Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Just did an awesome ultimiate comfort podcast-review and sticking points

I had a talk w eltopo yesterday, guy knows his stuff and is very especific with his appraoch and dominance.vids he has are superb.I appreciate him sharing with me.

I started having thoughts and as I was doing the kelly rippa frame , something came over me...a rundown of feelings like a tornado.

I never had an ego for being Good, that isnt helpful for growing. But for my self esteem and in reality, My game thanks to the natural putting the finishing touches on the obvious aloofness and blindspots I had...made it real and exciting for me. thats where I spent one week wathcing him him doing my phone game and text game and seeing how he elicits their responses blew me away....its a sixth sense of awareness how he was predicting watch how this girls is going to talk abut sex with me within the first moments of conversation.

he said and it went like he'd say....done.

the week after he was in hawaii fucking' lol some girl he met online and within minutes he got there she met him in his room and she was nervous but he took over and didnt react to her, he acted cool and assume positive not negative her ASD was kicking in...minutes after he was recodring her having sex...


that week I put everything into practice, i had already started getting good with comfort ala entropy...Franco calls it "female talk" I added mirroring, and other hypnotic basic stuff that derren brown does and leading since I was good at improv and my conversational skills by talking with women improved.

thats were sinn and entropy came in to really take me to another level, the level of success.

its doing and when you fail to reach your goal , you ask for help to get there, that lil extra push.

If you want to train with micheal jordan or tiger woods you have to atleast be active practicing and be out there playing hard....

other than that you are wasting money and time....and filling yourself with unnecessary information , which will affect you negatively and cause you to stagnate in theory rather than DOING IT and failing over.

CJ calls it sticking point analysis, where you become your own guru and start improving and fixing yourself based on what you are already doing good at...

This as in brain tracy says about naploean hill or someother finance guru said , after each weekend he review what he did and all stuff he messed up on he tried to find a solution.

entropy talks about it at that moment infield you reframe it and keep going, next day after hours of what happended you can then be analytical about it.

only be aware when you are analytical about it to not take it emotionally affect you or your state or your self esteem, best example is JEFFY's mood swings where he does awesome stuff and then says I SUCK!

wrong, Tim says it how it is...but to improve you always look to improve without being personal about it or affecting who you are "inner game " or self esteem validate you from an outcome of an interaction with a woman..


I also reviewed my comfort game , frames,dhvs, phone game alal natural, reverse engineering the naturals game, etc..... recorded it to a full 40 minutes of GOLD.

This will serve me as a guide when I will be weak in my game I can look back on.

things on there migght not make it here, EVER. unless I shut the blog down and turn it private on my own.

which guys have done so.

I will secure this with my life might even email it to myself who knows just to keep a dupl of it of never losing it.....its my mojo in a liquid fliud digital form.

one listen is like a programing of a player.

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