Sunday, May 2, 2010

Sandros observations- in10nse archives - pimp game ,sexual rapport , and end game

I remembered reading in10nse speed rapport, its kindah weird and too mechanical over explained but its golden...

I recall the audio with j mathews and first minutes of it was pretty solid.

I decided to look it once more....

I happened to look at the archives which is the Masf posts.

As I was reading that and the intro...all unedited and uncensored...

It was clear this guy has solid game and does similar in SS patterns and seduction.

he doesnt have a model for it and follows both SS and MM.
MM or M3 model is a logistical map for me and emotional guide of my game . how dynamic in the stages you must change her emotional responses to get momentum and her backwards rationalizing that she likes you.


So why I beleive him?
Cause Swinggcats best friend

Swinggcat to me is the best darn malicious guy there is in terms of dating and seduction.

MAster of Push pull...

I related to his style.

Push pull are elements in closing and microlooping.

So I definately recommend anyone checking him out.

Swinggcatt recommends or mentions...I definately check it out.

What most impressed me as I breifly looked at his stuff was .....

at the time he read pimp game.....

In10nse worte a great book review and shared with everyone....he tried to internalize the concepts.....

I remembered I wanted to interview an actual pimp to model his beleifs with women.

not only can you do that by reading a book made by a pimp, in10nse get in to the book that he tries to share it with his peers.

the guy has a good heart and the drive. I like that alot and relate to him.

i think that affected his strategy of game.....in10nse awesomely worte a forbidden october man sequence which was simplified by JK Ellis even anchors.

in10nse does great job with combining SRT - sexual rapport modelling.

so he is master of comfort and closing---he combines powerful and psycological approach with NLP, persuasion, all combined.

not to be only read but to be used.

ofcourse he asks FRanco for adivce with relationships...

Nice! :)

PS : I remembered adrian wanting to comoone the 2 : SS and MM
in10nse GAME combined both.

***** Five stars must read, plus REAL WORLD SEDUCTION, PAUL JANKA, FRANCO,TD's Secret SOciety and BT SPIKING posts.Lovedrops' theory on social game.BAD BOY's Ebook.

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