Shit test Vs Bad behavior: Can you recognize?
Hey guys I am in New York City I'm ready to return to Miami. But first I want to talk about something very interesting that I began to notice. It is what a lot of guys against the and get very confused when there is mid-level to advanced in terms of dealing with managing relationships and sexual escalation with women.
PUA ‘s have termed the word Shit test by Mystery or congruence testing by TD , they tried to look for a comeback line rather than the concept of being attractive to prize the woman as described by Swinggcatt.
There's a lot of psychology involved in this but a lot of guys do not recognize what is going on or start to frame in a negative light.
Over the past couple of months, I tried to put myself in balance with my life career and goals for long-term. I think this brings congruence into a more stronger and masculine person. This is only shown by the body language and intuition of a woman which automatically makes her panties wet without you opening single word.
But still PUAs want the technique and want the line. Sometimes the line doesn't work. It actually makes it worse. And when you don't respond he looked like a passive guy who lets people push him around.
This is one of the trickiest part of getting good without you being aware so pay attention.
Always FRAME stronger than she does. Remember shit test usually happen in the beginning of getting to know a person superficially. Sometimes there is a girl who is a very rude and sometimes aggressive which depending on what type of relationships you are looking for is determined whether or not to proceed in the seduction.
Usually when a woman goes to such extreme behavior is that she is looking for you to act aggressive to dominate her and show dominance to a point of being an asshole to her which to her interpretation is masculine but in the long run its not good relationship material as a girl friend due to the fights you will have for her to feel dominated constantly she will provoke fights etc….
I started to notice that here in NYC and in my relationships here.
Experience will teach you how to recognize as in PUA Terms Shit test VS IOD.
Just remember is she is behaving bad and rude it isn’t a shit test and if you reward her with attention you are giving her permission to treat you badm this my friend isn’t a good thing to start off a relationship at all, she will lose respect and automatically lose attraction.
At the same time don’t react to her whims or shit test for her to get your attention, remember sometimes girls just want to be lead. It has to take a smart good girl with healthy self esteem to consider working as a couple and her and you appreciate each other genuinely than you following a woman and she lose attraction cause you put yourself in a beta position.
To wrap this up, shit test , congruence tests, IODs,bad and rude behavior are not the same and therefore should not be categorized as a one-size-fits-all a response, it should be YOU as a MAN who will know what to expect from her when she is around you at the same time have fun and never take things too seriously over a woman.
Cheers and Good luck,
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