In one of my all-time favorite shows, “How I Met Your Mother,” there’s an absolutely hilarious character named Barney Stinson that is obviously based off a pick-up artist. I’m aware that it’s just a TV show, but many of his observations coincide with mine – namely, his hot-crazy graph; basically, the hotter the girl is, the more willing men are to put up with her crazy.
Unfortunately, I’m here to tell you guys that many, many beautiful and hot women come with a prescription for extra-strength CRAZY.
I’ve dated a Playboy cybermodel, pinup model, fashion runway model, strippers and dancers, cocktail waitresses, shot girls, pageant queens and the gamut of hot crazy messes both high and low.
Former ABCs of Attraction Wing-Girl turned Playboy Model: Claire
I’m also friends with many a beautiful porn star, actress, and even one of our former ABCs of Attraction wing-girls is now Playboy’s Miss October! So I think I can safely say that I have a pretty good sample size to base my, admittedly, subjective observations on.
I’m just listing out these characteristics so that you know what to expect once you actually learn how to successfully attract, approach, seduce and date highly beautiful, attractive women.
Not all of them are hot crazy messes so it’s doubtful that the attractive model you’re dating (or hope to date), has all ten of these traits (and woe be unto you if she does), but here are a few habits that I’ve seen time and time again. REMEMBER: You can’t change a person if she doesn’t want to change and you shouldn’t try. So don’t be Captain Save’a'Ho.
10 Signs You’re Dating a Hot Crazy Mess of a Model
She’s Totally Self-Centered: Now I say this neither to be mean nor to indicate that they are bad people, but as I always say, if you can think from a woman’s perspective, you’ll be better off. Now I want you to imagine growing up as a small child and everyone was nice to you. Everyone bought you gifts, everyone did you favors, everyone was considerate towards you. You were never ever the last person to be picked in sports or projects and everyone wanted to be around you. That’s the life of an incredibly beautiful woman. The reason they’re self-centered is because they’re literally the center of the universe to so many people and have no reason to think otherwise. This, combined with Habit #3, also explain why she’s comes off as a complete flake. Not because she’s being mean or cruel about it (although that could also be the case), or using you (although that too could be the case), but stuff happens and something or someone with a bigger and better date came along and swept her away in a fit of spontaneity, alphaness, high value, and dominance.
She’s A Natural Flirt: They’re highly sociable and socialized. I’ve known these girls that will flirt with not only the most handsome male models but with penniless strangers off the street with equal abandon and opportunity. Whether you’re a tall White guy or a short, fobby Asian man, these girls are completely willing to talk about anything to anyone simply because they don’t know any other way to behave. Approach anxiety is a completely foreign concept in their minds, and they don’t even know what it means from the man’s perspective (which also explains why it’s EASIER talking to more attractive women than unattractive women). Everyone in the world is willing to talk to them and they love to talk right back. If you’re dating her, you might mistakenly think she’s hitting on random men (although she may very well be), but you shouldn’t automatically assume so otherwise you’ll come off as insecure.
She’s Always Late: These girls will be late to their own funerals. Part of it, you might assume, is because they’re selfish and self centered (see Habit #1)… and you would not be completely wrong. However, it’s not always like that – she’s constantly late because everywhere she goes, things are happening around and to her on an hourly basis. People are always doing her favors, talking to her, and her phone is blowing up (see Habit #6). She’s constantly being “accosted” and to her it’s an everyday, normal occurrence. The simple act of walking to the grocery store can become an adventure for them as every step they take, someone’s approaching her or an orbiter is calling her on her phone or a Facebook creeper is stalking her profile. That’s how they live their lives and that’s why women thrive on drama – their lives are never boring, but they’re never punctual, either.
She’s A Schemer: One thing I have seen with beautiful girls is that, even though a ridiculous amount of crap happens to them, somehow things come to fruition. I’ve heard the craziest schemes on how to get rich…and then they do become rich (or at least in the temporary possession of money), albeit not by that particular plan. I have also been party to the most well-orchestrated plan that would rival D-Day and the storming of Normandy, all to be dismissed at the vagaries and whims of these gorgeous tacticians. In other words, they’re always doing something that typically involves the assistance of random strangers, orbiters, acquaintances, friends, lovers, and wannabe lovers that, eventually, in a manner similar to “Ocean’s Eleven,” enough things come together to make something work for them. Hell, I’ve been lost in a non-English speaking country where I didn’t speak the language and simply having a beautiful girlfriend on my arm helped me get an amazing police escort to the city and free luxury hotel stay. It’s as if they lived a charmed life.
She’s Completely Disorganized: This doesn’t end at work or play – from their professional to personal lives, everything is one big, jumbled, hot mess. I cannot count the times I’ve driven in an exotic dancer’s nomadic SUVs where they hold their entirety of their lives to the beautiful model couch-surfing at a friend’s house. Not only do these hot girls not have their crap together, they simply can’t get it together. This may have a lot to do with them being used to everything being done for them; they never learned enough practical life skills to be able to keep things in order.
She’s Attached To Her Phone: These hot girls can’t escape the constant explosions they get from people via calls, texts, Facebook, Twitter…it never ends with them! Girls screen their phone calls – it’s no secret – but it’s because if they don’t, they’d be on the phone ALL DAY LONG. It’s not uncommon for them to go to bed and wake up eight hours later with several new friend requests and followers, numerous texts, and dozens of Facebook notifications (at least half of which are random losers hitting on them). It’s imperative to understand that people are constantly contacting her and wanting to be in contact with her. You cannot hope to socially isolate her; not only is it impossible, you’ll just come off as a possessive, controlling, soon-to-be-ex boyfriend. (One tactic I’ve used before is to simply take out the battery on her phone, that way she just thinks her phone died ergo no interruptus coitus)
She’s Either Loved Or Hated: Their beauty and sexuality elicits immediate polarizing reactions in people. Men will obviously become instantly attracted to them, but it also polarizes guys to become either more aggressive and act upon their natural instincts or too terrified to do anything more than stare. Women will also react in a similar fashion; they’ll either try to be incredibly nice and be the drone bee to her queen bee or they will hate her – both behind her back and to her face. One of the most hilarious bed & breakfast weekend getaways I’ve had with a beautiful girl was where every single old lady hated her; we literally could not get a break because all the old people hated her and they weren’t shy about it either!
Facial Expressions and Non-Verbal Communication are more important than Verbal Game
She’s Physically & Facially Expressive: Maybe it’s all the practice they get from making their “O face,” but these beautiful women know how to communicate without words. They understand the power of their smiles, the way they cock their heads and the smolder in their eyes. They can communicate more with their face and body language than any so-called Pick Up Artist with his canned routines and DHVs. Non-verbal game is more important than verbal game and they know how to work both.
She’s Over-Sexualized: For these beautiful girls, there’s more than one kind of sex. Sometimes they have sex because they want the guy, because they’re simply horny and find something to their standards, or because they want to make sure they can still get cock-on-call. Whatever the reason, sex doesn’t always have the same meaning for them. Beautiful women are typically VERY good in bed because they’ve obviously had a lot of practice (obviously there are exceptions which is always very, very disappointing); sex for them does not have to have the high emotional bonding as they might have with someone else. It doesn’t mean she’s cheating on you (although she could be), it just means beautiful women always have the OPTION to have sex with any guy (although that’s not the point for her, she wants to have sex with “the one guy”).
She’s Her Body’s Worst Enemy: Whether it be food, wine or your sperm, crazy beautiful women know how to throw up to keep their weight down. More than half of women in the United States have some sort of body dysmorphia during their lifetime, where they perceive themselves as fat or are fearful of getting fat. Even though you think they’re beautiful, when they look in the mirror, they see imperfections and flaws galore. Taking action by throwing up, insane dieting and exercise plans or ingesting laxatives, their goddess-like bodies come at a very high personal cost.
To be fair, these beautiful train wrecks are simply a product of their upbringing, but they are just that – gorgeous, yet crazy.
Keeping up with her is no easy task, but it can also be one of the most entertaining and hilarious experiences you’ve ever had.
If you have yet to date one of these kinds of women, I highly recommend getting your game together and trying it out, in the very least to be able to say you’ve dated Playboy model material.
"Dont wish it was easier, wish you were BETTER"..-Jim Rohn
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Girl Talk: Ask Me Out On A Damn Date
by Jessica Wakeman refered by BAdBoy PUA
1:00PM, 02/18/2011 Comments (258)
Hello there. You. Yes, you! I have something I would like to talk to you about.
It’s come up a couple of times recently and it’s gotten so irritating that I finally have to say something about it. I’m pretty sure you’re not even aware of what you’re doing or why it bothers me. So here it goes.
I would like you to ask me out on a freaking date.
When a man asks me out on a date with a day of the week and a time and a place, I know he has the confidence to actually ask me out on a goddamned date.
Don’t ask me to hang out with you. Don’t ask me if I’m free “sometime” on Friday night and say you’ll get in touch that night to “see what’s up.” Don’t ask me if I’m “interested in getting a drink sometime.”
I have been talking to you, haven’t I? I have been emailing, text messaging, IMing, and even talking on the phone. Of course I’m “interested” in “hanging out” “sometime.” That is why I am talking to you. I am not doing it for my health, because I have nothing better to do with my time, or because you’re so goddamned interesting that I can’t resist your witty banter over gchat. If I wasn’t already “interested,” you wouldn’t be communicating with me at all.
I want you to ask me on a date.
I want the date to have a day of the week — Friday or Saturday, for instance.
I want the date to have a time — 8 o’clock would be an example.
I want the date to have a place, or at least, a notion of a place. “A drink.” “Coffee.” “Dinner.” “Walking around a bookstore together.” I sincerely do not care where we go or what we do; I just want to prepare for it (eat dinner beforehand, don’t eat dinner beforehand) and know how I should dress (heels? sneakers?). You don’t even have to spend money. I’ll pay for myself if you don’t offer! Really, this should not be intimidating.
I said this before but it bears repeating: I don’t want to “hang out” with you. What does hang out even mean to you, exactly? I hang out on my friends’ couches and thumb through magazines while we gossip with each other. Is that what you want us to do? And while we’re on the subject of not “hanging out,” don’t ask me to come meet your friends at a bar, either. I have enough friends and family in my life to “hang out” with and we have our own bars. Why, if I have never met you before, would I want to “hang out” at your favorite bar with more people I don’t know?
Now. I know what you’re thinking and feeling. You’re feeling criticized and attacked by what I’m saying. You may even think I sound like a bitch. No wonder no one asks me out on dates, right?
Well, you would be wrong. I do get asked on dates by men, actually, and it works amazingly well. When I am asked out on dates with days of the week and times and places, I know the man is interested in getting to know me enough to actually put some thought into planning what we are going to do, that I’m not just casually “hanging out” with him and his friends. I know whether to eat beforehand. I know what to wear. I know whether to have cash on hand to get home or to ask someone to pick me up or to ask to stay at a friend’s place. I know whether to get a manicure or do a face mask beforehand. I know whether or not I actually have plans— a novel idea!
But more importantly, when a man asks me out on a date with a day of the week and a time and a place, I know he has the confidence to actually ask me out on a goddamned date.
See, I’m not a bitch: I know you are scared to ask me on a date. I know you’re afraid I might say “no.” You’re afraid I might think you’re ugly, unfunny, boring, that you don’t make enough money, or any number of things. I get it. You’re afraid of rejection. I’m afraid of rejection, too. We all are. That’s human. But that’s life. People get rejected. However, observe the context of the situation. Do I seem like a raging nutjob that’s going to turn you down in a way that humiliates you in front of your friends, your boss, your extended family and national television? No, that’s not going to happen. I don’t bite. I am actually really, really nice. You have to realize if we’ve been talking on the phone, emailing, and flirting, it means I am interested in you and your chances of being rejected are much, much lower. Like, .003 percent, should Clive Owen show up on my front stoop with a package of Magnums. Are you really so afraid to ask me out for a $4 cup of coffee at Starbucks and risk a .003 percent chance of rejection that you just won’t do it?
Really? Really? REALLY?
I’m sorry, but then you’re not for me.
Because I do have the confidence to ask you out on a date. I’m as afraid of rejection as the next human being but I’m willing to risk it if it means a great date with a wonderful man. I should not be the one who has to ask men on dates — or limply not-ask, as is more often the case — all the time because they’re too afraid of getting rejected. My gender has nothing to do with my frustration here: it’s 2011 and I am not Suzy Homemaker from 1952 who follows rigid gender roles to a T (although I do confess to enjoying more traditional men). Generally speaking, I think men are intimidated by women who do the pursuing/asking out, though, so I do it on a case-by-case basis. And if I can do it — and I have done it — you can, too.
It’s not hard.
It’s just words.
There’s a 99.097 percent chance I am going to say “yes.”
Please, just ask me out on a freaking date.
1:00PM, 02/18/2011 Comments (258)
Hello there. You. Yes, you! I have something I would like to talk to you about.
It’s come up a couple of times recently and it’s gotten so irritating that I finally have to say something about it. I’m pretty sure you’re not even aware of what you’re doing or why it bothers me. So here it goes.
I would like you to ask me out on a freaking date.
When a man asks me out on a date with a day of the week and a time and a place, I know he has the confidence to actually ask me out on a goddamned date.
Don’t ask me to hang out with you. Don’t ask me if I’m free “sometime” on Friday night and say you’ll get in touch that night to “see what’s up.” Don’t ask me if I’m “interested in getting a drink sometime.”
I have been talking to you, haven’t I? I have been emailing, text messaging, IMing, and even talking on the phone. Of course I’m “interested” in “hanging out” “sometime.” That is why I am talking to you. I am not doing it for my health, because I have nothing better to do with my time, or because you’re so goddamned interesting that I can’t resist your witty banter over gchat. If I wasn’t already “interested,” you wouldn’t be communicating with me at all.
I want you to ask me on a date.
I want the date to have a day of the week — Friday or Saturday, for instance.
I want the date to have a time — 8 o’clock would be an example.
I want the date to have a place, or at least, a notion of a place. “A drink.” “Coffee.” “Dinner.” “Walking around a bookstore together.” I sincerely do not care where we go or what we do; I just want to prepare for it (eat dinner beforehand, don’t eat dinner beforehand) and know how I should dress (heels? sneakers?). You don’t even have to spend money. I’ll pay for myself if you don’t offer! Really, this should not be intimidating.
I said this before but it bears repeating: I don’t want to “hang out” with you. What does hang out even mean to you, exactly? I hang out on my friends’ couches and thumb through magazines while we gossip with each other. Is that what you want us to do? And while we’re on the subject of not “hanging out,” don’t ask me to come meet your friends at a bar, either. I have enough friends and family in my life to “hang out” with and we have our own bars. Why, if I have never met you before, would I want to “hang out” at your favorite bar with more people I don’t know?
Now. I know what you’re thinking and feeling. You’re feeling criticized and attacked by what I’m saying. You may even think I sound like a bitch. No wonder no one asks me out on dates, right?
Well, you would be wrong. I do get asked on dates by men, actually, and it works amazingly well. When I am asked out on dates with days of the week and times and places, I know the man is interested in getting to know me enough to actually put some thought into planning what we are going to do, that I’m not just casually “hanging out” with him and his friends. I know whether to eat beforehand. I know what to wear. I know whether to have cash on hand to get home or to ask someone to pick me up or to ask to stay at a friend’s place. I know whether to get a manicure or do a face mask beforehand. I know whether or not I actually have plans— a novel idea!
But more importantly, when a man asks me out on a date with a day of the week and a time and a place, I know he has the confidence to actually ask me out on a goddamned date.
See, I’m not a bitch: I know you are scared to ask me on a date. I know you’re afraid I might say “no.” You’re afraid I might think you’re ugly, unfunny, boring, that you don’t make enough money, or any number of things. I get it. You’re afraid of rejection. I’m afraid of rejection, too. We all are. That’s human. But that’s life. People get rejected. However, observe the context of the situation. Do I seem like a raging nutjob that’s going to turn you down in a way that humiliates you in front of your friends, your boss, your extended family and national television? No, that’s not going to happen. I don’t bite. I am actually really, really nice. You have to realize if we’ve been talking on the phone, emailing, and flirting, it means I am interested in you and your chances of being rejected are much, much lower. Like, .003 percent, should Clive Owen show up on my front stoop with a package of Magnums. Are you really so afraid to ask me out for a $4 cup of coffee at Starbucks and risk a .003 percent chance of rejection that you just won’t do it?
Really? Really? REALLY?
I’m sorry, but then you’re not for me.
Because I do have the confidence to ask you out on a date. I’m as afraid of rejection as the next human being but I’m willing to risk it if it means a great date with a wonderful man. I should not be the one who has to ask men on dates — or limply not-ask, as is more often the case — all the time because they’re too afraid of getting rejected. My gender has nothing to do with my frustration here: it’s 2011 and I am not Suzy Homemaker from 1952 who follows rigid gender roles to a T (although I do confess to enjoying more traditional men). Generally speaking, I think men are intimidated by women who do the pursuing/asking out, though, so I do it on a case-by-case basis. And if I can do it — and I have done it — you can, too.
It’s not hard.
It’s just words.
There’s a 99.097 percent chance I am going to say “yes.”
Please, just ask me out on a freaking date.
Sunday, April 24, 2011
The Real Post About Hot Girls by mark entropy
The Real Post About Hot Girls
In case you are somehow unaware, my post the other day was, in fact, completely satirical. All of it was satirical. It was not partially true. It was only true in that if you did the exact opposite of everything listed there, you’d probably do pretty well. If you read any of it and thought, “That’s actually kind of true,” then you need to seriously re-evaluate where you’re at and what some of your beliefs are. Because you’re not getting anywhere near one of these girls any time soon.
It was not a joke either. Satire, by definition, is when you mock something in such a way to actually show the truth behind it more clearly. When it comes to getting the ultra hot girls, a lot of guys have some bizarre beliefs and perceptions, and that post was a way of amplifying those perceptions to hopefully show you how ridiculous they are.
But still, it’s one of the most common questions: how do I get the super hot girls? The models. The dancers. The actresses.
Believe it or not this is actually a pretty heavy inner game topic, but I’m going to forgo it for now. I actually plan on addressing this subject more thoroughly in my upcoming book, not just because most guys want to be able to get hotter women, but because it’s actually an exemplary situation to demonstrate a lot of points I want to make in the book.
But for now, here is the abridged version. To every guy who has ever wondered how to date models, dancers, actresses, or supposed “high status” girls, read on… It’s actually quite simple.
Step 1: Stop caring how hot they are. This is pretty much 80% of it right here, by itself. This sounds totally counter-intuitive at first, but it’s true. Very, very beautiful women are treated differently their entire lives by men. These men project their fears and fantasies onto these women, and when they approach them, they’re doing it for their own self esteem and validation, not because they actually care what the girl is like or interested in. Do not be this guy. The fact that you have even asked this question means you are guilty of this. I was guilty of this too.
The first step to doing this is to ditch the 1-10 scale. Again, I was guilty of this for a long time, but the ratings scale is toxic in so many ways, the worst of which is that it subtly stereotypes behavior based upon appearance. So the fact that you even recognize in your mind that approaching a “10″ to be different than a “7″ is immediately going to affect your behavior towards her. And she’s going to sense this. And not only is she going to sense it, she’s going to know because 98% of men approach her with the idea that they have to treat her differently.
When you approach, she’s just another girl. You really have to stop caring. I used to get so obsessed about finding “high quality” girls, and I just let it go a little more than a year ago. It’s no coincidence that I pick up the hottest girls of my life now with the less effort than ever before.
Step 2: You have to have your shit together. If there is one thing that’s true about ultra-hot girls, it’s that they have about twice the selection as your normal pretty girl. They meet rich guys all the time. They meet musicians and actors and DJ’s and guys with big muscles and nice cars. It’s not that you need any of this stuff (although it helps), but you cannot have a glaring hole in your lifestyle. You need to have your shit together.
FYI: Going out five nights a week and having social proof in a cheesy night club does not qualify as “having your shit together.”
A nice job you like, a nice place you like, nice friends you like, cool hobbies you like, good health and good shape, and generally a well-adjusted and confident person. Picking up most girls, you can get away without one or a few of that list. Ultra hot girls, you need to have them all handled. You need to be a complete package.
Look at it from her perspective. The first way she screens men is by confidence and charm. Let’s say she meets 20 men one week and 3 of them are confident and charming and she likes being around them. The first one is VERY good-looking but also unemployed and living with a family friend. He has no car. The second has his life together and is pretty wealthy but is overweight and dresses poorly. The third guy has his life together and is in great shape and takes care of himself.
All else being equal, she’s going to go with the third. It’s not that looks are ALL that matter, but when she has so many options, she has no reason to ever settle. That’s why you need to be the complete package. You don’t have to look like Brad Pitt, or be a millionaire, or be a world-class athlete or something. You just need to have your shit together. You really can’t have a major hole in your lifestyle.
Step 3: Stop buying into this “high value” nonsense. A hotter girl will not necessarily make you happier than a less hot girl. Any sort of drive or need to fuck hotter girls for the sake of fucking hotter girls and not for the sake of seeking joy, love and connection is a purely selfish endeavor. There is nothing “high value” about a really hot girl, it’s just that guys project their insecurities onto these women and think there’s something valuable about them. If you ask the women themselves, they have no perception of this “value” or “status” in which you speak of. None at all. These are just merit badges in your head, constructed as a sad way to validate yourself.
I’ve been with five models (two runway), a cheerleader and a successful stage actress. I’ve been on dates with girls who have been approached 3-5 times WHILE ON THE DATE with me. I’ve dated a girl who dated an NBA basketball player before me. I never, ever, ever, EVER heard one of them speak of men in terms of status or not being cool enough or not being rich enough or good-looking enough to hang out with them. In fact, I never heard any of them say anything derogatory about men hitting on them EXCEPT for the man’s lack of confidence, lack of respect or lack of authenticity around her.
A typical complaint from a normal girl: “He’s really nice, why doesn’t he ask me out on a date more often?”
A typical complaint from a very hot girl: “Ugh, that club-owner keeps flashing his watch as if I give a shit.”
People really don’t get it, these girls don’t have it that great. Imagine wanting to date a really great guy, someone who actually cares about you, and literally every single guy you meet starts acting like a total idiot trying to impress you or manipulate you into bed. Meanwhile, your friends who aren’t as pretty as you seem to keep meeting really nice normal guys who actually care about them. It’s actually very frustrating. Imagine having EVERYONE evaluate you for how pretty you are and not your personality or what you say. You’d actually be pretty insecure about what people thought of you.
Step 4: Spend Less Time in Night Clubs. Most of the hottest girls don’t enjoy going to night clubs often. They get harassed and a lot of unwanted attention. The hot girls you see at clubs are usually made up: fake tans, fake tits, fake hair, tons of make up. If you saw them on the street, you’d be half as impressed.
The best way to meet the hottest girls is day game. Social circle as well if you can get networked with them. Obviously, they’re hard to find and you rarely see them. Unless you live in a large international city such as New York City, LA, Miami, London or Paris, there’s a very good chance that you will go weeks or months between sightings.
Guys always assume, the hotter the girl, the harder she is to get. I suppose on a purely supply/demand level, that’s true. There are fewer hot girls and more guys trying to get them. But they’re really no different. The only thing that’s different is that unlike an average pretty girl who only has 50% of guys she meets put her on a pedestal, the super hot girl has 98% of men she meets put her on a pedestal, so she’s going to see through your bullshit immediately.
And in case you didn’t catch it: The rating scale is a pedestal. The concept of “high value” is a pedestal. Coming up with special openers is a pedestal. The theory behind negging is a pedestal. Believing you have to treat her differently in any way is a pedestal.
Cut all of that shit out. Get your life together. Stop caring about looks so much. Treat her like you’d treat anybody else. Stop approaching her to prove something to yourself. Stop treating her like a trophy or an achievement or a merit badge… and just talk to her. Just the fact that you talk to her like a normal human being to will immediately differentiate you from 98% of the other guys she meets.
In case you are somehow unaware, my post the other day was, in fact, completely satirical. All of it was satirical. It was not partially true. It was only true in that if you did the exact opposite of everything listed there, you’d probably do pretty well. If you read any of it and thought, “That’s actually kind of true,” then you need to seriously re-evaluate where you’re at and what some of your beliefs are. Because you’re not getting anywhere near one of these girls any time soon.
It was not a joke either. Satire, by definition, is when you mock something in such a way to actually show the truth behind it more clearly. When it comes to getting the ultra hot girls, a lot of guys have some bizarre beliefs and perceptions, and that post was a way of amplifying those perceptions to hopefully show you how ridiculous they are.
But still, it’s one of the most common questions: how do I get the super hot girls? The models. The dancers. The actresses.
Believe it or not this is actually a pretty heavy inner game topic, but I’m going to forgo it for now. I actually plan on addressing this subject more thoroughly in my upcoming book, not just because most guys want to be able to get hotter women, but because it’s actually an exemplary situation to demonstrate a lot of points I want to make in the book.
But for now, here is the abridged version. To every guy who has ever wondered how to date models, dancers, actresses, or supposed “high status” girls, read on… It’s actually quite simple.
Step 1: Stop caring how hot they are. This is pretty much 80% of it right here, by itself. This sounds totally counter-intuitive at first, but it’s true. Very, very beautiful women are treated differently their entire lives by men. These men project their fears and fantasies onto these women, and when they approach them, they’re doing it for their own self esteem and validation, not because they actually care what the girl is like or interested in. Do not be this guy. The fact that you have even asked this question means you are guilty of this. I was guilty of this too.
The first step to doing this is to ditch the 1-10 scale. Again, I was guilty of this for a long time, but the ratings scale is toxic in so many ways, the worst of which is that it subtly stereotypes behavior based upon appearance. So the fact that you even recognize in your mind that approaching a “10″ to be different than a “7″ is immediately going to affect your behavior towards her. And she’s going to sense this. And not only is she going to sense it, she’s going to know because 98% of men approach her with the idea that they have to treat her differently.
When you approach, she’s just another girl. You really have to stop caring. I used to get so obsessed about finding “high quality” girls, and I just let it go a little more than a year ago. It’s no coincidence that I pick up the hottest girls of my life now with the less effort than ever before.
Step 2: You have to have your shit together. If there is one thing that’s true about ultra-hot girls, it’s that they have about twice the selection as your normal pretty girl. They meet rich guys all the time. They meet musicians and actors and DJ’s and guys with big muscles and nice cars. It’s not that you need any of this stuff (although it helps), but you cannot have a glaring hole in your lifestyle. You need to have your shit together.
FYI: Going out five nights a week and having social proof in a cheesy night club does not qualify as “having your shit together.”
A nice job you like, a nice place you like, nice friends you like, cool hobbies you like, good health and good shape, and generally a well-adjusted and confident person. Picking up most girls, you can get away without one or a few of that list. Ultra hot girls, you need to have them all handled. You need to be a complete package.
Look at it from her perspective. The first way she screens men is by confidence and charm. Let’s say she meets 20 men one week and 3 of them are confident and charming and she likes being around them. The first one is VERY good-looking but also unemployed and living with a family friend. He has no car. The second has his life together and is pretty wealthy but is overweight and dresses poorly. The third guy has his life together and is in great shape and takes care of himself.
All else being equal, she’s going to go with the third. It’s not that looks are ALL that matter, but when she has so many options, she has no reason to ever settle. That’s why you need to be the complete package. You don’t have to look like Brad Pitt, or be a millionaire, or be a world-class athlete or something. You just need to have your shit together. You really can’t have a major hole in your lifestyle.
Step 3: Stop buying into this “high value” nonsense. A hotter girl will not necessarily make you happier than a less hot girl. Any sort of drive or need to fuck hotter girls for the sake of fucking hotter girls and not for the sake of seeking joy, love and connection is a purely selfish endeavor. There is nothing “high value” about a really hot girl, it’s just that guys project their insecurities onto these women and think there’s something valuable about them. If you ask the women themselves, they have no perception of this “value” or “status” in which you speak of. None at all. These are just merit badges in your head, constructed as a sad way to validate yourself.
I’ve been with five models (two runway), a cheerleader and a successful stage actress. I’ve been on dates with girls who have been approached 3-5 times WHILE ON THE DATE with me. I’ve dated a girl who dated an NBA basketball player before me. I never, ever, ever, EVER heard one of them speak of men in terms of status or not being cool enough or not being rich enough or good-looking enough to hang out with them. In fact, I never heard any of them say anything derogatory about men hitting on them EXCEPT for the man’s lack of confidence, lack of respect or lack of authenticity around her.
A typical complaint from a normal girl: “He’s really nice, why doesn’t he ask me out on a date more often?”
A typical complaint from a very hot girl: “Ugh, that club-owner keeps flashing his watch as if I give a shit.”
People really don’t get it, these girls don’t have it that great. Imagine wanting to date a really great guy, someone who actually cares about you, and literally every single guy you meet starts acting like a total idiot trying to impress you or manipulate you into bed. Meanwhile, your friends who aren’t as pretty as you seem to keep meeting really nice normal guys who actually care about them. It’s actually very frustrating. Imagine having EVERYONE evaluate you for how pretty you are and not your personality or what you say. You’d actually be pretty insecure about what people thought of you.
Step 4: Spend Less Time in Night Clubs. Most of the hottest girls don’t enjoy going to night clubs often. They get harassed and a lot of unwanted attention. The hot girls you see at clubs are usually made up: fake tans, fake tits, fake hair, tons of make up. If you saw them on the street, you’d be half as impressed.
The best way to meet the hottest girls is day game. Social circle as well if you can get networked with them. Obviously, they’re hard to find and you rarely see them. Unless you live in a large international city such as New York City, LA, Miami, London or Paris, there’s a very good chance that you will go weeks or months between sightings.
Guys always assume, the hotter the girl, the harder she is to get. I suppose on a purely supply/demand level, that’s true. There are fewer hot girls and more guys trying to get them. But they’re really no different. The only thing that’s different is that unlike an average pretty girl who only has 50% of guys she meets put her on a pedestal, the super hot girl has 98% of men she meets put her on a pedestal, so she’s going to see through your bullshit immediately.
And in case you didn’t catch it: The rating scale is a pedestal. The concept of “high value” is a pedestal. Coming up with special openers is a pedestal. The theory behind negging is a pedestal. Believing you have to treat her differently in any way is a pedestal.
Cut all of that shit out. Get your life together. Stop caring about looks so much. Treat her like you’d treat anybody else. Stop approaching her to prove something to yourself. Stop treating her like a trophy or an achievement or a merit badge… and just talk to her. Just the fact that you talk to her like a normal human being to will immediately differentiate you from 98% of the other guys she meets.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Guest FR:walked out of bookstore for doing pick up
@ barnes and nobles I saw book on erotic massage and on the cover
there was 2 nude people. So I got an idea to open a set- topicing that
I wanted to practice some massage, so first set, asain with
headphones, I say exuse me, I was looking thru this book and wanted to
know whether you'd like to practice some. She saw the book , made a
face and put her head phone back on.
Next set, it works out great, she was really Into the book as I showed
her a few pages, but I first opened her up with hey, I'm rod. Hand
shake. Then talked about the books she had. Then she I showed her.
We talked and she invited me to her art show. And boom! A cop and
fucking employee are behind me and they're telling someone complianed
because I asked her to try a few positions in the book. So they walked
me out.
yeah . you were running seduction with no comfort. its same thing as going direct on her. in legal terms its called sexual harassment.ofcourse security had to come if asian girl thought you were a sexual predator. run comfort first.if you want to run that shit atleast have eye contact prior opening her.
@ barnes and nobles I saw book on erotic massage and on the cover
there was 2 nude people. So I got an idea to open a set- topicing that
I wanted to practice some massage, so first set, asain with
headphones, I say exuse me, I was looking thru this book and wanted to
know whether you'd like to practice some. She saw the book , made a
face and put her head phone back on.
Next set, it works out great, she was really Into the book as I showed
her a few pages, but I first opened her up with hey, I'm rod. Hand
shake. Then talked about the books she had. Then she I showed her.
We talked and she invited me to her art show. And boom! A cop and
fucking employee are behind me and they're telling someone complianed
because I asked her to try a few positions in the book. So they walked
me out.
yeah . you were running seduction with no comfort. its same thing as going direct on her. in legal terms its called sexual harassment.ofcourse security had to come if asian girl thought you were a sexual predator. run comfort first.if you want to run that shit atleast have eye contact prior opening her.
Everyday ritual is EAT A what is most difficult first geti ti over with and then rest of your day will be great!
Brian Tracy goes over a great program EAT THAT FROG
I found that I sabotage myself from doing things like studying,making the calls,contacting people to help me in my career etc..
and I purposely delay things due to confronting FEAR.
so once you doing about it first its like you have this supreme confidence
like you have this boost of self esteem.
when I get this boost I feel like going to strip club or running GAME.
So far my life has turned into a movie about me making it. Making things happen in my Life.
My career...then money ...then fame and girls will come.
yes, ITS TRUE you have an independent aura about yourself, this thing that even if you meet a random girl that your place is ready to bring her over for sex.
YES! its confidence that you can make things happen.
I have kept away from mission february of banging cuban chicks.
so far the ones Ive had contact have been sorta weird.
my friend "Felix the cat" he bangs alot of them but its due to him finding 20 yr olds who like to party and hang out and drink.
he meets them through a friends friend. aka in PUA is Social Circle cause he has alot of connections.
I was hanging with him and I realized that he thinks Im cool, yet he tells me I have to do my thing be independent where Im at.
To pull chicks in and out...he admitted that he attracts the crazy ones.
the girls who runn away from home, girls who want to live with a guy girls who like to party and drink alot.
I noticed since I talk diferent and act different they arent at ease with me. He has good rapport with them girls easy.
yes, Rapport comes first to build attraction and seduction if you dont know her, if you have attraction first by eye contact or IOIs you escalate seduction with mild comfort.
this is where screening is used to calibrate her reaction and type of woman she is.
Im working on the screening cause so far I game girls more when I have them over at seduction location.
but swinggcatt and Franco have personally told me to stop doing that.
I havent gotten that far into my game yet.
My game needs work and most likely it can take off when needed but so far my head is towards my career and new gm Im joinning
DARN appearance is everything for a job , school ..everything.
I found that I sabotage myself from doing things like studying,making the calls,contacting people to help me in my career etc..
and I purposely delay things due to confronting FEAR.
so once you doing about it first its like you have this supreme confidence
like you have this boost of self esteem.
when I get this boost I feel like going to strip club or running GAME.
So far my life has turned into a movie about me making it. Making things happen in my Life.
My career...then money ...then fame and girls will come.
yes, ITS TRUE you have an independent aura about yourself, this thing that even if you meet a random girl that your place is ready to bring her over for sex.
YES! its confidence that you can make things happen.
I have kept away from mission february of banging cuban chicks.
so far the ones Ive had contact have been sorta weird.
my friend "Felix the cat" he bangs alot of them but its due to him finding 20 yr olds who like to party and hang out and drink.
he meets them through a friends friend. aka in PUA is Social Circle cause he has alot of connections.
I was hanging with him and I realized that he thinks Im cool, yet he tells me I have to do my thing be independent where Im at.
To pull chicks in and out...he admitted that he attracts the crazy ones.
the girls who runn away from home, girls who want to live with a guy girls who like to party and drink alot.
I noticed since I talk diferent and act different they arent at ease with me. He has good rapport with them girls easy.
yes, Rapport comes first to build attraction and seduction if you dont know her, if you have attraction first by eye contact or IOIs you escalate seduction with mild comfort.
this is where screening is used to calibrate her reaction and type of woman she is.
Im working on the screening cause so far I game girls more when I have them over at seduction location.
but swinggcatt and Franco have personally told me to stop doing that.
I havent gotten that far into my game yet.
My game needs work and most likely it can take off when needed but so far my head is towards my career and new gm Im joinning
DARN appearance is everything for a job , school ..everything.
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
The Jeffy Allen Show 2 - Get Laid or Die Trying NOTES
What his level of game influences:
- sense of entitlement – what hot girls you think you deserve
- buildup of social momentum
- his hornyness (don’t masturbate)
entitlement: it’s like training muscle – if you don’t work on it, it goes back again
in the beginning of the night you don’t want to approach. -> even he, after 8 years of game
-> force yourself to do it
How he warms up: just going up and getting rejected -> loosing the ego
Approaching women is always like jumping in a cold pool – no matter how much you do it, you have to get over to jumping in
It’s like always re-remembering that you are awesome
1st: mingling time, talk to everybody, at the beginning
2nd: 12-2:30 hardcore game
3nd: after 2:30 just fucking aggressive – omg, youuuu… are *amazing*.. I *love* you! Hug.. makeout -> he does this 50 times in a row
Action is always the answer
-> never analyze. When you have low state -> action is always the answer.
Instructors have sometimes state crashes during the night – nobody notices cause: the go into action right away
Accept the being shitty as normal
A night is a marathon!
Go out for every night for 12 days approaching and on day 7 you are really a beast
Beast mode: approaching without thought
‘Who are you, I am tim! I am sad, I need a kiss!’
4 main things:
1. Core confidence -> being ok with girls not liking you. scripted game often times makes it look that a lot of girls like you, he doesn’t do that. -> don’t be afraid to polarize.
Expression, not impression.
First step: getting them not to care what other people think
Be like music – you just send out
Never just stand there in the club
But: sing nonsense, dance a bit around, talk gibberish to another
Just pretend with gibberish like you got a great conversation -> brings you state
Don’t try to weasel into the part when going to the set
No – be the party, they are in your proximity
2. Bring value
Know what they are feeling
Talk to them (don’t do like talking to yourself)
If she gets pissed off to what he is saying -> in the half second she feels bad he already says something, like laughing out loud or saying their thoughts ‘omg, this creepy guy…’ -> he feels her feeling bad and distracts her immediately. -> take autism test on internet to see how good you are there.
You get this with field time
3. Are assertive
His ‘kino’-method is: feeling sexually – he has a hardon after speaking 5min to her
Every time she says she is gonna go somewhere – eg have to go to toilet, drink, dance… -> you do it like it was your idea and lead her! Drink time! Piss time! Dance time!
Always try to close, also without a signal. Especially if she is gone anyway. Makeout. Say ‘can you give me a ride?’
Go in fucking close to her! Very much closer than you think -> fucking close
If he doesn’t makeout within 20minutes, he tries to and she probably goes away. -> he thinks if you don’t make out with her in 20min you are probably spinning your wheels
4. Be proactive (be unreactive)
Be the cause, not the effect
Make this your criteria of success: approach, express yourself as a man
One third will not like you.
One third will be amusesd but of some reason not wanna do it. (eg has bf at home) -> you have to be aggressive to make them say no kinda (else you are loosing time)
One third will be very interested sexually.
There is no such thing as rejection, there is only lack of chemistry
Sexual aggression makes you have much more lays.
Either be a player 100% or be relationship 100%
You cannot be half a gangster
No feelings till they are fb’s
Player life: you always have to keep going out, cause fb’s always keep on quitting at some time, that’s the way
Vibe, self amuse
Put yourself in this state: Be woo and intent, party dong, having fun and being sexual
Dynamically escalate
Screen logistics -> move her to more front part of club, out of the club, a bit away from the club, into a cab, out of the cab, into the lobby, to the elevator, into the elevator, out of the elevator, into your room
Use *any* ridiculous excuse you can!
Lead lead lead
Best approach you did this weekend, after 6 months of keep going out this approach will be your new average approach
- sense of entitlement – what hot girls you think you deserve
- buildup of social momentum
- his hornyness (don’t masturbate)
entitlement: it’s like training muscle – if you don’t work on it, it goes back again
in the beginning of the night you don’t want to approach. -> even he, after 8 years of game
-> force yourself to do it
How he warms up: just going up and getting rejected -> loosing the ego
Approaching women is always like jumping in a cold pool – no matter how much you do it, you have to get over to jumping in
It’s like always re-remembering that you are awesome
1st: mingling time, talk to everybody, at the beginning
2nd: 12-2:30 hardcore game
3nd: after 2:30 just fucking aggressive – omg, youuuu… are *amazing*.. I *love* you! Hug.. makeout -> he does this 50 times in a row
Action is always the answer
-> never analyze. When you have low state -> action is always the answer.
Instructors have sometimes state crashes during the night – nobody notices cause: the go into action right away
Accept the being shitty as normal
A night is a marathon!
Go out for every night for 12 days approaching and on day 7 you are really a beast
Beast mode: approaching without thought
‘Who are you, I am tim! I am sad, I need a kiss!’
4 main things:
1. Core confidence -> being ok with girls not liking you. scripted game often times makes it look that a lot of girls like you, he doesn’t do that. -> don’t be afraid to polarize.
Expression, not impression.
First step: getting them not to care what other people think
Be like music – you just send out
Never just stand there in the club
But: sing nonsense, dance a bit around, talk gibberish to another
Just pretend with gibberish like you got a great conversation -> brings you state
Don’t try to weasel into the part when going to the set
No – be the party, they are in your proximity
2. Bring value
Know what they are feeling
Talk to them (don’t do like talking to yourself)
If she gets pissed off to what he is saying -> in the half second she feels bad he already says something, like laughing out loud or saying their thoughts ‘omg, this creepy guy…’ -> he feels her feeling bad and distracts her immediately. -> take autism test on internet to see how good you are there.
You get this with field time
3. Are assertive
His ‘kino’-method is: feeling sexually – he has a hardon after speaking 5min to her
Every time she says she is gonna go somewhere – eg have to go to toilet, drink, dance… -> you do it like it was your idea and lead her! Drink time! Piss time! Dance time!
Always try to close, also without a signal. Especially if she is gone anyway. Makeout. Say ‘can you give me a ride?’
Go in fucking close to her! Very much closer than you think -> fucking close
If he doesn’t makeout within 20minutes, he tries to and she probably goes away. -> he thinks if you don’t make out with her in 20min you are probably spinning your wheels
4. Be proactive (be unreactive)
Be the cause, not the effect
Make this your criteria of success: approach, express yourself as a man
One third will not like you.
One third will be amusesd but of some reason not wanna do it. (eg has bf at home) -> you have to be aggressive to make them say no kinda (else you are loosing time)
One third will be very interested sexually.
There is no such thing as rejection, there is only lack of chemistry
Sexual aggression makes you have much more lays.
Either be a player 100% or be relationship 100%
You cannot be half a gangster
No feelings till they are fb’s
Player life: you always have to keep going out, cause fb’s always keep on quitting at some time, that’s the way
Vibe, self amuse
Put yourself in this state: Be woo and intent, party dong, having fun and being sexual
Dynamically escalate
Screen logistics -> move her to more front part of club, out of the club, a bit away from the club, into a cab, out of the cab, into the lobby, to the elevator, into the elevator, out of the elevator, into your room
Use *any* ridiculous excuse you can!
Lead lead lead
Best approach you did this weekend, after 6 months of keep going out this approach will be your new average approach
Thursday, April 7, 2011
watched ROCK OF LOVE season 1
whoa pimp inner game is extreme but then watch raock of love and you see that it balances off.
he isnt needy doesnt seem desperate and subcommunications takeover.
hard ot explain but good psycology is pimp and rock of love with affirmations.
I re watched this season 1 is awesome,
he isnt needy doesnt seem desperate and subcommunications takeover.
hard ot explain but good psycology is pimp and rock of love with affirmations.
I re watched this season 1 is awesome,
Defination of a HUSTLER and formula for action
Defininition of a Hustler
By The Hustler
So, some of you regular readers (and there are a surprisingly amount of you) may have read this post from a few days ago. A gentleman who calls himself BaldChemist seemed to have a hard time understanding what I talk about here. He seems to think that I am obsessed with money and that being a Hustler is nothing to aspire to. He is wrong, in my opinion, on both points.
I think the issue may be a cultural one more than one based on intelligence or ignorance. I deal with many people in my day to day life that come from a great many countries. We also have readers from all over the world. I want them to understand exactly what we are talking about when we define what a Hustler is.
I am about to explain what a Hustler is to me.
I get around online and see others who claim to be Hustlers. Whether they want to call themselves “Hustla’s” or some other derivative of the term, I don’t really care. The sentiment is the same. They see themselves as something more. They are more than a worker, they are more than a trick, they are more than a pimp, they are more than a gangster… They are a Hustler.
I will start by telling you what a Hustler is NOT. A Hustler is not a thief, a crook, a swindler, a liar or a con artist. A Hustler may possess these skills. A Hustler may have even been one of these things in the past. But unless you drop the life of the criminal – you are a criminal. A Hustler is not a criminal.
So here is where I lay down my definition of what makes someone a Hustler. I will not be doing something cute like…
“H is for Honor”
…because, frankly, I am just not that guy.
A Hustler is someone who is or has been hungry. Personally I was hungry in the literal sense. I have gone without food for days. I have gone without a home. I have been broken down to nothing but pocket change found on the street. Now, not everyone has to be literally hungry for food. You could be hungry for money, hungry for fame, hungry for respect, hungry for knowledge or hungry for self improvement. Whatever it is that you were or are hungry for, it has to be a hunger that burns in your gut like acid. It has to make you spit fire. It has to be the single voice that rattles around in your brain when you are all alone.
Being hungry like I was makes you understand what real hunger is. You can think of nothing else. Every step you take is in the direction of the only thing that will satisfy that hunger. You will go through, around, under or over anything that gets in your way. When you haven’t eaten in days, no is not an option. When trying to understand the depth of this hunger – think about the crackhead girls who will do anything for a fix. That is the type of fixation that will keep you motivated.
A Hustler needs that hunger. Being a Hustler without hunger is like sitting in a car without gas. It might be comfortable and you might look good doing it – but you aren’t going anywhere.
A Hustler works a Hustle. I started writing this by defining all the things that could make up a Hustle. The post got incredibly long, very quickly. Here is the condensed version:
A Hustle is an activity that Hustlers devise to generate income or define their place in their community. A Hustle doesn’t have to generate income, but for most Hustlers, it must. It can be a job, a temporary project or a new business venture. A Hustle is the vehicle you take to reach your goals.
That is the basic idea.
So now we know that a Hustler needs – motivation (Hunger) and a Hustle (Plan of Action).
What next? What else does it take to make you a Hustler versus a guy with an idea and motivation?
A Hustler’s state of mind. A Hustler cannot be refused. He or She has honed their mind and skills to razor sharpness. There cannot be a doubt that what a Hustler tells you has not been completely thought out and absolutely verifiable. Sometimes this comes with experience, but not all of us have that kind of time.
I built my game when I was young. I had no experience. I had no skills other than the ability to talk other kids out of their lunch money. These were survival skills. I had to do this or I wouldn’t eat. I lived with strangers who really didn’t care about my welfare.
But where others found obstacles, I found opportunity. I don’t know how much of that is genetic and how much is conditioned. I do know that it is obvious when you meet someone with game and obvious when you see someone without. We can smell our own. We used to say “Game recognize game” back in the day. That is still true. And once you get on your game, like minded people will flock to you. But you need to develop that Hustler state of mind.
I can’t tell you how to develop a Hustler’s state of mind, but I can put you on the path. The next time you hear the word “No” ask “Why”. It doesn’t matter if someone else told you no, or if you said it to yourself.
Ask for a raise at work. If they say no, ask why. Do you need more skills? Do you need to create more sales? Do you have an attitude problem? By asking why, you are defining the obstacle. Once the obstacle is identified, a plan can be enacted.
Ask yourself if you can afford to buy your own home. No? Why? Is it because you don’t make enough money? Is it because you don’t know how to buy a home? Both can be overcome with the right plan.
Without a “No” there is no “Yes”. And that is the Hustler’s state of mind.
So this is what a Hustler is to me.
Motivation + Plan + Focus = Hustler.
Keep Hustling
By The Hustler
So, some of you regular readers (and there are a surprisingly amount of you) may have read this post from a few days ago. A gentleman who calls himself BaldChemist seemed to have a hard time understanding what I talk about here. He seems to think that I am obsessed with money and that being a Hustler is nothing to aspire to. He is wrong, in my opinion, on both points.
I think the issue may be a cultural one more than one based on intelligence or ignorance. I deal with many people in my day to day life that come from a great many countries. We also have readers from all over the world. I want them to understand exactly what we are talking about when we define what a Hustler is.
I am about to explain what a Hustler is to me.
I get around online and see others who claim to be Hustlers. Whether they want to call themselves “Hustla’s” or some other derivative of the term, I don’t really care. The sentiment is the same. They see themselves as something more. They are more than a worker, they are more than a trick, they are more than a pimp, they are more than a gangster… They are a Hustler.
I will start by telling you what a Hustler is NOT. A Hustler is not a thief, a crook, a swindler, a liar or a con artist. A Hustler may possess these skills. A Hustler may have even been one of these things in the past. But unless you drop the life of the criminal – you are a criminal. A Hustler is not a criminal.
So here is where I lay down my definition of what makes someone a Hustler. I will not be doing something cute like…
“H is for Honor”
…because, frankly, I am just not that guy.
A Hustler is someone who is or has been hungry. Personally I was hungry in the literal sense. I have gone without food for days. I have gone without a home. I have been broken down to nothing but pocket change found on the street. Now, not everyone has to be literally hungry for food. You could be hungry for money, hungry for fame, hungry for respect, hungry for knowledge or hungry for self improvement. Whatever it is that you were or are hungry for, it has to be a hunger that burns in your gut like acid. It has to make you spit fire. It has to be the single voice that rattles around in your brain when you are all alone.
Being hungry like I was makes you understand what real hunger is. You can think of nothing else. Every step you take is in the direction of the only thing that will satisfy that hunger. You will go through, around, under or over anything that gets in your way. When you haven’t eaten in days, no is not an option. When trying to understand the depth of this hunger – think about the crackhead girls who will do anything for a fix. That is the type of fixation that will keep you motivated.
A Hustler needs that hunger. Being a Hustler without hunger is like sitting in a car without gas. It might be comfortable and you might look good doing it – but you aren’t going anywhere.
A Hustler works a Hustle. I started writing this by defining all the things that could make up a Hustle. The post got incredibly long, very quickly. Here is the condensed version:
A Hustle is an activity that Hustlers devise to generate income or define their place in their community. A Hustle doesn’t have to generate income, but for most Hustlers, it must. It can be a job, a temporary project or a new business venture. A Hustle is the vehicle you take to reach your goals.
That is the basic idea.
So now we know that a Hustler needs – motivation (Hunger) and a Hustle (Plan of Action).
What next? What else does it take to make you a Hustler versus a guy with an idea and motivation?
A Hustler’s state of mind. A Hustler cannot be refused. He or She has honed their mind and skills to razor sharpness. There cannot be a doubt that what a Hustler tells you has not been completely thought out and absolutely verifiable. Sometimes this comes with experience, but not all of us have that kind of time.
I built my game when I was young. I had no experience. I had no skills other than the ability to talk other kids out of their lunch money. These were survival skills. I had to do this or I wouldn’t eat. I lived with strangers who really didn’t care about my welfare.
But where others found obstacles, I found opportunity. I don’t know how much of that is genetic and how much is conditioned. I do know that it is obvious when you meet someone with game and obvious when you see someone without. We can smell our own. We used to say “Game recognize game” back in the day. That is still true. And once you get on your game, like minded people will flock to you. But you need to develop that Hustler state of mind.
I can’t tell you how to develop a Hustler’s state of mind, but I can put you on the path. The next time you hear the word “No” ask “Why”. It doesn’t matter if someone else told you no, or if you said it to yourself.
Ask for a raise at work. If they say no, ask why. Do you need more skills? Do you need to create more sales? Do you have an attitude problem? By asking why, you are defining the obstacle. Once the obstacle is identified, a plan can be enacted.
Ask yourself if you can afford to buy your own home. No? Why? Is it because you don’t make enough money? Is it because you don’t know how to buy a home? Both can be overcome with the right plan.
Without a “No” there is no “Yes”. And that is the Hustler’s state of mind.
So this is what a Hustler is to me.
Motivation + Plan + Focus = Hustler.
Keep Hustling
The desperation mindset :How to sell like a hustler -Getting things done – the hustler mentality
Have you been putting things off because you “couldn’t find the time”? A thing or two I learned about blacks hustling on the street is that they’re poor, so they gotta hustle. Gotta do a thing or two on the streets in order to make a buck to buy a cell phone or something, haha.
So they’re out there on the streets and peddling drugs or robbing kids because that’s the only way they know how to make money. And guess what? They’re highly motivated, because they’re doing it out of desperation. No hustle, no money, no food on the table.
So they’re always out there taking action and working hard by hustling, despite what you hear about black youths being lazy.
My definition of hustling:
Anyways, for the rest of the article when I say hustle, it’s just a mentality of getting things by out smarting, out gaming and out planning.. It’s about taking action without no lame ass excuses. I consider myself the ethical hustler. In my dictionary, hustling isn’t about doing bad or shady things.
Note: There is no need to do illegal stuff when you can achieve your goals the ethical way. Just look at Conrad Black, he’s a hustler but in a shady way. If he was ethical, he would’ve stayed out of prison.
No lame excuses, getting things done:
I wanted to make money on the Internet, but didn’t really know how. So I ordered an ebook called “The Rich Jerk”. He called me a loser and told me to make money on th Internet. So I did.
I sell info products on the Internet, at first I didn’t know anything about Internet Marketing, but I read, took action (registered domain name, signed up for paypal, read about copywriting and marketing, SEO and web traffic, ebooks and ebook cover etc) and in a matter of 3 weeks I got my first ebook up and running
The hustler mentality is about getting things done and just grinding it through. Kinda like grinding on the poker table where you just wait for good hands and play it well for good profit, instead of struggling to win marginal hands.
Kinda like that one time where I was at a new city with with no car, no place to sleep in (the place I was staying in was 3 hours away) so I was there for the weekend, playing poker for 15 hours straight at the casino, then passing out at a random lounge in a university campus, wake up, hustle for some free drinks off a chick and going back to the casino again.
The motto I live by is “no excuse, no regret, no remorse”. (Yeah and I invented it, gimme credit :))
Why you should adopt the hustler mentality:
If you feel the need to be motivated, and think of yourself as an independent person who takes action to get things done instead of waiting for that elusive someday, adopting the hustler mentality is a good way to motivate yourself. Day in and day out, you gotta hustle, take action and accomplish your vision, whatever it may be. Out smart, out plan and out game.
Your Hustler Education
There are three books I recommend you to read for your hustler education. (And of course, you’re continually educating yourself everyday, right?) The three to get you into the mind set is:
1.48 Laws of Power by Robert Green
2.You Can Negotiate Anything By Herb Cohen
3.The 4 Hours Work Week By Timothy Ferriss
They’re awesome books to start thinking outside the box type of deal. Oh yeah, John Chow is an evil Internet Hustler, check his website out.
Are you ready?
The truth is, you’re never ready. You can never have enough security or knowledge. But what you can do is be mentally prepared and take action and be in the moment. Think on your feet, adjust to improve yourself in the moment after that moment, and all is good.
Don’t be afraid to be embarrass, make a fool out of yourself in front of everyone, go broke or have a heckler name call you. (By the way, once I round house kick a heckler in a face but that’s another story)
Have you been putting things off because you “couldn’t find the time”? A thing or two I learned about blacks hustling on the street is that they’re poor, so they gotta hustle. Gotta do a thing or two on the streets in order to make a buck to buy a cell phone or something, haha.
So they’re out there on the streets and peddling drugs or robbing kids because that’s the only way they know how to make money. And guess what? They’re highly motivated, because they’re doing it out of desperation. No hustle, no money, no food on the table.
So they’re always out there taking action and working hard by hustling, despite what you hear about black youths being lazy.
My definition of hustling:
Anyways, for the rest of the article when I say hustle, it’s just a mentality of getting things by out smarting, out gaming and out planning.. It’s about taking action without no lame ass excuses. I consider myself the ethical hustler. In my dictionary, hustling isn’t about doing bad or shady things.
Note: There is no need to do illegal stuff when you can achieve your goals the ethical way. Just look at Conrad Black, he’s a hustler but in a shady way. If he was ethical, he would’ve stayed out of prison.
No lame excuses, getting things done:
I wanted to make money on the Internet, but didn’t really know how. So I ordered an ebook called “The Rich Jerk”. He called me a loser and told me to make money on th Internet. So I did.
I sell info products on the Internet, at first I didn’t know anything about Internet Marketing, but I read, took action (registered domain name, signed up for paypal, read about copywriting and marketing, SEO and web traffic, ebooks and ebook cover etc) and in a matter of 3 weeks I got my first ebook up and running
The hustler mentality is about getting things done and just grinding it through. Kinda like grinding on the poker table where you just wait for good hands and play it well for good profit, instead of struggling to win marginal hands.
Kinda like that one time where I was at a new city with with no car, no place to sleep in (the place I was staying in was 3 hours away) so I was there for the weekend, playing poker for 15 hours straight at the casino, then passing out at a random lounge in a university campus, wake up, hustle for some free drinks off a chick and going back to the casino again.
The motto I live by is “no excuse, no regret, no remorse”. (Yeah and I invented it, gimme credit :))
Why you should adopt the hustler mentality:
If you feel the need to be motivated, and think of yourself as an independent person who takes action to get things done instead of waiting for that elusive someday, adopting the hustler mentality is a good way to motivate yourself. Day in and day out, you gotta hustle, take action and accomplish your vision, whatever it may be. Out smart, out plan and out game.
Your Hustler Education
There are three books I recommend you to read for your hustler education. (And of course, you’re continually educating yourself everyday, right?) The three to get you into the mind set is:
1.48 Laws of Power by Robert Green
2.You Can Negotiate Anything By Herb Cohen
3.The 4 Hours Work Week By Timothy Ferriss
They’re awesome books to start thinking outside the box type of deal. Oh yeah, John Chow is an evil Internet Hustler, check his website out.
Are you ready?
The truth is, you’re never ready. You can never have enough security or knowledge. But what you can do is be mentally prepared and take action and be in the moment. Think on your feet, adjust to improve yourself in the moment after that moment, and all is good.
Don’t be afraid to be embarrass, make a fool out of yourself in front of everyone, go broke or have a heckler name call you. (By the way, once I round house kick a heckler in a face but that’s another story)
Iceberg Slim Interview On Leaving The Pimp Game And Starting A Family
Q: What was your main hustle when you were at your peak?
A: Ressin' and dressin'. I just rested and dressed. And petted my dog and ate chocolates and slept on satin sheets. And went to the penitentiary periodically, I might add. It was interesting- to survive it and still be able to make sense. After all, I talked to a fellow who was the brightest among us. I can't call his name. And the last time I saw him about a year and a half ago, I didn't know what he was talking about. He was almost gibberish. His brain was shot- the circuitry was gone. He was so fast, man, in his prime. He just vibrated. He'd had a heart attack. That was when I realized I hadn't missed anything in squaring up . And when I came back to Chicago a year and a half ago for the first time in 11 years I wondered what had fascinated me, man. This shows you what happened to me in California , right- something aside from the transition from that to writing happened. It had to, man, if I'm viewing Chicago as a place of great ugliness when I used to even love the clouds of dirt that fell.
Q: In the book Pimp you wrote that you were "almost certain that the principles of good pimping apply to all man-and-woman relationships." Will you expand on that?
A: What I was saying was that the pimp overtly and almost with inhibition, denigrates and despoils the sexual object. His mauling of the sexual object is perhaps a more severe version of what happens in conventional relationships. For instance, in so-called "square" sexual bouts, the woman winds up, of course, flat on her back in a submissive position. If a man is aware of what sexual button to push to enhance a woman's gratification, he will bite her with the proper degree of ferocity. If he inflicted that kind of punishment on her when she was not in a state of rapture, she would resent it... The kiss-kick ritual is at the very root of the pimp's sexuality. My theory is that some quantum of pimp in every man would perhaps enhance his approach to women, because I think it's a truism that women gravitate to a man who can at least flash transient evidence of heelism. I think that the angelic. completely pure paragon, is not too interesting. Women are prone to masochism , anyway. I think if you are able to manufacture a bit of "heelism" in your nature and give them a sense of insecurity as to whether some voluptuous rival might come along and steal you, then you are a treasured jewel. I think women are it. It's the concept of the pimp who has one whore, who'll create a competitive situation to gadfly the one whore he's got, will manufacture and create the illusion that he has another whore who's sending him money orders from some whorehouse upstate. And he will ecstatically unfurl the money order, which, ironically, is the money that the one whore has made.
Q: Of all the pimps, you have been the only one who has written extensively about your experiences. What prompted you to write?
A: Nothing prompted me. First of all, I am of superior intelligence. We start with that premise. If we start with the subsidiary premise that I have a family, and because I am my age and they are infants, I have to make a necessary imprint. If you don't make an imprint you aren't going to be able to get large sums of money. That's absolutely if you're a ******. You've got to be spectacular and transcendental- otherwise you ain't gonna get a whole lot of bread.
If I were alone, If I didn't have three beautiful daughters, I could just rest on my laurels and just sit at home and live off $12,000 or $15,000 a year, and that would be the end of it. But I know that I can't do that. I know that I've got to find some way to make the kind of imprint that will get me very quickly large sums of money so that I could put the proper cushioning under my children. So that if I should pass away suddenly, then I have made arrangements for my three daughters and my son. But most of all I should like to prove to the world, to dispel the myth that street ******s are devoid of intellect. You know that's a myth. They think we are devoid of wit. I want to prove to older black men, just because your past age 50, man, don't give up.
Q: How did you learn to write?
A: Can you imagine when you're 55 how desperately- since you've been removed from that ferocious competition that is pimping- you would bring the same drives to this other world. I've always been a creature of pressure. My wife is 20 years younger than I. She represents another gadfly. It's no one particular thing but rather a number of things- a man married to a woman 20 years younger, infant children, displaced pimp, 55. I've got to try.
Q: As a rule, pimps find it practical to be distant in their relations with women. In fact, you trade name derives from your icy nature. Have you been able to warm up to your wife and children?
A: Yes, but with my wife there's a difference. She's been with me for more than 11 years. Do you understand how horrible it would be for Iceberg Slim to be with a woman who wasn't with him from the beginning- when Iceberg Slim was fresh out of prison. This woman was with me when I ain't had two red quarters to put together.
Now my ambition is to be as good as a father as I was a pimp. But at first I couldn't express love for my daughters because they were female. I can do it now. But you know what pulled my coat . You know how balmy the weather is in L.A. , right. There're scores of fathers- black and white- with the supermarket syndrome. They ride their kids in carts. And you see fathers in California doing the shopping and all. When I first saw it, man- these fathers kissing their children, fondling them- I just looked and said to myself, 'That ****** is a shonuff father.' I know I wasn't so sick that I couldn't realize that eh knew what to do, or that he wasn't flawed.
So that's what woke me up to the fact that something was wrong with me. I would stand off from all my children and I had a morbid fear of being kissed by them. When you're a pimp, you're only as sweet as the money. They were like little whores and I say, 'Now get out of here.' They would giggle and laugh at me. That's bad medicine for a kid, you understand what I mean. The rationale was 'they like that,' I'd tell the old lady. She'd just look at me. She'd say, 'They ain't gonna understand their daddy.'
Now I had a habit- just to show you how erudite my old lady is- of picking up my kids with their back toward me. She said, 'Daddy, dear, they can't feel secure in that position. Don't hold them with their backs to you. The supporting thing isn't there.' I would say to myself, 'Of course she's right. There ain't no support- no security there.' Ain't that a *****- I didn't know that, slick as I try to be.
Q: Why did you get out of pimping?
A: I got out of it because I was old. I did not want to be teased, tormented and brutalized by young whore. And there were too many young dudes, dressing well, looking pretty and talking good- to these young whores.
Q: What was your next step?
A: Ringing doorbells and selling insecticide.
Q: You were quoted in the book Black Players as saying you were "ecstatic" about leaving the life .
A: Oooooow, God ! I leave the door open in hotel rooms. I take the chain and put it so the door can't lock and I might take a nap. I don't have to worry because I ain't stupid enough like old pimps to have that gangster grass or any other contraband with me as I travel. I ain't worried about no rollers [police detectives]. I ain't gonna do nothing wrong. Ain't no way they can indict me for anything. I don't even entertain women. I don't have no sexual contact with women.
Q: Has pimping changed since you quit?
A: Pimping has to change, man, because you see, women changed. With the advent of television young girls could see the opulence of the inside of star's homes. The girl would see authentic opulence. Then when the pimp would take them to these bares [empty apartments]. A pimp would buy yard goods. He'd have his bottom woman go down and get satin by the bolt. He would take sometimes tacks and cover a wall with satin, so there was only a kind of sleazy opulence. So when the pimp would take these young girls, who had already seen true opulence via the boob tube, it didn't have the true impact he wanted. She was not aswoon at this synthetic splendor.
And there was a proliferation of luxury cars with the end of the war (World War II). Shoeshiners had Cadillacs. They might've been selling a little gangster on the side, but they still had Cadillacs. Where formerly only pimps and high powered gamblers and numbers bankers had these luxury cars, there was just a proliferation of them. No young girl is titillated because she sees a new Eldorado. She isn't stunned or hypnotized as she once was when some dude would pull up in one of them long Caddies.
These are some of the things that happened. Maybe this is why large numbers of pimps started using the more potent means of persuasion and treatment and recruitment, like getting the whores hooked on hard stuff, because it it a sure shot. It was the muting of the impact of what was formerly potent.
So the young pimp's reached the point where he now uses heroin as his principle weapon as he's evolved into this negative position.
Q: Isn't a woman useless if she's on drugs.
A: If she's 17, 18, or 19, and if she's supplied with drugs that are relatively good- in other words you don't have two and three percent stuff- she ain't going to get sick. You know what's bad about drug addiction. Man, it ain't the drugs that you shoot- it's if you are a hustler and if you have to hustle or steal or do whatever that you do when you're sick. And you go for X number of hours and be under stress and tension of trying to tilt that or pick a pocket, and you're sicker than a __________. Then you multiply these various times when you are sick- this is what pulls you down.
That's what's wrong about drugs, but I never say this, of course. I don't want to give anybody the impression that it's therapeutic. I never looked like I had a habit. You couldn't tell I had a habit unless you were a roller [detective] and examined me. Then you could tell because it's like embalming fluid. That's the proper parallel. You just have to keep lots of it in the corpse. That's what you are.
Q: Why do you think there are so few white pimps?
A: Because there's so many other areas of chicanery, which are much more lucrative, that are open to white fellows. White men who have those instincts that would lead them to pimping prey on rich widows and there're literally just hundreds of thousands of them who have enough money that makes them a worthwhile target. So the pernicious white man, instead of pimping, shoots for one mark, one victim and he takes that broad and spends it on flashy young broads and makes the Vegas scene. If he's really a top-notcher, he makes the French Riviera . They are called ' players '. Most white guys became players because they've got the prey. They don't really have to come down to street level to get their bread. White widows with $80,000 or $90,000 are not uncommon. They don't even cause a social ripple. You know- some white woman with $90,000- she ain't got no money according to this country's standards. If a black widow or a black woman has $90,000, man, my God - she's rich. You know these food places that are really busy like barbecue joints where they give you a ticket. Well, that's what she'd have to do. She'd have to interview ******s because they'd be playing for that 90 grand. Here again the same old opportunity and plethora of opportunity. Who wants to pimp? Why would a personable, attractive young white guy have to get down on the street level? It ain't worth it if you're white. All right, so you're getting a grand a week from all three girls- that's $3,000 a week. Then you got your nut- the police. All of the convoluted thinking that it takes just to keep a stable together and move from one posh watering and feeding spot to another and rip 'em off.
Large numbers of white pimps just have not had to do that raunchy kind of hustling that the black pimp must do. You know, there're droves of young ******s who want to pimp just to get an Eldorado, and that doesn't require a hell of a lot as you know. I mean if you can somehow get together $2,000 or $3,000 you can put a ride on the street- an Eldorado. But white guys shoot for larger goals, and most white hustlers are better educated than the average street-aspired black hustler They just don't have to stoop.
Q: You said in the preface to your autobiography that you aim was to save youngsters from the same kind of life you lived. Have you?
A: No. They rationalize. They think they'd be slicker than I. It's almost impossible to dissuade young dudes who're already street poisoned because almost without exception they have no recourse but to think they're slicker than Iceberg. They think I'm some sort of anachronism.
Q: What was your main hustle when you were at your peak?
A: Ressin' and dressin'. I just rested and dressed. And petted my dog and ate chocolates and slept on satin sheets. And went to the penitentiary periodically, I might add. It was interesting- to survive it and still be able to make sense. After all, I talked to a fellow who was the brightest among us. I can't call his name. And the last time I saw him about a year and a half ago, I didn't know what he was talking about. He was almost gibberish. His brain was shot- the circuitry was gone. He was so fast, man, in his prime. He just vibrated. He'd had a heart attack. That was when I realized I hadn't missed anything in squaring up . And when I came back to Chicago a year and a half ago for the first time in 11 years I wondered what had fascinated me, man. This shows you what happened to me in California , right- something aside from the transition from that to writing happened. It had to, man, if I'm viewing Chicago as a place of great ugliness when I used to even love the clouds of dirt that fell.
Q: In the book Pimp you wrote that you were "almost certain that the principles of good pimping apply to all man-and-woman relationships." Will you expand on that?
A: What I was saying was that the pimp overtly and almost with inhibition, denigrates and despoils the sexual object. His mauling of the sexual object is perhaps a more severe version of what happens in conventional relationships. For instance, in so-called "square" sexual bouts, the woman winds up, of course, flat on her back in a submissive position. If a man is aware of what sexual button to push to enhance a woman's gratification, he will bite her with the proper degree of ferocity. If he inflicted that kind of punishment on her when she was not in a state of rapture, she would resent it... The kiss-kick ritual is at the very root of the pimp's sexuality. My theory is that some quantum of pimp in every man would perhaps enhance his approach to women, because I think it's a truism that women gravitate to a man who can at least flash transient evidence of heelism. I think that the angelic. completely pure paragon, is not too interesting. Women are prone to masochism , anyway. I think if you are able to manufacture a bit of "heelism" in your nature and give them a sense of insecurity as to whether some voluptuous rival might come along and steal you, then you are a treasured jewel. I think women are it. It's the concept of the pimp who has one whore, who'll create a competitive situation to gadfly the one whore he's got, will manufacture and create the illusion that he has another whore who's sending him money orders from some whorehouse upstate. And he will ecstatically unfurl the money order, which, ironically, is the money that the one whore has made.
Q: Of all the pimps, you have been the only one who has written extensively about your experiences. What prompted you to write?
A: Nothing prompted me. First of all, I am of superior intelligence. We start with that premise. If we start with the subsidiary premise that I have a family, and because I am my age and they are infants, I have to make a necessary imprint. If you don't make an imprint you aren't going to be able to get large sums of money. That's absolutely if you're a ******. You've got to be spectacular and transcendental- otherwise you ain't gonna get a whole lot of bread.
If I were alone, If I didn't have three beautiful daughters, I could just rest on my laurels and just sit at home and live off $12,000 or $15,000 a year, and that would be the end of it. But I know that I can't do that. I know that I've got to find some way to make the kind of imprint that will get me very quickly large sums of money so that I could put the proper cushioning under my children. So that if I should pass away suddenly, then I have made arrangements for my three daughters and my son. But most of all I should like to prove to the world, to dispel the myth that street ******s are devoid of intellect. You know that's a myth. They think we are devoid of wit. I want to prove to older black men, just because your past age 50, man, don't give up.
Q: How did you learn to write?
A: Can you imagine when you're 55 how desperately- since you've been removed from that ferocious competition that is pimping- you would bring the same drives to this other world. I've always been a creature of pressure. My wife is 20 years younger than I. She represents another gadfly. It's no one particular thing but rather a number of things- a man married to a woman 20 years younger, infant children, displaced pimp, 55. I've got to try.
Q: As a rule, pimps find it practical to be distant in their relations with women. In fact, you trade name derives from your icy nature. Have you been able to warm up to your wife and children?
A: Yes, but with my wife there's a difference. She's been with me for more than 11 years. Do you understand how horrible it would be for Iceberg Slim to be with a woman who wasn't with him from the beginning- when Iceberg Slim was fresh out of prison. This woman was with me when I ain't had two red quarters to put together.
Now my ambition is to be as good as a father as I was a pimp. But at first I couldn't express love for my daughters because they were female. I can do it now. But you know what pulled my coat . You know how balmy the weather is in L.A. , right. There're scores of fathers- black and white- with the supermarket syndrome. They ride their kids in carts. And you see fathers in California doing the shopping and all. When I first saw it, man- these fathers kissing their children, fondling them- I just looked and said to myself, 'That ****** is a shonuff father.' I know I wasn't so sick that I couldn't realize that eh knew what to do, or that he wasn't flawed.
So that's what woke me up to the fact that something was wrong with me. I would stand off from all my children and I had a morbid fear of being kissed by them. When you're a pimp, you're only as sweet as the money. They were like little whores and I say, 'Now get out of here.' They would giggle and laugh at me. That's bad medicine for a kid, you understand what I mean. The rationale was 'they like that,' I'd tell the old lady. She'd just look at me. She'd say, 'They ain't gonna understand their daddy.'
Now I had a habit- just to show you how erudite my old lady is- of picking up my kids with their back toward me. She said, 'Daddy, dear, they can't feel secure in that position. Don't hold them with their backs to you. The supporting thing isn't there.' I would say to myself, 'Of course she's right. There ain't no support- no security there.' Ain't that a *****- I didn't know that, slick as I try to be.
Q: Why did you get out of pimping?
A: I got out of it because I was old. I did not want to be teased, tormented and brutalized by young whore. And there were too many young dudes, dressing well, looking pretty and talking good- to these young whores.
Q: What was your next step?
A: Ringing doorbells and selling insecticide.
Q: You were quoted in the book Black Players as saying you were "ecstatic" about leaving the life .
A: Oooooow, God ! I leave the door open in hotel rooms. I take the chain and put it so the door can't lock and I might take a nap. I don't have to worry because I ain't stupid enough like old pimps to have that gangster grass or any other contraband with me as I travel. I ain't worried about no rollers [police detectives]. I ain't gonna do nothing wrong. Ain't no way they can indict me for anything. I don't even entertain women. I don't have no sexual contact with women.
Q: Has pimping changed since you quit?
A: Pimping has to change, man, because you see, women changed. With the advent of television young girls could see the opulence of the inside of star's homes. The girl would see authentic opulence. Then when the pimp would take them to these bares [empty apartments]. A pimp would buy yard goods. He'd have his bottom woman go down and get satin by the bolt. He would take sometimes tacks and cover a wall with satin, so there was only a kind of sleazy opulence. So when the pimp would take these young girls, who had already seen true opulence via the boob tube, it didn't have the true impact he wanted. She was not aswoon at this synthetic splendor.
And there was a proliferation of luxury cars with the end of the war (World War II). Shoeshiners had Cadillacs. They might've been selling a little gangster on the side, but they still had Cadillacs. Where formerly only pimps and high powered gamblers and numbers bankers had these luxury cars, there was just a proliferation of them. No young girl is titillated because she sees a new Eldorado. She isn't stunned or hypnotized as she once was when some dude would pull up in one of them long Caddies.
These are some of the things that happened. Maybe this is why large numbers of pimps started using the more potent means of persuasion and treatment and recruitment, like getting the whores hooked on hard stuff, because it it a sure shot. It was the muting of the impact of what was formerly potent.
So the young pimp's reached the point where he now uses heroin as his principle weapon as he's evolved into this negative position.
Q: Isn't a woman useless if she's on drugs.
A: If she's 17, 18, or 19, and if she's supplied with drugs that are relatively good- in other words you don't have two and three percent stuff- she ain't going to get sick. You know what's bad about drug addiction. Man, it ain't the drugs that you shoot- it's if you are a hustler and if you have to hustle or steal or do whatever that you do when you're sick. And you go for X number of hours and be under stress and tension of trying to tilt that or pick a pocket, and you're sicker than a __________. Then you multiply these various times when you are sick- this is what pulls you down.
That's what's wrong about drugs, but I never say this, of course. I don't want to give anybody the impression that it's therapeutic. I never looked like I had a habit. You couldn't tell I had a habit unless you were a roller [detective] and examined me. Then you could tell because it's like embalming fluid. That's the proper parallel. You just have to keep lots of it in the corpse. That's what you are.
Q: Why do you think there are so few white pimps?
A: Because there's so many other areas of chicanery, which are much more lucrative, that are open to white fellows. White men who have those instincts that would lead them to pimping prey on rich widows and there're literally just hundreds of thousands of them who have enough money that makes them a worthwhile target. So the pernicious white man, instead of pimping, shoots for one mark, one victim and he takes that broad and spends it on flashy young broads and makes the Vegas scene. If he's really a top-notcher, he makes the French Riviera . They are called ' players '. Most white guys became players because they've got the prey. They don't really have to come down to street level to get their bread. White widows with $80,000 or $90,000 are not uncommon. They don't even cause a social ripple. You know- some white woman with $90,000- she ain't got no money according to this country's standards. If a black widow or a black woman has $90,000, man, my God - she's rich. You know these food places that are really busy like barbecue joints where they give you a ticket. Well, that's what she'd have to do. She'd have to interview ******s because they'd be playing for that 90 grand. Here again the same old opportunity and plethora of opportunity. Who wants to pimp? Why would a personable, attractive young white guy have to get down on the street level? It ain't worth it if you're white. All right, so you're getting a grand a week from all three girls- that's $3,000 a week. Then you got your nut- the police. All of the convoluted thinking that it takes just to keep a stable together and move from one posh watering and feeding spot to another and rip 'em off.
Large numbers of white pimps just have not had to do that raunchy kind of hustling that the black pimp must do. You know, there're droves of young ******s who want to pimp just to get an Eldorado, and that doesn't require a hell of a lot as you know. I mean if you can somehow get together $2,000 or $3,000 you can put a ride on the street- an Eldorado. But white guys shoot for larger goals, and most white hustlers are better educated than the average street-aspired black hustler They just don't have to stoop.
Q: You said in the preface to your autobiography that you aim was to save youngsters from the same kind of life you lived. Have you?
A: No. They rationalize. They think they'd be slicker than I. It's almost impossible to dissuade young dudes who're already street poisoned because almost without exception they have no recourse but to think they're slicker than Iceberg. They think I'm some sort of anachronism.
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
some music to ride to and inspirational shit from Bukowski and Iceberg Slim
some videos I found inspirateion on these days
Keep Pimp'in.
Cali pimps demonstrates how to escalate on girls already intersted in you
2009 rebecca and trish
rebecca comes in and is attracted look to cali pimp
trish is somewhat more feminine and he runs game on one in a room as he comes out he is purely sexual and physical dominant in an arousal form. she gets on her knees within seconds to suck his cock ,later she joins them in a 3 way cock sucking and cali pimps kicks her face .lol.
eventhough that awkward situation she is till into it.
trish comes back ... great thing this cali pimp material.
rebecca comes in and is attracted look to cali pimp
trish is somewhat more feminine and he runs game on one in a room as he comes out he is purely sexual and physical dominant in an arousal form. she gets on her knees within seconds to suck his cock ,later she joins them in a 3 way cock sucking and cali pimps kicks her face .lol.
eventhough that awkward situation she is till into it.
trish comes back ... great thing this cali pimp material.
discovery what typical south beach girl likes to do.......?
Things that I like to do in Miami Beach
I like to go to the beach, walk on lincoln rd, go to happy hours at the Gables, watch movies, play volleyball, dancing, lounging at segafredo or enso lounge, go to hard rock casino, go to any art festival or the monthly gallery walk in design district and bar hopping at Brickell.
Places that I like to take a date in Miami Beach
vizcaya gardens, gallery walk, red bar, tapas and tintos in espanola way, the grove
Celebrity that I most resemble
Brooke Burke
I like to go to the beach, walk on lincoln rd, go to happy hours at the Gables, watch movies, play volleyball, dancing, lounging at segafredo or enso lounge, go to hard rock casino, go to any art festival or the monthly gallery walk in design district and bar hopping at Brickell.
Places that I like to take a date in Miami Beach
vizcaya gardens, gallery walk, red bar, tapas and tintos in espanola way, the grove
Celebrity that I most resemble
Brooke Burke
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
health wealth relationships review update
I felt that eventhough friends have told me my game was good but I needed to work on my career and my weight I always worried about my skills wandering away.
I spoke to Mark awhile back and told me its like a muscle and that its important qualities that dealing with career and health,....independence and aggression you get by living outside of your parents home.
So I feel I have enough material to look over if I wanted to get back into the GAME.
I have to work on my weight and creating a lifestyle to control it for once and is too short to get in shape when Im sick or dying.
also my career, withou it I feel Im living dead person.
so I will go out at times but it will be limited.
maybe stripper game.
still I think its things like lifestyle and independence in my head and in reality that hold me back.
yes I can get laid but I think that it will shift my focus from my main goals or like brain tracy says my FROG.
Im working on figuring out better ways to deal with situation, I am a dreamer so I have to control that driftness and get into reality and take action.
as well as excersize part.
I had skimmed mystery's book and saw maslows thoery and health wealth relationships part.
and game isnt all success.
its necessary health : good body reflects how you love yourself
wealth: reflects how you take care of yourself provider
I thin I had an illusion with my friend and that time I just followed what he told me and I nevr worried about money school or living expenses or anything like that.
I got laid.
still he has health and wealth to cover his lifestyle.
he covers his lifestyle and then plays the game like a fucking hobby, shoot fish in a bucket.
his language is finnesse, he uses alot of wording rephrasing
positive EUPHEMISMS and positive reenforcers to the behaviour
I spoke to Mark awhile back and told me its like a muscle and that its important qualities that dealing with career and health,....independence and aggression you get by living outside of your parents home.
So I feel I have enough material to look over if I wanted to get back into the GAME.
I have to work on my weight and creating a lifestyle to control it for once and is too short to get in shape when Im sick or dying.
also my career, withou it I feel Im living dead person.
so I will go out at times but it will be limited.
maybe stripper game.
still I think its things like lifestyle and independence in my head and in reality that hold me back.
yes I can get laid but I think that it will shift my focus from my main goals or like brain tracy says my FROG.
Im working on figuring out better ways to deal with situation, I am a dreamer so I have to control that driftness and get into reality and take action.
as well as excersize part.
I had skimmed mystery's book and saw maslows thoery and health wealth relationships part.
and game isnt all success.
its necessary health : good body reflects how you love yourself
wealth: reflects how you take care of yourself provider
I thin I had an illusion with my friend and that time I just followed what he told me and I nevr worried about money school or living expenses or anything like that.
I got laid.
still he has health and wealth to cover his lifestyle.
he covers his lifestyle and then plays the game like a fucking hobby, shoot fish in a bucket.
his language is finnesse, he uses alot of wording rephrasing
positive EUPHEMISMS and positive reenforcers to the behaviour
Kiss kick ritual what is it???
I've been shitty to all of them bitches for no reason, well I take that back I have a reason: Keep them Bitches on they Toes like they Suppose, ya heard? I myself am fascinated by tha reality that you must treat bitches shitty, then follow that up with treating them good, it's like a "Kick-Kiss" Ritual, it's like a dance between me and my bitches. You see you can't be good to a bitch all tha time, she'll think you are a weenie and proceed to treat you like that, then once that happens it's a wrap. Tha flip side to that is that you can't treat a bitch straight shitty all tha time cause then you're a fucken demon, tha skies are always grey, tha bitch will eventually defect. Tha Middle path is tha true way, tha "Kick-Kiss" Ritual is eternal, Just like tha MackGame itself. I've been increasing this dynamic, I'ts brinning tha best outta my Team over all, Oblation is Up!
a contemptibly dishonorable or irresponsible person.
Basically, a "heel" is the bad guy. If you ever watched pro-wrestling, the characters are either "heels" or "faces", which derives from "babyface." In other words, bad guys and good guys. Same concept here. He's saying that a woman doesn't want a totally pristine nice guy. She wants to know that there is a darker, more unpredictable side to you.
Kiss-kick... I'm pretty sure he means "push-pull"... generating some negative or insecure emotions while also giving her positive emotions. It's more dynamic and exciting than just experiencing ONE shade of emotion. Can't have good without evil, right? If evil didn't exist in the world, we'd take the good for granted and maybe even grow bored of it. But because there is evil, we treasure the good.
That's really simplified.
a contemptibly dishonorable or irresponsible person.
Basically, a "heel" is the bad guy. If you ever watched pro-wrestling, the characters are either "heels" or "faces", which derives from "babyface." In other words, bad guys and good guys. Same concept here. He's saying that a woman doesn't want a totally pristine nice guy. She wants to know that there is a darker, more unpredictable side to you.
Kiss-kick... I'm pretty sure he means "push-pull"... generating some negative or insecure emotions while also giving her positive emotions. It's more dynamic and exciting than just experiencing ONE shade of emotion. Can't have good without evil, right? If evil didn't exist in the world, we'd take the good for granted and maybe even grow bored of it. But because there is evil, we treasure the good.
That's really simplified.
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