Monday, June 14, 2010

Personalizing Pickup: Natural Advantages/Disadvantages

Tags: Calibration, Natural Game, Teasing
The Personalizing Pickup series is a series of articles that focus on the fact that not all guys are created equal and therefore, not all guys should learn to pick up women in the same way. Whereas other methods and philosophies prescribe a one-size-fits-all model — be it “canned” or “natural” — teaching men what they need to be good with women should be done on a case-by-case basis.

Put simply: No two men are the same, therefore no two guys should game the same.

It’s an exciting time in that the breadth of knowledge in the seduction community has reached the point where any guy can learn what he needs. The problem now is separating the necessary knowledge from the unnecessary knowledge, the relevant from the irrelevant. This will be different for every guy. In this series I set out to create a model in which for guys to learn exactly what THEY need, nothing less, nothing more.

I. What Do You Want?
II. Learning Styles and Inner Game
III. Natural Advantages/Disadvantages
IV. Skills and Talents
V. Current Sticking Points and Issues

Today we’re going to talk about natural advantages and disadvantages. This is actually a pretty taboo topic within the community. It probably stems from the fact that we hate to accept the fact that looks matter, money matters, having a cool job and lifestyle matters, etc.

When it comes down to it, the more you have the following things, the less you’ll have to work to get girls:
- Good looks
- Being Young
- Money
- Stable career
- Nice lifestyle
- Cool friends
- Intelligence

If you have all of the above in spades, then girls will naturally kind of end up coming to you, and barring any serious inner game issues you’ll eventually end up with one.

But our looks and natural demeanor affects our game in different ways too.

For instance, a small short Asian guy can be super high energy and sexual, very touchy and aggressive and get away with it — in fact, it works for him because girls don’t expect that from a small, seemingly harmless guy.

But if you’re 6′3″, 220 lbs. with a deep barreling voice, and you grab girls by the wrist and tell them they’re sexy as fuck and you have to have them, they’re going to scream rape.

Guys need to realize that their first impression sub-communicates a lot about them before they even open their mouths and adapt to that.

This is why Mystery Method doesn’t work for everybody. This is why RSD’s natural game doesn’t work for everybody. Because not everybody is made the same way, and these styles of game don’t cater to everyone equally.

If you’re extremely good looking, and you tease girls mercilessly, you’ll come across as a prick and an asshole.

I’ll use some extreme examples to make my point. Imagine if Brad Pitt walked into a bar. He wouldn’t have to say a word. Literally, his presence itself would be enough to get him laid by a really hot. Now, imagine if Brad Pitt walked into a bar, walked up to a girl and say, “Pfft… nice nails, are they real? … Yeah, whatever, dork…” The girl would freak out and tell everyone, “OMG, Brad Pitt is a fucking ASSHOLE!”

Now imagine if Brad Pitt walked into a bar, walked up to a beautiful girl and said, “you’re absolutely beautiful, and I don’t usually do this, but I want to spend some time to get to know you better.” Totally, Chode-AFC-loser-pussy statement, right? What would the girl do? Honestly, she’d probably faint because it’d be too good to be true for her.

Now imagine if Danny DeVito wasn’t famous and he went into the same bar and said the same thing. What would happen? The girl’s would laugh, think it was kind of flattering and then politely ignore him. But now imagine if Danny DeVito came in and started negging and busting on girls mercilessly? Would it get their attention? Definitely. Would it get their attraction? If he was good enough at it, probably.

I call this concept “Passive versus Active Attraction” and I talk about it in great detail and length in my book. It’s an important concept that is glossed over way too often and costs a ton of guys sets every night.

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