Saturday, December 17, 2011

hb sstripper minn retread

Guys I had to write this cause this opened my mind and got me actively pursuing wo any force or neediness.I used her non responsive apathetic flake behaviour to my advantage without me doing "anything".I will explain much detail as possible hoping you learn advanced stripper game. Its the shiznick!.will comeback and write to sleep now to wake up early in of recent breakthrough due to my inner game awakening as mentioned in my recent post on this forum.I will post on my private blog aswell keeping this exclusive stripper Game material you won't find anywhere bs just pure psycology 101 and investment theory. Key to any woman.even a stripper pro if you keep your strong frame without bending or pouting. Peace

sorry it took me awhile to write this but I found it awesome.
if you read stripper FR the one that wanted to fuck her that same night then this is the same girl we will mention here.

I had planned to go to office holiday party and invite this hot chick to social proof me.Ive lost several pounds just reducing my caloric intake and few carbs and cardio mornin and night.

I looked tone down in few days believe it or not,its all in power of determination and persistance. which I mention in my post.

I recontacted stripper and we had short banter texts, then not to be needy or eager sent her laid back texts, I dont do any high energy texts unless chick is young inexperienced and I gauged her personality type before so I screen ALL girls with rapport.

so since she was vague and shit tested me by text to go to the club to her work instead of date or after work, I wouldnt respond or she would create a vaccum a space for me to chase.
this is a hot 27 stripper who is a pro 6yrs doing this is considered a PRO  you guys.this is byfar pua's worst nightmare for anytype of gaming, typical MM based stripper game doesnt work!

that being said. I tried reinitiate response with Breaking rapport and qualifier. she didnt respond.

that same night my friend was hosting bachelor party and he invited me out, I was there and some insights on game and inner game came to me. my calibration was onpoint, microcalibration review of theory and just taking my own advice of moving on to the next and leading.

I noticed as I came in everybody sees you, its same as club game night game. but your state has to be in a weird way outside the place, like buddist monk. your inner peace has to be incheck prior opening girls. also be there to hang out not to join other guys staring at chicks.

my friend took me aside and started talking to me and social proof me in ridiculous ways youd never imagine, vip room ,everywhere he even took me in privately to talk.
 he doesnt give a a fuck.he is a shark and he is soo good he pulls strings to make people spend money. he says hi to everybody and he tips everygirl in the club to say hi.basic social proof, he isnt there to game just to say hi and earn respect. he is a shark and knows the GAME.

 so I lead the group to sit on the ideal place to actually game girls, I never talk any game stuff even when Im winging someone, NEVER, pua theory and analyzing is worst enemy.

taking action is better step  than just thinking about it and dwelling about it in game.

so I led and start bt spiking the guys, being cool friendliness   normal and back and forth. then girls started swarming and eventhough I bought my own drink, they offered to buy me drink cause they thought I was super cool guy. We were all having a good time better than they were before I was leading. then we got bottel of champagen and we were the loudest there at the club

then in that good state I text this chick, hey im at your

she responds Im here too where?

Im like yeah whatever yes im here w bachelor party group


no,Im w x frend from management.

then Im talking to this cool guy from the group  and we are
laughin and having a great time and then he taps me on my shoulder and tells me hey this chick is looking for you.


yes its her, she looks at me and says OMG
she sits down next to me and we look at each other.
I feel chemistry all around great vibe, I give her some dom perignon to sip and have her leg on my lap. I told her I didnt recognize her cause its been so long. and tease her.
she was being herself now. she looked cute but very different from what I pictured her in my head.less attractive but cute.

I build comfort talkign about her kid and she opened up and complimented her doing a good job. and asked her out next day for a meetup she was hesitant at first and it was legitimate time constraint  I pulled back saying thats too bad, I wanted to see you before you left for the holidays. she told me when she was leaving and when she was coming back I went in a dhv about her hometown and me ,which was an anchor and she offered to take me out if Id stopped by.

this vibe was soooo different from the texting vibe she gave off.
in person conversation and rapport and arousal is better for closing in person the same night.

you can try by text but only after you have exchanged good attraction first and really set the stage to have her chase you or open to have her contact you or sublte ways of making her invest and comply, little by little makes it a habit and she backwards rationalize that she likes you, more than what she thinks and it validates her emotions.

this has to be SOLID game and blueprint to any girl.

so after I threw in for next day and she told her to text her next day. we were staring at each others eyes like we both werent at the club. we were going to make out but thats a no no for management.
Im a shark
I threw in that I brought the guys in and making money for the club.which is DHV in disguise only smelled by strippers that IM not a customer.

I told her I have to get up early and liked to see her again.
she was being genuine and all, she isnt all too feminine but she is very open minded and she talks what she thinks.

she is abit crazy, crazy in good way and crazy in not a good way.that means that I can not take this girl emotionally serious what she says and what she does,

any flake  any nonresponsive text cant affect me at all.
she is down to have a guy lead her,period.

problem is that she is really needing money for her kid. and it overides any of her own needs right now.or relationships.

I can go deep in this Im sure but I think it would fuck me up mentally and it would drain me to have this high end GF when Im just broke and starting off my career.

also she is crazy in her won world cause she has belief she can have a good time with anyone but she believes to be paid for her time.regardless, she is trying to survive not bad way but its her way of coping with her own living.
so its alot of baggage, I can text her to meet up I know what time she told me is good time to meet with her by herself,

no date no waste of time conversation,
we emotionally connect fast when we see each other
so its there.

but she is looking for a provider and she is a PRO and she is logical with this shit.
so its a rare and hard call.

the fucking isnt the problem.its after the 1st fucking and expectations. guys are probably offering her money to fuck her so thats reinforces her belief of ALL guys being providers.

find the hidden gems in this peace and disregard the end cause its a sure lay. LOL

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