Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Newbie Exercises by FRANCO

When you are new to picking women up you almost probably have approach anxiety unless you have been since young a natural playboy.

Learning to pickup women is little bit like learning to ride a bicycle. It is all about letting your body and your mind by continuous exercise get in touch with new physical and mental behaviors.

Your body and your mind face new mindsets, postures and gestures they are not used to.
For this reason if you are new to the world of picking women up it´s better you “start small” to have your mind and body slowly adapted to the new situations.

For this reason it may be useful to learn about these 3 mental zones:

- Comfort zone: what you feel comfortable doing

- Stretch zone: what creates in you “little bit of distress” but not much

- Panic zone: what would have you get into deep fear and panic

The right learning curve is achieved by putting yourself little bit into the stretch zone in “small doses” before you get into the panic zone.

For example: if walking in a place full of beautiful women has you into the panic zone then visit spaces where you know you can find women alone then slowly get into little bit more crowded places till you feel comfortable with it.

Never get straight into the panic zone: it demotivates you and has you step back from the game.


- Coach yourself to walk in places where you know you can meet women very slowly. Deliberately reduce the speed. There are two main reasons: if you go fast you cannot really pay attention to the surroundings. Pickup is all about paying attention to what is around you. Beside that: walking slowly and doing things slowly has the people around you feel that you are a man of higher value. Being in a rush is a sign of lower value.

- Coach yourself to talk slowly. Reduce the speed of your talk. Talking fast is a sign on insecurity. Taking your time and talking slowly is a sign of higher value.

- At times walk on the streets very slowly. When you see a beautiful woman slowly turn your head, hold eye contact for a second and the smile. Coach yourself to pay attention to her reactions: some will smile back, some will blush, some will turn head away, some will look down. The ones who turn the back away are not interested. The ones who blush or feel uneasy may have your same problem: lack of experience in meeting people. Instead the ones who look down and blush or show any other signs of inner emotional shaking are the ones who like you and would respond well to your approach.

- Repeat the former exercises several times and when you are comfortable with that begin to smile to the women on the streets like above. Don´t pay any attention to the ones who turn they face on the other side. Instead coach yourself to say a warm: “Hi” only to the ones who blush, look down and to the ones who say back: “Hi”. Simply forget the ones who do not react or with draw contact and focus only on the ones who respond positively. One wonderful thing you will learn when practicing pickup and seduction is the huge importance of focusing always on the positive.

- When you can do all of the above and feel comfortable about it you can begin to use some opener.

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