Sexualizing Your Game: How To’s
Posted at May 22, 2007
Ok, early in my PU career a few things happened that required me to focus on SNL’s. One was that my car blew up on my first f-close out of bootcamp.
The second was, even when I had access to a car, I could get girls numbers and even timebridge’s but I could FEEL on the day2’s that there was no sexual energy so they would drag out to day3’s, day4’s. Naturally, I said “Fuck that shit!”
And, put on my scientist hat to design in-field experiments to 1) Get same night sex because I didn’t know when I’d have access to a car or 2) Make Day2’s little more than coming to my place for sex
Then, I read “My Secret Garden” and “Way of the Superior Man” and both of them rocked my world. Those are must reads for every PUA.
So, how do you get sexual in the sarge? There’s a direct way (which Sinn has been using for a few weeks now and I’m sure he’ll post about it) and then there’s an Indirect way which relies on outside framing ideas and presuppositions (from the Milton Model created by Bandler).
Here’s my normal way of doing it:
DHV Spike Stories…
BUT, my DHV spike stories contain references to a past girlfriend who was a dancer. The presups are that 1) she’s hot 2) she can have any guy but she wants me and 3) she’s a very sexual person
At this point, if we’re still talking I do “sleepy eyes” ala ijjjjjji and make my movements slow and deliberate with LOTS of eye contact and shoulder and lower back kino.
At the first opportunity (mini-isolation or full) I run my version of Strawberry Fields. I’m not saying she’s a sexual being. It’s the test!
When I give her the results I often whisper them into her ear with my hand on her lowerback. Then, I push her away.
If this goes well I start bouncing between my comfort stack and more sexual presupps. Usually by this time you can start saying more direct sexual talk (“If your friends weren’t here I’d spank you for being such a bad girl.”)
I think of this as an interlacing spiral moving upwards to sex. Comfort, Sex. Comfort, Sex. Comfort, Sex. In lock-step.
I try to get “Rings on Fingers” in after one comfort routine. “Rings on Fingers” does 3 things:
1) It tells her she is sexually aggressive when she sees someone she’s attracted to…
2) It tells her your are NOT judgmental
3) It says that BOTH of you are good at keeping secrets
The change in her demeanor is visible. If you’ve ever done it you’ll know what I’m talking about. The best way I can describe it is “She softens and then glows.”
Now, if I haven’t gotten the Same Night Lay Logistics info by this time then I make sure to do it now. (look for “Same Night Lay” guidelines to find out those questions)
Next, I’ll start laying down my Identity Stack which includes my Cosmo Routine I based off of Bandler’s SRT. I’ve shared this in my eCoaching program. It MIGHT be on the Lounge as well.
Statements like “I’m trying so hard not to kiss you right now” work well at this point. Kiss tests like going cheek-to-cheek to tell her something can often lead to what appears to be a spontaneous kiss, too.
One way to know if you’re out of lock-step in terms of sexual escalation and comfort is if she says things like, “Don’t you want to know anything about me?” or “I hardly know you.” – throttle back and run some more comfort.
The rest of the logistical info can be found here.
~ Captain Jack ~
Same Night Lay Guidelines
Posted at February 14, 2007 Hola PUAs,
As promised, my insights on SNL’s.
The first major attitude shift is this: Women don’t go to clubs/bars only to listen to music, drink or talk to friends. They can do all of those at home or at a friends house. They go because they want/need sex and they want to be picked up.
Debriefing shows they would have sex the same night more often were the feelings there. Your job, fellow pirate, is to create the feelings, create the opportunity and do so in a manner that seems so natural and easy that it seems like it all just fell into place.
Sinn referred to this when he said, “Captain Jack Method: Hang out till sex happens.”
First I want to tell you that there IS a difference between Same-Night-Lays (SNL) and One Night Stands (ONS).
ONS skips comfort which usually results in buyer’s remorse. For all the 4-5 hours of precious time you invested you get one lay. Even worse, if you mismanage the escalation and trigger asd/lmr that you can’t get through, you’ll get zero lays.
I’ve never had any problems seeing/dating a girl who I laid the same night because I qualify and build comfort.
I’ll take this from the top…
You need to get there early (in Tejas, that means no later than 10:00) because some of your sets will fail the SNL screening statements (more on that later) and you’ll need to close out with a TimeBridge, stay the obligatory 5-10 minutes to solidify and move on.
You should focus on mixed sets. This may seem counter-intuitive but experience has shown me this is true. Here’s why: In all girl sets they often pile into one car. But, in mixed sets you have a greater chance of girls taking their own car and/or meeting the group later.
Do a little thought experiment: How many times have you witnessed a girl walking into the bar alone…she’s looking for someone…she finds them and before you know it she is seated with a 4-5 mixed set.
You open the group in the standard way, do all the normal things you’d do until you hit the “How do you guys know each other?” waypoint. If she’s not there with someone, then isolate (or atleast get mini-isolation.)
Now that you are in isolation it’s time to start with the sexual framing. I use my version of Strawberry fields and “Rings on Fingers” to frame things sexually and I start seeding the TB.
It is supremely important that you don’t convey any “judgmentalism” regarding sex, sexual preferences or lifestyles in any way, shape or form.
You also don’t want to place too much importance on sex by talking about it or calling it a “special thing between two people” or any silly shit like that. The underlying attitude is sex is normal, healthy, fun and about to happen soon.
At the begining of C1 I start to screen for logistics issues…I listen for answers to these questions or ask them outright.
* Who did she ride with. (Best answer is, of course, alone in her car.)
* What time does she need to get up in the morning. (Best answer, later the better.)
(These things just make it easier. The better you get the more willing girls are to ignore things like riding home with guys she just met or getting up early. I know it’s hard to believe but experience proves it true.)
If the vibe is sexual and I feel like there are no obvious excuses for her not to come home with me (have to work early is the main one) I’ll stay around. If not, then I’m looking for a new set. This needs to be run super-tight. I’m talking 20 minutes in you’re making this decision because you need to be solidly in comfort by 12:30 (for venues that close at 2:00). This 1.5 hours is the MAIN (but not only) factor which distinguishes this from ONS (the other being non-sexual qualification and peer befriending.) I call 12:30 to 2:00 “Putting my time in…”
Always TimeBridge, it makes the SNL easier because it lessens asd and lmr.
As it gets closer to closing time 1:20-1:30 I start saying things like, “I don’t want the night to end, I’m really enjoying myself.”
If she agrees or says nothing you can say, “Let’s hang out at my place. I have xyz alcoholic drinks and we can watch that show I was telling you about.”
Or, you can say, “I’m kinda hungry.”
You’re saying this to see what kind of reaction you get. She may go ahead and propose eating somewhere. (Though, I’ve stopped doing this almost a year ago because I lost a few “sure” lays as the sexual tension lessened, the tiredness set in and the alcohol (and fun mode) wore off.)
The after hours club is also a good proposal. I’ve used this one quite a few times. It’s perfect because you have to swing past your place to get alcohol before heading out. And, oh by the way, the club doesn’t even open til 3am so we got 45 minutes to burn. Let’s see, how are we gonna kill 45 minutes? I know, we’ll have sex! Ha ha.
But, one of my favorite tactics (if she drove) is to get her to give me a ride home. Then, while in the parking lot you can say “Come in for a bit. You can use the restroom and have some water before you head home.” Then, grab her keys, turn off the car and get out.
(What’s that? Do I hear you worrying about your car? Don’t worry about it dude, you’re going to get laid! Have a friend take you back to your car if need be. Or, better yet, have the girl do it that night.)
Logistics separate the men from the boys (or the mPUAs)
The best mental image I can give you here is “Baby Steps.”
I rarely tell them where/how far away I live. Some of the places I go to are a good 35-40 minutes away. Sinn and I have pulled 2 or 3 times SNL’s from those locations so he can attest to my skill in that area.
Fidelio, KinoMaster, and Tribulus have all witnessed with their own eyes me doing this, multiple times, as well.
The goal is to get her to the seduction location and make it look like it sorta just happened. This is why the “gimme a ride home” and the “after hours venue, oh wait, gotta go home and get alcohol” tactics work so well.
Hopefully, you started a good kino progression early in the sarge. Because once she’s in your place it’s time to amp it up a little bit.
Hot/cold is the order of the day. Make out, pull back, continue with your comfort material. Tease her mercilessly.
Have your LMR skills honed because you’ll almost surely have to use them.
The good news is: If you don’t get the lay, the day2 is almost assuredly going to be her coming straight over to have sex with you and that’s my kinda date.
~ Captain Jack ~
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