Yeah had a crazy weekend,
I found myself calibrating what I did and practicing.
I found that Im better than the avarage PUA and that I dont need to read every ebook . I dont need to get coachig for things I CAN WORK ON!
I got a rotation when I went head onut getting results, no money nor time to get coaching, only neccesary.
in past tried overfilling myself with coaching but there is a balance to keep.
thinking- doing - feeling TRIUNE!
next step in sticking point analysis
In this crazy weekend I had some calibration issues
and even in number closing.
Im getting a bit better but my doing is lacking,
best thing is trying to figure out what you did wrong and work at it and fix it.
Ive had experiences with women in light speed time thatI had no chacne of writting every single detail how I did it nor read PU.
PU stuff out there is for newbes, its rare to find a coach thats actually really good with women and not overanalytical and can explain properly for you to understand, HERE's MY OFFICIAL LIST
SINN -guy is good expensive, knows the frames I use, can definately help me with some phone coaching.
ENTROPY- only guy that knows my game in and out.he is a natural with game knowledge.
FRANCO- Franco is a guy who made screenign and fast escalation game breathrough...guy is expert analysis,expensive and wants you to work on it get results.He was breathrough of my new game
Jsmooth or La tripp for any other minor issues or breakdowns.
IW forums are great asset as well.
hope you are having an awesome weekend.I had issues with my FR and questions got deleted .
I'm re writting that up for you case I'm having issues transitioning my game from
dates stuff with your awesome deep comfort
women who get horny at same night I meet them and I freeze up not knowing what to do.
i love deep comfort , best thing
remember I was the horny frat boy or better term expilict sexual desperate guy that hanged in the bars with no comfort -then I changed to building Comfort- now these crazed women in Miami Im getting comfused.
I sti
and sat night had 1 cougar eye fucking me, one married fliry woman I discrete number close very subtle,
"Dont wish it was easier, wish you were BETTER"..-Jim Rohn
Monday, May 31, 2010
Friday, May 21, 2010
Hammer and his bathroom pull

HomeMeet Hammer Subscribe via: ( Email / RSS )
LR – 15 Minute Bathroom Pull
Written by Hammer Topics: Sex
So those of you who follow me on Twitter might know that I took a 1:1 with El Topo last weekend in Las Vegas. It was an amazing experience and I can’t tell you how much I learned. I’ll be writing a review shortly, but for now here’s my lay report for one of the nights.
Saturday night was a night that was all about working on transitioning into comfort game from attraction using push-pull, cold reading and baiting. It is interesting because this is something that El Topo is fucking amazing at, and I’ve seen him doing it all weekend, but I still wasn’t sure I could pull it off until a couple of hours before when we did some improv role play exercises.
We started off the night at Cathouse. El Topo knows some sorority girls who got free bottle service there and brought us along for the ride. I was still unsure about running what we had been practicing because a lot of it starts off with a cold-read neg that you then have to recover from, and I was afraid that if I didn’t recover well it would be awkward for us to sit there and continue taking their free booze. Anyway, El Topo told me not to even worry about it and just go for it anyway.
I stacked a couple of stories that didn’t really hit, but no one got offended either. I guess it’s kind of like everything else in pick-up, the worst that can happen is that she’s just not that into you, rarely will she throw her drink at you or slap you across the face. Anyway, after doing it a couple of times with the one girl, I felt a lot more confident in the rhythm and there was really no more apprehension about it the rest of the night.
We decide to leave the cathouse and head over to the circle bar at the Hard Rock. The last couple of nights we’ve ended up at the Hard Rock but there wasn’t really too much going on. Tonight though, there are definitely quite a few more people, and I knew that I’d be able to get a lot more practice on some pretty hot girls.
Because the Hard Rock is such a chill bar, you don’t need to really be obsessed with the 3 second rule or anything and are probably better off just picking your spot. There was this three set of two cute girls and one chubbo that kept getting approached by guys and so I just wanted it to mellow out a bit before I went in. Things weren’t really happening with that, we decided to do a lap around the bar.
I see this blond girl who seems really cute from across the bar, and it looks like a good logistic situation, i.e. I won’t be interrupting anything worth talking about. I go up to her and open her direct, and start with simple questions about where she’s from and how it’s my first time in Vegas. By this time I realize that up close she’s actually not as cute as she was from afar; her face looks like she’s done some meth or was a heavy smoker, her body wasn’t as tight as I thought, but things were going well so I figured I’d just kind of stick it out for a bit and not worry about it. It was funny because there were these two chodey guys standing right there looking totally intimidated by the way that she was feeling me as I go into some of the stuff that I had been practicing that night. Eventually one of them interjects and lets me know that she’s married to his brother, but I figured I’d just keep going because I wasn’t that into her anyway but the conversation was going well and practice was the objective. We continue talking for another 10-15 minutes and when her friend (who was the bachelorette, though cuter than the blond) gets a call from the blonde’s husband and passes the phone to the blond. I take this opportunity to eject.
Now I have a much better logistical entry into that set I was eyeing earlier. I go up to the hot blond girl and open her direct, but she’s showing a lot of disinterest, and eventually sort of walks away. I stay in and continue talking to the fat friend who tells me that the blond is married and it’s a girls’ night out. I start explaining to her how that’s cool but I wish that when I opened her friend direct she had just said that rather than being coy and back turning me. At this point the other hot one, a smokin’ brunette girl who I decided afterward was actually hotter than the blond anyway, comes in and I have license to start talking to her. Things start going pretty well when this Australian dude who had met them earlier when I was waiting out the logistics comes in and sort of breaks my rhythm a little. Anyway, things seem fine, he’s actually a really cool guy despite the fact that he’s trying to tool me, and I end up befriending him and trying to go back in with the brunette.
This part I’m not quite sure what happened but the brunette started out into me and it fizzled out at some point. El Topo said I did something awkward with my baiting where I should have leaned in to grab her and pull her into my body rather than reach out and try to pull her in. I think that it was a combination of this and the blond girl saying something to her. In any case, she ends up telling me that this Australian guy is her boyfriend which I know is complete bullshit because she had earlier made a point of telling me that she was single and the Australian guy told me he had just me them that night. Anyway, I wasn’t going to argue, so I eject.
I talk to El Topo about what went wrong in that set for a few minutes, when this cute blond girl walks by. We had seen her earlier, and she looked like she had a fun personality, although she had a really unfeminine walk which was turning me off a little. Anyway, when she walks by this time, I decide that it’s definitely time to go talk to her. We can tell she’s a little drunk by the way she’s walking, but more than that we can tell that she’s definitely DTF. Before I go in I tell El Topo, “Dude, I am definitely going to fuck that girl tonight.” She’s there with two friends, so I open her direct and quickly back turn her friends and break her off from the group. I’m giving off a really sexual vibe with my body language and as I run some of the stuff I’ve been practicing, I realize that even though I’m going for resistance and recovery, she’s giving me none, so I just keep going.
She has these tattoos of 5 big stars that arc under her belly button and partially disappear into her jeans, and another tattoo on her wrist. I look at the tattoo on her wrist, and say, “Jesus woman how many tattoos do you have? I love this one… these too (as I run my fingers along her g-line and over her tattoos). She tells me that she only has those tattoos, but she has her nipples pierced. I tell her that I want to feel the piercings and start groping her boobs, but can’t feel the piercings. I tell her I have to take a look, and pull down her shirt so I can see them. I tell her that they are so fucking sexy and how she’s a bad girl and making me think bad thoughts. I tell her that I’m trying really hard not to kiss her, and then go in for the make out.
This girl is a fucking horrible kisser. Maybe the worst kisser I have ever kissed. She opens her mouth as wide as possible like T-Rex style like she’s trying to eat my face. She also has garlicky breath, which is turning me off big time, and ends up being a major factor later when I’m fucking her. Either way, I tell her that I want to do horrible things to her, and start screening for logistics. At this point I’ve been maybe talking to her for 10 minutes. She says that she can’t leave her friends, fucking lame, but whatever. I say, “Let’s go to the bathroom.” She starts questioning it, but I grab her and start taking her. At this point her friend comes in and asks where we’re going. “Oh we’re just going to get a drink” I say, although it makes no sense because we’re at the bar and going away from it. The friend tells the girl that I’m cute, and she makes me pinky swear that I’ll bring her friend back. I look at my watch, it’s 3:05, and I tell her I’ll bring her back by 3:20. We go.
As we’re going into the bathroom, I ask a guy coming out of there’s a bathroom attendant. There isn’t, sweet. We go into a stall and she knows the score. No resistance whatsoever. She pulls down her pants and bends over. Now even though I’m trying to fuck her, I’m actually really not turned on by her because of the shitty kissing and bad breath and I end up not really getting very hard. I start fucking her anyway expecting that I’ll stiffen up, and I do for a bit, but then I start to go down again. She tells me I have whiskey dick and I don’t disagree even though that’s really not the reason. I sit on the toilet and she starts giving me head. She’s actually not bad at it, even though most girls fucking suck at it. I get hard again and she climbs on top of me. She starts bouncing up and down really hard and does so for like 5 minutes, before saying that she’s tired. Now she’s still on my lap with me inside her, and I am kissing her on her neck and sucking her nipples just because. She starts fucking again for a bit, but then decides that we’re both too drunk to get off. I tell her it’s cool, but let’s try again tomorrow when we’re sober (and I can give her gum if her breath is bad again). I tell her that I have an extra ticket to Cirque de Soleil and I want her to come, then afterward we can go back to my room and have some real fun. She agrees, and things are good. Before we leave, I tell her that I want to take a picture of her, and pull out my camera and do it.
We leave the stall, there’s this black guy standing there looking at me jealously. Actually we were getting all kinds of weird looks from guys, probably because there’s a hot girl in the men’s bathroom. I wash my hands, she fixes her hair, and we leave to find her friends. Afterward, El Topo and I go for pancakes and debrief.
nowBuzz up!Posted on Tuesday, March 10th, 2009 at 8:06 am
13 Responses to “LR – 15 Minute Bathroom Pull”
Matt Savage
March 10th, 2009 9:08 am Haha, dude, that was great! You’ll have to let us know how the day 2 goes.
By the way, what the heck is DTF? I’m not up on my acronyms lately…
Twitter: hammer86
March 10th, 2009 12:57 pm I think it’s from Superbad although I’m pretty sure I’ve been using it since way before then. DTF stands for Down to Fuck.
BTW the Day 2 didn’t end up happening, who knows why. My guess is that the sex was not good so she didn’t want to try it again, although I blame her (and the size of the stall) for that.
March 10th, 2009 2:27 pm This seems equal parts sad and scary to me. What about STDs? Now you have to tell Rian AND use a condom for the next 6 months until all your tests come back clean. Unless you used a condom?
Plus I don’t think sleeping with girls that easy really proves anything except that you are good at identifying them.
Benedict M. Smith
March 10th, 2009 5:11 pm F’ING CLASSIC. Well done and respect.
Twitter: hammer86
March 10th, 2009 8:17 pm Of course I used a condom… I carry two in my pocket at all times.
March 11th, 2009 10:46 pm Good stuff, my man! El Topo taught you well.
March 12th, 2009 9:08 pm Pretty cool. What exactly were some of the routines and stacking that Topo had you do?
I would have a hard time with a garlic breathed chick, for sure. Probably wouldn’t be able to nail her.
Twitter: hammer86
March 13th, 2009 8:14 am He didn’t teach me specific routines, as much as he taught me a couple of structures to storytelling that incorporates baiting, framing, push-pull, fractionating, and cold-read ladders among other things. Here’s an example of something I just thought of off of the top of my head:
What do you do?
(girl answers)
Oh that’s cool, but I can totally tell that you’re a super independent type of girl.
(girl responds)
But I bet you weren’t always that way. I bet that when you were younger you always wanted to be blond, maybe even dyed your hair for a while…
(girl responds)
No no no! It’s cool, I don’t judge! But then as you got older you totally went the other way and became proud of your brunette hair…
(girl responds)
But the thing is, even though you’re super independent and career oriented in your professional life, I can tell that in your personal life you prefer when the guy takes control of the relationship.
(girl responds)
This always gets you into trouble though and you end up dating assholes.
This has a couple of easy cold reads that imply the third one is true. The third one is a strike at her core sexual identity, which will make her very comfortable with you. There’s some great framing in here too. You frame yourself as non-judgmental, you frame her as independent, and you frame her as wanting you to lead the interaction, making her more likely to follow your directives.
March 13th, 2009 2:18 pm Cool, good stuff there. I’ve read a bunch of Topo’s posts and always thought it was fascinating how precise and structured it was.
Twitter: hammer86
March 13th, 2009 3:32 pm Yea man, that’s just an example of a cold read ladder right there. You can do that literally off of the opener. “Excuse me, sorry to interrupt, but I thought you were really cute and wanted to come talk to you. I’m Hammer. What do you do?”
There is so much more, I need to go back and look through it, but I’ve already started to internalize some of the baiting. One thing that’s interesting is that El Topo talks about going too far and recovering. So in the context of a story, you have a premise, then a sexual neg, then the meat of the story/recovery, and finish with a positive frame that’s conducive to getting laid.
“I used to have a job in sales and had to get really good at reading people. Like I can totally tell by the way you put on your makeup that like always have 5 things going on at once and you don’t finish what you start… No it’s cool, I don’t judge. But yea, working in sales, you really need to be able to read people and anticipate their reactions so you don’t misstep. Like with you I can tell that you’re very emotionally aware… But the thing is, there’s this other side of you; fuck I don’t even think I want to know that side. Shit dude I should stay away you’re probably going to try to pull out the whips and handcuffs from your closet! But come here let me ask you something…”
This structure basically replaces most C&F in El Topo’s game and builds a much stronger attraction. As you transition into comfort you fractionate less and lower your voice tonality, but you maintain some of the baiting and check-ins. You want to put sexuality on the table early but then you can go away from it and with just your body language keep it sexual.
March 13th, 2009 11:36 pm hey man MAD PROPS!
Ive read alot of stuff and done bootcamps and not happy with results…I read this and see this ELTopo is a good person but I wonder how intense his 1 on 1 is?
hey you got a awesome result like a rookie going in for a windmill dunk at a slamdunk contest!
bravo kid bravo !
Good job! : )
The G Manifesto
March 30th, 2009 9:29 pm Good story.
The Hard Rock in Las Vegas is one of the easiest places to swoop girls in the world.
I stopped going there a long time ago, it got too easy.
Monday, May 17, 2010
Mindset, emotional intuition and comfort transition to sexual push-pull
Im develping emotional intuition.
I like badboy someog his stuff when it sucks I change it but when its good I internalize reinforce it.
Key to my success was my beliefs
sexy guy
swingcatt's beliefs and badboys' rapport and in control material
I control my state with my intuition of energy and emotions.
that reassures my confidence to lead.
Leading by Brad RSD is GOLD
Ryan verbal attraction w tim's spking and asian plyboy stuff not to say TD's is wicked.
this crystalizes into prizability without verbals.
thats why doc holliday would say bodylanguage voice tone is 90%.
Id say intuition and beliefs are also 90%,like badboy says.
CLOSING from comfort
Entropy said go direct I will experiment with this as my style is Doc holliday entropy.
Closing is lay back but under nthe radar elicit her to become horny and make logistics happen.
I never verbalize we are having sex, I get her to think we are but I act non needy but open to it by bodylanguage.
I do use "trust and honesty in relationships" frame
Direct is
"theres something I want to say but Im not sure to say it... I mean I dont know you well but something tells me I should...wait, forget it its too early....
her: yeah yeah tell me
" I mean I feel we are past BS at this point right, So no need to hide things from each other"
"At first I wasnt sure about you, I got to know you a bit better, I think you are interestingly sexy, I want to see you again/ I want us to
calibrate maybe with...
"too bad you are such a dork" or "dont get any ideas ,I'm still not sure about you silly billy'maybe you are all talk"
"maybe you are just saying that to get in my pants"
"stop being cool"
" are you being yourself or are you just saying that to get me to like you "
mindset is from swinggcatt reinforce it with past posistive experiences not trying hard and seeing girls she just playing hard to get,or she is getting arroused hide her from being slutty.calibrate changing energy by increments ala asian playboy.
(the guy from shawshank " shes playing hard to get,i like it")
-swingcatts beleifes section
-affirmations for declarations helps alot
-being coquettish and detailed about myself, creating elicitng IOI's by my bodylanguage then opening.
- think sexy thant you are, you will become attractive.
or when she flakes i say dont be needy or reactive cool guys dont care, its a test to get me to react, not going to react but show interest if she knows I like her then drop it if she doesnt then pursue look into entropys recodring.
when she looks down or isnt responsive:
the reality is she has a BF or she feels attraction but she is internally fighting it since she is in a relationship
solution that is proven to work is: DISCRETE FRAME! ALWAYS USE DISCRETE FRAME.
exaqmple is sexual eye contact from married woman how I number closed her.
it got her so wet.
mindset is dont show tooo interested be intriguing control your frame, control your emotions,
but under the table keep going , push limits and calibrate with magicians choice always have upper hand in social situation use social pressure.
calibrate your value by making sure you keep her up down up down then next to you as to her to earn it. always you in mindset have control and be above her in leading and conversation,and logistics and social value.
this calibrates you to avoid losing attraction.
9 and 10 game mr M
I like badboy someog his stuff when it sucks I change it but when its good I internalize reinforce it.
Key to my success was my beliefs
sexy guy
swingcatt's beliefs and badboys' rapport and in control material
I control my state with my intuition of energy and emotions.
that reassures my confidence to lead.
Leading by Brad RSD is GOLD
Ryan verbal attraction w tim's spking and asian plyboy stuff not to say TD's is wicked.
this crystalizes into prizability without verbals.
thats why doc holliday would say bodylanguage voice tone is 90%.
Id say intuition and beliefs are also 90%,like badboy says.
CLOSING from comfort
Entropy said go direct I will experiment with this as my style is Doc holliday entropy.
Closing is lay back but under nthe radar elicit her to become horny and make logistics happen.
I never verbalize we are having sex, I get her to think we are but I act non needy but open to it by bodylanguage.
I do use "trust and honesty in relationships" frame
Direct is
"theres something I want to say but Im not sure to say it... I mean I dont know you well but something tells me I should...wait, forget it its too early....
her: yeah yeah tell me
" I mean I feel we are past BS at this point right, So no need to hide things from each other"
"At first I wasnt sure about you, I got to know you a bit better, I think you are interestingly sexy, I want to see you again/ I want us to
calibrate maybe with...
"too bad you are such a dork" or "dont get any ideas ,I'm still not sure about you silly billy'maybe you are all talk"
"maybe you are just saying that to get in my pants"
"stop being cool"
" are you being yourself or are you just saying that to get me to like you "
mindset is from swinggcatt reinforce it with past posistive experiences not trying hard and seeing girls she just playing hard to get,or she is getting arroused hide her from being slutty.calibrate changing energy by increments ala asian playboy.
(the guy from shawshank " shes playing hard to get,i like it")
-swingcatts beleifes section
-affirmations for declarations helps alot
-being coquettish and detailed about myself, creating elicitng IOI's by my bodylanguage then opening.
- think sexy thant you are, you will become attractive.
or when she flakes i say dont be needy or reactive cool guys dont care, its a test to get me to react, not going to react but show interest if she knows I like her then drop it if she doesnt then pursue look into entropys recodring.
when she looks down or isnt responsive:
the reality is she has a BF or she feels attraction but she is internally fighting it since she is in a relationship
solution that is proven to work is: DISCRETE FRAME! ALWAYS USE DISCRETE FRAME.
exaqmple is sexual eye contact from married woman how I number closed her.
it got her so wet.
mindset is dont show tooo interested be intriguing control your frame, control your emotions,
but under the table keep going , push limits and calibrate with magicians choice always have upper hand in social situation use social pressure.
calibrate your value by making sure you keep her up down up down then next to you as to her to earn it. always you in mindset have control and be above her in leading and conversation,and logistics and social value.
this calibrates you to avoid losing attraction.
9 and 10 game mr M
rape and darkside seduction
Rape & The Dark Side Of Seduction
Imagine a man’s eyeballs catching a glimpse of a gorgeous vixen. Her boobies, butted together and pushed up by an over-the-shoulder-boulder-holder. Each carefully painted foot hooked into a black stiletto.
He can hear the hum of blood chugging into his dong, leaving him with an uncontrollable puberty-erection.
His jagged and stubby fingernails, a keepsake of the fear and nervousness he feels when approaching beautiful babies.
His heart thumping like a mallet struck against a gong.
His skin turns from healthy-tan to the color of regular computer paper.
He careens up to her and babbles something unintelligible.
You know the feeling when your stomach throws back all the food you swallowed and there’s nothing left but it still wants to play catch with the toilet bowl? That’s the look she gives him.
He feels he has crashed head-on into a concrete wall graffitied with the words “I’m not attracted to you, loser.”
A deep misunderstanding about attraction is handcuffing this man from getting the women he deserves…
He thinks attraction is a set of visual qualities that sexually arouse women. Think bulging muscles, chiseled face, and a package so big the mailman would get a hernia delivering it.
Why do so many men fall into this attraction myth?
Because us guys are visually aroused. We see an outline of a breast and our down-below parts stand at full attention.
Are females visually aroused? Can “good looks” turn a woman on? Yes. Absolutely. But visual arousal is only one of many means for pumping a woman’s groin full of lust.
What I’m about to tell you may shock your senses, convince you to question everything you thought you knew about women, or twist your mind into viewing me as the devil himself.
But I promise you this: I’m a good guy. I always leave women better off than when I found them. So bear with me.
What I’m going to share with you is the truth… and your future success with women rides on understanding it.
Rape can sexually arouse well-adjusted women.
But it gets worse…
In some cases, rapists have induced full blown orgasms in their victims.
I’m not talkin’ about a woman being make-believe raped by her boyfriend or husband.
What I have in mind is a male stranger violently raping a woman.
As the great Hunter S. Thompson said in his book Hell’s Angels:
“Women are terrified of rape, but somewhere in the back of every womb there is one rebellious nerve end that tingles with curiosity whenever the word is mentioned.”
You might be wondering, “Why in the world would a woman become aroused by a man forcing her to do something against her will?”
Good question.
One of the issues many rape victims deal with is getting turned on and having orgasms triggered by their perpetrator.
Sometimes these women are married. They love their husbands dearly. They find their perpetrator grotesque and despicable. Nonetheless, he triggers arousal – and sometimes orgasms – inside them. As a result, they feel their bodies have betrayed them.
They have to face up to the truth: Arousal is not a choice. Instead, it’s an unconscious response to a class of stimuli.
Here’s how it works…
The same part of a woman’s brain responsible for fight-or-flight triggers arousal and orgasm.
More often than you might think, this part of the brain cannot distinguish the difference between fear and arousal. (It’s one of many evolutionary quirks our brain is fraught with.)
As a result, the threatening circumstances induce arousal and/or orgasm in her.
Bad guy warning: In no way, shape, or form am I condoning rape. Rape is a despicable act only the most sordid and pathetic men commit. Do it and you risk some very bad things happening to you.
But… this doesn’t take away from the reality that fear can trigger sexual arousal inside women.
I’ve discovered techniques for using fear to induce arousal in women without causing them any harm. In fact, they’ll love you for it.
Plus, fear is one of five primitive emotions that trigger arousal inside women. (More on these five primitive emotions later on.)
But first…
Let’s return to the age old question: What is attraction?
Is it arousal? That’s only part of it.
Specific neurological structures in a woman’s brain either process the arousal or stop it dead in its tracks. These are what I call “brain filters.”
Similar to how a water dam either blocks or allows water to flow through, brain filters either close up and block arousal or open up and allow it to flow through the body. When they’re opened up, they emotionally and rationally justify the arousal in her body, compelling her to act on the arousal in the direction you choose.
One brain filter is Prizability; the other is Comfort.
The Prizability filter opens when she perceives you as having enough value that if you walked away, she’d take it as a loss.
Her comfort filter opens up when she feels comfortable with the idea of having sex with you. Having a connection and a rapport are only a few of the ways to open up this filter.
Just to recap: sexual arousal + opened up Prizability & Comfort filters = attraction.
This whole attraction process happens below her conscious awareness. In other words, it’s not something she has conscious control over.
If you’re a serious student of seduction, I suggest you check out my Sexual Connections audio course.
Inside you’ll discover all five primitive emotions and learn how to use each one to generate colossal sexual arousal in women seconds after meeting them.
And this barely grazes the surface… you’ll also get your hands on dozens of other secrets for bypassing a woman's critical factor and taping into primitive parts of her brain that are responsible for raw sexual arousal.
In addition, you’ll learn step-by-step how to quickly pry open her Prizability & Comfort filters.
Plus, you’ll discover dozens of compliance triggers: Neurological structures in her brain that unconsciously compel her to go along with whatever you want her to do. Master them and you can write your own destiny with women.
In fact, I'm so confident my course is going to transform your dating life style, I'm going to let you test-drive it for 30 days free of charge. Don't like it, send it back. You won't be charged and we'll still be friends.
You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. I think you owe it to yourself to start succeeding with the women you really want.
Click here to reserve your copy right now.
And if you haven't yet picked up a copy of my ebook do so by clicking here. It's the foundation for everything I teach.
Your Loyal Dating Coach,
Imagine a man’s eyeballs catching a glimpse of a gorgeous vixen. Her boobies, butted together and pushed up by an over-the-shoulder-boulder-holder. Each carefully painted foot hooked into a black stiletto.
He can hear the hum of blood chugging into his dong, leaving him with an uncontrollable puberty-erection.
His jagged and stubby fingernails, a keepsake of the fear and nervousness he feels when approaching beautiful babies.
His heart thumping like a mallet struck against a gong.
His skin turns from healthy-tan to the color of regular computer paper.
He careens up to her and babbles something unintelligible.
You know the feeling when your stomach throws back all the food you swallowed and there’s nothing left but it still wants to play catch with the toilet bowl? That’s the look she gives him.
He feels he has crashed head-on into a concrete wall graffitied with the words “I’m not attracted to you, loser.”
A deep misunderstanding about attraction is handcuffing this man from getting the women he deserves…
He thinks attraction is a set of visual qualities that sexually arouse women. Think bulging muscles, chiseled face, and a package so big the mailman would get a hernia delivering it.
Why do so many men fall into this attraction myth?
Because us guys are visually aroused. We see an outline of a breast and our down-below parts stand at full attention.
Are females visually aroused? Can “good looks” turn a woman on? Yes. Absolutely. But visual arousal is only one of many means for pumping a woman’s groin full of lust.
What I’m about to tell you may shock your senses, convince you to question everything you thought you knew about women, or twist your mind into viewing me as the devil himself.
But I promise you this: I’m a good guy. I always leave women better off than when I found them. So bear with me.
What I’m going to share with you is the truth… and your future success with women rides on understanding it.
Rape can sexually arouse well-adjusted women.
But it gets worse…
In some cases, rapists have induced full blown orgasms in their victims.
I’m not talkin’ about a woman being make-believe raped by her boyfriend or husband.
What I have in mind is a male stranger violently raping a woman.
As the great Hunter S. Thompson said in his book Hell’s Angels:
“Women are terrified of rape, but somewhere in the back of every womb there is one rebellious nerve end that tingles with curiosity whenever the word is mentioned.”
You might be wondering, “Why in the world would a woman become aroused by a man forcing her to do something against her will?”
Good question.
One of the issues many rape victims deal with is getting turned on and having orgasms triggered by their perpetrator.
Sometimes these women are married. They love their husbands dearly. They find their perpetrator grotesque and despicable. Nonetheless, he triggers arousal – and sometimes orgasms – inside them. As a result, they feel their bodies have betrayed them.
They have to face up to the truth: Arousal is not a choice. Instead, it’s an unconscious response to a class of stimuli.
Here’s how it works…
The same part of a woman’s brain responsible for fight-or-flight triggers arousal and orgasm.
More often than you might think, this part of the brain cannot distinguish the difference between fear and arousal. (It’s one of many evolutionary quirks our brain is fraught with.)
As a result, the threatening circumstances induce arousal and/or orgasm in her.
Bad guy warning: In no way, shape, or form am I condoning rape. Rape is a despicable act only the most sordid and pathetic men commit. Do it and you risk some very bad things happening to you.
But… this doesn’t take away from the reality that fear can trigger sexual arousal inside women.
I’ve discovered techniques for using fear to induce arousal in women without causing them any harm. In fact, they’ll love you for it.
Plus, fear is one of five primitive emotions that trigger arousal inside women. (More on these five primitive emotions later on.)
But first…
Let’s return to the age old question: What is attraction?
Is it arousal? That’s only part of it.
Specific neurological structures in a woman’s brain either process the arousal or stop it dead in its tracks. These are what I call “brain filters.”
Similar to how a water dam either blocks or allows water to flow through, brain filters either close up and block arousal or open up and allow it to flow through the body. When they’re opened up, they emotionally and rationally justify the arousal in her body, compelling her to act on the arousal in the direction you choose.
One brain filter is Prizability; the other is Comfort.
The Prizability filter opens when she perceives you as having enough value that if you walked away, she’d take it as a loss.
Her comfort filter opens up when she feels comfortable with the idea of having sex with you. Having a connection and a rapport are only a few of the ways to open up this filter.
Just to recap: sexual arousal + opened up Prizability & Comfort filters = attraction.
This whole attraction process happens below her conscious awareness. In other words, it’s not something she has conscious control over.
If you’re a serious student of seduction, I suggest you check out my Sexual Connections audio course.
Inside you’ll discover all five primitive emotions and learn how to use each one to generate colossal sexual arousal in women seconds after meeting them.
And this barely grazes the surface… you’ll also get your hands on dozens of other secrets for bypassing a woman's critical factor and taping into primitive parts of her brain that are responsible for raw sexual arousal.
In addition, you’ll learn step-by-step how to quickly pry open her Prizability & Comfort filters.
Plus, you’ll discover dozens of compliance triggers: Neurological structures in her brain that unconsciously compel her to go along with whatever you want her to do. Master them and you can write your own destiny with women.
In fact, I'm so confident my course is going to transform your dating life style, I'm going to let you test-drive it for 30 days free of charge. Don't like it, send it back. You won't be charged and we'll still be friends.
You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. I think you owe it to yourself to start succeeding with the women you really want.
Click here to reserve your copy right now.
And if you haven't yet picked up a copy of my ebook do so by clicking here. It's the foundation for everything I teach.
Your Loyal Dating Coach,
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
bt spikes and emotions Tim
Im looking for the concept of bt spiking on how emotions go up and down TD did a chart which Joey oso had in his hand.
"Girls just want to be taken."
"One thing separates a champ and a chump - 100% belief"
100% belief
-Offers value to the world
-You do not give a damn what anyone on the face of this earth thinks of you. No one.
What is the #1 Rule?
"I do not give a damn about what Anyone thinks of me."
1 Thing that separates the Good from the Best
Thinking process - Oh, girl. Hot girl. Go get girl.
Be the party - What does it mean?
-Self Talk - Add to things. Clicker - Clicker of Glory
-It's what you make of it.
-The Venus Fly Trap of Desire
+Just shoot the shit with boys
+Picking out guys
-Box dance.
-Generate party and suck people into it.
-How do you suck people in to your reality? Be the party
Rosetta Stone
3 keys
Key 1 - How We Are
-------/ TR - TRYING for Rapport
-------- NR - Neutral Rapport
-------\ BR - Breaking Rapport
Facial and body expressions change.
-Where are you from?
TR: Hey? Where are you from? (Tonality sloping Up - Lower Social Value)
NR: Where you from? (Tonality is neutral, very flat - Higher Value)
BR: Ey, Where you from? (Tonality is kind of confrontational, shit test - Higher Value)
Consciously try to keep it flat. Balance between NR and BR. New people go into TR.
Boss is usually in BR to keep authority.
Key 2 - What We DO - Can apply anywhere
-Emotional vs Logic
+Girls Emotional, Guys Logical
-Emotional Spike
+Why do jerks, assholes get women? Spike emotions, but to the negative. But they're still spiking emotions. He's the only one who can spike those emotions.
+Spike to the positive, the good side of the force - Don't be a robot. Ask random questions. Left field conversations.
-Chump - Hey. HEY! I'm Chump.
-OK Bearable - Introduced through friend or so. No sexual tension.
-Intriguing/Entertaining/Fun - Can be one or all. As soon as fun is over, they leave. Keep it light. AKA - Dancing Monkey Syndrome
-Sex-Worthy - Not entertaining the girls. He is entertaining himself. 100% of the time.
+Only 1 thing to be doing - Be UNPREDICTABLE. Can't fully figure you out.
Key 3 - Plotlines
Plotlines for interactions
AFC stuff is very limited
Develop a Relationship
"You're going to be my girlfriend for the next 5 minutes."
"You're going to be my bodyguard. Let me see those guns."
"You're my personal assistant. I'm a rockstar with a really busy schedule...You can be like Lloyd from Entourage."
PU Theories
-Cocky Funny
-M3 Timeline
-Role Playing
-Future Adventure Projection
-Physical Escalation
-Sexual State
-Eliciting Values
Is push/pull taken care of. Negs - you suck as a girlfriend. Emotional connection - You're the best girlfriend. Kino - This is how we hold hands. Sexual State - Girlfriend, I miss you..
Synthesized PU theory into a plotline.
How We Are
Neutral to Breaking
How We Do It
Look for Predictability Tree
Throw Out Cool Scenario
Pickup is merely a celebration of Who You Are
Another emotional intelligence point is don't use two "I need a female
opinion"s in a row. It comes off weird.
"Girls just want to be taken."
"One thing separates a champ and a chump - 100% belief"
100% belief
-Offers value to the world
-You do not give a damn what anyone on the face of this earth thinks of you. No one.
What is the #1 Rule?
"I do not give a damn about what Anyone thinks of me."
1 Thing that separates the Good from the Best
Thinking process - Oh, girl. Hot girl. Go get girl.
Be the party - What does it mean?
-Self Talk - Add to things. Clicker - Clicker of Glory
-It's what you make of it.
-The Venus Fly Trap of Desire
+Just shoot the shit with boys
+Picking out guys
-Box dance.
-Generate party and suck people into it.
-How do you suck people in to your reality? Be the party
Rosetta Stone
3 keys
Key 1 - How We Are
-------/ TR - TRYING for Rapport
-------- NR - Neutral Rapport
-------\ BR - Breaking Rapport
Facial and body expressions change.
-Where are you from?
TR: Hey? Where are you from? (Tonality sloping Up - Lower Social Value)
NR: Where you from? (Tonality is neutral, very flat - Higher Value)
BR: Ey, Where you from? (Tonality is kind of confrontational, shit test - Higher Value)
Consciously try to keep it flat. Balance between NR and BR. New people go into TR.
Boss is usually in BR to keep authority.
Key 2 - What We DO - Can apply anywhere
-Emotional vs Logic
+Girls Emotional, Guys Logical
-Emotional Spike
+Why do jerks, assholes get women? Spike emotions, but to the negative. But they're still spiking emotions. He's the only one who can spike those emotions.
+Spike to the positive, the good side of the force - Don't be a robot. Ask random questions. Left field conversations.
-Chump - Hey. HEY! I'm Chump.
-OK Bearable - Introduced through friend or so. No sexual tension.
-Intriguing/Entertaining/Fun - Can be one or all. As soon as fun is over, they leave. Keep it light. AKA - Dancing Monkey Syndrome
-Sex-Worthy - Not entertaining the girls. He is entertaining himself. 100% of the time.
+Only 1 thing to be doing - Be UNPREDICTABLE. Can't fully figure you out.
Key 3 - Plotlines
Plotlines for interactions
AFC stuff is very limited
Develop a Relationship
"You're going to be my girlfriend for the next 5 minutes."
"You're going to be my bodyguard. Let me see those guns."
"You're my personal assistant. I'm a rockstar with a really busy schedule...You can be like Lloyd from Entourage."
PU Theories
-Cocky Funny
-M3 Timeline
-Role Playing
-Future Adventure Projection
-Physical Escalation
-Sexual State
-Eliciting Values
Is push/pull taken care of. Negs - you suck as a girlfriend. Emotional connection - You're the best girlfriend. Kino - This is how we hold hands. Sexual State - Girlfriend, I miss you..
Synthesized PU theory into a plotline.
How We Are
Neutral to Breaking
How We Do It
Look for Predictability Tree
Throw Out Cool Scenario
Pickup is merely a celebration of Who You Are
Another emotional intelligence point is don't use two "I need a female
opinion"s in a row. It comes off weird.
Review of delivery of sarcasm = atraction, baiting for a posistive response
Don cheadle and jimmy kimmel make fun of Matt damon.
Absurd and improv , the delivery is solid non reactive.
More abusrd the more on subtle level you are joking.DElivery should be modeled.
I see myself doing this on a girl me and her friend talking about her, it would raise attraction. Definately a role play to use.
I noticed ABC - Always be closing.
I'd get IOI's and pace lead push forward, I d fall short of the phone number and not get it , I should definately go for closing .
Like innsales when someone calls to ask about a price and if you just give them an answer then it stails, you give the answer and transition to a magicians choice of double bind or eleict them to open themselves on how you transition. something favorable that lead into them getting interested and you getting them invested by your display of trust and clarity on you ebing to help them on what they want, from there you can use double binds and leading towards the sale or close.
You fabricate your questions based on what response you want.
You have to want it first to get them in state wanting it too.very subtle and not pushy.
Baiting them to want to meet up for an appointment.
using yes ladder.
I love topo's theory
guy is calibrated.
Topo is using emotiaonl investment and persuasion using stacks to frame and yes ladder to accept your beleif into their reality, verbally.
basically you hand them a magician's choice
Don cheadle and jimmy kimmel make fun of Matt damon.
Absurd and improv , the delivery is solid non reactive.
More abusrd the more on subtle level you are joking.DElivery should be modeled.
I see myself doing this on a girl me and her friend talking about her, it would raise attraction. Definately a role play to use.
I noticed ABC - Always be closing.
I'd get IOI's and pace lead push forward, I d fall short of the phone number and not get it , I should definately go for closing .
Like innsales when someone calls to ask about a price and if you just give them an answer then it stails, you give the answer and transition to a magicians choice of double bind or eleict them to open themselves on how you transition. something favorable that lead into them getting interested and you getting them invested by your display of trust and clarity on you ebing to help them on what they want, from there you can use double binds and leading towards the sale or close.
You fabricate your questions based on what response you want.
You have to want it first to get them in state wanting it too.very subtle and not pushy.
Baiting them to want to meet up for an appointment.
using yes ladder.
I love topo's theory
guy is calibrated.
Topo is using emotiaonl investment and persuasion using stacks to frame and yes ladder to accept your beleif into their reality, verbally.
basically you hand them a magician's choice
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Re: FR: "she will fix your plumbing"Failed same night seduction
Re: FR: "she will fix your plumbing"Failed same night seduction
Hello Sandros,
My comments in line
>So this happened 2 weeks ago,
>Apparently, I’ve been starting to notice women checking me out and when you lose that edge you had >getting laid consistently or MOJO, you become apathetic.
>But then I started to notice girls, I'd look at them at store and they look back very subtle with the >corner of their eyes, and they would stand still and play with their hair...(IOI)
>I’d get intimidated a bit since I’ve been away from "player mode"
>Seeing the open opportunity of Approach Invitation but like my old self would say:
>"Oh man she likes it, go talk to her"
>That was turning point of how I have balanced my life, to now to re-enter the seducer mentality.
>Of course I was uncalibrated and creeped a couple girls out here and there but fixing that initial step >was easy.
>The House Party
>There were a couple of girls there but I was already SOCIAL PROOF.
>it was my family's house and hosting an event of 60 people in our yard and by pool and >music.
>-stripper look alike was w her BF but would catch glimpse of me, she was so like
>-the tall young blonde 18 yr old, got cockblocked by her grandma when I was trying to build comfort >awesome compliance trying to isolate her in my room.lmao and her grandma would try to qualify me >and disqualify the girl to me. And she took her away and they left the party.
>3 set- hb mariE , hb marG , hb drunk
>They were in a group and I didn’t know them, they came with a dude.
>They left party 8pm and came back later in the night.12:30 midnight.
>when they came back they looked for me and approached with
>"HEY WE ARE BACK" tipsy or whatever it was 12:30 midnight.
>Anyways I was catching their eye contact or checking me out,
>I mean ALOT from hb mariE & hb marG.
>So they opened me later w convo, I was there and was cocky funny, they laughed and they left me >leaving me isolated with hb mariE and ejected to show non clinginess.
>Then later again they indirect re open me with wanting to get a drink for them all and that they are >short with money,, they were all tipsy and pull out a bunch of cents out and started counting......
Ouch... the girls testing you and running the Materialista game.. and it´s even a test in group.. did you tell them to cook for you a meal that night?
>I told them "what is this?" trying to tease them for it and they stared at me weird....I guess it was too >much (breaking rapport) felt it embarrassed them too harsh and what not (makinging me look like >asshole).
Too much breaking rapport? What you? The social security?
>I said I will treat you guys since you seem cool. Got them 3 soda cans and went to do other stuff as I’m >trying to fractionate, Just being HOST and NOT LOOK CHEAP or clingy cause I gave them drinks of soda.
>MISTAKE w body language or delivery?? They didn’t process as a tease therefore looked at me weird.
Shit test failed my friend. You should have responded like this while kinoing several of them (I mean hand on the ass of one girl, hand on the ass of the other girl ) and then...
Sandros: "Are you guys good at cooking pasta? I adore pasta food."
>Then shortly after, the bartender and my brother told me those girls are asking about you
For sure.. and for a new drink
>"where’s papa sandros?"
>I think she is checking you out. Talking about hb mariE.
>Hb marG was hotter and seem horny-er.
>Looks like a HOT latin girl who'd do weather forecast in a LATIN TV channel.
>but I fucked it up with this here:
>they went to the pool side and hb marG took of her shoes and looked at me sexually, I just stared back >and tried teasing her to spike BT,since she took of her shoes and put her feet in the water she was at >low energy kindah tipsy and it came off weird, the me teasing her part of it
>she looked at me weird like WTF?
Hmm.. feels like you need more experience with cocky and funny. One good way to use cocky and funny is to use something she says.. like for example:
Her: "What´s your job?"
You: "I work ONCE A YEAR in bank" (pretending to be a criminal)
>I felt it killed attraction w uncalibrated teasing. With a disappointed look on her face.FUCK.
No there are no "mistakes" only feedback.
>Hb drunk was too drunk and party was being directed inside the house because it was 2:30am she was >talking to ugly chumps.
>5 minutes later, As they were in house, Hb mariE bumps into me spills her drink and I isolate her to the >kitchen to give her paper towel.
>I was running great touching in the interaction but something was OFF so I pull back a bit.
How do you know it was off? If she was getting very drunk it means she controlled her own horniness by being drunk.
Freaky girls use getting drunk very often to control their own horniness.
>I give her paper towel and I turn to "lock-in" to appear her investing interest in me through body >language.
>I started qualifying by pacing and leading:
> vibbing,
>what you do when you’re not hanging out w your friends?
>where you live by,live by yourself?
>got plans tomorrow morning or relaxing?
>where are you staying over tonight?
>what you do for fun? you seem interesting.
This is not good vibbing. You should avoid making girls personal questions. You should vibe with stories about YOURSELF or something neutral. If you make her questions you make of her the prize.
You should be the PRIZE.
You: "You can´t imagine it.. last week I was at a party and who I run into? My former girlfriend dressed as a police officer.."
This is a story about YOU and YOUR EX. Not her. You are the prize here.
>basically included logistical questions to figure out the pull.staying w friends house.
>she was investing into the convo and seemed like she did want to talk to me ... I was vibbing in >between qualifiers to figure out logistics and gage interest, she was wearing a herblife shirt like >bekham.
>I touched her below her tits on shirt,I said: "herblife eh?"
>she kept staring at my lips and sexual eye contact again at me.
Ok this was a good one anyway again your are commenting something about HER.
>I looked at her same and FELT sexual tension from her as I touch hair to side from her eyes to create >intimacy connection like before a kiss.
>I couldnt get away from the view from her friends so I didnt go for kiss, then next thing to get her to >isolate to talk more BUT
>felt it was a chance to get her to a room or somewhere private to get intimate joke. I sense she >was horny.
>I felt like I wanted to sexual escalate there and fast.
You can escalate also when the friends are there..
>So after that I said "come here ,want to show you something"
>Grabed her hand to isolate to the room next to a bathroom so that the other people wont see us .
>she was there halfway and her Anti SLUT radar rang the ALARM...
>she said :"Oh NO, you go ahead"
Proper response: hand on her ass and "Ladies first! I am a gentleman"
Don´t let a woman impose her frame on you. REFRAME HER.
>I had to improvise and act like uneedy. go in room relax, then came back out she was waiting at >kitchen still for me.
>acted like nothing and smiled at her.
>she started talking about her t shirt beckham herblfe and told me she workd herblfe and she could >come over my house another day and she can take measurements of my body, so we number exchange.
Oh this is a huge IOI from her but there is a problem: she is shifting it into the future. That´s a way she uses to control horniness.
>After number close,I walked away to avoid losing attraction by coming needy and or eager.
>So I went off to other things...since they were only girls there.
>then as they were leaving
>hb mariE screams in front of her friends
>"hey sandros call me tomorrow ok"
>I smiled at her like yeah w playing hard to get look
>her friend HB MarG screams:"call her, she will fix your plumbing"
Ahahaha.. so after all you were the soul of the party. That´s good.
>sunday i wasnt feeling it, tired as fuck, plus I wasnt sure about her.I had gone for the pull.
It´s inner game issue. This girls gave you huge IOIs.
>she was telling me to call her and it seemed she was trying to lead me or frame her leadership.
>so I called her on monday and not sunday
No done in front of the group was a huge IOI
>she didnt call me back,
Of course see these girls in parties have to be taken there when they are IN STATE.>thursday I call leave a short message
"hey whats up dork,been busy ...wanted to catch up with what we were talking about ,so ..... talk to you laters "
Never, never leave messages in answering machine. Also get a private number so that when you call she cannot now who calls.
>She didnt return my call. I felt by trying it would show neediness, I had girls call me back and I know I >dont have to try hard.
Simply her state changed from the party girl to the everyday good girl
>I didnt know what to do at that time then realized the message was vague and wasnt chaallenging to >the woman.
>I also think I wasnt persistent with keeping the momentum.mistake.
>2 week later:
>Theres a new party this weekend again.
>I re texted her w
>" hey whats up flake party this weekend "
You are acknowledging her flake MISTAKE. That puts her in the position of the Prize again. Never acknowledge flakes or anything else she does which might lower your value.
>her: who is this?
>Me: guess?
>her: No! seriusly who is this ?
>me: are you kidding me? dont tell me you give out your number to random guys? I feel so cheap.
>her: I dont know who is this?
I don´t know who is this = shit test
>me: Ok, theres a charmingly handsome man with very sexy look in his eyes.... You were over at my >house for a party with friends and you were supposed to show me something you promised me but you >chickend out.
>(I thought being challenging yet having her passively accept the frame if she says my name, but she >didnt respond)
>15 minutes no response
>me : Dont tell me you give up that easily.
>15 minutes no response
>me: thats too kindah seemed cool.Just wanted to invite you to the fundraiser party at my >place this weekend throwing one for our friend JAMES.
>40 minutes later = 2:00 AM
>her: Hey is it Sandros ?
>15 minutes later
>her: You didnt tell me If I got it right ?
>I didnt respond since I intiate text at 9:40pm and she responded late at 2 am and so by time she got >back to me was much later.
>I didnt feel like texting her that late without actual advantage of escalation or location etc...
>there was no gain to text her that late, I dont want woman to think Im not doing anything and waiting >for her , PFFFT!
>I know I could have had sex but hesitated or missed something.
>they reach a point of horniness and I either try to change them to have sex that moment cause I feel >its momentum.
>she was midly drunk and very that wore away and attraction dissipated since I didnt make >proper moves.
>Im when it came to pulling same night this is where I fuck up.
>I think I have a blindspot.
>I appreciate any feedback appreciated.
>-Papa Sandros[/quote]
You got betaised because she slowly by her game PUT YOU TO INVEST MORE ENERGY INTO HER THAN WHAT SHE INVESTED INTO YOU.
Also if you want relationships then don´t game for party girls. Do street game and game girls who are abable to have a certain continuity in the state ( hmm.. well as much as a girl can do that ) If you game party girls go for the kill same night and never, never go for "meeting her again"
Party girls go to parties to feel in state THAT NIGHT and then they give you the shit you just got if you go for continuity..
You need to improve the knowledge of what is FEMALE INNER EMOTIONAL STATE and FEMALE STATE CHANGES.. also knowing the distinction between Freak, Ho and Good Girl helps..
Hello Sandros,
My comments in line
>So this happened 2 weeks ago,
>Apparently, I’ve been starting to notice women checking me out and when you lose that edge you had >getting laid consistently or MOJO, you become apathetic.
>But then I started to notice girls, I'd look at them at store and they look back very subtle with the >corner of their eyes, and they would stand still and play with their hair...(IOI)
>I’d get intimidated a bit since I’ve been away from "player mode"
>Seeing the open opportunity of Approach Invitation but like my old self would say:
>"Oh man she likes it, go talk to her"
>That was turning point of how I have balanced my life, to now to re-enter the seducer mentality.
>Of course I was uncalibrated and creeped a couple girls out here and there but fixing that initial step >was easy.
>The House Party
>There were a couple of girls there but I was already SOCIAL PROOF.
>it was my family's house and hosting an event of 60 people in our yard and by pool and >music.
>-stripper look alike was w her BF but would catch glimpse of me, she was so like
>-the tall young blonde 18 yr old, got cockblocked by her grandma when I was trying to build comfort >awesome compliance trying to isolate her in my room.lmao and her grandma would try to qualify me >and disqualify the girl to me. And she took her away and they left the party.
>3 set- hb mariE , hb marG , hb drunk
>They were in a group and I didn’t know them, they came with a dude.
>They left party 8pm and came back later in the night.12:30 midnight.
>when they came back they looked for me and approached with
>"HEY WE ARE BACK" tipsy or whatever it was 12:30 midnight.
>Anyways I was catching their eye contact or checking me out,
>I mean ALOT from hb mariE & hb marG.
>So they opened me later w convo, I was there and was cocky funny, they laughed and they left me >leaving me isolated with hb mariE and ejected to show non clinginess.
>Then later again they indirect re open me with wanting to get a drink for them all and that they are >short with money,, they were all tipsy and pull out a bunch of cents out and started counting......
Ouch... the girls testing you and running the Materialista game.. and it´s even a test in group.. did you tell them to cook for you a meal that night?
>I told them "what is this?" trying to tease them for it and they stared at me weird....I guess it was too >much (breaking rapport) felt it embarrassed them too harsh and what not (makinging me look like >asshole).
Too much breaking rapport? What you? The social security?
>I said I will treat you guys since you seem cool. Got them 3 soda cans and went to do other stuff as I’m >trying to fractionate, Just being HOST and NOT LOOK CHEAP or clingy cause I gave them drinks of soda.
>MISTAKE w body language or delivery?? They didn’t process as a tease therefore looked at me weird.
Shit test failed my friend. You should have responded like this while kinoing several of them (I mean hand on the ass of one girl, hand on the ass of the other girl ) and then...
Sandros: "Are you guys good at cooking pasta? I adore pasta food."
>Then shortly after, the bartender and my brother told me those girls are asking about you
For sure.. and for a new drink
>"where’s papa sandros?"
>I think she is checking you out. Talking about hb mariE.
>Hb marG was hotter and seem horny-er.
>Looks like a HOT latin girl who'd do weather forecast in a LATIN TV channel.
>but I fucked it up with this here:
>they went to the pool side and hb marG took of her shoes and looked at me sexually, I just stared back >and tried teasing her to spike BT,since she took of her shoes and put her feet in the water she was at >low energy kindah tipsy and it came off weird, the me teasing her part of it
>she looked at me weird like WTF?
Hmm.. feels like you need more experience with cocky and funny. One good way to use cocky and funny is to use something she says.. like for example:
Her: "What´s your job?"
You: "I work ONCE A YEAR in bank" (pretending to be a criminal)
>I felt it killed attraction w uncalibrated teasing. With a disappointed look on her face.FUCK.
No there are no "mistakes" only feedback.
>Hb drunk was too drunk and party was being directed inside the house because it was 2:30am she was >talking to ugly chumps.
>5 minutes later, As they were in house, Hb mariE bumps into me spills her drink and I isolate her to the >kitchen to give her paper towel.
>I was running great touching in the interaction but something was OFF so I pull back a bit.
How do you know it was off? If she was getting very drunk it means she controlled her own horniness by being drunk.
Freaky girls use getting drunk very often to control their own horniness.
>I give her paper towel and I turn to "lock-in" to appear her investing interest in me through body >language.
>I started qualifying by pacing and leading:
> vibbing,
>what you do when you’re not hanging out w your friends?
>where you live by,live by yourself?
>got plans tomorrow morning or relaxing?
>where are you staying over tonight?
>what you do for fun? you seem interesting.
This is not good vibbing. You should avoid making girls personal questions. You should vibe with stories about YOURSELF or something neutral. If you make her questions you make of her the prize.
You should be the PRIZE.
You: "You can´t imagine it.. last week I was at a party and who I run into? My former girlfriend dressed as a police officer.."
This is a story about YOU and YOUR EX. Not her. You are the prize here.
>basically included logistical questions to figure out the pull.staying w friends house.
>she was investing into the convo and seemed like she did want to talk to me ... I was vibbing in >between qualifiers to figure out logistics and gage interest, she was wearing a herblife shirt like >bekham.
>I touched her below her tits on shirt,I said: "herblife eh?"
>she kept staring at my lips and sexual eye contact again at me.
Ok this was a good one anyway again your are commenting something about HER.
>I looked at her same and FELT sexual tension from her as I touch hair to side from her eyes to create >intimacy connection like before a kiss.
>I couldnt get away from the view from her friends so I didnt go for kiss, then next thing to get her to >isolate to talk more BUT
>felt it was a chance to get her to a room or somewhere private to get intimate joke. I sense she >was horny.
>I felt like I wanted to sexual escalate there and fast.
You can escalate also when the friends are there..
>So after that I said "come here ,want to show you something"
>Grabed her hand to isolate to the room next to a bathroom so that the other people wont see us .
>she was there halfway and her Anti SLUT radar rang the ALARM...
>she said :"Oh NO, you go ahead"
Proper response: hand on her ass and "Ladies first! I am a gentleman"
Don´t let a woman impose her frame on you. REFRAME HER.
>I had to improvise and act like uneedy. go in room relax, then came back out she was waiting at >kitchen still for me.
>acted like nothing and smiled at her.
>she started talking about her t shirt beckham herblfe and told me she workd herblfe and she could >come over my house another day and she can take measurements of my body, so we number exchange.
Oh this is a huge IOI from her but there is a problem: she is shifting it into the future. That´s a way she uses to control horniness.
>After number close,I walked away to avoid losing attraction by coming needy and or eager.
>So I went off to other things...since they were only girls there.
>then as they were leaving
>hb mariE screams in front of her friends
>"hey sandros call me tomorrow ok"
>I smiled at her like yeah w playing hard to get look
>her friend HB MarG screams:"call her, she will fix your plumbing"
Ahahaha.. so after all you were the soul of the party. That´s good.
>sunday i wasnt feeling it, tired as fuck, plus I wasnt sure about her.I had gone for the pull.
It´s inner game issue. This girls gave you huge IOIs.
>she was telling me to call her and it seemed she was trying to lead me or frame her leadership.
>so I called her on monday and not sunday
No done in front of the group was a huge IOI
>she didnt call me back,
Of course see these girls in parties have to be taken there when they are IN STATE.>thursday I call leave a short message
"hey whats up dork,been busy ...wanted to catch up with what we were talking about ,so ..... talk to you laters "
Never, never leave messages in answering machine. Also get a private number so that when you call she cannot now who calls.
>She didnt return my call. I felt by trying it would show neediness, I had girls call me back and I know I >dont have to try hard.
Simply her state changed from the party girl to the everyday good girl
>I didnt know what to do at that time then realized the message was vague and wasnt chaallenging to >the woman.
>I also think I wasnt persistent with keeping the momentum.mistake.
>2 week later:
>Theres a new party this weekend again.
>I re texted her w
>" hey whats up flake party this weekend "
You are acknowledging her flake MISTAKE. That puts her in the position of the Prize again. Never acknowledge flakes or anything else she does which might lower your value.
>her: who is this?
>Me: guess?
>her: No! seriusly who is this ?
>me: are you kidding me? dont tell me you give out your number to random guys? I feel so cheap.
>her: I dont know who is this?
I don´t know who is this = shit test
>me: Ok, theres a charmingly handsome man with very sexy look in his eyes.... You were over at my >house for a party with friends and you were supposed to show me something you promised me but you >chickend out.
>(I thought being challenging yet having her passively accept the frame if she says my name, but she >didnt respond)
>15 minutes no response
>me : Dont tell me you give up that easily.
>15 minutes no response
>me: thats too kindah seemed cool.Just wanted to invite you to the fundraiser party at my >place this weekend throwing one for our friend JAMES.
>40 minutes later = 2:00 AM
>her: Hey is it Sandros ?
>15 minutes later
>her: You didnt tell me If I got it right ?
>I didnt respond since I intiate text at 9:40pm and she responded late at 2 am and so by time she got >back to me was much later.
>I didnt feel like texting her that late without actual advantage of escalation or location etc...
>there was no gain to text her that late, I dont want woman to think Im not doing anything and waiting >for her , PFFFT!
>I know I could have had sex but hesitated or missed something.
>they reach a point of horniness and I either try to change them to have sex that moment cause I feel >its momentum.
>she was midly drunk and very that wore away and attraction dissipated since I didnt make >proper moves.
>Im when it came to pulling same night this is where I fuck up.
>I think I have a blindspot.
>I appreciate any feedback appreciated.
>-Papa Sandros[/quote]
You got betaised because she slowly by her game PUT YOU TO INVEST MORE ENERGY INTO HER THAN WHAT SHE INVESTED INTO YOU.
Also if you want relationships then don´t game for party girls. Do street game and game girls who are abable to have a certain continuity in the state ( hmm.. well as much as a girl can do that ) If you game party girls go for the kill same night and never, never go for "meeting her again"
Party girls go to parties to feel in state THAT NIGHT and then they give you the shit you just got if you go for continuity..
You need to improve the knowledge of what is FEMALE INNER EMOTIONAL STATE and FEMALE STATE CHANGES.. also knowing the distinction between Freak, Ho and Good Girl helps..
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Sandros observations- in10nse archives - pimp game ,sexual rapport , and end game
I remembered reading in10nse speed rapport, its kindah weird and too mechanical over explained but its golden...
I recall the audio with j mathews and first minutes of it was pretty solid.
I decided to look it once more....
I happened to look at the archives which is the Masf posts.
As I was reading that and the intro...all unedited and uncensored...
It was clear this guy has solid game and does similar in SS patterns and seduction.
he doesnt have a model for it and follows both SS and MM.
MM or M3 model is a logistical map for me and emotional guide of my game . how dynamic in the stages you must change her emotional responses to get momentum and her backwards rationalizing that she likes you.
So why I beleive him?
Cause Swinggcats best friend
Swinggcat to me is the best darn malicious guy there is in terms of dating and seduction.
MAster of Push pull...
I related to his style.
Push pull are elements in closing and microlooping.
So I definately recommend anyone checking him out.
Swinggcatt recommends or mentions...I definately check it out.
What most impressed me as I breifly looked at his stuff was .....
at the time he read pimp game.....

In10nse worte a great book review and shared with everyone....he tried to internalize the concepts.....
I remembered I wanted to interview an actual pimp to model his beleifs with women.
not only can you do that by reading a book made by a pimp, in10nse get in to the book that he tries to share it with his peers.
the guy has a good heart and the drive. I like that alot and relate to him.
i think that affected his strategy of game.....in10nse awesomely worte a forbidden october man sequence which was simplified by JK Ellis even anchors.
in10nse does great job with combining SRT - sexual rapport modelling.
so he is master of comfort and closing---he combines powerful and psycological approach with NLP, persuasion, all combined.
not to be only read but to be used.
ofcourse he asks FRanco for adivce with relationships...
Nice! :)
PS : I remembered adrian wanting to comoone the 2 : SS and MM
in10nse GAME combined both.
***** Five stars must read, plus REAL WORLD SEDUCTION, PAUL JANKA, FRANCO,TD's Secret SOciety and BT SPIKING posts.Lovedrops' theory on social game.BAD BOY's Ebook.
I recall the audio with j mathews and first minutes of it was pretty solid.
I decided to look it once more....
I happened to look at the archives which is the Masf posts.
As I was reading that and the intro...all unedited and uncensored...
It was clear this guy has solid game and does similar in SS patterns and seduction.
he doesnt have a model for it and follows both SS and MM.
MM or M3 model is a logistical map for me and emotional guide of my game . how dynamic in the stages you must change her emotional responses to get momentum and her backwards rationalizing that she likes you.
So why I beleive him?
Cause Swinggcats best friend
Swinggcat to me is the best darn malicious guy there is in terms of dating and seduction.
MAster of Push pull...
I related to his style.
Push pull are elements in closing and microlooping.
So I definately recommend anyone checking him out.
Swinggcatt recommends or mentions...I definately check it out.
What most impressed me as I breifly looked at his stuff was .....
at the time he read pimp game.....

In10nse worte a great book review and shared with everyone....he tried to internalize the concepts.....
I remembered I wanted to interview an actual pimp to model his beleifs with women.
not only can you do that by reading a book made by a pimp, in10nse get in to the book that he tries to share it with his peers.
the guy has a good heart and the drive. I like that alot and relate to him.
i think that affected his strategy of game.....in10nse awesomely worte a forbidden october man sequence which was simplified by JK Ellis even anchors.
in10nse does great job with combining SRT - sexual rapport modelling.
so he is master of comfort and closing---he combines powerful and psycological approach with NLP, persuasion, all combined.
not to be only read but to be used.
ofcourse he asks FRanco for adivce with relationships...
Nice! :)
PS : I remembered adrian wanting to comoone the 2 : SS and MM
in10nse GAME combined both.
***** Five stars must read, plus REAL WORLD SEDUCTION, PAUL JANKA, FRANCO,TD's Secret SOciety and BT SPIKING posts.Lovedrops' theory on social game.BAD BOY's Ebook.
Top 10 End Game Mistakes
Blake Richards Top 10 End Game Mistakes
First of all, let me tell you what End Game is. All successful seductions have an End Game phase. This is where you have built up the attraction and comfort and you're alone with the woman. So it's at THIS stage that the results of the Seduction are playing out. This is where so many guys screw up… and it's often focused on the least in seduction because to tell you the truth, not many guys get there. There off getting phone numbers - and that's IT. Believe me - the focus of my book, "GAME" is about how to get PAST that point and on to the Seduction.
Ok, now to the top 10 End Game mistakes that most guys make and what you can do to avoid these mistakes:
1) Bad Logistics
One guy I used to know would go out and say, "I'm going to get laid tonight!" And then we'd get to the club and he'd go home to his parents house - no lay. I told him, "Now exactly where are you going to do this? And do you have condoms - ON you, and if a woman were to walk up to you right now and want to have sex with you, would you be ready?" - Hmmm? was his answer.
The point is, if you WANT success, you have to be READY for it. Now, when I want to get laid, I have a framework of how I want it to happen. Sure- it can be spontaneous and I have to have some flexibility built in, but one of the keys to End Game is Isolation and not just that, but logistics ALREADY in place for every Isolation scenario that you could come up with.
For example, I have condoms in my CAR… Now did they come in handy? - Well last WEEK they did when I was out with a chick at a DRIVE IN. Same day close with her…
2) They trigger her automatic responses
Now all chicks have an automatic response for a guy getting physical with them - It's just something that's BUILT IN - through evolution to protect their productive resources. And when you think about it, they HAVE to have this in place because then they would end up a being a HO or be pregnant their whole lives!
So what are the typical triggers? I'll list a couple:
* When a guy gets too sexual too fast
* When a guy stops "talking" and just goes into LUST mode before she does
* When she get the feeling that a guy just wants her for SEX or just sees her as an object
* When a guy goes straight for the crotch -most of the time at least
* When a guy seems too eager to get down her pants
* When a guy seems sneaky and dishonest
You get the point. The key is to go slow, keep talking to her, be suggestive without being overtly sexual, and wait until SHE goes first with being physically sexual.
3) They engage her logical mind
Just imagine this: you're on the couch with a chick, maybe watching a movie or talking, and you start to notice the VIBE as the sexual tension is building. You know that it COULD be GAME ON if you play your cards right… Now what do a lot of guys do? They get all nervous at this point and start talking about GUY stuff… LOGICAL stuff like work, school, analyzing this and that… BIG mistake!
You want her logical mind OFF at this point. Don't say or DO anything that could engage her logical mind. You don't want her solving MATH while you're trying to get her in bed!
The focus should be on the FEELINGS. Get her arousal AMPED UP. Build the sexual tension. In my book, I go into depth on how to build this using a PROPUSION mechanism - and for those of you that don't know what that is, it's a motivational system where you have both PUSH from avoiding pain and PULL from pursuing pleasure.
4) They don't build up the comfort enough
A chick will RARELY get physical with a guy that she's not comfortable with. You need to build up the comfort and rapport before you go into END GAME. When you hear a chick say, "But I hardly know you!" - Then you know you need more comfort building!
In my book I extensively cover MID GAME which focuses on Comfort building and Rapport - so Check it out!
5) They take the first sign of resistance as failure
Now not all chicks will go to bed with you the first time you make your move. Most of the times, chicks need REPEATED attempts where you FLIRT with her comfort zone.
You know, every chick has a comfort zone - a line where things go from being Rated "R" to being rated "X". And if you push that line too much, it may shut her down - so FLIRT with that line. When she offers resistance, PULL BACK. And I'm talking ANY resistance - and I pull WAY back and go back into comfort building (MID GAME).
Then as I approach that line again, I can come that much CLOSER to that line until I have to pull back again. As this may be repeated several times, you get that much closer and closer to her comfort zone line until before she knows it, you're INSIDE her! (I talk about this in my book in the chapter on the Gradient Principle)
6) They follow THEIR OWN automatic responses and don't make the bold move
You know that ONE POINT in the date, where you know it could go one way or the other. And you know that what you do at that point could MAKE or BREAK the seduction? Have you guys been there? I have - too many times, but I've learned something.
Too many times before I would just GO WITH THE FLOW… and to tell you the truth - that's just not conducive to seduction!
How many times have you been over at a chick's house… it's late at night and you can tell that it could be "Game On", and then she tells you, "It's getting late… I should go to bed" and you say, "Ok… well I enjoyed hanging out with you… and I'll talk to you later…"
Then as you hear the door shut you're wondering where you went wrong… you could be in BED with her right NOW!
So how do you get over this? Well first of all, be AWARE of your automatic responses and hers as well. And know that you can use whatever a woman gives you. Like in the example above, what if you were to say… "Go to bed?! But I hardly know you! I'm not that easy… but I could be if you gave me a massage!"
So you see how you need to interrupt the auto-response! And humor works best followed up with a suggestive comment.
7) They don't focus on the moment
At this phase in the Game, a lot of guys are in their own heads and not focusing on the moment. They may be thinking of the last pattern to use or what to say next… but to tell you the truth - at this stage in the game, you need to throw those out and focus on getting her to FEEL in the MOMENT. This is where seduction happens!
And you want to get her associated into the moment as well by getting her to FEEL (including body feelings). The thing about FEELINGS is that they draw a person into the moment. Like when someone is angry for instance - and they can't think about anything else… or when someone feels pain - that's VERY real in the moment. The same goes for feeling pleasure and for feeling AROUSED sexually.
They think that the woman will lead them by the hand
At this stage in the game, even women that seem sexually aggressive will want the MAN to take action first. One chick that I was with said she wanted a guy that was "Confident". I asked her, "So how do you know when a guy is confident?" She said, "When he's able to do with me what I really want him to do without me telling him how to do it."
When you get certain "buying signals" from a woman, you need to close QUICKLY. Now not all buying signals are equal. For example, a suggestive flirtatious smile when you offer to massage her is much different then when she pulls her pants down and bends over! Let your buying signals tell you how quickly to move…
9) They're attached too much to the outcome
One thing that women have radar for is "Neediness". In fact a guy who's willing to walk AWAY from her has more power than she does in the "negotiation".
Instead of focusing on the outcome ("the home run"), focus a little on the process ("how you swing the bat") - but mostly be in the MOMENT.
If a woman does a take away from you and you don't respond… it tells her that YOUR in control and it communicates that YOU have CHOICE. - After all, how many guy would actually decline an offer of sex from an attractive woman? And if she senses that you would - then you've upped your value in her eyes… as well as made yourself a challenge for her!
10) They go too fast and out of her "sequence" without amping up the desire enough
Remember, building desire is about building the sexual tension. Take time to let her get her buying temperature up. Tease her, play hot/cold, FLIRT with her comfort line (the line where things go from being rated R to being rated X) until SHE crosses it.
And go the typical "physical" sequence unless she gives you resistance - in which case you pull back to Mid Game, then as you go back into End Game, you test again at the NEXT higher level.
I call these "Courtship Stages" and I talk way more in depth about them in my book. These are the typical physical steps in a seduction. Now the order doesn't always apply, but for the most part they do. For example, if you go straight from "hand to hand" to "Hand to Genitals", most chicks will resist. So know this natural sequence.
Here's an abbreviated version:
hand to hand => arm to waist => mouth to mouth => hand to head => hand to body => mouth to breast => hand to genitals => genitals to genitals or mouth to genitals
To wrap up, there you have it guys, my top 10 End Game Mistakes and how to overcome them!
Questions, Comments?
Blake Richards
Blake Richards Top 10 End Game Mistakes
First of all, let me tell you what End Game is. All successful seductions have an End Game phase. This is where you have built up the attraction and comfort and you're alone with the woman. So it's at THIS stage that the results of the Seduction are playing out. This is where so many guys screw up… and it's often focused on the least in seduction because to tell you the truth, not many guys get there. There off getting phone numbers - and that's IT. Believe me - the focus of my book, "GAME" is about how to get PAST that point and on to the Seduction.
Ok, now to the top 10 End Game mistakes that most guys make and what you can do to avoid these mistakes:
1) Bad Logistics
One guy I used to know would go out and say, "I'm going to get laid tonight!" And then we'd get to the club and he'd go home to his parents house - no lay. I told him, "Now exactly where are you going to do this? And do you have condoms - ON you, and if a woman were to walk up to you right now and want to have sex with you, would you be ready?" - Hmmm? was his answer.
The point is, if you WANT success, you have to be READY for it. Now, when I want to get laid, I have a framework of how I want it to happen. Sure- it can be spontaneous and I have to have some flexibility built in, but one of the keys to End Game is Isolation and not just that, but logistics ALREADY in place for every Isolation scenario that you could come up with.
For example, I have condoms in my CAR… Now did they come in handy? - Well last WEEK they did when I was out with a chick at a DRIVE IN. Same day close with her…
2) They trigger her automatic responses
Now all chicks have an automatic response for a guy getting physical with them - It's just something that's BUILT IN - through evolution to protect their productive resources. And when you think about it, they HAVE to have this in place because then they would end up a being a HO or be pregnant their whole lives!
So what are the typical triggers? I'll list a couple:
* When a guy gets too sexual too fast
* When a guy stops "talking" and just goes into LUST mode before she does
* When she get the feeling that a guy just wants her for SEX or just sees her as an object
* When a guy goes straight for the crotch -most of the time at least
* When a guy seems too eager to get down her pants
* When a guy seems sneaky and dishonest
You get the point. The key is to go slow, keep talking to her, be suggestive without being overtly sexual, and wait until SHE goes first with being physically sexual.
3) They engage her logical mind
Just imagine this: you're on the couch with a chick, maybe watching a movie or talking, and you start to notice the VIBE as the sexual tension is building. You know that it COULD be GAME ON if you play your cards right… Now what do a lot of guys do? They get all nervous at this point and start talking about GUY stuff… LOGICAL stuff like work, school, analyzing this and that… BIG mistake!
You want her logical mind OFF at this point. Don't say or DO anything that could engage her logical mind. You don't want her solving MATH while you're trying to get her in bed!
The focus should be on the FEELINGS. Get her arousal AMPED UP. Build the sexual tension. In my book, I go into depth on how to build this using a PROPUSION mechanism - and for those of you that don't know what that is, it's a motivational system where you have both PUSH from avoiding pain and PULL from pursuing pleasure.
4) They don't build up the comfort enough
A chick will RARELY get physical with a guy that she's not comfortable with. You need to build up the comfort and rapport before you go into END GAME. When you hear a chick say, "But I hardly know you!" - Then you know you need more comfort building!
In my book I extensively cover MID GAME which focuses on Comfort building and Rapport - so Check it out!
5) They take the first sign of resistance as failure
Now not all chicks will go to bed with you the first time you make your move. Most of the times, chicks need REPEATED attempts where you FLIRT with her comfort zone.
You know, every chick has a comfort zone - a line where things go from being Rated "R" to being rated "X". And if you push that line too much, it may shut her down - so FLIRT with that line. When she offers resistance, PULL BACK. And I'm talking ANY resistance - and I pull WAY back and go back into comfort building (MID GAME).
Then as I approach that line again, I can come that much CLOSER to that line until I have to pull back again. As this may be repeated several times, you get that much closer and closer to her comfort zone line until before she knows it, you're INSIDE her! (I talk about this in my book in the chapter on the Gradient Principle)
6) They follow THEIR OWN automatic responses and don't make the bold move
You know that ONE POINT in the date, where you know it could go one way or the other. And you know that what you do at that point could MAKE or BREAK the seduction? Have you guys been there? I have - too many times, but I've learned something.
Too many times before I would just GO WITH THE FLOW… and to tell you the truth - that's just not conducive to seduction!
How many times have you been over at a chick's house… it's late at night and you can tell that it could be "Game On", and then she tells you, "It's getting late… I should go to bed" and you say, "Ok… well I enjoyed hanging out with you… and I'll talk to you later…"
Then as you hear the door shut you're wondering where you went wrong… you could be in BED with her right NOW!
So how do you get over this? Well first of all, be AWARE of your automatic responses and hers as well. And know that you can use whatever a woman gives you. Like in the example above, what if you were to say… "Go to bed?! But I hardly know you! I'm not that easy… but I could be if you gave me a massage!"
So you see how you need to interrupt the auto-response! And humor works best followed up with a suggestive comment.
7) They don't focus on the moment
At this phase in the Game, a lot of guys are in their own heads and not focusing on the moment. They may be thinking of the last pattern to use or what to say next… but to tell you the truth - at this stage in the game, you need to throw those out and focus on getting her to FEEL in the MOMENT. This is where seduction happens!
And you want to get her associated into the moment as well by getting her to FEEL (including body feelings). The thing about FEELINGS is that they draw a person into the moment. Like when someone is angry for instance - and they can't think about anything else… or when someone feels pain - that's VERY real in the moment. The same goes for feeling pleasure and for feeling AROUSED sexually.
They think that the woman will lead them by the hand
At this stage in the game, even women that seem sexually aggressive will want the MAN to take action first. One chick that I was with said she wanted a guy that was "Confident". I asked her, "So how do you know when a guy is confident?" She said, "When he's able to do with me what I really want him to do without me telling him how to do it."
When you get certain "buying signals" from a woman, you need to close QUICKLY. Now not all buying signals are equal. For example, a suggestive flirtatious smile when you offer to massage her is much different then when she pulls her pants down and bends over! Let your buying signals tell you how quickly to move…
9) They're attached too much to the outcome
One thing that women have radar for is "Neediness". In fact a guy who's willing to walk AWAY from her has more power than she does in the "negotiation".
Instead of focusing on the outcome ("the home run"), focus a little on the process ("how you swing the bat") - but mostly be in the MOMENT.
If a woman does a take away from you and you don't respond… it tells her that YOUR in control and it communicates that YOU have CHOICE. - After all, how many guy would actually decline an offer of sex from an attractive woman? And if she senses that you would - then you've upped your value in her eyes… as well as made yourself a challenge for her!
10) They go too fast and out of her "sequence" without amping up the desire enough
Remember, building desire is about building the sexual tension. Take time to let her get her buying temperature up. Tease her, play hot/cold, FLIRT with her comfort line (the line where things go from being rated R to being rated X) until SHE crosses it.
And go the typical "physical" sequence unless she gives you resistance - in which case you pull back to Mid Game, then as you go back into End Game, you test again at the NEXT higher level.
I call these "Courtship Stages" and I talk way more in depth about them in my book. These are the typical physical steps in a seduction. Now the order doesn't always apply, but for the most part they do. For example, if you go straight from "hand to hand" to "Hand to Genitals", most chicks will resist. So know this natural sequence.
Here's an abbreviated version:
hand to hand => arm to waist => mouth to mouth => hand to head => hand to body => mouth to breast => hand to genitals => genitals to genitals or mouth to genitals
To wrap up, there you have it guys, my top 10 End Game Mistakes and how to overcome them!
Questions, Comments?
Blake Richards
Top 10 End Game Mistakes
Blake Richards Top 10 End Game Mistakes
First of all, let me tell you what End Game is. All successful seductions have an End Game phase. This is where you have built up the attraction and comfort and you're alone with the woman. So it's at THIS stage that the results of the Seduction are playing out. This is where so many guys screw up… and it's often focused on the least in seduction because to tell you the truth, not many guys get there. There off getting phone numbers - and that's IT. Believe me - the focus of my book, "GAME" is about how to get PAST that point and on to the Seduction.
Ok, now to the top 10 End Game mistakes that most guys make and what you can do to avoid these mistakes:
1) Bad Logistics
One guy I used to know would go out and say, "I'm going to get laid tonight!" And then we'd get to the club and he'd go home to his parents house - no lay. I told him, "Now exactly where are you going to do this? And do you have condoms - ON you, and if a woman were to walk up to you right now and want to have sex with you, would you be ready?" - Hmmm? was his answer.
The point is, if you WANT success, you have to be READY for it. Now, when I want to get laid, I have a framework of how I want it to happen. Sure- it can be spontaneous and I have to have some flexibility built in, but one of the keys to End Game is Isolation and not just that, but logistics ALREADY in place for every Isolation scenario that you could come up with.
For example, I have condoms in my CAR… Now did they come in handy? - Well last WEEK they did when I was out with a chick at a DRIVE IN. Same day close with her…
2) They trigger her automatic responses
Now all chicks have an automatic response for a guy getting physical with them - It's just something that's BUILT IN - through evolution to protect their productive resources. And when you think about it, they HAVE to have this in place because then they would end up a being a HO or be pregnant their whole lives!
So what are the typical triggers? I'll list a couple:
* When a guy gets too sexual too fast
* When a guy stops "talking" and just goes into LUST mode before she does
* When she get the feeling that a guy just wants her for SEX or just sees her as an object
* When a guy goes straight for the crotch -most of the time at least
* When a guy seems too eager to get down her pants
* When a guy seems sneaky and dishonest
You get the point. The key is to go slow, keep talking to her, be suggestive without being overtly sexual, and wait until SHE goes first with being physically sexual.
3) They engage her logical mind
Just imagine this: you're on the couch with a chick, maybe watching a movie or talking, and you start to notice the VIBE as the sexual tension is building. You know that it COULD be GAME ON if you play your cards right… Now what do a lot of guys do? They get all nervous at this point and start talking about GUY stuff… LOGICAL stuff like work, school, analyzing this and that… BIG mistake!
You want her logical mind OFF at this point. Don't say or DO anything that could engage her logical mind. You don't want her solving MATH while you're trying to get her in bed!
The focus should be on the FEELINGS. Get her arousal AMPED UP. Build the sexual tension. In my book, I go into depth on how to build this using a PROPUSION mechanism - and for those of you that don't know what that is, it's a motivational system where you have both PUSH from avoiding pain and PULL from pursuing pleasure.
4) They don't build up the comfort enough
A chick will RARELY get physical with a guy that she's not comfortable with. You need to build up the comfort and rapport before you go into END GAME. When you hear a chick say, "But I hardly know you!" - Then you know you need more comfort building!
In my book I extensively cover MID GAME which focuses on Comfort building and Rapport - so Check it out!
5) They take the first sign of resistance as failure
Now not all chicks will go to bed with you the first time you make your move. Most of the times, chicks need REPEATED attempts where you FLIRT with her comfort zone.
You know, every chick has a comfort zone - a line where things go from being Rated "R" to being rated "X". And if you push that line too much, it may shut her down - so FLIRT with that line. When she offers resistance, PULL BACK. And I'm talking ANY resistance - and I pull WAY back and go back into comfort building (MID GAME).
Then as I approach that line again, I can come that much CLOSER to that line until I have to pull back again. As this may be repeated several times, you get that much closer and closer to her comfort zone line until before she knows it, you're INSIDE her! (I talk about this in my book in the chapter on the Gradient Principle)
6) They follow THEIR OWN automatic responses and don't make the bold move
You know that ONE POINT in the date, where you know it could go one way or the other. And you know that what you do at that point could MAKE or BREAK the seduction? Have you guys been there? I have - too many times, but I've learned something.
Too many times before I would just GO WITH THE FLOW… and to tell you the truth - that's just not conducive to seduction!
How many times have you been over at a chick's house… it's late at night and you can tell that it could be "Game On", and then she tells you, "It's getting late… I should go to bed" and you say, "Ok… well I enjoyed hanging out with you… and I'll talk to you later…"
Then as you hear the door shut you're wondering where you went wrong… you could be in BED with her right NOW!
So how do you get over this? Well first of all, be AWARE of your automatic responses and hers as well. And know that you can use whatever a woman gives you. Like in the example above, what if you were to say… "Go to bed?! But I hardly know you! I'm not that easy… but I could be if you gave me a massage!"
So you see how you need to interrupt the auto-response! And humor works best followed up with a suggestive comment.
7) They don't focus on the moment
At this phase in the Game, a lot of guys are in their own heads and not focusing on the moment. They may be thinking of the last pattern to use or what to say next… but to tell you the truth - at this stage in the game, you need to throw those out and focus on getting her to FEEL in the MOMENT. This is where seduction happens!
And you want to get her associated into the moment as well by getting her to FEEL (including body feelings). The thing about FEELINGS is that they draw a person into the moment. Like when someone is angry for instance - and they can't think about anything else… or when someone feels pain - that's VERY real in the moment. The same goes for feeling pleasure and for feeling AROUSED sexually.
They think that the woman will lead them by the hand
At this stage in the game, even women that seem sexually aggressive will want the MAN to take action first. One chick that I was with said she wanted a guy that was "Confident". I asked her, "So how do you know when a guy is confident?" She said, "When he's able to do with me what I really want him to do without me telling him how to do it."
When you get certain "buying signals" from a woman, you need to close QUICKLY. Now not all buying signals are equal. For example, a suggestive flirtatious smile when you offer to massage her is much different then when she pulls her pants down and bends over! Let your buying signals tell you how quickly to move…
9) They're attached too much to the outcome
One thing that women have radar for is "Neediness". In fact a guy who's willing to walk AWAY from her has more power than she does in the "negotiation".
Instead of focusing on the outcome ("the home run"), focus a little on the process ("how you swing the bat") - but mostly be in the MOMENT.
If a woman does a take away from you and you don't respond… it tells her that YOUR in control and it communicates that YOU have CHOICE. - After all, how many guy would actually decline an offer of sex from an attractive woman? And if she senses that you would - then you've upped your value in her eyes… as well as made yourself a challenge for her!
10) They go too fast and out of her "sequence" without amping up the desire enough
Remember, building desire is about building the sexual tension. Take time to let her get her buying temperature up. Tease her, play hot/cold, FLIRT with her comfort line (the line where things go from being rated R to being rated X) until SHE crosses it.
And go the typical "physical" sequence unless she gives you resistance - in which case you pull back to Mid Game, then as you go back into End Game, you test again at the NEXT higher level.
I call these "Courtship Stages" and I talk way more in depth about them in my book. These are the typical physical steps in a seduction. Now the order doesn't always apply, but for the most part they do. For example, if you go straight from "hand to hand" to "Hand to Genitals", most chicks will resist. So know this natural sequence.
Here's an abbreviated version:
hand to hand => arm to waist => mouth to mouth => hand to head => hand to body => mouth to breast => hand to genitals => genitals to genitals or mouth to genitals
To wrap up, there you have it guys, my top 10 End Game Mistakes and how to overcome them!
Questions, Comments?
Blake Richards
Blake Richards Top 10 End Game Mistakes
First of all, let me tell you what End Game is. All successful seductions have an End Game phase. This is where you have built up the attraction and comfort and you're alone with the woman. So it's at THIS stage that the results of the Seduction are playing out. This is where so many guys screw up… and it's often focused on the least in seduction because to tell you the truth, not many guys get there. There off getting phone numbers - and that's IT. Believe me - the focus of my book, "GAME" is about how to get PAST that point and on to the Seduction.
Ok, now to the top 10 End Game mistakes that most guys make and what you can do to avoid these mistakes:
1) Bad Logistics
One guy I used to know would go out and say, "I'm going to get laid tonight!" And then we'd get to the club and he'd go home to his parents house - no lay. I told him, "Now exactly where are you going to do this? And do you have condoms - ON you, and if a woman were to walk up to you right now and want to have sex with you, would you be ready?" - Hmmm? was his answer.
The point is, if you WANT success, you have to be READY for it. Now, when I want to get laid, I have a framework of how I want it to happen. Sure- it can be spontaneous and I have to have some flexibility built in, but one of the keys to End Game is Isolation and not just that, but logistics ALREADY in place for every Isolation scenario that you could come up with.
For example, I have condoms in my CAR… Now did they come in handy? - Well last WEEK they did when I was out with a chick at a DRIVE IN. Same day close with her…
2) They trigger her automatic responses
Now all chicks have an automatic response for a guy getting physical with them - It's just something that's BUILT IN - through evolution to protect their productive resources. And when you think about it, they HAVE to have this in place because then they would end up a being a HO or be pregnant their whole lives!
So what are the typical triggers? I'll list a couple:
* When a guy gets too sexual too fast
* When a guy stops "talking" and just goes into LUST mode before she does
* When she get the feeling that a guy just wants her for SEX or just sees her as an object
* When a guy goes straight for the crotch -most of the time at least
* When a guy seems too eager to get down her pants
* When a guy seems sneaky and dishonest
You get the point. The key is to go slow, keep talking to her, be suggestive without being overtly sexual, and wait until SHE goes first with being physically sexual.
3) They engage her logical mind
Just imagine this: you're on the couch with a chick, maybe watching a movie or talking, and you start to notice the VIBE as the sexual tension is building. You know that it COULD be GAME ON if you play your cards right… Now what do a lot of guys do? They get all nervous at this point and start talking about GUY stuff… LOGICAL stuff like work, school, analyzing this and that… BIG mistake!
You want her logical mind OFF at this point. Don't say or DO anything that could engage her logical mind. You don't want her solving MATH while you're trying to get her in bed!
The focus should be on the FEELINGS. Get her arousal AMPED UP. Build the sexual tension. In my book, I go into depth on how to build this using a PROPUSION mechanism - and for those of you that don't know what that is, it's a motivational system where you have both PUSH from avoiding pain and PULL from pursuing pleasure.
4) They don't build up the comfort enough
A chick will RARELY get physical with a guy that she's not comfortable with. You need to build up the comfort and rapport before you go into END GAME. When you hear a chick say, "But I hardly know you!" - Then you know you need more comfort building!
In my book I extensively cover MID GAME which focuses on Comfort building and Rapport - so Check it out!
5) They take the first sign of resistance as failure
Now not all chicks will go to bed with you the first time you make your move. Most of the times, chicks need REPEATED attempts where you FLIRT with her comfort zone.
You know, every chick has a comfort zone - a line where things go from being Rated "R" to being rated "X". And if you push that line too much, it may shut her down - so FLIRT with that line. When she offers resistance, PULL BACK. And I'm talking ANY resistance - and I pull WAY back and go back into comfort building (MID GAME).
Then as I approach that line again, I can come that much CLOSER to that line until I have to pull back again. As this may be repeated several times, you get that much closer and closer to her comfort zone line until before she knows it, you're INSIDE her! (I talk about this in my book in the chapter on the Gradient Principle)
6) They follow THEIR OWN automatic responses and don't make the bold move
You know that ONE POINT in the date, where you know it could go one way or the other. And you know that what you do at that point could MAKE or BREAK the seduction? Have you guys been there? I have - too many times, but I've learned something.
Too many times before I would just GO WITH THE FLOW… and to tell you the truth - that's just not conducive to seduction!
How many times have you been over at a chick's house… it's late at night and you can tell that it could be "Game On", and then she tells you, "It's getting late… I should go to bed" and you say, "Ok… well I enjoyed hanging out with you… and I'll talk to you later…"
Then as you hear the door shut you're wondering where you went wrong… you could be in BED with her right NOW!
So how do you get over this? Well first of all, be AWARE of your automatic responses and hers as well. And know that you can use whatever a woman gives you. Like in the example above, what if you were to say… "Go to bed?! But I hardly know you! I'm not that easy… but I could be if you gave me a massage!"
So you see how you need to interrupt the auto-response! And humor works best followed up with a suggestive comment.
7) They don't focus on the moment
At this phase in the Game, a lot of guys are in their own heads and not focusing on the moment. They may be thinking of the last pattern to use or what to say next… but to tell you the truth - at this stage in the game, you need to throw those out and focus on getting her to FEEL in the MOMENT. This is where seduction happens!
And you want to get her associated into the moment as well by getting her to FEEL (including body feelings). The thing about FEELINGS is that they draw a person into the moment. Like when someone is angry for instance - and they can't think about anything else… or when someone feels pain - that's VERY real in the moment. The same goes for feeling pleasure and for feeling AROUSED sexually.
They think that the woman will lead them by the hand
At this stage in the game, even women that seem sexually aggressive will want the MAN to take action first. One chick that I was with said she wanted a guy that was "Confident". I asked her, "So how do you know when a guy is confident?" She said, "When he's able to do with me what I really want him to do without me telling him how to do it."
When you get certain "buying signals" from a woman, you need to close QUICKLY. Now not all buying signals are equal. For example, a suggestive flirtatious smile when you offer to massage her is much different then when she pulls her pants down and bends over! Let your buying signals tell you how quickly to move…
9) They're attached too much to the outcome
One thing that women have radar for is "Neediness". In fact a guy who's willing to walk AWAY from her has more power than she does in the "negotiation".
Instead of focusing on the outcome ("the home run"), focus a little on the process ("how you swing the bat") - but mostly be in the MOMENT.
If a woman does a take away from you and you don't respond… it tells her that YOUR in control and it communicates that YOU have CHOICE. - After all, how many guy would actually decline an offer of sex from an attractive woman? And if she senses that you would - then you've upped your value in her eyes… as well as made yourself a challenge for her!
10) They go too fast and out of her "sequence" without amping up the desire enough
Remember, building desire is about building the sexual tension. Take time to let her get her buying temperature up. Tease her, play hot/cold, FLIRT with her comfort line (the line where things go from being rated R to being rated X) until SHE crosses it.
And go the typical "physical" sequence unless she gives you resistance - in which case you pull back to Mid Game, then as you go back into End Game, you test again at the NEXT higher level.
I call these "Courtship Stages" and I talk way more in depth about them in my book. These are the typical physical steps in a seduction. Now the order doesn't always apply, but for the most part they do. For example, if you go straight from "hand to hand" to "Hand to Genitals", most chicks will resist. So know this natural sequence.
Here's an abbreviated version:
hand to hand => arm to waist => mouth to mouth => hand to head => hand to body => mouth to breast => hand to genitals => genitals to genitals or mouth to genitals
To wrap up, there you have it guys, my top 10 End Game Mistakes and how to overcome them!
Questions, Comments?
Blake Richards
No PUA Sundays
My head was racinbg and since Im not going out it hurts my game and my head.
Im going to organize myself better , got a good book that FRanco recommended me.
Also Sundays will be relax day.
I learned from Franco to Have a strong frame not only with women or other people but with PU.
PU is like sex , it wont die and I contrl it.
My best seduction has been a balance of natural with light PUA tactics and logisitcs ala Doc holliday.
My best is my wide and deep rapport.
So far I have to get out and Monday is where I will push to do so.
I will leave topo alone for awhile.
Im going to organize myself better , got a good book that FRanco recommended me.
Also Sundays will be relax day.
I learned from Franco to Have a strong frame not only with women or other people but with PU.
PU is like sex , it wont die and I contrl it.
My best seduction has been a balance of natural with light PUA tactics and logisitcs ala Doc holliday.
My best is my wide and deep rapport.
So far I have to get out and Monday is where I will push to do so.
I will leave topo alone for awhile.
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