Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Opening in New York daytime conversations

Opening Conversations with Women in New York City During the Day-daygame calibration cheat sheet
I want to acknowledge John “Awaken”Keegan for being my mentor in approaching and meeting women in the daytime. Also importantly Paul Janka for his undivided support and sharing his experiences with me in person. “Doc Holliday” who I respect greatly for helping me along the way with daytime expertise and showing me what I truly want for myself ,is the most important thing.
I really don’t follow or judge by what popularity says but by results and experience to grasp the knowledge of meeting women and changing your life, Thank You.
That being said,I am your friend Sandros, just left new york city.
Some people will say this is the easiest place to get laid and some people would say that the bitchiest women live here.
I began to notice on this trip how different from many places in the US. I live now in Miami and opening conversations can be easy or can be challenging, I think everyone can relate to that.
New York, wherever you are people are all over the place ,all types people from everywhere in the world with different cultures..etc
If you lived here in New York we see that each person is a world of itself, they are to themselves even when you enter a subway , you see that everybody is into themselves and nobody looks at anyone or has random conversations with a stranger .It is mostly considered rude and abruptive behavior if you attempt to do the opposite.From a New Yorker point of view , this is what is socially acceptable in that scenario according to the mindset of everyday people dealing with stress and emotions of living in the city.
So you see, when you open a girl in New York, if she's a local,student, a model or someone who lives there. They are programmed to act this way. If she’s from out of town spending a weekend , anything goes and this theory does not apply to them.E ven though Paul Janka recommends not going after out of towners in the day*. It can be done but the phone number exchange or the instant date then becomes a problem of complexity in logistics. At night it is very different.
New York girls unless they are in a certain store or environment could be receptive to a normal conversation (with an indirect opener as known in community stereotype), but it when it comes to street game where everywhere and anywhere counts, you should bear in mind what I say.
It isn't a shit test but it is a reaction of safety.
Sometimes direct can be too much for the inexperienced ,wrongly doing so with too much intent can creep her off and she may feel cornered. Avoid that.
You basically have to make yourself open to be social and accepting to transition into a normal conversation to make her feel safe also known as mirroring rapport. Of course there are exceptions to approach invitation. I hope this can help you if you decide to stop by New York.


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