Sunday, May 2, 2010

Top 10 End Game Mistakes

Blake Richards Top 10 End Game Mistakes

First of all, let me tell you what End Game is. All successful seductions have an End Game phase. This is where you have built up the attraction and comfort and you're alone with the woman. So it's at THIS stage that the results of the Seduction are playing out. This is where so many guys screw up… and it's often focused on the least in seduction because to tell you the truth, not many guys get there. There off getting phone numbers - and that's IT. Believe me - the focus of my book, "GAME" is about how to get PAST that point and on to the Seduction.

Ok, now to the top 10 End Game mistakes that most guys make and what you can do to avoid these mistakes:

1) Bad Logistics

One guy I used to know would go out and say, "I'm going to get laid tonight!" And then we'd get to the club and he'd go home to his parents house - no lay. I told him, "Now exactly where are you going to do this? And do you have condoms - ON you, and if a woman were to walk up to you right now and want to have sex with you, would you be ready?" - Hmmm? was his answer.

The point is, if you WANT success, you have to be READY for it. Now, when I want to get laid, I have a framework of how I want it to happen. Sure- it can be spontaneous and I have to have some flexibility built in, but one of the keys to End Game is Isolation and not just that, but logistics ALREADY in place for every Isolation scenario that you could come up with.

For example, I have condoms in my CAR… Now did they come in handy? - Well last WEEK they did when I was out with a chick at a DRIVE IN. Same day close with her…

2) They trigger her automatic responses

Now all chicks have an automatic response for a guy getting physical with them - It's just something that's BUILT IN - through evolution to protect their productive resources. And when you think about it, they HAVE to have this in place because then they would end up a being a HO or be pregnant their whole lives!

So what are the typical triggers? I'll list a couple:
* When a guy gets too sexual too fast
* When a guy stops "talking" and just goes into LUST mode before she does
* When she get the feeling that a guy just wants her for SEX or just sees her as an object
* When a guy goes straight for the crotch -most of the time at least
* When a guy seems too eager to get down her pants
* When a guy seems sneaky and dishonest

You get the point. The key is to go slow, keep talking to her, be suggestive without being overtly sexual, and wait until SHE goes first with being physically sexual.

3) They engage her logical mind

Just imagine this: you're on the couch with a chick, maybe watching a movie or talking, and you start to notice the VIBE as the sexual tension is building. You know that it COULD be GAME ON if you play your cards right… Now what do a lot of guys do? They get all nervous at this point and start talking about GUY stuff… LOGICAL stuff like work, school, analyzing this and that… BIG mistake!

You want her logical mind OFF at this point. Don't say or DO anything that could engage her logical mind. You don't want her solving MATH while you're trying to get her in bed!

The focus should be on the FEELINGS. Get her arousal AMPED UP. Build the sexual tension. In my book, I go into depth on how to build this using a PROPUSION mechanism - and for those of you that don't know what that is, it's a motivational system where you have both PUSH from avoiding pain and PULL from pursuing pleasure.

4) They don't build up the comfort enough

A chick will RARELY get physical with a guy that she's not comfortable with. You need to build up the comfort and rapport before you go into END GAME. When you hear a chick say, "But I hardly know you!" - Then you know you need more comfort building!

In my book I extensively cover MID GAME which focuses on Comfort building and Rapport - so Check it out!

5) They take the first sign of resistance as failure

Now not all chicks will go to bed with you the first time you make your move. Most of the times, chicks need REPEATED attempts where you FLIRT with her comfort zone.

You know, every chick has a comfort zone - a line where things go from being Rated "R" to being rated "X". And if you push that line too much, it may shut her down - so FLIRT with that line. When she offers resistance, PULL BACK. And I'm talking ANY resistance - and I pull WAY back and go back into comfort building (MID GAME).

Then as I approach that line again, I can come that much CLOSER to that line until I have to pull back again. As this may be repeated several times, you get that much closer and closer to her comfort zone line until before she knows it, you're INSIDE her! (I talk about this in my book in the chapter on the Gradient Principle)

6) They follow THEIR OWN automatic responses and don't make the bold move

You know that ONE POINT in the date, where you know it could go one way or the other. And you know that what you do at that point could MAKE or BREAK the seduction? Have you guys been there? I have - too many times, but I've learned something.

Too many times before I would just GO WITH THE FLOW… and to tell you the truth - that's just not conducive to seduction!

How many times have you been over at a chick's house… it's late at night and you can tell that it could be "Game On", and then she tells you, "It's getting late… I should go to bed" and you say, "Ok… well I enjoyed hanging out with you… and I'll talk to you later…"

Then as you hear the door shut you're wondering where you went wrong… you could be in BED with her right NOW!

So how do you get over this? Well first of all, be AWARE of your automatic responses and hers as well. And know that you can use whatever a woman gives you. Like in the example above, what if you were to say… "Go to bed?! But I hardly know you! I'm not that easy… but I could be if you gave me a massage!"

So you see how you need to interrupt the auto-response! And humor works best followed up with a suggestive comment.

7) They don't focus on the moment

At this phase in the Game, a lot of guys are in their own heads and not focusing on the moment. They may be thinking of the last pattern to use or what to say next… but to tell you the truth - at this stage in the game, you need to throw those out and focus on getting her to FEEL in the MOMENT. This is where seduction happens!

And you want to get her associated into the moment as well by getting her to FEEL (including body feelings). The thing about FEELINGS is that they draw a person into the moment. Like when someone is angry for instance - and they can't think about anything else… or when someone feels pain - that's VERY real in the moment. The same goes for feeling pleasure and for feeling AROUSED sexually.

They think that the woman will lead them by the hand

At this stage in the game, even women that seem sexually aggressive will want the MAN to take action first. One chick that I was with said she wanted a guy that was "Confident". I asked her, "So how do you know when a guy is confident?" She said, "When he's able to do with me what I really want him to do without me telling him how to do it."

When you get certain "buying signals" from a woman, you need to close QUICKLY. Now not all buying signals are equal. For example, a suggestive flirtatious smile when you offer to massage her is much different then when she pulls her pants down and bends over! Let your buying signals tell you how quickly to move…

9) They're attached too much to the outcome

One thing that women have radar for is "Neediness". In fact a guy who's willing to walk AWAY from her has more power than she does in the "negotiation".

Instead of focusing on the outcome ("the home run"), focus a little on the process ("how you swing the bat") - but mostly be in the MOMENT.

If a woman does a take away from you and you don't respond… it tells her that YOUR in control and it communicates that YOU have CHOICE. - After all, how many guy would actually decline an offer of sex from an attractive woman? And if she senses that you would - then you've upped your value in her eyes… as well as made yourself a challenge for her!

10) They go too fast and out of her "sequence" without amping up the desire enough

Remember, building desire is about building the sexual tension. Take time to let her get her buying temperature up. Tease her, play hot/cold, FLIRT with her comfort line (the line where things go from being rated R to being rated X) until SHE crosses it.

And go the typical "physical" sequence unless she gives you resistance - in which case you pull back to Mid Game, then as you go back into End Game, you test again at the NEXT higher level.

I call these "Courtship Stages" and I talk way more in depth about them in my book. These are the typical physical steps in a seduction. Now the order doesn't always apply, but for the most part they do. For example, if you go straight from "hand to hand" to "Hand to Genitals", most chicks will resist. So know this natural sequence.

Here's an abbreviated version:

hand to hand => arm to waist => mouth to mouth => hand to head => hand to body => mouth to breast => hand to genitals => genitals to genitals or mouth to genitals

To wrap up, there you have it guys, my top 10 End Game Mistakes and how to overcome them!

Questions, Comments?

Blake Richards

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