Monday, June 14, 2010

Night Game Model Part 7— Logistics and Closing by Entropy

Welcome to the last installment of the Night Game Model. If you’ve been following everything up to this point, you’re opening, transitioning and cold-reading yourself into interesting threads, where you cycle teasing and comfort stories with ease, calibrating along the way, physically escalating and even making out with girls. Right? RIGHT?!?

Well congratulations, if you’re going for same night lays, that’s about 50% of the battle.

(If you don’t care about same night lays, that’s aout 80% of it, the rest is follow-up/phone game.)

Logistics is the other half. And if you aren’t prepared for it, logistics will FUCK YOU UP!

Check for good logistics EARLY: There are a handful of questions that you need to take care of pretty early in the set. Find out how your girl knows whoever she’s with. Find out their relationships (if she’s got family members with her, chances go way down). Find out where she lives and how she got there. Mentally note this and compare it to where you live and how you got there relative to the venue. It IS possible to get a girl to drive you to her place (or yours), but it’s not as likely. Basically, the ideal situation is for her to be out with a mixed group of people, not all of which she’s friends with and she lives close to you and/or the venue (or you live close to her and/or the venue). The worst-case-scenario is it’s her sister’s bachelorette party, her mom and two sisters are there, she lives in another city and engaged. You get the idea.

These questions (i.e., “How do you know your friends?” “Where do you live?” etc.) should be thrown out early but sporadically. It’s pretty easy to work them into your comfort game. Just ask, get a quick answer and keep moving on. You should have a pretty clear idea of the girl’s logistical situation within 10 minutes of talking to her. If you’ve got her isolated and have even made out with her, then you have NO excuse to find out everything you need to know about her logistical situation.

You MUST win over the friends: This is actually usually easier than it sounds. But it’s true. All it takes is one bitchy friend to ruin your entire night’s party plans (you know, the party in your pants). When I say, “win them over,” you don’t necessarily have to be the coolest guy on the planet when you talk to them (although that never hurts). They basically have to just get a good impression of you — like you enough to give the implicit “OK.” Typically, this is more of a matter of not fucking yourself up rather than actually winning anyone over. Guys are the easiest as well. All you have to do is be respectful to them, shake their hand, acknowledge them and they’re happy. If the guy is an orbiter, then she probably doesn’t respect his opinion anyway, so whatever.

If in the off-chance you do get a friend who’s being really bitchy, then you may need to engage her one on one and win her over. Just run straight up comfort game on them. Let them know that you’re a really nice guy and find out some about them. Tell them that you like their friend and tell them why. Be genuine and you’ll usually be set.

Plan an escape route: OK, so your girl is all over your shit. Her friends are cool with you. And her logistics are decent. It’s time to come up with an escape plan. Unfortunately, there’s no definite formula for this — it always changes based on the situation. Ideally, bringing her to your place if you have a car is ideal. But sometimes, she lives far away, or you live far away or she has a car too or you don’t have a car, etc. My only advice here is to do what is most practical — take the path with least resistance.

Having an excuse to bring her over helps sometimes as well, although I think guys overplay its usefulness. It’s really useful her friends are coming to and your wingmen is as well, the so-called “afterparty” excuse if you will. But typically, for one on one, she knows what’s up, so just saying something generic like, “I need to show you my fish,” or whatever the hell you have back home is excuse enough.

Number closing: If for whatever reason she has really bad logistics, her friend is cockblocking you or she has to go home or something, just go for the number close. The sooner you can figure this out, the better because you can move on to more sets. Another strategy that’s good to use is to build up 3-4 sets of girls, get them all interested, then try and pull the one with best logistics and take the numbers of the other ones.

Expect the unexpected: As I wrote in my post about logistics a few months ago, the number one rule of logistics is that they’re RANDOM. Shit happens. CRAZY shit happens actually, and 90% of the time it’s completely out of your control. Everything from your girl puking in the cab to someone getting shot in the club to her ex-boyfriend following you to her place, crazy shit happens in night game, so it’s best to remember to be flexible and go with things. At the end of the day, as with game in general, night game is a numbers game, and some times you just get very unlucky.

I will note though that the more attracted a girl is to you and the more connected she feels to you, the less and less logistical problems matter. I’ve had girls blow off their friends, buy me shots and pay for cabs because they were so into me. So I suppose the best way to beat logistics is to never have to worry about them.

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