This post piggybacks off my break down of night game calibration from a couple days ago. As promised, I will provide example dialogs of each of the situations related to calibrating your teasing/banter for each girl you meet.
If you remember, I described four scenarios in which you can end up and how to calibrate to each one:
I have a simple process that I apply when I’m in set: Once I hook the set, I’ll throw out a very light tease to the girl and see how she responds.
- If she laughs and responds positively, it means my value is equal or slightly higher to hers and I’ll keep teasing until I stop getting a positive reaction.
- If she responds negatively and seems offended, it means I’m OVERVALUED and I stop. I will compliment her, state my interest or DLV myself (buy her a drink) to bring myself closer to her. This is to make me “attainable” in her eyes. You’ll have to do this often with shy or reserved girls.
- If she responds negatively and is cold and bored, it means I’m extremely undervalued and I need to tease her even harder. Girls who react this way, you’re not even on their radar screen yet, so you have to say something really bold and outlandish to wake them up to you.
- If she shit-tests me back in a playful way, it means she values herself slightly more than me, in which I keep teasing until I get a negative response.
Once I know where my value is relative to hers, I follow this blueprint:
- If I’m OVERVALUED, I will compliment her, state my interest in her and even DLV myself.
- If I’m UNDERVALUED, I tease and neg her harder until I get a more positive reaction or she blows me out.
- If I’m around her value, I keep teasing at the same level and being escalating.
After a while, this will all become second nature to you.
Situation 1: Responds positively, keep teasing until she stops responding positively
Me: (Arbitrary opener)
Her: Blah blah blah
Me: You don’t look like a Boston girl.
Her: Nope, born and raised in Boston. But I’m half Irish, half French.Me: How the hell does that work?
Her: Haha, I don’t know. It’s quite a mix.
Me: Does that mean you get drunk and start fights and then immediately give up?
Her: *laughing hysterically* OMG!
Me: I’m afraid to drink with you, I don’t know what will come out, your inner asshole or your inner wuss.
Her: Hahaha… neither! I’m a nice drunk.
Me: That’s cool, me too. I’m the type of drunk…. blah, blah, blah, comfort story.
(Few minutes, few teases later)
Me: Look, we obviously have communication problems, this will never work.
Her: Aww, no I was listening, the music was just too loud.
Me: I was just saying blah, blah, blah. Throw in a compliment here.
This is your classic PUA situation. The idea that you’re coming in slightly below her value, you need to tease/neg/banter to raise your value relative to hers and then you qualify her/compliment her as you move into more comfort.
Basically, I just throw teases between my comfort stories until she gets a bit defensive. This means that she’s feeling a bit self-conscious around me and is now pretty invested in the interaction and my opinion. I want to SUPPORT this by complimenting her and validating her. Keep in mind, I will bring teases back every now and again to keep things fresh, but not nearly with the same frequency.
Situation 2: She responds negatively and seems offended
Me: (Arbitrary opener)
Her: Blah blah blah
Me: You don’t look like a Boston girl.
Her: Nope, born and raised in Boston. But I’m half Irish, half French.
Me: How the hell does that work?
Her: What do you mean? (looks offended)
Me: That’s just a really unique combination. It’s cool though. Did your parents grow up in America or overseas?
In this situation, as soon as she seems offended, I take that as a cue that I’m overvalued and I need to be nice to her and even “chodey” to make myself more attainable to her. This is a girl who for whatever reason thinks she doesn’t have a shot with a guy like me, so I need to make it as easy as possible.
Also, I’d like to note that there’s a minority of girls out there who just really don’t like to be teased at all, by anyone. They’re rare, but they do exist. When you come across them, you may have to continue to build attraction but just not by teasing.
Situation 3: She acts bored or indifferent.
Me: (Arbitrary opener)
Her: Blah blah blah
Me: You don’t look like a Boston girl.
Her: No, I am.
Me: That’s cool. I’m actually from Texas originally.
Her: Oh.
Me: You seem like the serious type, like your friends have to drag you out here to make you have fun.
Her: Not really. I mean, I guess, I do work a lot.
Me: All work and no play makes Jill a dull girl.
Her: Yeah, I guess.
Me: You ever run after someone with an ax?
Her: What?!
Me: You ever try to kill someone with an ax.
Her: Haha, no. What the hell?
Me: All work and no play makes Jill a dull girl. Haven’t you seen The Shining?
Her: No, I haven’t.
Me: Jesus, you DO work too much. Get out a little.
Her: Haha… I haven’t really watched many movies lately.
Me: It’s a classic. Stanley Kubrick. Made in the 70’s. You’re missing out. What kind of movies do you typically watch? (Qualify)
Her: (Answers)
Me: That’s cool, (comfort story)
Situation 4: Positive Response, she banters back
Me: (Arbitrary opener)
Her: Blah blah blah
Me: You don’t look like a Boston girl.
Her: Fuck yeah I am. You obviously thought wrong.
Me: Well, you sure as hell act like a Boston girl.
Her: How’s that?
Me: You’re an asshole yet charming.
Her: Yeah, I get that a lot.
Me: (banter)
Her: (banter)
Me: (banter)
Her: (banter
Me: Look, this obviously isn’t working out, you know what? We’re broken up. I can’t do this anymore.
Her: Good! You sucked in bed anyway.
Me: How would you know? You were too drunk to feel what I was doing.
Her: Hahaha…
Me: You know what, I’m going to give you another chance. Tell me something about yourself.
Her: What? I don’t know. What do you want to know?
Me: I think you’re a cool girl, I want to actually get to know you.
Her: Sorry, you had your chance, we’re broken up.
Me: Yeah, yeah, but really, what are you most passionate about?
Her: (more evasion)
Me: (more direct interest)
Girls like this give newer guys the most trouble. Newer guys either can’t keep up with their wits or they get caught in the cycle of constant banter with them, which leads no where. The way to break out of this cycle with these girls is by stating direct interest repeatedly. But there are two caveats to this: 1) you have to prove that you can keep up with them banter/teasing-wise first. These types of girls don’t settle for pushovers or pussies. They want real men who will put them in their place, that’s why they cause so much trouble. And 2) she’s going to reject you at first and try to keep bantering with you. Again, you have to be unphased and continue to show interest.
These types of girls can be the most fun as well as the most frustrating. When you finally do get through to them, they can also be the most passionate and intense girls to date. They can also be a huge pain and the ass and absolutely psycho. Tread with caution.
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