I've been getting into Game fairly recently and lately I've been making approaches confidently but the other night and this evening a sticking point cropped up: Converstaions running dry! I keep running out of shit to say, and I've started to become self conscious about it and it's slowly chipping away at my confidence again. Do you have any solid conversational techniques that would enable me to keep a conversation ticking over and thus help me to avoid this horrible situation?
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#2 (permalink) Today, 06:35 AM
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Ingrain a few opened ended questions in your conversation repetiore. For example..
"What brought you to this particular bar"
"What made you want to move to this city"
"What do you love most about Las Vegas"
"Why do you choose..."
In your next interaction try listening to what a woman is saying. Rather then thinking about what to say next. The community talks about "hooks". Now the way I see things every word that comes out of a woman mouth is hook for you open a new conversational thread on.
Girl: My sister is coming over this weekend
Guy: Your sister is coming over this weekend ? do you guys live far apart ?
Girl: She lives in New York (Hooks are sister, NY)
Guy: I love NY especially during Christmas its go such an amazing vibe like especially when they put the lights on in Times Square
Girl: yeah I love it
From here you can throw in open ended questions about what she loves about the city or even ask her about her sister.
Another tip is to maybe do some daily improv. Take a word out of random page in a book and turn it into a story.
Never change or try to be a different person then you already are because it just wont work. I spent years trying to do this. Just accept the way you are and strive to be the best version of yourself.
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#3 (permalink) Today, 09:59 AM
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I have seen men yak and yak with a woman. My thoughts are, they DON'T get anywhere. She just sits there, lets him talk and talk and he will be just wasting his time and effort.
The way that I get a woman interested in me, is, to NOT talk for long time periods. (10 minutes or more.)
I am one of the few men, (I think FM does this), is TOUCH her.
What I do most of the time, when the conversation starts to slow-down, is to say to her, "Give me your hand".
I will, then, gently massage her hand and tell her, "This feels good, doesn't it".
Then, the conversation will change to a different subject.
If done correctly, (you focus on her pleasure), she will start to get good-feeling in being, TOUCHED.
Note 1: This takes practice and confidence in your ability to turn a woman, ON.
Note 2: Using subliminal suggestions, like the, below, will work:
"Come (CUM) with me."
"That sounds juicy".
"Come (CUM) over here".
"I keep wondering how you would taste".
See, my thread, Sublimital Suggestions
So much of our ego, our personality, our confidence... all stems from our sexual
happiness and sexual confidence. (Alex Allman)
Last edited by TequilaMan; Today at 10:26 AM.
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#4 (permalink) Today, 02:54 PM
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If you meet girls during the day you will need to build some rapport with the girl before you get sexual with her. If you go sexual too quickly your gonna creep her out.
Clubs are different girls who go there are usually not that serious or are single so you can get sexual very quickly.
Sublimital Suggestions
Close your eyes and imagine for a second...
Wouldn't it be *nice* to have a magic wand that gives you the
power to make every woman around you dripping wet down under,
"stimulated" & "aroused" even - especially when you are around?
... No woman would be able to keep her hands off you. She would
have to be sexual... she'll flirt, play & touch you more...
because... she was so turned on, she couldn't control herself.
She'd lose control of her body.
She'd start putting sexual "moves" on you.
my favorite is using innocent words to make her think about sex with you.
Words like "deep", "hard", "thrust", "wet", "come", "warm",
"moist" and "stroke" are all "innocent" words...
You use them in your conversations every day.
You feel a sexual energy when you say these words to a
woman, right?
How could you possibly tell a woman the air was "warm and
moist" outside, today, and not think of being inside
It's impossible!
Women have the same "problem."
In fact... since women rely on their imagination each and
every day... They are even MORE easily "tricked" into
thinking sexual thoughts, when you use these "innocent"
(she doesn't ever get an erection to hide... so... she
can think sexual thoughts all day long, if she wants...)
The TRICK is using these "innocent" words in a conversation
with women... in a way that lets you DENY you
were talking about sex.
Here's how:
You want to work these "innocent" words into your
conversations with women as if they were normal.
For instance -
You're inviting a woman to coffee.
You COULD say: "Meet me here."
INSTEAD, you say: "Come with me."
Let's try another example:
You're talking to a woman about her feelings.
You COULD say: "Wow, you seem passionate about that"
INSTEAD, you say: "Wow, I can tell that topic gets you all
worked up"
That's more subtle. You can use "innocent" words - aka.
Sensual Language - to tease a woman about a date (when
"I gotta warn you, it might get TOO hard ;-)"
(if you were going on a physical date, like go-karting or
You can use Sensual Language when you're finally together on
your first date:
"Look at how wet you got!"
(if it's raining outside...)
You can even use Sensual Language to build up the tension,
right before your first kiss:
"I keep wondering what you would taste like..."
(she doesn't know if you're talking about her skin, her
lips... or...)
When you're relaxed, you'll use Sensual language all the time.
In fact, you're naturally wired to use sensual words... when...
You're thinking sensual thoughts.
Trouble is - Most of the time, you can't think sensual thoughts
when you get nervous.
Such as - Being on a date.
Such as - Talking to a woman.
Such as - Seeing a beautiful woman you want to meet.
When you relax, your mind will naturally gravitate towards
more sexual topics and word choices.
You'll feel "risk" and "excitement" in every conversation you
have with women.
And she'll feel this excitement, as well.
When you start using Sensual Language in your "game", you'll
never have another boring, friendly conversation with a woman.
ALL chit-chat will eventually turn flirty and sexual.
And you'll lead a much happier, more fulfilling dating and sex
life :-)
What you can do right now, today...
1) TRY IT OUT! Start small, maybe toss an "innocent" word
into a text, to see how she responds.
Try "come with me" - it's easy, it works. You can
use it any time you're inviting a woman to do something with
2) RELAX! And get sexual around women. Let your mind stray to
sexual thoughts... because... these sexual thoughts will
give you a sexual vibe around women.
Which KILLS any chance at you two being "just friends"
Miracles come in easy, tiny packages
For today, I want you to focus on relaxing and having a good
time around women.
Which means... You gotta be around women!
So go talk to one woman, today.
One good, short and sexual convo... and... You'll never
wanna stop
Here's a little something for you to digest right now...
Have you ever been talking to a woman and wondered
what the hell she's thinking... Our thoughts go to speeds
at about a 1000 miles per second... we're thinking of
I should know... I'm guilty as charged too ;p
Women are unpredictable, and reading her body language BARELY
reveals her surface emotions... Let alone what she's
thinking way back in the depths of her mind.
To some guys, it may seem like "closing the deal" with a
woman requires a lot of guess work, even with the BEST
techniques! You have to *guess* whether she likes compliments
or not...
You have to *guess* whether she likes to go out and party or stay in and snuggle...
You have to *guess* what her perfect first date is, and HOPE
that you didn't screw it up.
She'll smile and play along, and at the end of the night...
Whether you get a first kiss - or come up to her place -
depends on whether you *guessed* right, or WRONG.
So much of our ego, our personality, our confidence... all stems from our sexual
happiness and sexual confidence. (Alex Allman)
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