Thursday, December 23, 2010

Using Framing and Qualifying to Seduce Girls by Mr.M

Using Framing and Qualifying to Seduce Girls
Author: Mr.M


Many students on bootcamp get completely caught up on opening and attracting girls. While these are crucial steps, understanding qualification and the value of setting a qualifying frame is absolutely crucial to not only successfully getting a woman – but getting better with women generally. All of the most succesful guys I know, whether they’re naturally good – or learnt to be cool on the internet – make liberal use of framing and qualifying.

Why is Qualification So Important / Powerful In Seduction?
Qualification is surprisingly easy to apply but few people actually understand why it is so powerful. On the surface level, qualifying a woman allows her to feel that you like her for deeper reasons (other than her looks). She thus feels validated and more strongly connected to you. However, the effect of qualifying goes far deeper than this.

Almost all seduction technology replicates techniques and mindsets that ‘naturals’ adopt. A ‘natural’ is a man who has the lifestyle, social status, ability and/or characteristics of a sexual selector – i.e. a man who can get beautiful women and is thus pre-selected by women.

If you were this type of man – a sexual selector – then you would naturally qualify women because looks would become a prerequisite. It would take something more than tits and an ass to impress you. Interestingly, if you are in this frame of mind where you are inherently judging the person, then you immediately assume higher value.

Qualifying someone properly is, therefore, a very powerful signaling mechanism that you are a high value sexual selector. It signifies to women that beauty, in your world, is common, and that you expect far more than just looks. Qualifying a woman, if done correctly, challenges her to meet your standards, thus flipping the frame and making you the selector. This is the power of qualification – if applied correctly it should validate them but also get them chasing you because you are the one being sought after that the woman has to prove herself to.

I can’t tell you how many a situation I have been in when a woman has been falling all over herself to qualify to me. It’s a beautiful feeling.

How To Qualify
Try to approach this from a very natural perspective. Ask yourself – what do you want in a woman besides looks? Does this woman meet your standards as a human being? In Magic Bullets, Savoy says, “Figure out what you really want in a woman, and then take this a step further by asking yourself how a woman who possessed those characteristics would present herself. Now, spend your Qualification phase looking for precisely that. For example, among other things, I value intelligence and education. I screen for this in qualification, by asking her about books she has read and movies she has seen.” This is spot on.

I personally ask the following questions in qualification:

‘Cool people are a dying breed. What do you do for fun?’
‘I get the feeling that your job doesn’t completely fulfill you creatively. Do you have a passion outside of work?’
‘My ex used to say that there are two types of people in this world – boring and crazy. What’s the most adventurous thing you’ve done lately?’ (NB this is sometimes followed by – ‘where’s the craziest place you’ve had sex?’)
‘So what do you want to be when you grow up?’
‘What would you say are your 3 best qualities?’
Importantly, do not just IOI directly after the response that they give. I always inquire deeper into the interest/topic/issue. Only when they say something unique, should you actually give an IOI (or reward and relate) – see below for more on this.

Common Mistakes
Don’t simply give IOI’s for anything she says while qualifying. Try and inquire a little bit deeper and get some unique information out. Qualification is a form of connecting to the girl on a more emotional level. For example, is you say, “Are you adventurous?” and she says “Yes”, don’t just stop there! Ask her “So what’s the most adventurous thing you’ve done lately?” When she describes it to you, only then reward and relate. The point is to make her work a little bit for your approval.

Qualification can get boring if you’re not being inquiring. The crux point is this: the attraction phase is based more on wide rapport (i.e. multiple conversational threads, changing topics and transitioning incessantly). The qualification phase is based more on deep rapport (i.e. emotional connection, asking questions, reward and relating).

Don’t forget to sexually escalate during, and after, qualification. What I mean by sexual escalation is moving towards the kiss close and/or establishing sexual interest and/or establishing that you are a sexual threat. It’s fine to escalate during the qualification (in fact you should be doing this) but once you have actually qualified her, you definitely should escalate further. I might make a completely separate post of proper escalation if there is enough interest but for now, you can sexually escalate by any combination of the following: keeping strong eye contact (‘bedroom’ eyes), triangular gazing, lowering your tonality, allow conversation to gravitate towards sexual topics and keeping prolonged or more intimate kino (e.g. touch/hold her hands or touch back of neck if she is talking into her ear).

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