Friday, February 11, 2011

Emotional manipulation:eliciting emotions behaviour management audio

its 3sections on emotional manipulation 1 edition.

very raw but precise material

Practical FRAME CONTROL to lead

alot has to do with bt spiking and compliance


2 levels of leadership compliance

1)Art of distration, compliance more important than her objections,her actions speak louder than words , trust her actions and emotional behaviour than her shit test and ASD logistal brain.
Talk to the emotional brain not to the logical brain,
only talk to logical brain to SEXUALLY FRAME to validate herself and her actions of compliance.

frame control her disqualfiers with USE of social pressure.INDIRECT
treat her lika little girl who is objecting to getting medicine,
either way you have to find a way to make sure she gets it. its your responsibility to do so.More compliant the better and smoother the pickup.

2)underlying leading towards the logistical and progressive emotional rhythm and GOAL OUTCOME of the INTENT of the seduction.

you make the women feel like a little girl giggle giggle happy to reinforce
she feels good about you.

here is the basis of behaviour management :
Behavior Management
Children are often very nervous or scared when experiencing something new. Our goal as trained pediatric dentists is to make your child’s visit to the dentist as comfortable as possible. We start with “baby steps” to help your child learn how to overcome any fears of going to the dentist. Most children begin to understand after their first visit, that brushing and counting their teeth was easy and that they have overcome their fears of the dentist. Some children need a little more help to overcome their fear of the dentist.

We use many scientifically proven techniques to help children overcome their fears. These include, tell-show-do, positive reinforcement, and distraction techniques. Most children respond well to these techniques. Some children are unable to cooperate after using these techniques and may need pharmacological behavior management such as nitrous oxide, sedation, and general anesthesia. The options that will be appropriate for your child will be explained by your pediatric dentist during your office visit. If you ever have questions about the techniques or why they were chosen for your child, please ask your pediatric dentist.

This communication technique involves verbal explanations of the dental procedures in phrases appropriate to the developmental level of the patient (tell), demonstrations for the patient so they can see, hear, smell, and touch aspects of the procedure in nonthreatening setting (show), followed by completion of the procedure (do). The goal of tell-show-do is to teach the patient important aspects of the dental visit, familiarize the patient with the dental setting, and to help improve the patient’s response to dental procedures.
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Nonverbal Communication
Nonverbal Communication is the reinforcement and guidance of behavior through appropriate contact, posture, facial expression, and body language. The goals of nonverbal communication are to enhance the effectiveness of other behavior management techniques, and to gain (or maintain) the patient’s attention and compliance.
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Positive Reinforcement
Positive feedback (reinforcement) is an effective technique to reward desired behaviors and thus, strengthen the recurrence of those behaviors. Positive feedback can be given through voice modulation, facial expressions, verbal praise, and appropriate physical demonstrations of affection by all members of the dental team. The goal of positive reinforcement is to reinforce positive behavior at your child’s dental visit.
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Distraction is a technique which diverts the patient’s attention from what may be perceived as an unpleasant procedure. The goals of distraction are to decrease the child’s perception of an unpleasant situation and to avert negative or avoidance behaviors.
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Common Pediatric Behavior
Management Techniques
n Modeling: The pedo patient views another pedo patient who is cooperative, and
is used as a “model.”
n Tell/Show/Do: The dentist tells the patient what will happen (“I will look at your
teeth with my mirror”), then show the patient the mirror, then does the procedure
(looking at the teeth). Tell/Show/Do is not useful for injections, extractions, etc.
n Wording Choices: Using simple, pleasant words for actions and i nstruments can
help. The acid etch “taste like lemon juice,” the cotton roll c an be a “tooth
pillow,” the handpiece can be a “water sprayer.” Even the injec tions can be a
“mosquito bite.” These language choices can reduce fear and anxiety.
n Voice Control: The use of a loud authoritarian voice tone is useful for limitsetting
and for stopping dangerous behavior.
n HOME(Hand over Mouth Exercise): May return the patient to a cal mer state. The
hand is placed over the mouth, and the patient is told in a ster n voice, that the
hand will be removed when the undesirable behavior stops.

this is intersting cause you control the seduction,you enjoy and have control.

Mark posted this on emotional manipulation

“Pick Up as an Emotional Process.”
it's BRAND NEW material I've never revealed before.
Basically the idea is that everything we do in pick up is designed
to elicit the proper emotional responses from the woman and
ourselves. All tactics, and techniques are designed for this purpose.
Whatever you do and say is only as useful as the emotion it elicits.
From this starting point, I hope to draft out a new way of practicing

so the audio is 3 mp3s

great to review.

I will have to read GUT IMPACT JD FUENTES
and RJS flash cards seem really good material.
Badboy mission on changing emotions.

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