend back
that most guys will go to their grave never knowing.
As an added bonus, learning this secret will improve
your skills with da ladies tenfold.
Is It Possible To Get An Ex Girlfriend Back?
Question from a reader
Is it possible to get an ex girlfriend back? I’ve been with my ex-girlfriend for almost eight years. During that time, I know she was sick of me and I could see it in her eyes. The entire time I was with her I would do whatever she asked me to.
Put it this way, I was like a dog that chased after a ball every time she said fetch. I don't want that to happen all my life. I want her to chase after the ball too. But she never listens to me and it's all about her every time.
We’ve been broken up for about four months or so. At first, she wanted to be friends with benefits. I kinda like friends with benefits because benefits means sex. But I want to fix our breakup to makeup. Now there's no friends with benefit anymore. Because she found someone to talk to and I'm very lonely. She is seeing this guy and I believe dating as well, but not in a relationship.
So I think I still have a chance. I don't know what I'm going to do now. But what is more messed up is she is living in my second house that she is renting and she is on my T-Mobile plan too. I have to go to her house once a month to pick up the rent.
I don't know what I'm going to do when I see her. She told me before when we broke up that she’d feel no jealousy if she saw me with another woman. Another words, she’s the man in the relationship and I'm the girl. How messed up is that... very messed up huh!!!
I've been thinking a lot about a plan to win her over me. I would start off buying your program and read inch by inch and page after page. Once that's done, I will start fixing up myself and go to Clubs to test out your course. If that works then the next time I go to my ex-girlfriend’s house I'll bring a beautiful girl to pick up the rent for me. Then I will use your skills and techniques to make her want me more and more... so that she will keep thinking about me over and over and over again.
Is your method powerful enough to win my ex-girlfriend over, so that she will chase after me for now on?
What worries me is how my ex-girlfriend is doing right now and if I still have a chance getting her back. Please help me Swinggcat, I need your help and your advice.
I know you have changed peoples lives. I hope your will change mine.
Once again, Thank You!!!
Your Friend,
Mark S. - From North Hollywood, California
Mark, buddy, I’m gonna bust your chops because I’ve sat in the same miserable prison cell you’re sitting in right now. Even though it is damn painful to lose the love of your life, you need a good kick in the ass – trust me.
Getting dumped sucks. A gut level response is to scheme up a master plan that makes her fall in love with you all over again. Like a baby aspirin, it prevents your jealous heart from exploding. Been there, done that.
I could give you word-for-word lines that would pump her groin full of lust. But I’m not, buddy.
Because here’s what would happen…
She’d throw you a bone, a minute of her oh-so-valuable time, and you’d pounce forward like the little trained golden retriever you are. Any attraction the techniques triggered inside her would wither to a suicidal gloom.
Without a key ingredient, you’re rigged to lose, my man.
In a minute, you’ll know what this ingredient is and how to get your hands on it.
But first… I wanna feed your noggin some food for thought…
What’s the difference between putting $5000.00 in front of a degenerate gambler in debt and a guy who’s got his shit together.
For the man in debt, his desire for the money comes from a place of necessity. If he doesn’t pay the debt, a bookie may crack his kneecaps. In plain English, he needs that moolah – badly.
But for Mr. Moneybags, it’s a completely different story. Getting his paws on 5,000 big ones isn’t a necessity. His life will be just fine without it. Instead, his desire for the money stems from a place of possibility. There’s a whole slew of possible things he could do with five G's: take a trip to Hawaii, purchase a new stereo system, buy a kick-ass wardrobe, or invest in a new computer.
One more time: the degenerate’s desire comes from a place of need and necessity… the rich guy’s desire comes from a place of possibility.
Hmm…. You get where I’m going with this?
Similar to the degenerate gambler who’s one poker hand away from losing his kneecaps, you’re coming from a place of necessity with this girl.
I want you to do a simple exercise…
Take a moment to imagine your attention, affection, and love being a necessity in this girl’s life. If you don’t give her your attention and show her that you’re attracted to her 24-7, her universe crumbles.
Visualize her arm clinging to yours at every moment. Her wanting to spend every waking second with you – even when you’re taking a dump.
Picture a furrow cutting between her eyebrows anytime a woman looks in your direction.
Draw a portrait in your mind of your girlfriend’s eyes seething with jealousy anytime a female’s shoulder grazes against yours in a crowded elevator.
This may be flattering – and a little comforting – at first. But after a while, it will reduce any attraction you feel for her to a crippling zero.
I’ve got some homework for you…
Go rent the movie Swingers. If you’ve already seen it, watch it again. It will be a great refresher course.
The movie is about a guy named Mike whose girlfriend leaves him for another man. The first half of the movie is about him moping around and fretting over how life is miserable without his girlfriend. His desire for his ex comes from a place of necessity.
Although a tough slog, he muscles himself out of the house and into the single scene trenches.
By the end of the movie, he meets a great girl. You can probably guess what happens. His desire for his ex girlfriend ceases to come from a place of necessity. As soon as this shift occurs, his ex calls him, wanting to get back together.
It’s weird… but more often than not, ex girlfriends psychically know when your desire for them switches from necessity to possibility.
That’s the turning point when they’ll usually want you back. Ironically, your desire for having them back in your life will no longer come from a place of necessity. You may not even want them at all.
Perhaps you’re wondering, “How in the world do I switch from necessity to possibility?”
By expanding your possibilities with other great women. If a handful of great women feel a yen to be with you, you’ll come from a place of power and choice. Instead of needing your ex, she’ll be just one of several possible girls you have the power to choose from.
Of course, if you don’t sport the tools to quickly spark attraction, succeeding with other women is a mountain of difficulty.
I should know… I can remember years ago being dumped and feeling powerless to get back in the game because I didn’t have a clue how to attract women.
That’s why I’ve spent the last decade creating a simple method for triggering deep level attraction in women without having to rely on looks, money… or any of the other nonsense most men think you need to succeed with women.
Whether your single or in a committed relationship, armed with this attraction method your desire for a woman will always come from a place of possibility, power, and choice.
If you'd like a PHD education on this attraction method, I highly recommend you check out my brand-spanking-new Sexual Connections course.
I also remembered helping awaken when he broke up with his cougar wealthy woman...
he changed alot..I just couldnt understand how he got so emotional and I do miss her and Im worried about my situation.
Im going to watch swingers tonight and I remember reading and listening to matt huston get your eXback...."he who cares the least , controls the relationship "
Im going to post up more on whats going on and my mission on pimping it...miami style....better yet CJ's style ; )
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