I like Doc Holliday cause Ive worked with him...guy is genuine and real PUA.
I took 2 bc with them and worked with him....real eye opener.
So in honor to him and his help Im posting this.....
I also like Saffron and Entropy
Entropy seems to be top active PUAs out there, If you get a chance to work with him ...Do it.
I got success working with them...
drumroll please:
5 Questions With Pickup Artist Doc Holliday
Doc Holliday is the cofounder and executive coach of Practical Pickup. He is best known for his innovations on day game, first dates, and comfort game. He teaches personalized pickup coaching throughout North America. His thoughts can be found at www.dochollidaypua.com
What was the break through moment for you in regards to achieving massive success as a PUA?
DOC HOLLIDAY: I can think of two big ones, or really the catalyst and the following reaction. The catalyst was losing my virginity. I came into the community a suicidal virgin. Because of that I had some really weird and unhealthy views about sex. The biggest of which was that I honestly believed that pussy would solve all my problems… I quickly realized this wasn’t the case. Iosing my V card really brought about a change of focus for me. I started to develop my life in other ways and work through the issues that had led to my depression and attempted suicide. It showed me that pussy wasn’t the magic pill I had hoped it was. That realization forced me to accept the fact that I had to fix myself before I could ever hope to be happy with my life or be truly successful with women. Women will always be able to enhance your life but they can never define it.
What do you think the secret is for same night lays?
DOC HOLLIDAY: Logistics and comfort. If you’re going out and specifically trying to work on same night lays then you need to screen for logistics within the first ten minutes of conversation. Questions like “How did you get here?” “What’s on the agenda for tonight?” “Doing anything fun tomorrow?” etc. If a girl is the designated driver for her friends I don’t care how good your game is you’re not gonna pull her out of there.
Almost everyone in the community doesn’t focus on comfort enough. Most of the guys I meet think that sharing themselves is the equivalent to handing a woman their resume’, I went to school here, I grew up there, I like snowboarding, I go twice a month, etc. All they’re doing is telling the woman the “what” about their lives. What they should be focusing on is the “why.” For example a guy saying he likes snowboarding is the “what” but if elaborates and explains the “why” he’s going to build a much stronger connection with the woman. The why could be “You know, my favorite thing to do in the world is to go snowboarding. There’s just something about it, the feeling I get in my stomach as I go up the ski lift, that moment right before I’m about to go down, just looking down over the ledge where the adrenaline is just waiting to be released, and finally when I’m going down it’s just me and the board, my mind is completely blank except for what I’m going to do next. Even as a kid, I always loved the winter because I knew my older brother would take me to a mountain on our winter break.” I’ve never actually been snowboarding before.
Once you start to open up like this to women they’re going to open up back to you. You actually get to see her real personality and who she is as a person. A lot of guy are going to think this sounds like some AFC LJBF bullshit but when a woman says to you that you understand her better than her ex boyfriend of three years and you met her 3 hours ago you’re getting laid. No LMR, no friends dragging her away, just great sex.
Who are you mentors and why?
DOC HOLLIDAY: Within the community my greatest mentor is Sinn. I lost my virginity the same night I heard him present at a seminar. In my opinion he’s the best coach in the community, he’s worked with more students that anyone else, and he’s personally dealt with almost all the issues students go through. Personally experiencing and dealing with an issue gives you much better insight into the issue. He’s also always been brutally honest with me about what I needed to do to fix my game. It’s hard to find someone like that.
Outside of the community I’ve got to say my mother. She always has been and always will be the most important person in my life. I don’t have much family other than her so she has to fill a lot of the roles that other family remembers would normally cover, she did a good job.
Any tips for guys looking to improve their inner game?
DOC HOLLIDAY:Â Inner game is a different journey for everyone and I can only speak for myself. Personally reading literature has helped me understand and reflect on myself better than anything else I’ve found so far. To be specific John Steinbeck’s East of Eden changed my life more than any other book I’ve ever read. Guys need to realize that inner game is a process that affects every part of your life. It’s a personal journey that you’re never done with, all you can do is to try and enjoy the ride.
What is your favorite outfit to hit a bar or club in?
DOC HOLLIDAY:Â I’m easy, usually I got out in a pair of Diesel Jeans, a Johnny Cupcakes tee shirt, and cowboy boots. I have a lot of tattoos and body piercings but other than that I don’t peacock. Dressing crazy and peacocking is great when you’re just starting out because of the attention it gives you and because of the random girls that decide they like sleeping with guys who wear eye shadow and New Rocks. But you get a decent level of success I think it’s better to find a style that’s congruent and unique to you… then you can meet the girls who like to sleep with guys who wear tee shirts with cupcakes on them
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