Sunday, April 25, 2010

10 way to Pump up Buying Temperature Tactics

10 Buying Temperature Tactics to Create Attraction

10 way to Pump up Buying Temperature Tactics ...Mostly popularized by Mystery, it has the advantage of introducing that "Wow" factor. One does run the risk of being the entertainer, but as Mystery has shown...

OK, as us Pick Up Artists (PUAs) should know, Buying Temperature is the woman's emotional receptivity and her level of general attraction to the PUA at a given time.

(Note, that there is slight, but subtle difference between general attraction and sexual attraction. You can have one without the other, though then you run the risk of turning from the really cool, fun guy into the really cool, fun friend.)

Anyways, Buying Temperature Game isn't necessarily the tighest game if that forms the cornerstone of your repoitoire (though it's awesome for pushing for one night stands). Yet for some guys, who fall into the trap of being too comfortable and too serious, without pumping up BT, they come off as boring as opposed to exciting and intriguing to the woman.

So I give you some common BT tactics. Some I use quite a bit and some (like magic) I don't. There are two very common weaknesses of BT Game. One, it isn't solid and the attraction (unless you push for the one night stand) she feels for you tends to rapidly disappear in the morning. Secondly, it can also leave you stuck in the position of being the entertainment monkey. Once you're gone or you're out of tricks, the girls will walk away to find some other source of stimuli be it dancing, alcohol, drugs or hot guys/girls (in other words Buying Temperature and attraction is transferable).

Let's get down to brass tacks:

1.Magic - Mostly popularized by Mystery, it has the advantage of introducing that "Wow" factor. One does run the risk of being the entertainer, but as Mystery has shown time and time again, by being the center of attention you create a situation of social proof and displaying social mastery. I won't say not to use it, but I've seen it work. One example that comes to mind is OCWaterBoy before he became the Direct Master that he is now. He did a magic trick (learned from Mystery) to engage an attractive, very slim girl who he eventually slept with. She KNEW what he was trying to do (ie capture her attention and impress her), but the trick was intriguing enough that she was OK with it.

2.Humor - The is really the most common BT strategy. You know it when you see it, but it also takes a modicum of social mastery as well as comic timing if you aren't a naturally humorous guy. Not easy to teach other than to immerse yourself in social situations and watch naturally funny guys. A few one liners and funny stories can help, it's the old concept of being Cocky and Funny popularized by David DeAngelo. I tend to have a pretty good sense of humor, but I'm not always "on" especially as the night wears on. It's the old concept of "Laughing Her Pants Off."

3.Shocking/Humorous Story - You can stack the deck in your favor if you can convey a story that is shocking, overtly sexual, and/or humorous. These are those tall tales that can captivate an audience, make them laugh, make them gasp, but at times, make them roll their eyes if you don't deliver it effectively. I like to use my own stories from my own life (a little embellished perhaps) though one can see the efficacy of canned stories like the Bad Ass Kid Routine and others. Fuck/Marry/Kill, while not necessarily a story, can work as way to both shock and be humorous while at the same time reframing the interaction in a sexual frame.

4.Dancing - This is one of my common tactics that I like to use to both create attraction as well as qualify her ("Oh, are you good dancer? Or do you just shake your ass like all the other girls?"). Note, I don't APPROACH the girl with Dance Game. I use dancing to isolate, pump up her attraction and adrenaline, and escalate the physical. Disadvantages, of course, is that it requires you to be somewhat decent at dancing. An easy variation of this is to Spin Her as if you're doing a swing dance. A lot of guys do this when they open, but a lot of times it's poorly done.

5.Thumb Wrestling - This is a stupid little game and competition, but one I actually had done to me the other night by the girl. Kind of a role reversal, but it's a fun little game. You can frame it as a challenge and play it up as the thumb war championship. Sidenote, sometimes a girl was ask you to buy her a drink, play a game with her, winner buys. You've changed the frame, introduced kino, and you'll win (if you don't, hang up your title of Pick Up Artist right now). There are a lot of variations to this like Slap Jack and so forth.

6.Fake Fighting - I like to do this a lot as well. Maybe a girl will accidentally bump into me. Instead of saying "Sorry" you can pretend to throw down with the girl. "Wha-wha-what? You wanna throw down? Let's see what you GOT?!" Again, it's silly but it's a fun thing to do and shows that you're really not taking the girl too serious. A variation of this is to Booty Bump Her and be playful about it.

7.Cavemanning - I'll do this if I'm feeling particularly energetic and if she's light. This is simply picking her up in your arms. Maybe throwing her over your shoulder. Piggybacking, etc.

8.Make Her Slap Herself - I've already written about making her slap herself. It's similar in nature to cavemanning in that you're displaying dominance by temporarily taking control of her body.

9.Drink Annilihation - This is actually an AMOG tactic that works just as effectively on girls as guys. Fun, silly and leaves her at your mercy.

10.Intentional Cold Read - Not the cold read that's designed to generate commonalities and understanding (though there is that), but calling a girl from New York "trouble" or a "bad girl" and then turning like you're walking away. Most times, you'll get pulled back in where they'll laugh and qualify themselves. This is where the PowerPuff girl routine came in though you can do a lot with it from the Sexual Predator to any other outrageous cold read that's designed to push her buttons.

All of this, of course, depend upon your delivery, energy level, and a host of other factors that helps you convey humor and playfulness as well as dominating the interaction so she no longer is thinking logically, but simply responding emotionally and on a visceral level.

Also remember that BT Game should be considered within the context of the social setting as well as the girl herself. You don't need to pump up BT at the library for general day game, a decent sense of humor well work just as fine. Club game, however, where you're competing with massive amounts of other stimuli and distractions does require a mastery of BT Game.


AsianPlayboy:10 Fool Proof Sexual-Kino Compliance Tests

Another solid article from The Asian Playboy. He’s got a lot of great stuff going on. Go visit his new website at The ABCs of Attraction

Understanding & Mastering Sexual Anxiety

“10 Fool Proof Sexual-Kino Compliance Tests!”

Sexual anxiety was- without a doubt- my biggest sticking point that easily held me back for months if not more. It prevented me from escalating whether for a one night stand, bathroom fuck, or going sexual on the date. Talk about frustrating, until I finally clued in that General Attraction is different from Sexual Attraction which required me to modify my early Buying Temperature and C&F Verbal Game tactics.

Quite frankly, in my honest opinion, I rank paralinguistics (ie Non-Verbal Game) as important -if not more so- than Verbal Game. So instead of getting all verbose as in my previous article dealing with Inner Game, let me simple give you ten (10) of my personal favorite and field tested Sexual-Kino Compliance Tests.

I use them quite often not only to ascertain her Sexual & General Attraction, but also to spike her emotional Buying Temperature as well as Kino Plow into the fun zone of sex!

Sure you’ll feel awkward in the beginning, but there’s the nice side benefit that, by using them as part of your Kino Game and Compliance Testing, they will slowly help you get over your SA and become more comfortable around women and conveying more dominance and sexuality through constant kino and compliance testing.

First, I- with regards to both the what and why- define Compliance Tests as:

1. A method (either verbal and non-) by which you gauge her Attraction (General or Sexual) to you.
2. Providing an OPTION for her to either pass or fail.
3. Encouraging and qualifying the right choice through a reward/punishment stratagem.
4. Establishing and maintaining the leader/masculine/dominance versus the follower/feminine/submissive frame.
5. Testing for, declawing, and/or eliminating “Cat String” attention whore / stripper types.
6. Finally, with regards to the objective of the article, the more you sexually CT her, the more comfortable you become being, encouraging, and expecting sensuality from both you and her.

Secondly, here are some additional guidelines by which you can increase the successful CTs:

1. LEGITIMACY: Verbal CTs should always be phrased with a “legitimate” excuse. Trust me, girls are NOT stupid. They KNOW why you want to get them upstairs. They just need it to pass the “common sense” test when they brag about you to their girlfriends. It doesn’t need to be logical or foolproof, it just needs to SOUND legitimate. For Kino CTs, this is done with unspoken subtlety and confident body language as well as appropriate levels of BT and privacy.
2. SPIKING THE CT: CTs are best off paired with some sort of Attraction Switch DHV or a BT Spike. The more emotional and attracted she is to you, the more willing she is to comply and follow you without asking questions.
3. CT WITH KINO: ALWAYS try and pair a CT with a light KINO touch. Don’t go out of your way and make it weird, but throw in that little extra kino so she’s physically stimulated at the same time.
4. INTIMACY BUBBLE: The closer you are to her- whether she’s attracted or not- the more willing she is to comply. You don’t want to be creepy, but when you’re sharing the same personal space, she is less likely to reject the CT.
5. FASHION: Unless you or her are hardened criminals, a uniformed office gets your attention and demands respect. In other words, dress like a MAN who’s dominant and sure. Baggy, ghetto, or kiddy gear doesn’t garner respect. Power suits or a cohesive fashion sense can show you’re someone to be followed.
6. SMILE: Smiling- like CJ’s “Clown Grin”- is essentially a BT spike. People feel good when they’re presented with a genuine, infectious, and full smile. It’s natural for her to feel comfortable around a friendly, vivacious, and fun loving person.
7. NO FORCE: A lot of newbies carry the concept of “The Illusion of Input” as forcing her to jump through your hoops. Bad PUA! You aren’t supposed to force her to do anything, simply encourage/highlight/present the RIGHT choice.
8. RANDOM POSITIVE REINFORCEMENT: This is for the “Negs Gone Wild” or “I am the Prize” extremists… If she’s basically willing to do everything you want, you need to reward her whether it be with BT Spikes, BL, kino, kisses, sex, or whatever. Don’t be predictable, but do show that you acknowledge her enthusiastic compliance with the SLIGHT hope that she might actually be able to win you over. Constant punishment and/or tests will eventually convince her that you aren’t interested and/or attainable while constant rewards shows that you’re needy. Mix it up.

But enough theory, already!

Here are my fun, personally field tested, Compliance Tests. Some are new. Some are old. Some are purely kino BT spikers. And some are sexual in nature. Field tested, APB-approved!


1. POINT & CLICK: This one’s REALLY easy even for the novice amongst us. When you’re in set for more than 5 minutes, start thinking where to maneuver and/or sit. Kino her shoulder, smile, point a short distance away (ie a foot or two away from the crowd), and smoothly GLIDE over there. Do maintain eye contact, your smile, and a steady flow of conversation. If she changes her BL and moves with you, it’s a mild sign that you’re on the right track and willing to distance herself from her home base/friends and be mini-isolated with you.
2. KISS & KINO LADDER: The Evolution Phase Shift is probably the most infamous of our PUA Kino Escalation tactics. You can also do the “Kiss me here, kiss me there, now kiss me riiiiight here…” to go from cheek kisses to full on makeout. Whatever the tactic, the kino/kiss ladder starts small and ends up big while maintaining a sexualized conversation.
3. SENSUAL SHAKE & GLIDE: When you’re introduced to her after some time, you’ll more than likely shake hands. Feel free to do so but then HOLD YOUR PALM UPWARDS without releasing her hand, BUT without holding her hand in place. Basically you’re seeing if she’ll maintain the kino and hold hands with you or pull back. If it lasts a while, you can start holding hands, tickle her palm, and/or simply do a caress & glide with your fingers from her palm.
4. GENTLEMAN’S GRACE: Similar to the above except you flourish your hand out and kiss her hand while smiling at her. Yeah, it’s archaic and seemingly “anti-PUA”, but think about it. One, you’ve initiated sexual kino. And two, just GAZE into her face, lift her lips, smile, and observe her reaction. Is she turned on? Attracted? Embarrassed? Freaked out? Remember, you use CTs to figure out where you are in the sarge and then use small CTs to progress to larger ones like isolation, venue changing, and penis insertion.
5. CAVEMANNING: Women love to have their picture taken. They even practice their poses in the mirror and come up photogenic tactics. So the next time you get a picture taken with a girl, PICK HER UP! Hey, I’m 5″6 and slim. Now I won’t pick up a “big boned” girl, but I’ve lifted my fair share of tanorexics, spinners, and flyers. It’s an easy and kino CT that you can pair up with something else.
6. PAPA’S KNEE: I should invent a cool PUA Community name for this one, but it’s essentially a play off of the very simple Hi-5 CT. This is best done at a BT Spike, seated, and semi-isolated. When you Hi-5, casually bring her hand down to your knee, place it there, and let go while still maintaining constant eye contact and conversation. Don’t force her to maintain kino, you’re simply trying to see if she’s physically and sexually compliant towards touching you. If she takes her hand away like a shamefaced monkey then you simply consider it a sign post for you to Game more and Game better. Now, of course, if she starts to slowly move her hand up your thigh…
7. BOOTY BUMP & GRIND: Booty bump her playfully with your ass to her ass. See if she reciprocates. Hell, take her to the dance floor and ascertain her level of “grindability.” In either case, don’t push it, simple see if she responds positively. Of course, it helps to have rhythm.
8. SIT/LAP TEST: Make her sit in your lap or you in hers. You can motion, pat your knee, or verbally convey it. Again, this isn’t necessarily an ESCALATION move though it could turn into one. The primary goal is to see where she’s at on the Sexual Attraction thermometer. Cold means more BT and Game. Hot lap grinding means it’s time to think logistics and extraction. For the more timid amongst you, simply motion for her to sit next to you while you press your thigh against her thigh and knee. Again, judge her reaction if she stays in constant kino with you or not.
9. PROMENADE: An oldie but still a goodie. When you walk with her, simple put out your elbow and see if she holds your elbow. Advanced versions could include both hands, palm squeezing, tickling, booty bumps, etc.
10. TRUST TEST: Another oldie but still a goodie. Advanced tactics include tickling, caressing, palm reading, and sticking out your tongue at her.

Now go out in the field and try them out! And be sure to post up what kind of shenanigans ya’ll got yourselves into!

-The Asian Playboy

P.S. Other excellent references on verbal/sexual CTs include CJ’s “How To” Article and for other non-verbal CTs Sinn’s “Comfort Threshold. Or one of my favorite articles… Sexual Identity: Less Talk, More Sex!

Dear Asian Playboy

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Sexual Identity: Less Talk. More Sex.

If I might use former student Groove as an example. He already had great material and great look.
But it was figuring out his LOGISTICS and using SEXUALITY as a TECHNIQUE / TACTIC / ROUTINE is what, I 100% believe, has allowed him to triple his lay rate.

Dallas PUA Simple has a great saying,

APB's rule #24 now.

In the ABCs of Attraction that Prophet and I originally pioneered, there is a step, a TOTAL change of energy, and attraction called DIRECT INTEREST.
Like, almost EVERYTHING needs to change about your Game.

In other words, you're BEYOND building attraction.

•How you kino (general kino and sexual kino are totally different)
•Your tonality (again approach tonality vs comfort tonality vs sexual tonality & verbage)
•Your eye gazing
•Your physical presence


You're not working on attracting (except to maintain attraction). You SHOULD be concentrating on Sexual Tension (and ergo Sexual Release).

She needs to WANT your cock. Not your conversation.

ABC (Approach & Attract, Buying Temperature, Comfort & Connect) means you're a GOOD CONVERSATIONALIST.

Guess what though? That just means you know how to talk and make friends. You're cool. Interesting. Funny.

But it DOESN'T make you a good LOVER or SEDUCER. So what does?

Gunwitch Method works.
Direct (both Direct BL and Direct opener [both verbal and non-verbal, both statements vs question openers, natural vs canned]) method works that I had to tackle hardcore for 3 straight months.

The four non-verbal keys that form the acronym SECT as part of Direct Interest does.

Because it goes STRAIGHT to the Pussy.
This is when you pull out your cock and REALLY make your move.
It's one of the biggest sticking points that can stall or even defeat an Intermediate Level PUA.

This was my biggest sticking point for the longest time. I'd get consistent number closes, the occasional make out, hand/blow job, and the fully monty after a year of being in the Game.

I was getting more action after I got in the Game.
But it wasn't at the PUA / Rockstar level. It wasn't me laying waste to an entire female social circle by sleeping with every single one of the girls.

I had to take more steps. REALLY step out of my comfort zone. And THAT took a damn lot of effort, introspection, and work.

But it was PROJECTING sexuality. Sexually DOMINATING and taking control. PIMP talk. Being in control of LOGISTICS ("Your place or your place?", "How about the La Quinta or other hotel?", who's got the car?, where does she live?, who's playing watchdog? etc).

That was tough and a HUGE sticking points that separates the entertainment/social robots/attraction routine guys from actual seducers.

Talking to girls, getting numbers, telling funny/interesting stories, and so forth simply means you're an cool, social, friendly guy. But being in control of SEXUAL VIBING/CONTROL and having a handle on your LOGISTICS, makes the difference between LAID and NOT LAID. And it ain't easy to master without a good role model since you can't learn it from reading.

Remember, there is NO second place in Pick Up.
You don't get a prize. You don't get a medal. You either get the girl.

Or you don't.

If I might use former student Groove as an example. He already had great material and great look. But it was figuring out his LOGISTICS and using SEXUALITY as a TECHNIQUE/TACTIC/ROUTINE is what, I 100% believe, has allowed him to triple his lay rate.

You're not there to talk to girls. You're there to have sex...

Stories, openers, comfort tactics... fine and dandy. But it doesn't make her horny.

But it's things like my Theory on the Different Shapes of a Vagina to Captain Jack's version of Strawberry Fields (FUCKING RAINMAKER man, I love it, and have unabashedly stolen it for myself :-)

Sex, gentlemen, SEX. Remember, you're a SEDUCER. Not an ENTERTAINMENT MONKEY or an EMOTIONAL TAMPON.


Take, for example, last night hanging out with a home girl of mine now that I'm back from the Los Angeles bootcamp. I got propositioned by a tall, pretty blonde to SWING with her husband. Not the first time it's happened and it won't be the last time. But what triggered that switch in her? To want to fuck me while her husband watches?

VALUE, but most importantly SEXUAL VALUE in the form of ONLY PASSIVE Game.
I didn't tell a story.

I didn't use any sort of opener. She looked at me and simply KNEW I'm good in bed. Maybe I am.

Maybe I'm not (naw, I am). But I subcommunicated sex.

Passive Value being in the form of:
•Social proof (with women, ie my homegirl that intro'd me to the swinging blonde)
•Body language (absolutely relaxed even when she pressed up against me)

•My look (biker bad boy / professional gigolo)

•My easy going, sexual nature with women (cavemanning, dancing, etc.)

•Being non-needy (even when she went for a kiss and reached for my junk)
•And simply looking like a guy that has GUILT-FREE sex
I freely admit to being a manhore, while my 2.5 and 3 some were great experiences, I won't do the cross swords action (just my own issue) so I demurred the offer. Does this happen all the time? Hell no. But by putting it out there, women will pick it up and some will take you up on it.

After all, are you there to be entertaining? or are you there to offer and receive sex?

To give you more room for thought, here are Greene's seducer archetypes from his book and corresponding PUAs that you might want to learn from or emulate:

1) Natural - Spontaneous, genuine, loud, and aggressive. The prototypical, loud, aggressive frat boy. Geoff and Jeffy (well, Jeffy also throws in some crazy peacocking that would be labeled as Metrosexual/Dandy) are great models.

Probably the most common model that Naturals/wannabe Naturals follow. It's great, but being loud, drunk, and aggressive only gets you so far if you DON'T have a Game Plan (which is the common failing of the supposed "Natural Game" or "No Game, Game").

2) Ideal Lover - Projecting sex, horniness, while being NON-NEEDY. You like pussy. You LOVE pussy. You have no shame. Gunwitch Method and some of Shark/Badboy. My article on the "10 Habits of a Natural" is also an example. SwingCat is a great example as is Camerone Teone (ie The One).

African American Game also falls into this category (the good kind, not the random holla holla, hey girl bullshit). It's a numbers games and you'll get more hardcore rejection, but you're ALSO get some of the FASTEST makeouts and lays. You're offering sex and you're finding someone that wants sex. Easy to out value and out-AMOG, but not once she's past the sexual hook point and decided.

3) Dandy/Metrosexual - Put her off balanced, confused, and have her lower her guard. You're surrounded by women, have a great fashion sense, and make women at ease. Are you gay? or straight? Trust me, I knew tons of gay guys that would "crash" in the same bed with straight women and GET TAIL from her. Friction is friction. This is the archetype for peacockers and (I think) BradP (and a pinch of Rockstar) and commonly the Mystery Crew. TD might also be an example (as well as Charmer).

4) Rake/Badboy - Self obvious. Protect of Loved Ones and Sexual Saftey are both ATTRACTION SWITCHES you can turn on. Yet this persona is at the extreme level. Badboys may cheat and abuse their girls, but the girls feel PROTECTED. Why? Because he'll kick the shit out of anyone that messes with him or her. Badboy and Gunwitch.

5) Charismatic - You draw ATTENTION to yourself and INCREASE desireability by being DETACHED from your target. Stripper, ADD, Attention whore game. This is your classic Indirect methodology and negging/disqualifying. You sweep her into the MAELSTROM of your Charisma, and then take it away. She becomes an emotional addict/junkie. Neil Strauss (ie Style) and Mystery are classic example. Like, with Style, in ONE MINUTE you will learn that he is INCREDIBLY intelligent, charming, and connected. He knows how convey coolness, intelligence, and mystery within MINUTES (if not seconds). And that is why he is one of (if not THE) greatest of all Jedi's.

6) Rockstar - Self obvious. Mystery does this especially now that he's pioneering hot/entourage game. This is also bottle service / VIP game. With my look, I usually fall into Badboy (sometimes, but not often Dandy as well) or Rockstar. I either get the coke whores that want to party/fuck/or do some other insane shit or a band-groupie that wants to believe I'm the next Neptune/Hoobastank. For example, after the Tool concert, I was able to get a free Penthouse at the W (where Ghost Bar) by simply looking like I was in the concert/band or when Justin Timberlake was in Dallas (no effort on his part to pull tail from what I heard). It's the Passive Value of the Social Proof (with women) and Social Proof (with men). Makes life SOOOO much easier but it's one of the hardest things to achieve.

7) CHARMER - This is the GIFT of attention, pleasure, and comfort. These are the guys that, when they talk to a woman, make her feel special, unique, and wanted. Loverboy & Hoobie (H. also falls midway into Natural) from RSD/Scotland might be a good example as well as Grungey (the day time specialist). Deep connections, DDB (Doggey dinner bowl) looks, cold reads, etc. However, like the Natural, this just lands you in the friend zone. You can LAUGH YOUR WAY INTO HER PANTS, but simply being interesting only part of the battle. You've got to INTERACT with a girl, capture her EMOTIONS, and then TURN HER ON (ie get her horny).

So what's the moral of this story? This long ass, exhausted, stream of conscious diatribe at 5AM in the morning?

Figure out your SEXUAL identity. In other words, HOW do you want to TURN ON a girl? Not WHAT the fuck you need to say. Beginner's think What. Average think How. Experts think WHERE.

Nerd is not a sexual identity. And neither is, contrary to popular belief, a PICK UP ARTIST. Seducers get laid. Guys that are good at foreplay. Guys in social circles where they have a rep for being awesome in bed. Guys that girls know are vastly sexually experienced and social proofed and make girls horny. In other words, guys that EXUDE sexuality and experience.

All the bullshit you can find online, ebooks, DVDs, etc. gets you in with a girl only so far.

There's a REASON why they took NaturalJ into ProHo (the Natural who briefly dated Britney Spears and had triple digit lays before he reached 21). Sexual experience and the ability to convey it trump any kind of opener, tactic, story, and technique.

Pushing for sex, slamming her in the elevator/bathroom to makeout with her, having her rub your cock in the middle of the dance floor... PHONE SEX. Good dance game.

THAT gets you laid.

Conversationalists means you're a great, interesting, friendly guy. Wow. Cool.

Getting her horny. Now THAT's what separates you from the guys that are "back up cock" when she's horny and the guys that are paying for all her shit, being emotional tampoons, and being standard boy friends.

Guys ask me all the time how I get the fast make outs, the couple of bath room lays, the hotel one night stands. And yes, some of it is just being the right place and the right time. But it's like one of Gunwitch's LRs. A girl (after breaking up with her BF) said jokingly she wanted to get laid. Gunwitch took her up on it, cavemanned her to his truck and fucked her.

Once I've figured out her blueprint, what her attraction switches are, AND just as equally important what HER logistics are, it's time to get her moist down in the sweet spot. Most of my lays, I don't even remember what the fuck I said because it's really not that important. What I do remember is turning her on and having my logistical shit down, taking control, cavemanning, and leading/dominating.

Yes, you can fine tune stories. You can make them better until they're ultra tight and field tested. But it's all in the execution and being in control (ie not depending on luck versus having a GAME PLAN) that makes all the difference in the world.

The WHAT, in all honesty, really isn't that important unless you're still at newbie level. How is more important. And even that is less important than being in control of LOGISTICS (where you isolate, where you extract her, where you make out with her, where you fuck her, etc.).

More sex, gentlemen.

Less talk.

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