was she in uniform? basically a hired gun right,working the night? :)
different style of game.she is paid to be friendly. distinguish if she was or wasnt.
this is social proof game.basic psycology.good always be outside the comfort zone, either in the gym or the jungle ;)
nonverbals on openeing are stronger than taps for me personally based on my results with Jesse's nonverbal sexual material.
Touching is VERY important but its advanced i guess.Im not aware of the touching as before I do it on high points when she smiles or is super positive like rewarding her in unconcious way.
I can tell you are calibrated when you tap and open so you wont have to scream or be too try hard loud to open her.
good attraction game and works well with hot chicks, that last end was a shit test.
why you stop?
number close right after that comment with random chat non sexually related and tell her :
" you are funny I like you..a little bit... dont get your hopes up too fast ;) lets hang out sometime ...soon
*pull out your cool android phone*
whats your number ?"
*smile as you save and text her right there.*
Jesse is right about his observation, fatties can suck your dick on a slow night bud.lol.
you tease fatties too much they get bitchy. too alpha on fatties is too much.
you got back the energy what you gave out to them.
go easy on fatties okey :) do it for sandee
Good, my best game is SOLO game. you get good fast like this bro.this will stick in your head and you will never forget.
good job!
workout at gym first, be happy and positive and open to new experiences, its what you make of it.
best guys always find ways to gettting it done, no matter the obstacles we at times may put ourselves.
be there to hang out and then open the girls. theres no other way to improve fast in this, business and any socially related issue if you dont have people skills.
you are doing this for your benefit not to entertain anyone.[/QUOTE]
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