Monday, June 14, 2010

Night Game Model Part 4 — Calibration

This is a long one, kids, but for good reason.

Calibration may be THE most important concept to understand when it comes to picking up women.

So if you’ve read parts 1 through 3 of the night game model, you basically now know: PART 1 :who and when to open,
PART 2: how to open and transition,
Part 3:how to cycle teasing and comfort stories.

Getting good at these things will enable you to open sets and hold them as long as necessary and build attraction. But there’s still a CRUCIALLY important concept that I need to go over: and that’s calibration.

Calibration is absolutely fundamental and for a simple reason as well: not every girl is the same. Some women like to be teased, some don’t. Some are looking for a guy, some aren’t. Some are going to like you immediately, some aren’t. As my friend Smallville once said, “The only rule is calibration, everything else is just a recommendation.”

With that said, before we jump into this, it’s very important that you’re familiar with my concepts of passive/active attraction and how they work. You can read the brief overview on the concepts here:

The two main things to remember going forward: 1) that attraction is based on value and 2) every woman’s perception of value (what they find attractive) is different.

For instance, what you consider an HB10 could have terrible self-esteem or be unaware of her own value, whereas she may find you naturally “her type.” But you, thinking, “She’s an HB10, I have to tease her hard,” will overvalue yourself and get blown out.

This is why calibration is so important. There’s no single thing you can do that works in every interaction.

Also, sometimes you run into girls who are HB6’s or HB7’s who THINK that they’re hot shit and when you approach think to themselves, “great, another jackass trying to get laid.” In your mind, she’s just an HB6, so you don’t really try to game her, but she actually perceives herself to be of much higher value so she blows you off.

This is why HB10’s are often some of the nicest girls and HB6’s can be the meanest.

The laws of passive and active attraction say that you want just enough attraction so that she perceives your value to be equal or above hers.
A lot of times guys don’t realize their own passive value and so they’ll immediately be higher value than a girl as soon as they talk to her and mistakenly try to create active attraction. This is the biggest and one of the most common mistakes a guy can make.

So how do we know where we are in regards to her? What’s her perception of us?

I have a simple process that I apply when I’m in set: Once I hook the set, I’ll throw out a very light tease to the girl and see how she responds.

- If she laughs and responds positively, it means my value is equal or slightly higher to hers and I’ll keep teasing until I stop getting a positive reaction.
- If she responds negatively and seems offended, it means I’m OVERVALUED and I stop. I will compliment her, state my interest or DLV myself (buy her a drink) to bring myself closer to her. This is to make me “attainable” in her eyes. You’ll have to do this often with shy or reserved girls.
- If she responds negatively and is cold and bored, it means I’m extremely undervalued and I need to tease her even harder. Girls who react this way, you’re not even on their radar screen yet, so you have to say something really bold and outlandish to wake them up to you.
- If she shit-tests me back in a playful way, it means she values herself slightly more than me, in which I keep teasing until I get a negative response.

Once I know where my value is relative to hers, I follow this blueprint:
- If I’m OVERVALUED, I will compliment her, state my interest in her and even DLV myself.
- If I’m UNDERVALUED, I tease and neg her harder until I get a more positive reaction or she blows me out.
- If I’m around her value, I keep teasing at the same level and being escalating.

After a while, this will all become second nature to you.

The last comment I’ll make is that sometimes you run into girls who will get into frame battles with you – i.e., you tease them, they tease you back, you tease them more, they tease you back more, and you never are able to actually get anywhere. These girls like you, you just have to go SUPER AGGRESSIVE on them. A lot of times, they’ll reject your advances for no other reason than to tease you again, but just keep plowing. They like you, they’re just really sassy.

Calibration is mostly developed through doing hundreds and even thousands of sets. After enough time you begin to just pick up which girls naturally like you a lot, which girls seem lonely, which ones seem happy that you’re opening them, etc.

After enough time, you begin to get really good at reading social cues as well, all of the little IOI’s or IOD’s she may give you. Calibration is something you have to constantly work on. Your game is only as good as your calibration. You can know every awesome technique and line in the world, but if you don’t know when to use them, you won’t get anywhere.

In the next installment, I’ll provide a few examples of each of these calibrations in action.

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