Hey kids! As you all know I’m going through a big “Direct” shift in my game. It’s fun!
In this video I strive to get across what actually goes through my head when I see a beautiful woman…. And how I am 100% ok with telling her what’s going through my head, as well as hot attractive I think she is!
When I started this journey I was obsessed with openers. I could tell you 100 openers for a 100 situations. And hell, some of ‘em were pretty good! As I’ve been around for a while now, I see guys fussin’ about the same kind of things I was fussin’ about back then. What’s interesting is, I’ve found that by getting in touch with your inner ape man, and letting that ape man OUT – you actually cut out a lot of steps.
What am I talking about?
“What do I say to her?”
“How to I ask for her number?
“What if I run out of things to say?”
“How do I ask her out?”
“How do I make things sexual?”
When you’re in touch with your inner apeman – you don’t need to worry about this. When you speak from the ape “ME MAN. YOU WOMAN. YOU PRETTY. ME LIKE PRETTY WOMAN! You don’t have to worry about all those other details. They sort themselves out. All you have to be sure of are these three things.
1) You’re a heterosexual man.
2) She’s a woman
3) You are physically attracted to her, and would like to sleep with her/get to know her better.
That’s it. That’s all you have to know. What else is there? Not a lot. Just remember:
Some women will want to chat with you a bit before giving out their number. Be prepared to have a bit of chat before the interaction is done. Have SOMEthing to talk about… what you’re up to that day, or something interesting that’s happened recently. But, always remember you’re talking to her because you WANT TO HOOKUP WITH HER – and always push the interaction towards setting up a date!
Upon being opened directly, some women will test you to see if you really are a confident man. Don’t flinch. This is normal. Relax. Maintain eye contact. RELAX AND SMILE. She’s just another woman – one of millions. You, Ape man. You have chosen her – HER. She’s lucky she will have you to protect her from all the other ape man. LUCKY. Never forget this.
Keep the interaction short. 5 mins MAX. When you’re being direct, LESS IS MORE. Be that mysterious, confident guy. Get her number, have a little bit of chat, and GET OUT OF THERE! The more you talk, the more you fall into the “friend” zone. Some guy she spoke to for 25 minutes isn’t a mysterious sexy stranger. It’s her “friend.” Not good!
And remember: There are millions, MILLIONS of women out there you are compatible with. Most of the HOT ones you meet WILL have boyfriends. This is ok… you will have to speak to quite a few before you get somewhere. ENJOY IT! Love that feeling you get when you run up to a girl, and tell her she’s the hottest thing you’ve seen that year/week/hour. LOVE THE PROCESS! Enjoy meeting new people!
They’ll love you for it… and you’ll love you for it as well. And as an Added bonus, I’ll love you too!
That’s all for now, hope you enjoy the vid and leave some comments. I’ll be watchin’
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