Monday, June 14, 2010

Night Game Model — Part 3

We’ve covered pre-selection, opening and transitions, now we’re into the bulk of the conversation. I’d say 50-75% of my sets make it this far, depending on the venue. The rest are either blow outs or the girl just didn’t hook well at all.

What I do at this point, is very similar to what I do in the day game model. In the day game model, I cycle qualification and comfort stories. At night, I do the same thing, except I just add teases to the cycle.

So for instance, in day game, a conversation will go something like this:

Me: “So what do you do when you’re not shopping for groceries?” (Qualification)
Her: “I work at X and do Y. I really like it because of Z.”
Me: “That’s cool. I had a friend who used to do Y, but they didn’t like Z.” (Comfort Story)

At night, it’d go something more like this:

Me: “So what do you do when you’re not out drinking appletini’s with your girlfriends?” (Qualification with a little tease)
Her: “I work. I do Y at X.”
Me: “Wow, aren’t we Ms. Professionalism.” (Tease)
Her: “I guess. People say I take my job too seriously.”
Me: “So that’s why you come and drink.” (Tease)
Her: “Exactly!”
Me: “That’s cool. I had a friend who did Y. He didn’t like it because of Z.” (Comfort)

Then repeat the cycle with another topic.

It’s the exact same conversation, just with teasing sprinkled in (and I’d be kino’ing but more on that in Part 5).

How much you should be teasing and when you should be teasing will be covered in Part 4, Calibration.

As far as teasing goes, it’s good to learn how to improvise teases on the spot. If you have trouble, you may look into taking a comedy or impov class. A good sense of humor and solid sense of timing when telling jokes is important, not just for women but for social skills in general.

But also, once you’ve done 500-1,000 sets, you’ll notice a lot of patterns in conversation and certain topics and questions that come up pretty frequently. You can develop stock teases/jokes.

For instance, almost every set it comes up where I’m from (Texas). I live in Boston. Probably about 50% of girls ALWAYS ask me, why I moved to Boston from Texas. I always respond the same way: I look at them as if they just asked me the most retarded question ever and say, “To get the fuck out of Texas… duh.” They always laugh. ALWAYS.

Another question I get all the time when this topic comes up is, “But you don’t have a southern accent.” I say, “Yeah, because I’m civilized.”

I have probably used both of these lines at least 1,000 times at this point, and the girl laughs (thus gaining attraction) at least 95% of the time. I still use them at least once a night.

Then there are the stock “routine” teases that come from the community. I have a couple that I use over and over. Whenever a girl has trouble understanding me, or isn’t listening to me, or can’t hear me, I always say, “Look X, we have communication issues, this isn’t going to work any more,” and I lightly push her away.

Another favorite is when a girl is feisty and pretends like she’s going to fight me or says she’ll kick my ass, I say, “Look, I haven’t hit a women in almost six months, don’t break the streak.” You really need to say this with a smile on your face so she knows you’re kidding, btw.

I also pull out the, “You’re so cute when you do that, I want to adopt you as my little sister,” every now and then, depending on the girl.

Finally, once in a blue moon, I pull out Style’s “5 Questions” game, which to this day I don’t think a single girl has won. I usually only use this routine if I know the girl is into me, but I’m seriously stalling out for some reason. It rarely fails me.

So right there, I have 2-3 stock lines for common topics of conversation, I have 2-3 stock “routine” teases, and then I have whatever teases I improvise in the middle of the set. That right there is more than enough to have in your arsenal.

Typically, most girls you only have to tease 2-4 times before you have enough attraction (depends on how well you tease and their personality), other girls may require a few more.

One of the biggest problems I see in guys is they tease WAY TOO MUCH. They’ll tease and banter and tease and banter like 15 minutes into the set, and now they’ve gone from the random guy approaching to the hot guy with attitude to the dancing monkey who’s getting a little played out.

Here’s an example of a typical set where I would need to tease a few times to move on:

Me: “Hey, what’s up? I’m Mark. I wanted to come meet you.” (Direct Opener)
Her: “Hi. I’m Betty Boop.”
Me: “Cool. You don’t come across like most of the girls here. You don’t seem as superficial as most girls you meet in clubs.” (Cold Read Transition)
Her: “Hah, well thanks. I don’t usually come to places like this. It’s my friend’s birthday tonight.”
Me: “Cool. How do you know the birthday girl?” (Testing for Logistics — more in part 6)
Her: “We went to college together, we don’t get to see each other that often anymore.”
Me: “I see. Did you guys go to school around here? You don’t seem like you’re from around here. ” (Cold Read)
Her: “Yeah, we did. But I’m from Illinois. How did you know?”
Me: “You’re not an asshole. Haha.”
Her: “What about you? Where are you from?”
Me: “I’m from Texas originally.”
Her: “Texas? Why did you come up here?”
Me: “Uhh… to get the hell out of Texas!” (Tease 1)
Her: *laughs*
Me: But “I’m from Austin, it’s kind of like an oasis of free-thought and liberalism in the middle of the Bible Belt.” (comfort story)
Her: “Really? I’ve never been.”
Me: “Well, you’re missing out Betty. Get your shit together.” (Tease 2)
Her: “I’ll get right on it.”
Me: “That’s the spirit. So what do you like to do when you’re not talking to Texans in Boston bars?”
Her: “Oh, I don’t know.”
Me: “You don’t know? What do you mean you don’t know? You have to like something.”
Her: “I’m a bit of a homebody.”
Me: “So?”
Her: “So I don’t get out much.”
Me: “Yeah, but you must do something at home.”
Her: “I guess I like to read.”
Me: “Sorry, I don’t talk to girls who read. I prefer my women illiterate.” (Tease 3)
Her: *laughs*
Me: “I’m Texan, remember?” (Tease 4)
Her: *laughs*Me: “Actually, I read a lot too.”
Her: “Really?”
Me: (Comfort story about reading.)

And that would be 90% of the teasing I would need for that set. By that point, she’d be attracted, and I could just build comfort and escalate from there.

I’ll be back next time to talk about calibration, knowing when to tease and banter, and knowing when to just stick to comfort stories. Part 5 will cover escalation. And finally, Part 6 will cover figuring out logistics. Then that should cover it.

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